#im stubborn saying if ff7 is a top fave. its a good game and i do like it but my brain disqualifies it
leonleonhart · 1 year
Top five final fantasy games?
u managed to send the exact question i wanted lol
My Top 5 Final Fantasys
5.) FF4 - admittedly i haven't actually beaten it yet lol but i'm hopelessly attached to cecil for some reason 4.) FF8 - i beat this when i was also an emotionally distant teenager with issues. i will always have space in my heart for squall 3.) FF10 - god, when i beat it i never thought i'd love it as strongly as i do. ironically finally getting through it really set in stone my love for jecht <3 2.) FF16 - i could gush about the games story, which i love, instead i'll say there wasn't a moment where i wasn't hyped up for a fight. it is a bit cutscene heavy if that bothers people. 1.) FF9 - anyone who has beaten ff9 understands it being a top fave. story, setting, characters, and even gameplay are top notch.
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