#im the least mysterious person youll ever meet
uhhhhhhhhhsblogyea · 3 years
♤| dragon ball shapeshifter au
storyline rundown
part two
tw: profanity !! a bit of gore and such
the story begins on kakarot's farm! he lives with his parents, bardock and gine, and his brother raditz.
kakarot takes his produce to the market to sell, talking to krillin who is a police officer watching over in case of robbery or stolen goods, with his wife 18 and his daughter marron.
he hangs out there and sells all his produce, making a whopping amount of money to give back to his mother to go towards their farm. so thats what he does.
later that night, raditz barged in through the door, huffing loudly and covered in purple blood. it had a reddish tint. gine and bardock jump to their feet, bardock still in his training gi and gine in her white shirt and some sweatpants. "raditz!? what happened?" bardock exclaimed, gine following up with "why are you covered in... purple blood!?" this caused kakarot to come out of his room in a rush, "h-h-holy s-shit! i didnt kill anyone i swear mom, mom, dad please, i wouldn't do that!" raditz panicked. "s-something tried to attack me! i didnt know what to do so i attacked back!!" he tries to wipe the blood off, it being on his face.
whatever happened, scared raditz enough to make him shake in fear and what seems to be regret despite it being to protect himself.
kakarot however, still was unsure what happened. his father said he would explain in the morning, the situation was too dire for kakarot to get involved - especially with the police.
in town, vegeta covered his bloodied chest, panting as he hid deep in an alleyway. "goddammit," he huffs, slicking his hair back to keep the human bangs out of his face. hes got a huge gash across his chest, thanks to that damned raditz he happened to work with. luckily, he was morphed into some other alien lifeform and not his original shift state. he slowly morphed into a bird, a finch, and flew off to him apartment. he always kept his window cracked just in case this were to happen. just his luck, we wont be able to eat and to heal he needs that energy for food or else hell be out asleep for awhile.
he decides calling off work, so thats what he does. what he doesnt expect is a man with a thick ass fucking tail and slicked back purple hair and red eyes to be reading a book, lounging like a king on his bed. "f... frieza!?" vegeta says, startled.
"ah hello my creation! lovely seeing you here, dont you think?" he throws the book off to the side, getting up and striding over to the bloodied vegeta. "aw looks like you got a paper cut." he jabs a finger into vegetas cut across his chest. vegeta groans in pain, a tentacle whipping around to hit frieza away into a safer distance, but the icejin blocks smoothly with his muscled tail.
from here:
wow!! you found out vegeta is a "creation" of friezas, but what exactly does that mean?
raditz gets taken in for questioning. he gets blamed for a murder that happened on the otherside of town, the law system being dumb sentenced him to 25 years in prision for a murder he didnt do
kakarot is confused, bardock telling him there arent any alien threats and it was a misunderstanding on the jury and judge's parts bc raditz was getting mugged and a murder far away happened at roughly the same time, and they were desperate to throw someone into jail.
this is a lie, to some extent. kakarot believes it, living happily thinking there are no threats
vegeta attacked raditz, needing food. shapeshifters need to eat hearts and lungs of animals as food
raditz is the one who cut him across the chest (thatd why he has a scar on his chest in the ref sheet)
kakarot has to bring crops and milk into a market farther into town sometime in the next week, it being an event ran by capsule corp, a company that produces a lot of housing and vehicles and being in business for 40 years being the anniversary that day.
vegeta is a mechanical manager, wearing fancy clothing that day since its technically a high spot in the ranks for capsule corp.
vegeta likes milk, surprisingly. it helps a lot when recovering damage, especially his species. this is when he meets kakarot
kakarot is running his stand with the crates of crops and glass jars of milk set out on display with their price, krillin with him
vegeta is annoyed he has to speak up to get the seller's attention so he grunts with an "ahem"
kakarot jumps, apologizing and asking what he wants to buy. vegeta gets his milk and some vegetables for someone he knows
"hey, whats with the fancy suit?"
"you dont know who i am?"
"no. should i?"
"i-? im vegeta! im manager of the mechanics in capsule corp!"
"oh. is the job hard?"
they conversate, as kakarot sells his produce happily listening as he was able to get the short man with a temper to talk about his job.
vegeta himself was caught off guard by this action but happily talks
this ends in kakarot running behing the stand's curtain and grabbing his business card so vegeta can have a discount on milk next time he decides to buy
vegeta takes the card walking off
the card has kakarots name and number on the back, a message saying "text me personally if you want extra, i dont mind taking some. you seem cool!"
vegeta is a bit ticked, but pockets the card
over time, vegeta and kakarot talk over text a bit, kakarot delivering him milk like an old time milk delivery boy
turns out he actually used to be one as a kid
turns out hes been into marial arts as well, a long time interest of vegetas
they bond over this, kakarot find himself growing a crush on vegeta
one time kakarot stops buy with a delivery unannounced, not knowing he typed the text but didnt send it. he knocks on vegetas apartment door, but no answer.
he checks to see if its unlocked, and it is so he lets himself in, just wanting to put the delivery on the counter and head out.
he doesnt expect to turn around and see a vegeta with a towel wrapped around his waist, tentacles coming out of his back, green eyes, and sharp ears, teeth, and claws. "K-KAKAROT!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he yells, surprised. he doesn't have bangs either
"why do you have tentacles?? why do you look different? why do you have that scar?"
vegeta is caught off guard, not sure if he should push kakarot out or tell him the truth. one way or another he knows the truth will spread, so he carefully debates his options
he tells kakarot the truth, hes a shapeshifter and hes insanely dangerous
kakarot is surprised dangerous aliens exist
he tells vegeta this, and deep down vegeta is mad kakarot is sheltered
little do they know as they conversate and bond, growing closer to each other kakarot finds out vegeta made a vow not to ever get in a relationship no matter how much he envied them, especially a human relationship, a certain someone is watching them and listening in, theyre keeping tabs on vegetas and kakarots feelings
trust issues amirite?
later that night, kakarot says his goodbye heading home, heart pounding. wow!!!! vegeta is... great. very great. kinda cute too, i mean what!?? no!!
kakarot rants to himself aloud in his room, window open to keep himself cool, about vegeta as he debates his feelings. he doesnt care if this seems out of character in his friends terms, all they see from him anyway is a dense fightcrazed guy with a dysfunctional relationship with an ex and his son. he realized vegeta doesnt see him like that, but, what DOES vegeta see him as?
he calls it a night
he wakes up to a "thwap, thwap, thwap" against his wooden floor
he sits up, looking around and seeing a short figure sitting at his desk.
"whos there?"
"ah, youre awake monkey! i have valuable information for you, about your lovely vegeta." the voice is squeaky
"and, who is telling me this?" kakarots interest is piqued, not seeing the mysterious figure as a threat, as of now at least
"oh-hohoho! im dr. cold! but please, call me frieza. doctor cold is my father's name."
"and what do you have to tell me about vegeta?"
"mmm, are you sure you want to know?" he gets up, beginning to pace
"theres a catch isnt there" kakarot realizes, serious
"oh! maybe you arent so dense afterall. yes, there iss monkey. its simple, deliever some of your left over crop to my facility tomorrow, i already left the address on a paper over on that... pitiful little desk of yours." frieza pauses. "vegeta will kill you if you arent careful. hes hungry, and he wants that heart. but... i think the poor creation wants it in more than one way. kill him before he kills you."
frieza hands kakarot a box cutter
"thats the only thing that will kill him. if you dont do it i expect that delivery tomorrow by midnight. if you dont show, and theres no news of him being dead, youll be a brilliant collection to my creations, monkey!" the man laughs in joy, clasping his hands together as his red eyes pierce through kakarot
kakarot reluctantly agrees, unsure how this will play out
anyway heres the part 1 of the rundown.
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liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 1)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part one] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
even though you decided to stay in your hometown to further your studies, you moved out as soon as you could. your parents were smothering you and you were honestly tired of it. so, you got your own apartment and started to live on your own. everything was fine and easy so far but then you realized how lonely you felt. your friends had moved away to go to other universities, and you were never really good at relationships. the anxiety of not knowing what to do with yourself until classes started was consuming you. to deal with this, you figured you might as well download a dating app. 
“Gotta check out all the hot singles in my area, I guess,” you thought.
it had been a while since your last relationship but you were sure you were ready again. or maybe you could try to find something different. maybe some hookups could be enough to help you during this weird adjustment period. 
you downloaded the app and added whatever details were needed. 
Name: l/n, y/n
Looking for: chat, relationship, hookup, anything
it took you about ten minutes to finally decide on what you wanted to add to your bio. finally, you typed out:
Bio: just another single college student looking for genuine human connections. Interests include watching anime, reading nerdy shit, and getting to know you 
you were never too good at coming up with bios but this should be good enough for now. time to see what kind of fish you could catch..
not even a minute after uploading a picture of yourself, a new message showed up.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey, beautiful! (;
Y/n: oh hi! how are you?
N: doing better now that I’m talking to youuuu. how about your lovely self?
Y: wow someone is really straightforward. I’m doing pretty well rn thanks. what are you up to?
N: just been bored as fuck on here and then BOOM you showed up (:
Y: lol youre silly. so hows the whole dating scene look like on here? any good ones?
N: nah it sucks honestly. But now you’re here so its a million times better!
Y: oh shush lol. does this site really work? like have you actually met someone from here?
N: uhh i actually havent met anyone yet, but ive had some nice conversations so far! ive still got high hopes
Y: have you been on here for a long time?
N: i just downloaded it like two weeks ago? idk but yeah. im hoping that maybe youll be my first??
Y: your first what? haha be more specific
N: OH sorry!! i didnt mean it like that omg. i meant like my first person to meet off of this app lol
Y: i mean if youre not busy right now, we could meet up for a coffee date or something? (cliche right?)
N: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? like... right now rIGHT NOW?
Y: yeah (: sorry for doing this so fast. you’re just really cute and im bored haha
N: nooooo its fine i swear im just a little shocked. and WOW you think IM CUTE? you should look in the mirror because your gorgeousss *heart eyes emoji*
Y: so its settled? lets meet today at around 1 pm at XXX cafe? 
N: yeah! thats not too far from here! i CANT WAIT
Y: same here (:
as soon as you sent that last message you hopped in the shower and started getting ready. you debated whether to put on makeup or not and then eventually decided to do it. you wore that one red dress that greatly accentuated your butt and your curves. you checked the clock and it was 30 MINUTES UNTIL 1 so you finished up by brushing your hair and adding on a spritz of peach scented perfume. “Hopefully this impresses him.”
the cafe you guys agreed to meet at was only a short walk away from your apartment. you were almost at the cafe when you noticed the time again and it was already 10 MINUTES PAST 1! you were so scared that he thought you stood him up but as you got closer, you noticed a cute boy sitting by himself outside. you stared at his backside for a little, unsure if this was your mystery boy. so you messaged him on the app
Y: heeeey are you the one sitting alone outside with a tan shirt and some ripped black jeans?
your phone lit up with the answer to your question: “yes”
as you looked up again, you noticed the stranger you were staring at had stood up and was looking right into your eyes. once you locked eyes, he grinned the biggest smile you’d ever seen and he chuckled. 
“Hi there!! L/n, right? Nice to meet ya, I’m Nishinoya Yuu. Wow, you’re even more beautiful in person!! Do you want anything from the cafe? I’m buying”
You were kind of shocked by his beautiful smile and his spiky hair. It took you a while to respond as you tried to take in the wonderful sight in front of you. He was simply breath taking. You could tell he was the athletic type by the way his shirt hung onto his broad, toned shoulders. 
“Ummm... L/n? Are you okay? Do you want any coffee or sweets from the cafe?”
“OH, oh my god, I’m so sorry! I got distracted..” you said as you looked away from him, getting redder by the second. you hadn’t even noticed his compliment or the way he kept eyeing you up and down and licking his lips. “Yeah, I’d love to get a coffee, if you don’t mind. Please..”
His eyes snapped back up to yours. “Awesome, I’ll go order inside. You can just sit your pretty little self here while I do that. Don’t run away! I’ll be right back!”
now that you had some time to reflect on what the heck just happened.. you breathed a sigh of relief. You couldn’t believe that he was real and so goddamn gorgeous. His little tuft of blonde hair at the front of his head was so cute and his smile.. goddamn. the way he looked at you.. and his friendly demeanor. it was all so much to take in. you didn’t really know how to react. as soon as you had relaxed, you tensed back up as he came back and sat down with you.
“Here’s your coffee hot and ready just for you, hun”
“Thank you so much Nishinoya” you blushed a bit as your mouth pronounced his name
“Hey, just call me Noya! Or Yuu...”
“On a first name basis already?”
“Only if you want to..”
you giggled as you noticed that he was getting bright pink too. “Okay, Yuu.”
as soon as you said his first name, his eyes lit up and that bright pink hue on his face soon turned into a passionate red
“Soooo..” you said as you tried to break up the silence.. “what do you do? do you go to school?”
“Yeah! I’m going to start going to Sendai University in the fall! I’m going to be playing on the volleyball team! How about you?”
“No way.. I’m gonna go there too! I guess I’ll be seeing you around probably. And wow! Volleyball huh? That’s hot.”
when you said that last part, Noya almost spat out his coffee. you laughed at the look on his face. he was blushing so much he couldn’t keep still. you were almost afraid he would just run away from you and never come back.
He just tried to regain his composure and laughed. “You really got me there oh my god i almost choked. But yeah I can’t wait to play again.”
The rest of the afternoon you guys talked about everything from anime to your favorite season, to your least favorite horror movie. The more you two bonded over common interests, the more he let his wild side out. He became more rambunctious and fiery and this did things to you, to say the least. you checked your phone to check the time and it was already 6:45 pm. You had no clue as to when the sun had started setting, but it didn’t matter because you hadn’t felt this warm fuzzy feeling in your heart in a while. it felt so nice. you didn’t want it to end. but then noya interrupted your thought by saying, 
“Hey, (y/n)..” you two were on a first name basis already and it was just the first date. “it’s getting pretty late and I have to go home and help out my family with some stuff. I hope you don’t mind. Sorry! But we can definitely go out again if you want. i know i sure do..”
“Yes, of course! I totally get it. But first can I get your number?” you look away as you say this because this was the first time you’ve ever asked a guy for their number. 
you two exchange phone numbers and hug goodbye. you let the hug linger for a little longer than you should and plant a quick soft peck on his cheek and say,
“I can’t wait to see you again, Yuu.”
He just smiles and replies, “Me too, Y/n. I’ll see you again soon, babe.”
You freeze up and don’t know what to say as he walks away. you think to yourself, “did he really just call me babe?”
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keelywolfe · 6 years
Fic: Hearts and Hopes
Summary:  It's been a long week and Edge is tired. His husband still has a trick up his sleeve but that's okay, he keeps his heart on his sleeve, too. It's a fair trade.
Notes: If you thought to yourself that I couldn’t possibly get more fluffy with this, brace yourself.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established relationship, Fluff, hurt/comfort
part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
The monitor screen was starting to blur in his vision and Edge rubbed at his sockets irritably, trying to focus. It was late enough in the day for it to be close to pointless and the stacks of folders at his elbow were a clear sign that he hadn’t gotten nearly enough done over the course of the day. Janice was sorely missed and as much as he wanted her to take her time recovering, he’d be relieved when she finally came back. Working without her was like trying to type with a hand tied behind his back, doable but slow going.
Edge sighed tiredly. He was being unreasonably annoyed with himself and he knew it. Along with missing his assistant, he hadn’t slept well, nightmares lurking in the corners of his sleep. Those dreams always came back when he was stressed. He hated that particular weakness, didn’t allow his nightmares to follow him into his waking hours but still, his sleep was interrupted, and it left him drained.
It was endlessly irritating that his subconscious mind refused to leave the past in the past. Underfell no longer had a hold on his daytime life, when would it leave his nights in peace? The probable answer to that was not one he particularly liked.
A knock on his door made him jerk and Edge swore under his breath. It was nearly time for him to go home, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone else’s problems today and without Janice to run interference, he was going to have to put his own diplomacy to the test.
“Come in,” he called, trying to keep his irritation from his voice.
To his surprise, Stretch poked his head in the door, grinning cheekily. “heya handsome, you about done?”
Edge could only sigh in a mixture of fondness and exasperation. Days after Stretch had promised him to be careful coming down here, if he came down here, which he rarely did, of course that would be when he showed up at his door.
“okay, you can stop with the look,” Stretch chided. Not that there was a look, Edge was certain of that, but Stretch could always read him better than anyone. “i shortcutted into the lobby from the bus stop, as per. no one saw me outside. i even called reception before i did so no one would have a shitfit about me coming out of nowhere.”
“Thank you for your caution,” Edge said dryly, masking his relief that Stretch was at least taking him seriously. “Can I ask why you’re here when I would have been home shortly anyway?”
“you can ask and i’ll even answer,” Stretch grinned happily, rocking on his heels, and Edge waited, suspiciously. “i want you to drive me someplace.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Edge gave him a narrow look. “Where am I driving you?”
Stretch’s grin turned sly and he tapped the faint protuberance of his nasal bone, “now, see, that’s where you’ll need to be patient, babe. you’ll see when we get there.”
For one moment, he considered begging off. Whatever game Stretch was playing was surely heartfelt, but he was tired and wasn’t really feeling up to a mysterious road trip. Janice was supposed to be back next week, and even so they’d be days catching up to the backlog of work.
Tempting, but to do so would steal that look of glee from Stretch, his visible delight in whatever it was he had planned. Stretch would accept it if he asked, Edge knew, he wouldn’t complain or protest, and whatever disappointment he felt would be held back, muted into nothing but dimmer eye lights, his normal exuberance only slightly subdued. Nothing that most people would notice.
But Edge would know.
“Let me pull the car up to the sidewalk,” Edge sighed. “You can see it from reception, and you can shortcut to it.”
“Whatever makes you happy,” Stretch said agreeably, bouncing on his toes as he waited for Edge to put on his coat.
You make me happy, Edge didn’t say, though he did reel Stretch in for a quick kiss, one that was happily given.
He did hope it wasn’t a long drive.
Stretch really hoped this wasn’t a mistake.
For one, he could tell Edge was tired. That was fucking disturbing as it was, Edge was usually a six-foot energizer bunny, his baby could go and go, and usually did. He wasn’t used to seeing lingering weariness in him, the way his eye lights were dimmer than normal.
Yeah, that and the nightmares he’d been having this week, thanks, if Edge thought he was hiding those, he was ever-fucking-wrong, and maybe he didn’t wake up screaming loud enough to peel the linoleum but even still, he wasn’t sleeping well.
Tempting as it was to play the hypocrite card and point out that he’d gotten dragged to a therapist when his nightmares were bad, eh, even he couldn’t pretend it was quite the same. His own issues had always been a little deeper than just a few bad dreams. Not that Edge probably wouldn’t benefit from a therapist; fuck, between him, Sans, and the Fell brothers, they could probably see about getting a group rate, but it didn’t feel like a battle worth fighting.
Not yet, anyway.
So, after spending a few days wracking his brain, trying to come up with something to do for Edge, he’d finally had an idea. Good idea? Time would tell, but he was hedging enough on it to have Edge following the GPS on his phone without letting him see the final address.
The building they pulled into was unimpressive, only two other cars in the parking lot and there was no sign to betray him.
Edge followed him up the walkway, waiting with silent wariness as Stretch knocked on the unassuming door. They didn’t have to wait long for a young Human woman to answer, smiling warmly even though she’d only met Stretch face to face once before, that very morning. They’d known each other on Twitter for a long time and had a pretty good working relationship, and she’d been eager to help when he asked for this very particular favor.
“Hello,” she said brightly, holding the door open, “Come on in, you’re right on time.”
“deena, this is my husband, edge.” Stretch told her as he toed off his shoes. Edge did the same, slower, though he nodded to her politely, shaking her hand when she offered it.
“It’s good to meet you in person, Edge,” Deena smiled. “Just follow me.”
“What is this?” Edge muttered, low enough to only carry to Stretch. His confusion deepened at the sound that was getting louder as they walked down the hallway, whimpers and whines. At the end was a doorway blocked by a baby gate and behind it were crying balls of fluffy puppy, all of them piled together in front of the gate.
“Get back, you little beasts,” Deena laughed, stepping over the gate. She made her way to the back of the room where there was a table laden with items. “You’ll have to excuse their manners, they’re hungry.”
Stretch followed her and, more reluctantly, Edge. The puppies milled at their feet and Stretch reached down to pick one of the squirmy bundles up.
“this is the hearts of hope animal shelter,” Stretch told his husband, petting the eager puppy in his arms. “i post for them all the time on my twitter for donations and adoptions. someone found these little guys in a box behind a dumpster and they’re fostering them until their old enough to adopt.” Without waiting for any protests, he thrust the puppy into Edge’s hands, waiting only long enough for him reflexively catch it before letting go and snagging up another.
“Rus…” Edge murmured warningly.
“it’s not what you think, i promise. i’m not angling for another pet, the chickens are good.” He grinned, nuzzling into soft fur. “but come on, look!”
The puppies looked like little toasted marshmallows, puffy white overlaid with tan, the leftover little ones tumbling around their feet, whimpering and crying. Deena came back carrying a box of filled bottles, handed one to Edge and Rus before gathering up a puppy of her own.
“Here you go, greedy Gus,” she laughed as the puppy latched on to the nipple instantly, suckling hungrily. “They eat so much at this age.”
Stretch offered the bottle to the puppy in his arms, sinking down to sit on a clean spot on the floor. Another puppy took the opportunity to clamber into his lap, and Stretch laughed, snagging another bottle and trying to feed two at once.
It was worth all the effort, all the worrying and planning, to see Edge shifting to sit next to him, inexpertly handling his own puppy, but soon each one of the floofs had a bottle and were eating with blissful eagerness.
It didn’t take long for them to drain the bottles and that left them with a lapful of sleepy little critters, their tummies round and full.
“There we are, you little troublemakers,” Deena crooned. She gathered up her puppy and sat it fearlessly into Edge’s lap where it curled up with his sibling. Stretch loved her a little for that, but then, she had a lot of experience in dealing with bruised souls, didn’t she? “Hold them for a bit, could you, while I clean up?”
“I…all right,” Edge agreed, a little helplessly, as Deena gathered up the empty bottles and left. He stroked a tentative hand over his puppies, petting gently. One of them kicked a foot, whimpering indistinctly and sighing as Edge scratched behind one tiny ear. Softly, he asked, “What made you think to bring me here?”
Stretch shrugged a little, petting his own sleepy fluffies. “you told me once how loyal the dogs of your Snowdin were. i just thought…you sounded like you maybe you missed them.”
“They were very loyal,” Edge agreed. It did not escape Stretch’s notice that he didn’t say anything about missing them. “But puppies of Aboveground are not the same as Monsters.”
Stretch only shrugged again. No, they weren’t, but Edge didn’t stop petting them, either.
He did slant Stretch a narrow look. “We aren’t taking one home.”
“nope, not even asking,” Stretch agreed, gathering up one of his puppies to nuzzle soft fur. “these are more like…therapy dogs.”
“I don’t—” Edge began and stopped, biting off the words.
“don’t what?” Stretch settled his drowsy puppy back into his lap, trailing his fingers through silky fur. “don’t need therapy? you can say it, i’m not offended.”
A flicker of something like guilt tinted Edge’s expression. “I don’t mean to imply there is anything wrong with needing it.”
“you aren’t,” Stretch said firmly. “now c’mon, these little guys need your help.”
It was deliberate phrasing, and even if Edge knew what he was doing, it tended to work. Edge was hardwired somewhere in a way that made him like helping. Even puppies.
“My help?” Edge said dubiously, but he took the sleeping puppy Stretch handed him, gently adding him to his pile.
“yep. he needs pets and loves.”
There was something indescribably precious about seeing his fierce, proud husband with a lapful of sleeping puppies curled against him. Petting them carefully, heedless of the shed fur clinging to his expensive trousers. No wonder Edge had so many clothes; married to Stretch, he sure as hell went through them. Their drycleaner was going to be able to retire in the tropics.
He couldn’t resist snapping a picture of it, planning on making it the background on his phone. Only to blink in surprise when Edge asked him, hesitantly. “Do you think posting a picture to Twitter would be helpful for adopting them out? My appearance is sometimes…unnerving for Humans.”
Well, that was an unpleasant realization to sneak in amidst all the adorable. Was that really why Edge didn’t like Stretch posting pictures of him online? It was on the tip of his tongue to say it wasn’t true and even if it was, he didn’t give a flying fuck. Edge was fucking gorgeous, sexy as all hell, and he didn’t give a shit what any coldhearted Humans thought about it.
He choked it back. That wasn’t going to help and Edge preferred honesty, even if it was unpleasant. They were using his Twitter and Instagram for propaganda, that was a fact, and Edge did look fierce sometimes to people, no, to fucking idiots who couldn’t look beneath the hard crust to see the marshmallow filling beneath. A picture didn’t give context; Stretch knew his love, knew how tender, how gentle and caring he was.
Stretch took a long, slow breath, and considered his words carefully. “tell you what, i’ll get a few shots that’ll let me post about the puppies online but still protect your privacy, yeah? so people don’t stop you on the street to ask for your autograph. and you can see them first, get veto rights.”
Must not have done too badly, because Edge’s smile was easier, his hesitance falling away, “All right.”
They stayed for a while longer, cuddling the puppies. One of them woke up enough to gnaw on Stretch’s fingers a little too enthusiastically with his needle-sharp little teeth, making him curse and Edge chuckle. It woke the rest of them and soon they went from snoozing balls of fluff to playful, tumbling ones, tugging eagerly on a rope toy as Edge held it or clambering into his lap for more pets and scritches, until they both were laughing, Deena staying tactfully away for the time being.
Not a cure for nightmares, Stretch knew, not an answer to his husband’s troubles, but it was hard to be too miserable when you were covered in puppies.
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way-veee · 5 years
Tumblr media
                   word count: 1.7k+
rating: m
genre: drama, mystery, smut, romance, sad
warnings: dark themes, smut, talk of suicide and depression
pairing: johnny x reader
note: this is kinda long and sad but I also think its a really cute scene :)
 you smile at johnny, he smiles back.
" thanks again for letting me borrow your clothes." you say when you walk out of the bathroom wearing one of johnnys black shirts.
 "anytime" he smiles trying not to look at your bare legs. he loves looking at the way your messy hair falls on your shoulders and how his shirt falls against your thighs.
"johnny theres one more thing."
 "yah?" he responds scared that you might ask to leave.
"do you have a pair of boxers or shorts I could wear? everything I have is soaked."
he knows you don't mean this sexually and he knows that he shouldn't trail his eyes up your legs. but now that you've admitted you have nothing on underneath, he does both of those things twice then responds meekly
 "ya sure im just gonna go get a pair for you then." you nod in in gratitude as he stumbles into his room.
 you really don't understand what all of his fussing is about. a few minutes later he comes back out into the dark hallway with a pair of purple silk shorts. you cock your head quizzically at the sight of them.
"oh, no these aren't..."
 johnny backtracks unable to form cohesive words from embarrassment of having ladies shorts in his room.
"these are one of taeils old girlfriends, I found them and thought youd like something short. no- not that I want you to wear something short or that youd want too- I just.."
he gives up trying to answer and hands them over to you in defeat, his head hanging down. you can see that his ears are beet red so you don't say anything, instead you smile softly, take the shorts from him and close the door to the bathroom so you can change.
 johnny rests his head on the door frame silently thanking himself for wearing dark colored sweats today. he still cant stop thinking about how sexy your legs look.
 how much he wants to touch you and kiss you.
he cant stop thinking about how hard he is or how he probably wont be able to contain himself for the whole night. he stays there for a long time thinking about all those things until you emerge from the bathroom looking the exact same, just this time wearing shorts underneath. you have your clothes in bundle in your hands.
"my clothes are all wet and I was hoping to use your dryer." johnny smiles, but not for the same reason that you think. 
" here i'll take them. it'll only take a few minutes."
 you watch him disappear down the dorm hallway. you walk down the hallway in the opposite direction, looking around to see if anyone was there. oddly enough no one happened to be in the dorms. it was late at night so the other boys could be trapped wherever they happened to be when the storm hit.
you find the living room and sit down on the leather couch facing the television. it was eerily dark and quiet from the power outage, you suspected this evening contradicted every other at the dorms but you liked that nobody else was going to interrupt your night.
this made you smile slightly as you sit in the black of night in the living room. you look for candles, opening up random doors and cupboards until you find one that smells like gingerbread and one that smells like lavender. a weird combo you admit, it was even worse when you lit them but at least you can see.
the leather of the couch was so cold and your legs are rampant with goose bumps. theres no way that youll be able to sleep on this tonight without the heating system.
you turn your attention to the books on the glass coffee table in front of you. you grab a book with a black spine and a decent weight. you open it up and find out that its an author you know quite well. you start flipping through the pages never having had read the book. you hear johnnys footsteps near the couch,
 "do you read kafka as well?"  he questions surprised,
 "a little bit, ive never seen this installment before though."
 "oh its really fascinating, its about a man who wakes up one morning and gets arrested, he doesn't know why and no one will tell him."
 johnny continues talking about the book, but instead of listening you watch him sit beside you on the couch. hes changed out of his grey sweater and into a form fitting white t shirt.
you know its not a big deal because he probably wears less clothing in front of thousands of people, and that regular people wear less clothing all the time. but this is the first time that youre seeing him without a sweater on.
you feel like the shirts not even there.
 his arms bulge and you picture them lifting you up and holding you against a wall, you picture how is abs would feel under your touch and how his fingers would feel tangled in your hair.
you vibrate just from the thought. all of a sudden, your desire makes you shudder and johnny then stops talking.
"are you cold? I can get you a blanket or pants?"
 "no its okay" you smile at his eagerness to make you feel at home.
"this couch is really cold though, I don't think i'll be able to sleep on it."
johnny knits his eyebrows in concern.
"well all of the boys always lock their doors so nobody else can raid the rooms and closets. I guess that only leaves my room."
he looks up at you for a second then looks down at the floor, his ears turning a blush colour.
holy shit, youre going to have to share a bed with johnny.
you've only met him twice counting todays encounter, which under normal circumstances would be a big red coloured flag. but the situation you two find yourself in is not normal.
you both feel an intimate connection, you both cry together and understand each other. then again looking at johnnys arms you believe there are other concerns as well.
 "can you not sleep on the couch?" you question weakly.
 "if the powerful y/n cant handle the conditions of my living room do we really think I have a chance?" you chuckle to yourself quietly.
 hes funny now too? tonight is going to be so painfully long.
 "okay I see your point. but I guess this leaves us.." you look up to johnny in question. hes still sitting hunched  beside you, wading in confusion.
"I guess this leaves us both sleeping in my bed?" he says in a tone like hes trying not to yell, which you understand because youre silently doing the same thing.
"ok sure, I mean if you'll let me?"
he nods twice in your direction, not making eye contact.
 "thanks again, youre being really nice to me. and I don't know why." 
johnny finally makes eye contact relaxing his face. you think its the most beautiful face you've ever seen.
"y/n, you've helped me more than you know. I don't know if i'll ever be able to repay you."
 your eyes soften, a light smile dances on your lips. johnny looks at you, thinking youre the most beautiful person hes ever seen. you don't say anything back because theres nothing you can say to johnny.
so you just stare at him instead, wondering why you haven't stared at him before.
 "sometimes I feel like that man."
 "who?" you respond confused.
 "the man in franz kafka's book. sometimes I wake up and feel like ive been taken prisoner by something, I don't know what and I cant figure out why."
you look at his saddening face again. you want to hug him and kiss his tears away, but you haven't touched him since the fist time you met. youre scared to do it again.
"franz kafka never finished that book, so I sometimes like to imagine how the man would escape or if he even would." his eyes glisten with tears.  "this is how I picture it."
you look up at johnny in wonder, how you ever ended up meeting someone as good and smart as him. its a miracle that you've been gifted someone like him when you know you don't deserve him. johnny collects his thoughts and starts to speak,
"im sitting in my jail cell with nothing, no possessions, books or friends. the door opens and I think its a guard with my dinner, but its not a guard. in fact its a girl with flowing hair and sparkling eyes.
she smiles at me and takes my hand. I don't know why, im a criminal in jail probably for a horrible crime.
but the girl saves me.
she leads me out passing all the guards. I look around in bewilderment because no one stops me. its probably because the girl is good, and they think I must be too if she thinks im worth saving.
so we leave the jail hand in hand, and I don't need any of the possessions I once had, or care about a lot of the things I had before. because I have her."
 youre crying at this point but you couldn't care less. you look at johnny and he looks back at you, his eyes full of adornment and something you hope is close to desire.
"the girl was saved too." you say quietly into the candle light.
"the girl needed the boy too, for her own reasons, and he helped her escape too. he really did. not from a prison, but things that were just as confining."
johnny doesn't really believe that he helped you. how could anyone so calm and collected need fixing. then again his fans and friends probably thought the same way about him.
his heart swells, johnny knows he shouldnt try to touch you or kiss you. then again he  also knows that he needs you.
from the way you talk, to how you comfort him and tell subtle jokes, he knows that hes falling for you. and if any  part about you needing him is true, well he better take his chances even if the room smells like burnt cookies and rotten flowers.
 he takes a deep breath and leans forward looking at your plump lips and rosy skin. all too suddenly johnny kisses you.
his lips are so soft. softer than a marshmallow or a pillow. theyre unlike any lips you've ever kissed before.
his lips move against yours tentatively.
you chuckle slightly, because you want him to do the opposite.
you rub your lips against his and warm heat shoots right into you. you deepen the kiss and he follows. moaning into the kiss as his soft tongue explores your mouth.
you hop into his lap to get a better angle. you cant help yourself and bite onto his lower lip, pushing your teeth into his soft flesh.
he smiles into the kiss growling in a low tone. you two stay there for a while. youre not really sure how long because your head is spinning and your body is pulsating. 
“fuck,” you moan into his mouth as your hips rub against his hard cock, you haven't really thought about "it" before, but "it" was definitely better than expected.
you smile giddy from kissing him, and possibly about what this could lead to. 
 you say, pushing him off. your train of thought wrecking the heated moment.
that's just it, what this could lead to. were you ready?
was he? (he definitely looked and felt like he was but still). 
“I- I cant, this is really fast, um..” you look at the ground mad and embarrassed at yourself for not being able to do this. he looks at you intensely, 
“its not you at all, im just not sure im ready for this..” you look at johnny all too disappointed in yourself. 
“have you ever?” he questions in a high pitched voice from confusion.
you smile at how naïve he could be. 
“oh you have no idea,” you smirk into his face still inches away from yours.
 “ but right now I cant.”
you frown, mad at yourself. its not that johnny isn't amazing or that youre not attracted to him. you just cant take that next step until youre sure. you promised her and yourself this, you trust yourself enough to believe that youre making the right choice. 
“right, no of course. we only go as far as your comfortable.” johnny says seriously, you know that he respects you and your choices which comforts you even more.
 “is this still okay?” he gestures to you sitting on his lap, legs hiked up, his hand on your lower back. you laugh slightly and nod.
 “is it also okay if I ask why?”
he says softly, his hand starting to rub your back in slow circles. you wonder whether you should say yes or no.
you've never told anyone, but you trust johnny. 
“yes.” you whisper. here goes nothing. 
“okay, umm, picture this, youre with someone who you think is perfect.”
johnny nods, knowing exactly what that feels like. 
“imagine that youre with them all the time, you talk to them and laugh with them, you share everything possible with them. and you also love and cherish them more than you ever thought possible.
you think everything is going good because it really is. and youre so contempt that you've found your one person to be with forever, everything is great, so great.
well then imagine, one day you come home, waiting for them so you can talk and laugh and tell them everything all over again. but they don't come back.”
you cant feel the tears because your face is numb from sadness, but you know that theyre there because you hear them hit the wood floor. 
“so you wait and wait, you don't sleep all night because you want to believe that they'll come back, and hug you and love you like all the nights before. but deep down you know that they wont,
because they cant.
you don't sleep again for along time, you don't think about anything for along time and all of your everything's pile up because you have no one to share them with.
 imagine that that person took the best parts of you with them, because they brought out the best in you. it makes sense because you were only ever theirs.
 on your restless nights you made a pact with yourself to never share everything with anyone ever again.
because nobody would be them.”
 you look into johnnys sullen eyes wondering if they feel as heavy as your heart. 
“johnny, I like you. even though I barely know you, I like you a whole lot. I think eventually i'll be able to be happy with you if you'll wait for me, im just not ready to give her up yet.
I never will, but right now its bad johnny, and I really wanna be with you. but I just cant give her up. not yet...
 I need her.”
 johnny suddenly hugs you in the warmest hug you've had in a long time. it fills you up pushing some of the sadness away. you cry into his shoulder.
you cry lightly, smalls sobs escape whenever you breath in too deeply. johnny doesn't say anything for a long time, this comforts you because you couldn't reply.
 “I don't know what youre going through but it sounds awful. one thing I do know though, is that you have so many good parts of you still here, too many maybe, but hey.”
you laugh through your quieted sobs. 
“you are so perfect here right now in this moment, and in the next and in the last. also,
I don't mind waiting, i'll wait forever, as long as I get to be near you, as long as your happy i'll survive.”
you hug him so tightly you think your arms are going to fall off. you cant believe he’d wait for you. the thought of someone being there for you is so amazingly reassuring you almost laugh. 
“thanks,” you whisper into his broad back. he doesn't say anything but you can feel him smile into your hair. you hold him until you stop shaking from the cold and sadness.
finally you unlatch from your embrace and stare into his beautiful face. 
“what was her name?”
he says softly not wanting to speak over the light silence of the living room. 
 you whisper lightly, thinking about how beautiful she was inside and out.
you think about her smile and her soft voice. you think about the beautiful letters that make up her name and how when you first met her you couldn't stop saying it.
 “that's a beautiful name” he states. you nod and chuckle wiping the tears out of your puffy eyes. 
“it really is.”
you sit beside him, watching the candle light flicker. 
“can we go to bed?” you almost inaudibly whisper.
 johnny nods grabbing your hand to lead you to his bedroom. you admire how pretty his fingers looks wrapped around yours, at how perfect his arm muscles look trailing under his t shirt. 
“here we are,” he gestures to his small room, with a bed barely big enough for two, a simple desk light and table in the corner of the room.
you sit on his bed almost sighing from how soft his blankets feel. you are so exhausted and don't protest when johnny lowers himself onto the bed beside you and pulls up the covers.
the sheets are cold and you soundlessly start shivering. johnny silently pulls you into himself so his knees are pressing into the backs of your legs and his arm drapes over your stomach, he hugs you into him. hes so warm. 
“I never want to go back to my own bed when I know I could be here with you.” you whisper into his arm.
 “the boys would be hassle though, never let us hear the end of it. if youre okay with that and minimal sleep because of the sound of eight other teenage boys then?”
you laugh from your belly. 
 he laughs too, imagining it all too clearly. you snuggle in closer to him. 
“im excited to run away from prison with you.” you lightly tease.
 “hey hey remember whose bed youre generously being let sleep in before you mock a person!”
 “ don't worry, I remember exactly.”
you feel him smile against your curled spine. you've never fallen asleep smiling before, but you figure today was a good day to start.
pt. 7
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