#im so !!!!!!!!!! glad i decided to put aside the rolls for him if i couldn't roll him I'd cry fr straight up honestly seriously
franeridan · 6 months
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
Hey I’m back and better then ever and this time I have an ask not about the bodyguards (finally)
How do you think things will play out if shannon decides to make keefe x Sophie canon? How do you think fitz and the gang would react? Or what would the the adults or bodyguards(IM SORRY HAD TO INCLUDE THEM) think of it?
Anyways, hope your doing well
Mossy! Many a welcome back to you! I'm glad you're better than ever, and also curious what could've interested you enough to forgo your beloved bodyguards. I don't mind answering those asks though, so please don't feel like you have to talk about other things if you don't want to!
As for Sophie and Keefe, should they become canon, I have a fairly detailed post about my expectations for the love triangle and the ending of the series that you can find here. However! I didn't really talk about reactions to the two of them becoming canon aside from a mention of Fitz, so I'll focus on that! I'm going to proceed as though my expectation explained in the linked post is what happened, so keep that in mind!
Fitz: A sort of regretful acceptance. He'd be happy for the two of them, happy that they're happy. There'd be a part of him that hurts because it's what he wanted with Sophie and chose not to have. He's see in the two of that what his future could've been, and even though it's not his he couldn't think of anyone better for Sophie or Keefe. So he's happy for them, even though it hurts.
Biana: It hurts a little for her too, but not as much as Fitz. She wanted Keefe, but has already started to accept that it isn't going to happen. But she was also rooting for Fitz and Sophie, thinking they were perfect for each other. But she's happy for Sophie. She might ask her if she's happy, ask her if he's what she wants, and once she knows that it's Sophie's choice she'd support her 100%. Absolutely unwavering acceptance as she puts her own disappointments behind for her friends.
Dex: He'd tease her a little but, but he'd want to make sure Sophie was happy. And he'd congratulate her for finding the one, for finding her person. Maybe make a little joke about having a better kiss than the two of them shared. Ultimately it's not his business and he doesn't really need or want to know aside from knowing she's loved and cared for and happy.
Tam: He doesn't really outwardly react. I think it's a topic he'd want to avoid and find embarrassing. If he does make a comment it'd probably be something like "Really? Sencen? Are you sure?" because Shannon loves to play up that little rivalry. But Linh might elbow him and he's begrudgingly roll his eyes and tell her congrats. And then avoid the subject for all eternity. He'd be uncomfortable with dating as a whole, but I think maybe a small part of him is concerned and might want to be protective in a brotherly way (might be wishful thinking on my part though because I love a good Tam and Sophie sibling dynamic)
Linh: She'd be one of the most positive and supportive. She's thrilled that Sophie's found the person for her and wants her to know she's happy for her. Hugs and telling her how Sophie's earned this, earned that happiness. She wouldn't be too involved, just passing support as she doesn't pry. But for her there's only good things from this and she'd be happy for her.
Marella: She'd be thrilled. Sophie's love life has made excellent gossip, and Sophie and Keefe becoming official Sophie has finally stopped being oblivious!! Finally!! It took forever, but boys are an area of conversation Marella adores. As much as the fandom loves to make her queer, canonically she's boy-crazy. While Linh doesn't pry, Marella would want all the details, to know everything about the confession and the things they've done together. What their first kiss what like and what their relationship status is.
Grady: He's...dealing with it. He's openly voices criticism for Keefe several times in the past and is very notably not a huge fan of his. But! He has also very vocalized that he supports Sophie and who she chooses 100%. While he may not approve of Keefe, he does approve of Sophie and respect her autonomy. So if she chooses Keefe that's okay. He'll come around eventually, but his main priority is that she is happy and safe and loved. Who is providing that isn't as important; she always comes first.
Edaline: She thinks the two of them make for a cute couple and is supportive in a similar way to Linh. She doesn't pry, doesn't ask questions, but she gives the two of them smiles from afar, and finds their relationship endearing. She knows the two of them really do care for each other and she has high hopes for the two of them. She wants them both to be happy, and she knows that their relatinship is special to them.
Sandor: He isn't necessarily happy about this development, but he also can't deny the important the two of them have in each other's lives. Hopefully it doesn't make his job as a bodyguard more difficult, but he expects it will. He resigns himself to the task despite not approving of Keefe. He's kinda like Grady in that Sophie comes first, and as Keefe is someone helpful and important to her and who loves her, that they can begrudgingly acknowledge and respect.
Bo: He would be so annoyed at having to deal with teenage feelings (this is assuming he's protecting Sophie again and not Linh/Glimmer). He doesn't care for the two of them at all and doesn't want to deal with it in the slightest. Tries to ignore it, but not necessarily because it's the two of them. He'd do it with anyone.
Flori: She's like Edaline and Linh. She's happy for Sophie and is excited to see her Moonlark grow and to flourish and to be happy. She just hopes that Sophie won't forget about her or everyone else, and that she'll continue to find that happiness she deserves and has earned. She doesn't pry, but she might have ways of knowing things about them others don't (trees. the ways are trees).
Ro: Of course, Ro is over the moon. This is what she's wanted for so long and has hinted at (though the hints are very obvious) since the beginning of her time as Keefe's bodyguard. She'd be overbearing and obnoxious and gloating, cheering Keefe on. He'd hate it of course, but that wouldn't stop her. I do think she'd have a more serious moment where she talks to Keefe and tells him something like "see? I told you not to give up. I told you people care about you." and have that heart to heart. She'd later deny it and tease him about not messing it up and be so. annoying. but secretly she's really satisfied. Hopefully she doesn't rub it in Fitz's face, but I think he'd take it better than she expects
there'd just be such a wide variety of reactions from her friends like complete unwavering support to "uugh. fine." from Grady and Sandor as they resign themselves to their relationship. At least this is kinda how I expect it to happen, but only Shannon can tell! Guess we'll have to wait and see in the final two books!!
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