#im sorry idk how this happened snkduhnf
delcakoo · 2 years
How would you describe Enhypen members’ personalities? Would it change if they had a lover?
mmm, lemme think ab this anonnie!! >:0 (woops, looking back on this i definitely went overboard and it could’ve been a whole post but oh well, enjoy my rambling lmaojdihf)
the only word i can think of to describe heeseung is just so chill, he just gives me such a childhood best friend vibe. he’s someone you can always trust and be yourself with. all the members have agreed that when they have worries, he’s their go-to person to let things out and vent to. being the youngest in his family, i can see that hee has a very big childish and silly side that he has begun to show a lot more as he’s gotten more comfortable (showing off his woody and buzz light year toy on live, absolutely screaming his lungs out in the karaoke eps, constantly playing his video games even in his envlog, esp w niki). and in a relationship, heeseung would still be very casual and easygoing, except unlike around most other people, he’d let his playful side overtake his mature side that he has to put up as the oldest member with his s/o much more often. he would be quite protective, and i think the highlights of his relationship for him would be whenever he could make his partner smile or even better, laugh.
jay is just such a genuine, wonderful person. like for me it’s so easy to see how much he cares about the people he loves. he is always watching out for his members and would do anything for them, like when heeseung left his damn bowl in the middle of the table in sosofun (😭) jay fr didn’t even care or scold him, he just picked it up and washed it for him anyway. in the jaywonoo envlog, even though he’s literally only a year older than sunoo and won, he put aside any desire to have fun and join them in the pool just to focus on making dinner for the three of them. he’d be the same with his lover, perhaps even more. he’d cherish them so much. he said in a fancall something like if he had a lover he’d want to make sure they’re the happiest they can be/ he’d try to make them the happiest he can (smthn like that, if anyone finds the fancall lmk), like you will know very well he loves you every damn day. i also think with a bit of convincing on their side, he’d open up to his s/o and rant out his worries, something i feel like jay might need to do more often.
to me jake is such a bubble of joy. he has said he’s very shy and scared or being judged, and i’ve definitely noticed this in the way he usually lets the other members take the spotlight and ends up laughing in the background more than telling the jokes on variety shows/interviews. but on enoclock and just when he’s with his members, he’s so smiley and talkative <3 he’s very easygoing and so easy to get along with, jungwon (and niki agreed with this i think) said on enhypen&hi that out of all his hyungs, jake is the most easy to talk to (when sunghoon got jealous about this i was giggling im sorry) and it really shows to me! i think it’s so beautiful how jake tries to be a father figure but also a playmate for niki since he kind of missed his childhood, it goes to show how much he cares about his members in his own, perhaps overlooked way. if he had a lover, at first he’d be very shy and hard to break out of his shell, but after a while he’d let himself show and be very playful and affectionate. he’d be his s/o’s number one supporter in absolutely anything they do, always cheering them on with that boxy grin from the sidelines <3
i could fr talk about sunghoon for hours, he’s so relateable <3. i’m sure most people would have absolutely no shame and full confidence if they looked the way this man does, yet sunghoon is the most shy and humble person. with strangers and in interviews, he almost never talks unless he’s forced to. i’m pretty sure he’s spoken about having trouble socially, and growing up he was put into figure skating because his parents recognised how shy he was and wanted a way for him to meet new people and grow. now that he has a home with enha, you can really see how relaxed and at ease he is with the members. sometimes it’s more subtle, but he’s pretty teasing and rarely shows any affection. i think a big part of his teasing side is to cover up how easily he gets flustered and shy jsdjdjh honestly, i think he’s hilarious and his humor is underrated, just watch some enoclock episodes; he says and does the most random but funny things (i’ll never forget his iconic look in episode 19/20 with the cowboy hat and green glasses, and in iland when he randomly screamed over pyeonyuk 😭) his humor has no specific trail, it’s just out of the blue and that makes it funnier lmao. i think sunghoon puts a lot of faith and trust in his members (sosofun when he straight up left them to deal with the ticket payments 😭, and when he was practicing for mubank he facetimed jungwon to help rehearse), and in a relationship he’d do the same. he’d also be very teasing and playful and wouldn’t show public affection too much, behind closed doors would probably be the highest chance of getting some kisses n’ cuddles from him. he’d try to be the cocky and smug one in the relationship, but if his partner is brave enough to not start immediately blushing and fight back, you can corner him easily 💀
my ball of sunshine.. sunoo is for real a best friend everyone would die for. he’ll always laugh at your jokes, he always brightens the mood like the life of the party he is. i dont need any examples for everyone to know this boy’s absolutely hilarious and so sarcastic. my favorite clip of him ever is on his bday vlive when he recieved anonymous letters from the members and he just roasted the shit out of all of them except jungwon, the sarcastic comments??? “wow, i’m so touched i’m gonna cry *pretends to stab eyes*” “seriously, thank you so much *sassy eye roll” god he’s so funny 😭 though he’s almost always the one being teased, you can truly see how much he means to the people around him. the members may be pretty harsh with the teasing all the time but they care about him so much, never forgettinf when they brought a fox plushie around when he was sick, and at the concert when they were all patting him n’ holding him while he was crying :( sunoo’s just someone you can always rely on to be there and make you feel welcomed. in a relationship sunoo would be a bit more serious. he’d always be watching out for his partner’s health and safety, making sure you’re eating and sleepong well. he’d definitely be a bit playful, probably pinching his s/o’s cheeks constantly n’ taking lots of candid shots for his lockscreen <3.
jungwon is very easily described as mature. too mature for his age. heeseung mentioned how he worried for jungwon, and how he was forced to grow up so fast, and i agree that it’s unbelievable how he became the leader of enhypen at 16 years old and has done such an outstanding job at it. he’s patient, humble, and so dependable. he’s always the one starting up the intro conversations for enoclock and other shows, and he always puts up a smile no matter what. honestly, as a new engene i remember being flabbergasted at how he was the second youngest just watching niki be a hyper chaotic menace while won would just be sitting there with the most disapproving 👁. i think jungwon is someone everyone around him secretly really appreciates. the members don’t say sappy stuff to each other a lot, but i’m sure if they were to be given the chance, most of them would want to say something to thank their amazing leader. his personality would 100% become more relaxed and childish with his s/o. won doesn’t get to act his age much at all, so he’d relish in being able to giggle and fool around with his love. his partner would always be reminded of how special they are to him, he isn’t afraid to show a lot of affection as long as there’s privacy. also, i feel like jungwon wouldn’t get jealous very easily, mostly because he just has so much faith and trust in his partner that anyone else doesn’t matter to him.
niki has slowly been getting more and more mature. watching enhypen&hi and other old content makes me a bit sad for some reason. he used to be quite loud and hyper, always playing pranks and screaming in the members ears during lives (💀) but now he’s definitely, if not the quietest member who just adds a few comments every once in a while during lives/shows. while it is a little sad, it’s understandable since he is at a big changing part of life and this is just how he is, and we still love him always for it! niki is very subtle and the least likely to show a hint of affection, but it’s clear he cares deeply for his members and close ones. i think he really admires his hyungs, especially heeseung (it’s adorable seeing how much hee makes him laugh). niki also radiates such a strong aura, he walks with utter confidence and with his head held high. he also isn’t afraid to tease his members despite being the youngest, his sly comments and mocking is part of his love language which is also the same if he was in a relationship. if you’ve read any of my hcs/reactions you know i’m a strong believer niki would be very laid back and teasing with his s/o. but notice he’s only like that with people he’s very close to? yeah, it’s truly his way of showing his love and that he trusts you. the longer his relationship goes, the more he’d open up for physical affection, though he’s still definitely not one for pda.
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