#im sorry im so fucking out of the loop with this franchise i watched the first 2 seasons of the anime and also forgot them
pwnyta · 5 years
Endgame spoilers under the readmore-
Steve going back into the past to be with Peggy to close his time loop is so funny to me. Everyone whos read the spoilers just fucking hates Steve (and The Russos)... Ive been sayin this whole gd time Steve does some shitty things and everyone in canon (and IRL) just pretend that it was the right thing and Cap is just so righteous and shit... I told yall... no one ever fuckin listens to me.
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The only thing that really sours my hearty guffaws at Steve being a scrub as expected is Emily VanCamp went through some bullshit doing Marvel press shit and they really did her and Sharon THIS dirty? FOR WHAT? The first woman who was nice to Steve that Steve barely spent ANY TIME with and who shot at him more times that shes kissed him?
I know your bad at romance Marvel but HOLY SHIT.
Steve projected his feelings for Peggy onto Peggys niece and then dips out on Sharon to go back to her Aunt... S’gonna be REAL fuckin awkward when Sharon is born later... ‘Oh Sharon... my niece WHO I CERTAINLY DIDNT FUCK IN THE FUTURE PRETENDING YOU WERE YOUR AUNT‘
Thats a dodgy look even for you Rogers. AT east you pass the mantle to Sam (I guess?).
EVC bitch I am so sorry they dragged you into this franchise for LITERALLY no fucking reason. They could have had this ending without issue if it werent for the fact they added Sharon to TWS... Like what was the point? This is worse than what they did to Nataile Portman. At least Jane just fuckin dumped Thors bitch ass... SPEAKING OF--
Thors kind of a scrub too! Really just leaving his people after everything thats gone down? I mean at least he put them in the apparently far more capable hands of Valkyrie. But damn Thor... I mean at least he didnt just have a kid and leave her like in NA:HoT.... BUT STILL. Rough.
Also people being surprised and angry that Loki saw an opportunity to help himself and dips out? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THIS ENTIRE FRANCHISE?! Especially past Loki... maybe an argument could be made for the Loki that was strangled (though not to me).
(Theres potentially? still hope for you Thor. Maybe Gunn can save you. Prayer circle for Thor.)
Tony dies. I knew that was gonna happen. I hoped it wouldnt... but there was no way Tony give up Iron Man. Never could so him dying a hero.... thats fair. But very sad. At least we got a real good hug out of Tony and Peter and he dies surrounded by the people he loves instead.
And after that Film Theory episode where MatPat was talking about how Tony and Thanos were foils and Tonys story should have him give up Iron Man and live... I was like ‘ OR Thanos sacrificed the person he loved (Gamora) to ‘’save’’ the galaxy. Tony would sacrifice himself to save the people he loved/the galaxy‘
Your fav dies a hero or lives long enough to turn into a total fuckin scrub.
TChalla giving the BP mantle to Shuri? Dope.  Valkyrie and Carol sorta flirting? Maybe dope? Rescue!Pepper FUCKIN DOPE. GotG setting up to find and save Gamora and her getting a big part in the 3rd movie? VERY DOPE.
But this will probably be my last MCU thing im watching. And Im kinda glad my emotional dependency on this franchise dimmed when I got into BNHA... I might have been a little more salty. But I still cant wait for the movie... Im still really curious and I want to see Tony reunite with Peter in HIGH DEFINITION.
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