#im sorry im a bit rusty because i havent written scenarios and stories for so long
johnnys-so · 7 years
Hi there! May I get a Hongbin imagine? You being an intern at Jellyfish :) X
ofcourse!! i’ve been missing hongbin for a while idk i feel like im back in his lane for this comeback. these vixx boys play with my heart too much.
It wasn’t your first day at Jellyfish Entertainment, but it sure as hell felt like one. You had gotten past through the grueling first two months of awkward greetings and having to smile at people when you didn’t know their names and sitting through office dinners that you wanted no part of to be entirely honest. You genuinely believed things would get better. Atleast that’s what your friends in other companies said, but things just took a deep turn, south.
“Your/Last/Name Intern! We expected better from you. This is our best group and you think such bad planning will do? You better fill out the details and come up with better ideas before the next meeting or you’ll have to satisfy yourself in team C.”
Your manager wasn’t entirely wrong. VIXX was the best group that Jellyfish had. In the recent years, they had become financially profitable and surprised everyone with their constant amazing concepts. Having their next concept as your brain child wasn’t just stressful, it was plain hellfire breeding in your belly. Though you understood the importance of the situation, you couldn’t help but excuse yourself to the restroom to let the tears slip. It had been a stressful week and you genuinely believed they would only get worse.
When night rolled around, you were still in your cubicle, trashing yet another idea into the bin. You had been capable of coming up with amazing ideas so far - including their chokers + vests costume idea for stages. You had picked out the suits yourself. But this time, you had run out of them.
You decided to stretch your legs a little and pop out for some soju and snacks. Nothing like some alcohol to kick start inspiration right? So here you were, at the company’s cafeteria that was open late, trying to fish for a few extra coins in your coat pocket and you wished you could run back up to the office and get your other coat but the girl behind the cash counter didn’t look like she’d let you leave that easy. Before you could open your mouth for yet another apology, a pale hand passed some coins and notes across the counter and checked out for you, and him.
You turned out, indignation coursing through you, trying to tell your brain that you needed to thank them before anything. But Hongbin looks down at you with a familiar smile and your lips break out into a nervous smile themselves.
“You must be working too hard if you don’t have extra coins for soju too, Y/N.” He muttered quietly. He steered you to the table at the far end, and pushed your shoulders towards the chair so you’d sit down.
“I should go and get back to work, it’s your new concept and -” Your words were rushed and a tell tale sign of your anxiety. Though you and Hongbin hadn’t had a lot of run-ins, he knew you as the star intern of the team. Especially when he angrily set out to find the evil mastermind that wanted to reveal his abs in front of cameras and he was pointed towards you. He still remembered how you looked when he had cornered you on a Tuesday afternoon. Your hair was half in and out of your ponytail, the result of picking out fabric and colours with their stylist all day. He wanted to walk up to you and shake the concept pictures he got at you and demand for an answer. Except, all he managed was a small pipsqueak of ‘excuse me, may I speak with you for a bit?’
He was still glad that you gave all the deep cut vests to leo and saved him the trouble of public embarrassment.
“You need a break. Even a mind as brilliant as yours can’t always come up with answers if its overworked.” His eyes crinkled at their edge and he took a bite out of his sandwich.
You had no words to stutter out so you tried to focus on taking a rather large gulp of your soju. But your clumsy body nearly shut down your respiratory system and you ended up choking and gasping in front of him. Flustered, Hongbin leapt out of his seat and reached out for some tissues and ran back to you.
He chastised you for your hurried drinking and continued to dab the corners of your lips, trying to contain a smile that threatened to bloom on his face. “Aishhh, I can’t leave you alone for a moment.You’re a threat to yourself.”
“I’m fine. I’m just not used to compliments from you.” You tried to salvage the situation, and a little bit of your pride.
“Well, get used to it. It’s the least I can do to someone who went out of their way to make me feel comfortable.”
“I just did what I had to do Hongbin-sshi.”
“No. You could have just used me as the visual like everyone does, but I think you see me as a little bit more than that.” Hongbin’s voice dwindled to a whisper, his hand still perched softly on your shoulder. You let your fingers slutch his softly and turned around to say, “Ofcourse I do. You’re a kind and smart young man and you shouldn’t have to expose your skin just to make a few sales. You’re more than that.” You assured him.
Hongbin peeked out from under the fringe that fell over his eyes, to smile sweetly at you. Though it wasn’t your first and last meeting with VIXX’s visual Hongbin, it was definitely the one that Hongbin loved the most.
You helped him realise that he was more than just a pretty face.
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