#im sad abt her leaving z and niamh LMFAOO
jflemings · 5 months
keeping positive and imagining moving to portland with jessie <33 you guys getting to decorate your apartment together
you two had definitely spoken about if before anything became official. when she came to you saying that she thought it might be time for her to leave chelsea you were obviously in full support of her!!! when she chose thorns fc you were a bit surprised at first but also understood why. she had friends there, it was a lot closer to home and the pay wasn’t too bad either.
the place you guys get is perfect for the two of you so you can’t wait to start making it your own. jessie hangs up her framed chelsea and canada jerseys when you start decorating the walls, you catch her looking at the chelsea one for a lil bit and feel bad before you realise that this move is good for her and her career.
the two of you don’t have a kitchen or coffee table for like the first week and a bit so you eat on the floor 😭 it’s fine, neither of you care because you’re with eachother. same goes for the bed. no bed frame, just a mattress on the floor (which comes in handy when you christen the place). furniture shopping can be absolutely ridiculous with jessie istg LMFAOO she’s defs the type to read everything on the label so you end up staying for longer then originally planned. she just wants to know what she’s buying tho sooooo
when you guys actually get a bed it really sets in for the two of you that you’re starting something new with eachother. sometimes it shocks jess that you even made the move with her in the first place but to you it was a no brainer. you see a future with her so wherever she goes, you go
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