#im sure this isn't what you wanted but Noll and Ren are just.... Noll and Ren
empresskaze · 2 years
❄️with Noll and Ren? Or 🌹 with Ren reacting to the solvents used for painting or restauration. But only if you feel like it.
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Ok these are both way back from Valentines Day because I'm terrible at ask prompts. I combined both but I am sorry 2nd anon I could not figure out a better way to work kissing in because of how their relationship is currently. These two are very complicated XD Not beta'd
I'm sorry this took so long I hope you're still around.
❄️ Cold
🤒 Flushed
💋 First kiss
"Why is this room always freezing!" Ren complained while shoving his hands under his arms.
"It's in a basement and it's not climate controlled." Noll said without looking up from his work. "Why are you down here?" Truthfully he was cold too but hell needed to freeze over before he'd admit that to Ren.
"We were suppose to get a supplies delivery today, I haven't seen it yet." Ren looked around the room. "Thought it might have ended up in storage."
"I've been down here all day, no one came in." Noll said again. "I can hear you shivering, go upstairs before you trigger an asthma attack."
"Fine." Ren rolled his eyes as he turned. He didn't see the bottle of solvent on the floor. As soon as his foot touch it, the can fell over knocking the top off.
"What?" He looked down, "God damn it Noll, you...need to...." Immediately the potent chemical smell filled the air. Ren's throat tightened as he cough hoarsely, pulling out a handkerchief to cover his nose and mouth.
Noll hobbled over a quick as he could, gritting his teeth and cursing. "Out! Out!" He demanded as he grabbed the container. Not much had spilled as it had been nearly empty. It didn't stop Noll from also grimacing at the smell. This particular one needed to be watered down before using. Top back on, Noll put it on the counter and turned the fall on. He wasn't sure how long it would take for the room to clear out as the storage room wasn't as well ventilated as the rest of the basement.
Anyway his work in that room was now on hold. Heading back to the desk only to retrieve his cane, Noll exited the room, taking in a deeper breath in the hall. A bit light headed but it would pass as he started down the hall, Ren's barking cough leading him to where the coordinator was.
Ren sat hunched over on a bench near the elevators, inhaler clutched in his hand. Before Noll could even sit down, Ren’s body shook with another harsh breath stealing cough. After it passed, Ren brought his shaking hand up again and used the inhaler.
Noll cleared his throat awkwardly and sat down. "Need...anything?"
"For you to make sure you cap everything properly after you use...it..." His hoarse voice gave out but he didn't cough again.
"Maybe watch where you're going?" Noll snapped immediately. Ren shot him a look.
The coordinator's face was flushed a deep red but his dark brown eyes looked tired. Ren looked back at the floor, concentrating on slow even breaths.
"I think there's water in the break room, want one?" Noll forced himself up as the hard bench and his hip did not get along.
Ren could only nodded as he coughed again. Noll headed down the hallway toward the break room which wasn't anything more than a small room with a table, a few hanging cabinets over a free standing sink and a tiny refrigerator. Sadly on his budget it was all Ren said he could afford. Noll actually had not been 100% sure if there was water in the refrigerator as he rarely used it. He remembered seeing some over a week ago when Jasper had asked for one instead of the tumblr of bourbon Noll had offered him.
Heading back, water in hand, Noll saw Ren wasn't on the bench anymore. Hitting the elevator button he waited until he also ended up on the first floor. The main area was dark aside from a few dim lights which always remained on. Noll saw Ren standing outside of the front entrance.
The night was warm even for early spring. No wonder Ren had complained about the cold storage room.
"Here." Noll said handing him the water bottle.
"Thanks." Ren rasped. Under the street lamp Noll could still see flushed cheeks on his business partners face.
Ren took a few decent sips of the water before letting out a sigh. "Thanks." He winced pressing the other hand against his chest. "Put some of that fire out. Throat hurts more now." Ren removed his glasses and ran his sleeve over his eyes.
"Want me to call a cab or Jasper?" Noll asked but Ren shook his head.
"I will in a bit, just going to..." He motioned to the benches which lined the sidewalk. "Sit again. Bit lightheaded."
"Same." Noll said but didn't sit down. "I'll...uh..."
Ren just waved him off with his hand.
"Yeah that." Noll turned, heading back into the gallery.
Back at his own desk in the far back of the first floor, Noll gripped his glass which now was empty.
He hadn't apologized even though it had been his fault. He'd used that can the other day for a quick fix and simply forgot to seal it properly.
Noll knew he'd hear more about it when Ren felt better. Anytime he'd use the storage room for anything now on, he'd hear that snarky voice ragging on him and he'd give it right back. It was their way about things.
Noll thought about how flushed Ren looked after his fit; how vulnerable and tired. Noll never thought about kissing anyone before but wondered if Ren would blush that hard if they ever did.
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