#im sure theyre going to gloss over the entire thing and carmy is just gonna be like no work place relationships pls but like
cryobabyy · 22 days
What would actually fix me is jealous Carmy but he doesn't even register it as jealousy. He overhears Tina gossiping about Marcus having feelings for Syd and Carmy has to excuse himself to the office and take a big ass swig of Pepto because the sensation feels like the worst heartburn he's had in his professional life. He keeps it cool externally, but internally my boy is tweaking tf OUT. He has to go outside to have a cigarette when he sees them say good morning to each other, and he's lying awake at night staring at the ceiling thinking about how he's supposed to feel about the situation, he's starting to see Marcus as competition in the kitchen which is like. woah? what? nothing happened between them why is he acting like this???? and then he goes to his therapist and he's like
I'm nauseous, I can't sleep, I'm angry at my pastry chef but idk why, I'm avoiding Sydney, I'm smoking 2 packs a day, and I think I have chronic heartburn.
and his therapist is like
You're experiencing feelings of jealousy and anxiety
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