#im sorry its a lot of oisin ive been rotating him in my mind like rotisserie chicken for the past few weeks
aphoticfirefly · 29 days
the spirits of the forest have been speaking. They desire me as a sacrifice, but inkblade headcanons will save me. Will you please help??
Oh dear spirits of the forest please extend your kindness and spare my friend for i have brought you these humble offerings of inkblade headcanons for your liking and possibly, entertainment. 🙏 Okay first of all, ive had too many that it is now like a separate (canon to ME) timeline from the actual show but!!!
first and foremost we all think this: oisin hakinvar is a lover boy. truly the most, down bad i-will-worship-the-land-you-walk-in lover boy. adaine would talk about wanting to pummel him (rage crystaled oisin) in the face for what he did and he'd be okay with that. only if its her.
he is also, lovingly, a boy failure. he'd be the type to work himself up into that cool persona we saw him at the first seacaster party.
i had this one canon complicit idea that adaine would actually pursue him post party in the way that, as a person who has always put herself aside for everything, for her family, for her friends, she'd let herself have this one time to actually want something, someone. and i trust that adaine is a freaking vault that nobody would actually know until its too late. ⛈️(this is supported by the fact that we only saw adaine's full devastation once that sending spell came. our girl was holding out hope for him even after knowing he was a rat grinder and all the other allegations to their name)
on a lighter note, oisin would definitely text her out of nowhere at night "what type of ice cream flavor do you like?" while he's out at a convenience store. he'd definitely cast fly on himself to be able to deliver the goodies up on her wizard tower :)
following a mutual on twt's headcanon of adaine picking up embroidering, id think she'd definitely be lowkey in confessing or more so admitting how she feels. like perhaps, fixing a spot in oisin's clothes by embroidering a flower of love (purple lilacs, they mean first love)
id love for adaine and oisin to get matching wizarding tattoos once they get together, the type where they get an even extra buff if they're within a certain proximity to each other!! would literally be so cool!!
thinking of adaine playfully punching oisin after hearing his cringey joke by going "what, no furious fists this time?"
its canon to me that oisin in his public social media will barely post while having his priv (with only ivy in it) to react to adaine's public selfies (loser)
oh and oisin's feelings for adaine (that in rage crystal mode got warped into obsession) is definitely definitely connected to dragonborns having traits deeply rooted to honor and how at the pursuit of excellence it only takes another more talented strong wizard for oisin to take notice of our girl.
i totally word vomited this is a lot and i dont think i have said everything but i dont know how else to say anything i hope this helped free you anon! stay away from the spirits of the forest next time!!
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