#im still getting into drawing rats a mouse is more difficult
layraket · 1 year
The creature of the Minish and the Four Elements!
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Aka Four, Smithy and lil guy
Creature: Mouse
Type: Prey
Position: The one who makes strategy and repairs most of the things that the gang break
Diet: Dry fruits, can afford mostly organic food, as well little insects
-The first time he saw Wild almost stuck a needle on his paw
-He travels on the back of anyone most of the time for being one of the smallest one, even Hyrule is taller than him for one centimeter
-Being so small is not too good when its raining or it's very cold, so he needs to stick with one of the big ones to keep warm
-Don't talk too much about his second adventure, mostly about the minish
-Sometimes disappears just bc he found a little minish house and visit it
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j0hnnyb0y-0 · 5 years
Maus chapter 2-6 questions
MAUS Chapter 2 Questions
1.    Look at the title page for the chapter on page 22/25. What do you think the words and images foreshadow?
I think the title is saying the chapter will be about their recent life after marriage. However the picture of a nazi flag hanging leads me to belive that the Nazis are now rising to power.
2.    List five (5) events from chapter 2. Explain their significance.
·         Anja translating communist documents. This is very important because such things were treasonous.
·         Vladek’s father in law giving him moey to start a factory. This is important because it will give Vladek a better income,however, when the Nazis rise to power it could draw too much attention.
·         Vladeks first son was born. The biggest signifigance of this is how vladek explains in no detail how the child never made it out alive from the war.
·         Anja going to the sanitarium. This causes Vladek and Anja to not be aaroud for the anti-Semitic beginning near vladek’s factory
·         The increase of nazi activities are very important in the end of the chapter beause it is the start of everything bad that will happen for the jews and poles.
 3.    What animals are used to portray the Germans and Polish people? Describe some characteristics we associate with these animals. Do you agree with the way Spiegelman uses the various animals?
Germans are draw as cats, which I have mentioned fits a cat and mouse theme. Cats are generally sly and devilish as were the Nazis in the beginning. Poles were depicted as pigs which are livestock animals. In the wild most of them are dangerous however the book mae them look like norma farm pigs wih would leae me to belive the poles were somewhat lazy but not necessarily in a bad way. The laziness is more likely a more levelheaded chill aspect.
 MAUS Chapter 3 Questions
1.    Look at the title page for the chapter on page 38/41. What do you think the words and images foreshadow?
The foreshadowment is very obvious. With vladek going to war, and the title “prisoner of war” he will be captured by the Nazi’s. The image shows a mouse being captured by unidentifiable nazi’s (cats).
2.    List five (5) events from chapter 3.  Explain their significance.
·         Vladeks father stopping his children from being drafted. The signifigance is that avoiding drafts has been around since drafts existed and it shows how one in those times would go about doing so.
·         Vladek gets captured. This is important because it shows how the process worked and led up to show life in the concentration camps.
·         Treatment of POW poles compared to jews. This anti-semeticism helps visualize how nazi’s pictured jews.
·         Vladeks dream. This is a story specific significance showing how his faith freed him.
·         Vladek Being released from the nazi camps. This is important because it was a rare occurrence for a jew to be freed.
     3.    How does Spiegelman visually depict the Germans’ attitude about killing the Jews?
He shows them sneer, laugh and mock jews like they would ave done in ww2.
4.    What does the incident with Artie’s coat tell us about both Artie and his father?
They don’t always get along like when his dad threw out the jacket without asking.
  MAUS 1 Chapter 4 Questions
1.    Look at the title page for the chapter. What do you think the words and images foreshadow?
The image of jews saddened with the iconic star of david on their clothing along with the title “the noose tightens” suggests that this part of the book will show the start of jewish rights in Germany at its decline.
2.    Why does Spiegelman introduce us to his family by “panning” around the dining table for close-ups of each? What does this technique accomplish that a simple “mug shot” would not?
It helps identify characters as theyre introduced.
 3.    Why does Vladek lie to his family about the amount of money he makes from his under the table deals? What does this lie reveal about Vladek?
He tells Artie "they wouldn't save anything." Meaning if he had told them about the wealth they would have used it all recklessly.
4.    What does Spiegelman include in the background of a panel on page 76/82 that tells us that the Germans gave the Poles incentives to expose the Jews.
There is a sign that says for every unregistered jew, one would get a kilo of sugar
5.    When did Vladek first hear about Auschwitz, and what was his reaction when he did?
They barely believed it however, with the increase of the rumors they accepted it.
6.    Why is deciding whether or not to register at the stadium such a difficult choice for Vladek and his family.
Because not registering is bad however the registration could be a trap.
 7.    List 5 events from chapter 4. Explain their significance.
·         Vladek doing illegal work. This helped him earn money for his family for quite a while.
·         The family moving to the ghetto. This is important because the family of 12 now had to share 2 ½ rooms.
·         Learning of Anjas post war books. This is important because it makes us wonder what she died from if not the war.
·         Hiding Anja’s grandparents. This was very serios business becauseif the nazi’s found them everyone would be thrown into a camp.
·         Going to register at the stadium. This was very important because it was a hard decision whether or not to go.
MAUS 1 Chapter 5 Questions
1.    Look at the title page for the chapter. What do you think the words and images foreshadow?
The title “mouse hole” most definetly means that the jews are now hiding from the germans completely.
2.    List 5 events from chapter 5. Explain their significance.
·         Moving to Srodula
·         Persis taking Richieu
·         Tosha killing herself and the children
·         Getting ratted out by a spy.
·         Getting out through pails.
 3.    Why does the Prisoner comic upset Vladek?
It had given him bad memories.
4.    Describe the events on pages 119-121. How does it make you feel? Do any of the panels on these pages shock or upset you?
These don’t shock or upset me at all. After reading history books nothing surprises me. Howevr im surprised these pages were chosen for this question and not the one with the german throwing a jewish child into a wall.
 5.    How are Vladek and his family betrayed by other Jews in this chapter?
One jew ratted out his hideout to gestapo.
6.    How does Spiegelman depict the crossroads Vladek and Anja come to? What does this image suggest?
Im not noticing any cross roads.
 7.    Do you think Vladek’s comments about Mala are true? Why?
I don’t rust anything without proof. I think both sides of the marriage are broken becase all they do is complain about eachother. I think that there is some truth to what he says.
MAUS 1 Chapter 6 Questions
1.    Look at the title page for the chapter. What do you think the words and images foreshadow?
I believe the title “mousetrap”  witht the picture of vladek in a mousetrap foreshadows the height of the holocaust and what happens.
2.    List 5 events from chapter 6. Explain their significance.
·         Finding a place int their hometown to lay low.
·         Living with mrs. Motonowa
·         The gestapo raiding and possibley searching mrs motonowa’s house forcing Vladek and Anja to leave
·         Vladek and Anja going three days without extra food from Mrs. Motonowa.
·         He tells Artie "they wouldn't save anything.Vladek going to help miloch.
 3.    What is Artie’s dilemma at the beginning of the chapter?
His dad and step mom are still having issues and hes being dragged into it more and more.
4.    How is Anti-Semitism being passed down generation by generation?
I didn’t see it in the book but its usually taught. No one is born racist so it takes an external force to mold someones mind to have such thoughts.
 5.    What does Artie call Vladek when he finds out about Anja’s diaries? Why does he use such a strong word? Do you agree with Artie?
He called him a murderer. I believe he uses this word because his father killed what was left of his mothers memory.
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