#im sure it'll be a fun watch though. can't complain much.
abeluser · 6 months
the crow 2024 remake is making me soooo sad. rip our goth king brandon lee, no one can ever replace you. its going to suck so bad.
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drunkjaked · 2 years
Happy birthday!!!! We're the same age now omg!! I hope you've an awesome day!!!! I'm actually on a trip right now with my brother so I'll make sure to order some cake to celebrate! I'm sorry about your presentation, it really sucks when you don't do as well as you want 😔 but I'm happy to hear about the guy that's so exciting and he sounds nice!! my classes went well but I'm kind of upset because on one of my final papers I got a way better grade than I deserve and I feel bad for people who tried. I wrote it like half an hour before it was due and actually missed the deadline by a couple minutes so I had to email it to my professor but it was less than half as long as it was supposed to be and didn't have a conclusion and I didn't use actual evidence it was just really bad but I got an a??? And like I shouldn't complain but I will I did not deserve that grade >:( I'm really happy with my necklace, though!!! It's so so pretty and I would share it with you if I could :( I'm not really doing anything for the holidays, I get back from my trip right before Christmas but my older brothers won't be able to come to celebrate with us like they usually do 😔 but we'll call them so it'll be okay. I hope you have fun with your family!!! I'm so dependent on my family idk what I'll do when I move out >.< I actually graduated this semester so I'm done with school?? And I'm starting my career?? Wild. But I'm planning on traveling so I'll have to get used to doing stuff by myself -_- I totally understand about the spotify wrapped I wish you didn't have to go through all that to get the stats and could just see it cause it's a little much. My top artist was Beyoncé because her new album is so good and I can't stop listening it's on loop and my top song... was misery business... I honestly didn't think I listened to it that much but I guess I did. The Disney specials weren't that great now, I really just watched them for the nostalgia but phineas and ferb holds up well I actually watch it a lot... I can match every song to its episode it's kinda sad... but it's fun! Marianne was a really weird show it's about this author whose haunted by some witch demon ghost thing it's really good but it's also super freaky so you probably don't want to watch it... my favourite genres are horror and rom coms which I know is kind of an odd match but idk I've always liked them and they have their own separate appeal 🤷‍♀️ and omg you're going to Paris??? That's so cool!!! I'm actually going next year! Have an amazing time and tell us all about it!!! I think that's everything so have an awesome day!!! -💕
thank you 💕 for the birthday wishes, i truly appreciate it and im glad to be age mates now !!! my day was awesome indeed thank you so much :DDD i hope you guys are having the best time and if you do end up ordering cake i hope it’s the loveliest yummiest cake in the world ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
i have this one friend who’s been studying abroad and i haven’t seen him since september when he left but he came home to surprise me for my birthday and i literally cried so hard it was so so so sweet and i really appreciate him :’))) it sucks he had to go back yesterday though it was great seeing him anyways <3
it was a design project where we had to design and present our idea for a housing estate and i did well in terms of my part of the design and other things i contributed which i’m happy about !!! just sucks i didn’t express it well enough on the day but it’s alright :))) he is really sweet, he ended up calling me to say happy birthday and then we spoke for like 20 minutes about random stuff and caught up a little which was really so so lovely .. sigh 
you got an A??? that’s SUPER impressive on it’s own but especially considering the time frame you had !!! i definitely understand that aspect of feeling bad but it’s over and done with now so don’t beat yourself up too hard ! congrats anyways :DDD 
the necklace is gorgeous honestly, please wear it enough for the both of us hahahahh - you are so sweeeeet !!! 
sorry to hear that your older brothers won’t be able to join you though :( it’s good that you guys will be able to call and chat though and i hope you have a good time nonetheless ! and at least you’re on this trip with your one brother :) 
i actually moved out for my first year but i had to go back home because of covid and everything and i remember being so worried about being away from my family but it’ll be easier than you think when you do end up moving ! don’t worry too much about it 
AND WOWWWWW YOU GRADUATED??? wow wow wow CONGRATULATIONS THAT IS SO SO MAJOR IM VERY PROUD OF YOU 🥳🥳🥳 and i definitely feel that about finishing everything up.. if everything goes well i’ll be graduating in the summer which is just.. insane to think about – though im looking at applying for a postgrad so i’ll have a little more time :p 
wishing you the best of luck in the world of work when the time comes ! i believe in you 110% :DDD travelling will be so so so much fun ugh my older brotherwent travelling a couple years back and had the best time so i’m hoping the same for you if you’re able to <333 
i actually haven’t listened to her new album yet.. any stand out tracks i should look forward to? OHHHH MISERY BUSINESS oh my gosh i used to listen to paramore all the time that’s so awesome of you wow 
phineas and ferb oh wow i remember loving it so much, such a good theme song as well, AND THAT IS NOT SAD i think it’s really cool actually, i hope to rewatch and be as well versed as you someday :) and wow marianne sounds .. terrifying. but i’m glad you enjoyed it ! 
do you think there’s a market for horror romcom hybrids because rhat would probably be super interesting.. do you have a favourite romcom? 
and oh my god yes i am .. i genuinely can’t believe it :ooo i’m going with my best friend and i’m so so so excited for everything we’ll experience ! extra special because it’ll be our first overnight trip together so im hoping to make the best memories in the world and i’ll for sure talk about it forever and in detail i think 😭😭😭 
so fun you’re going there too, i hope you have the best time and i can’t wait to hear about it !!! 
i hope you have an awesome day too thank u so much and again 🫂🫂🫂
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Jesus christ my back hurts. But I am in my own bed in our new apartment!! Its slightly unpacked and going towards organized.
My back actually hurts so bad that I can't lay down but I also can't stand up anymore and sitting doesn't work everything is on fire it hurts so much. Im shaking it hurta so bad actually. I just took some meds and I have an ice pack. But i am really really uncomfortable.
I really hope i can sleep easily. Today was a lot. But it was really good too. I slept alright enough. Woke up. Got dressed. Helped pack a couple more things before I left for work.
I got thr big breakfast with hotcakes from mcdonalds. So I could also have it for lunch. And that worked out really well because there was no way for me to leave to get food today because it was hella hella busy.
And just everything was a shit show in the morning. The phones weren't working, the internet was down. A whole bunch of stuff was going wrong, it was a mess. I was at the front desk helping and Kaitlyn askes ne to throw her the keys to the building and I fucked that up and ended up hitting sime candles which exploded. So I bought those and a pin. At least they were on sale and i get a staff discount already.
The rest of the day still felt dragging and messy. But I had a nice time talking to the group that came from the Smithsonian and the walk to end brain surgery group was nice. I only gave one real tour but it was a lot of fun so I cant complain to much.
But my shoes were hurting me. And knowing James and his friends were moving all of our stuff was a bit stressful. So my belly hurt. I had a lot of fun talking to Kaitlyn though and that helped ease the day.
Jess was moving today too and was having problems. First she's doing it all alone. And i feel really bad about that, but shes strong. And shes hiring people. But then she gets to the rental place to get the keys and no one was there. They showed up over a half hour late. Then when she gets there its really dirty and shes overwhelmed so she hires cleaning people to come. She at least got to make a floor plan drawing and explore the neighborhood. She has her mom there now. So I truly hope tomorrow goes better for her.
At 330 James came to get me and my bike. We didnt have a lot of time. But him and the guys had moved everything in to the new place that they could fit in the truck. And we had an hour to get a New Couch.
This whole couch nonsense has been really stressful but we got to the restore and there was a large purple sofa with fluffy pillows and good structure. And it seems basically new. For $100. Perfect, sold!!
We went to the studio. Got a couple more things. Theres still some stuff. Odds and ends mostly. But we got most of the food and the bookcase. And decided to head out even though it seemed like the Amazon package i ordered would be there soon. (Surprise it claimed it was delivered moments after we left and when james were back for it it was gone. Unsure if stolen because the driver claimed he left it in a mailroom we do not have. They said i have to wait until Monday to see if it shows up for a refund so i can replace it.)
Poor sweetp was crying and very dramatic trying to push out of his carrier. But we got him to the new place. Which was a bit overwhelming. I showed sweetp around. And then James brought all the stuff up. I helped with the book case but then there was the couch.
The only problem was its solid. And heavy. And large. But I did my very very best and got it inside. At first my body was like "nope!!!" And I wasn't sure I would be able to do it. But me and James are a good team and No one was permanetly injured. Just squished a little.
James left to return the truck. But he was back within the hour. While he was gone I fixed the bed. Dad must have accidentally put the bracket on upside down that holds the bar to hold the bed up. But i was able to fix it once i figured out the issue. And once the bed was made i started sorting.
I moved boxes all over. To their appropriate room or space. I attacked it best I could. And then James was back.
He worked on the kitchen. I would go between the bedroom and the living room. I decided to switch the rugs because I didnt want a purple couch and an orange rug. Way to Baltimore. So the living room is darker and I am very happy.
I worked in the bedroom and putting as much away as I could. Im really excited.
We worked for hours but the space is half livable now. We had pizza in the living room. I worked on fixing up the bathroom. Put up the shower curtain. I was able to pry open the painted shut medicine cabinet. Im very proud of that. And we got so much done. I really truely refuse to live out of boxes. So this will be done as fast as i can manage. And i have the next 2 days off to work on just that.
We both got washed. I took a bath. Its a really nice tub and I love being able to look at the old tile. I am really excited to be living here. Despite weird old building probelms its just so great.
The aspirin i took is starting to help. Im still hurting but its not as intense. I am so ready to sleep.
Were gonna watch monster factory and rest. James has work but the store opens a bit later so we don't have to rush the morning. And then ill just work on getting stuff together. Ill probably try to get some things at the hardware store. It'll be a really nice day.
Sleep well everyone. Send us your good vibes tonight!!
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