#im sorry its so similar of a starter scenario but i dont intend them to go the same way
bubbas-chainsaw · 3 years
((OK so I wrote this for a different rp, but it sets the scene well and took forever to write up, so I’m reusing parts of it.  This version of the starter is for @dancinggh0stlings ))
Waves of heat rose from the cement of the highway.  If it could even be called a highway, that is.  One lane each direction, in between miles of farmland and small towns.  If you were lucky, the towns had more than one stop sign.  But it was home to the Sawyer family.  Always has been, always would be.
Breaking the silence, a rusty blue pickup truck was roaring down the road, driving almost as if the driver was drunk.  But there was nobody around, and Choptop Sawyer was behind the wheel--which meant shenanigans would be involved in this outing.  Holding the steering wheel with one hand, and sometimes with just his gangly knees, he was singing along loudly to the radio as they drove toward town.  More specifically, the gas station.
As they sped down the street, the hulking man in the passenger seat was just trying not to get knocked into his brother, with such reckless driving.  If he did fall against the gangly Choptop, he would likely crash the truck.  And their oldest brother would skin them alive if he wrecked another car.
“Hey, earth to--earth to Bubba!” Choptop said, as the radio station went to commercials.  “Stop lookin’ at cows an’ help me look for dinner.  We might as well make this trip a two for one!”  As he spoke, he itched his wig with a wire coat hanger.  It was his favorite, his Sunny Bono wig.
Bubba, as his brothers called him, was Jedidiah Sawyer, the youngest and last Sawyer brother.  The behemoth grunted back at him.  All six feet, five inches, and three hundred plus pounds of strength that made up the giant, wanted to get the drive over with.  Though not much of a talker, the look Bubba sent his brother seemed skeptical.  Behind the mask he wore, his eyes were surprisingly expressive.  But not many saw past the human-leather mask.  Only his brothers really understood him.
Their destination had originally been the gas station.  After their grandma passed, the eldest brother, Drayton, had taken it over.  And he’d had it thrive, as much as an empty gas station, in the middle of nowhere, could be thriving.  Mostly it was the chili he made, “world famous” around town.  This was likely the only Sawyer the town could tolerate.  But Choptop had wanted cigarettes, and it was easier to steal from his brother, than from another store.  Bubba was just happy to get off the farm.  As they drove home, his thoughts were now on dinner.
Today was their lucky day.  A lone figure dotted the horizon, fuzzy through the heat waves.  Choptop looked at Bubba with a grin.  “Jackpot.”
As they got closer, they could make out the person a little better, walking down the highway.  How the person had gotten this far walking, in this heat, they would never know.  But Choptop slowed to pull over, and rolled down his window to talk to them.
“You need a ride, sweetheart?” Choptop called out, giving one of his famous grins.  “Where ya goin’?”
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