#im sorry i just cant elaborate too much on toxic friend steve thats so ooc for him ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
the-lark-ascending69 ยท 2 months
Haters whining that Steve would be oh so sad if Robin and Nancy got together makes me actually want to see it. Toxic friend Steve who is irrationally mad at Robin for "dating his ex" and Robin actually feels... so heartbroken that her best friend is turning against her like this. She doesn't understand - she's loved Nancy for years and Nancy loves her back. She's finally gathered the courage to ask her out and Nancy said yes. She didn't hate her, didn't shun her, didn't find her disgusting or sick - she loved her back. And for the first time in her life, Robin feels a little bit hopeful for her future - she's loveable and loved and she's not doomed to life alone as her friends move on and marry and have kids. She has someone who understands this fear and horror and happiness in a way no one but another girl like her could, and she thought... she thought Steve would be happy for her. She finally found love.
But Steve is just offended that she'd choose hoes over bros or whatever.
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