#im stealing this from one of the reblog *ahem*
sunshinetoshi · 3 years
1K 😳😳😳 omg is this my bug sis' world domination agenda bcz yes i support 👍 ahem i got a bit sappy here so :")
*inserts read more*
lol ok where should i even start from hmmm anyway cONGRATS ??? 1 THOUSAND OMG DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I ANTICIPATED THIS MOMENT BECAUSE YOU DEFINITELY DESERVE THEM, AND EVEN MORE 🥺 everything about you and your blog is fascinating like, every time i read one of your works, the first reaction is 'wow'. they're all so 😌👍 amazing, omg how am i even mutuals with such a talented human </3
oH AND i'm going to steal this opportunity to talk a lot more bcz i won't be online for rest of september because exams :(( starting with your outfit that you posted aND OMG YES YOU LOOKED SO PRETTY !!! also ik you love ushi but that outfit really gave me kuroo vibes yk like, ice cream date with kuroo ?? or just a beach day with him ?? it could be either one of the boys tbh <3
and i saw ur reblog about why did you follow me ask game or smn but uhh lmao idk, not like i remember since i don't have a good memory but i'm pretty sure it's your wonderful works ( also you because yes i wanted to be friends with you ) aND I DO NOT REGRET IT AT ALL YES <33
and i was playing furries my beef oven yesterday evening, what a glorious song, tchaikowhiskey could never <3333
ALSO I PROMISE THIS IS THE LAST PARAGRAPH SKDJFDSF your soulmate drabbles from your 900 event skjhdf they're so cutee aaaaaa ik i haven't been interacting but they're all in my drafts. ( i mean, i learnt it all for you ) exams better end asap because i want to read them all over again and scream in the tags 😩
stop my lul sis literally wrote me this love letter my heart is full akjdjdjd you're the best inez 🥺🥺💖💖 thank you so much im sobbing in the best way wow <33
ice cream date w kuroo you know i'm down yESS!! this thought will now carry my whole day and i love it HAHA
:(( you're the sweetest ahh!!! pls you're one of my longest and beloved moots you know that <33 im so so happy we're friends (I THINK YOU STARTED FOLLOWING AROUND MY EMBARRASSING MOMENTS W STRANGERS FIC LMAOO BC I WILL NEVER FORGET YOUR CONTRIBUTION AJDHHD POOR FROG GUY)
bestie he may not be beef oven but at least tchaikowhiskey has walnuts of hours !!
YOU ARE ONE OF MY BEST SUPPORTERS PLS YOUR TAGS ON MY FICS ASCEND ME but plsss if there's anything to learn from me it cant be the drafts amount nooo BAHAHA
thank you again bb you dont understand how soft this made me. and i'll wear it if you wear yours 👑
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angelicaddict · 4 years
1. No Godmodding
2. This blog is a NSFW blog and therefore I don’t care if you’ve seen the pilot a dozen times or the music video. If you are under 18 you are a minor. I will hard block any minors that follow this blog.
3. I will not follow back personal blogs unless they have a side roleplay blog. Any personal blogs that do not have the following requirements will be soft blocked or hard blocked if I get followed again.
4. Please don’t harass me for replies. I am a 24 year old woman with a life and if I don’t get around to something please nudge me after the period of two weeks and not after a hour, two hours, or a day.
5. This blog is an ask blog as well as an rp blog. Don’t be afraid to send an ask. I believe in reblog karma so if you reblog something from me please send me an ask suitable to that meme and I will do the same. Anons are also more than welcome to pester Angel Dust, but please don’t force yourself on my muse. If I receive any anon hate I will shut my anons off for a week and hate will not be replied to. I don’t give attention to assholes.  
6. This blog is very trigger heavy. I will talk the appropriate triggers: tw: drugs, tw: rape mention, tw: alcohol, tw: self harm etc. One thing I will not rp on tumblr is rape. I do not romanticize shit like that.
7. Shipping~ ❤️   I absolutely adore shipping and this blog is open ship because of it. Our muses have to have chemistry though in order for me to wanna ship them. One other thing, I will not ship and refuse to ship is Valentino and Angel. That doesn’t mean that I’m against toxic interactions. I love angst. I love toxicity and abusing my muses, but I refuse to depict it in a romantic way. The only difference is if you are cannon divergent. Other than that… I don’t care if your Val loves my Angel. Angel will not love you back, boo boo kittens~
8. Angel is gay. Angel is gay. I repeat Angel is gay. So he won’t fuck your female muses sorry! He won’t answer to sexual anons who portray themselves as female either. HE WANT THAT D. *ahem*
9. I love OCs! I Angel will, befriend, fuck, or adopt your OCs. Depending on the scenario!
10. This blog is selective and mutuals only. Please, don’t be mad if I choose not to interact with you. You will know if I want to interact with you if I follow back.
11. All icons are made by @meaningfulxwords. Do not steal, please ask for their permission to use them if you like. Or they can make icons for you if you commission for it. Thank you.
12. Have fun!!! I can’t wait to interact with each and every one of you!  Feel free to hop into my IMs for plot! I promise I don’t bite!
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