#im their first client and theyre still not used with how to receive the money
corhyn · 1 year
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commission of ana amari !!
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peckhampeculiar · 5 years
Twerking nine to five
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PECKHAM’S KELECHNEKOFF STUDIO OFFERS FITNESS CLASSES RANGING FROM POLE-DANCING TO TWERKING TO YOGA. We meet its inspirational founder – the personal trainer, actress and Peckham resident Kelechi Okafor
I don’t think you could find anyone prouder to be a south Londoner than Kelechi Okafor. Born in Nigeria, she arrived to join her mother in Peckham at the age of five and the area has been her home ever since.
Describing herself as a ride or die Peckhamite, she not only lives locally, but has also established her Kelechnekoff fitness studio here.
Kelechi is a fierce, fun and fabulous woman, with boundless energy, who sees her remit as one of reclaiming the narrative about what it means to be a strong black female in the age of social media.
Her studio, based in the Sojourner Truth Centre on Sumner Road, offers everything from yoga to pole-dancing to twerking. Why twerking?
“One of the things I wanted from having a space like this,” she says, “is to allow women across the board to be tender and engage fully with their bodies.
“Because society has hyper-sexualised the female body so much, and the black female body specifically, there are women who just want to be as far away from that narrative as possible, not understanding that our power lies in the sexuality and sensuality of being a woman. That’s what I want us to take back.”
As an actor, director and personal trainer who specialises in twerk and pole-dance fitness, it’s been a challenging road to get to where she is today – from the homelessness she experienced as a teenager to supporting her mother and brothers, to depression, therapy, having to integrate into a new family when she first arrived in the UK, childhood sexual abuse and a lot more.
She has survived and is very open about her personal journey to date, particularly on social media. No topic is off limits – black issues, police brutality, mental health, her own recent miscarriage.
She has amassed a following of almost 35,000 people on Twitter, with a further 12,400 followers on Instagram. Where did her fascination with social media start?
“It was probably around 2013, when the shift started happening and I just felt that we had something here that allowed us to communicate with everybody, worldwide,” she says.
“I’ve always been a writer, and when Twitter came along I just took to it, because I thought, ‘This is a space where I can say what I’m thinking and I can put it out there as a form of microblogging.’
“I joined it when hardly anyone else was on there and I remember when the influx of celebrities started joining us. I thought, ‘There goes the neighbourhood, they are going to ruin everything!” she laughs.
“But it has changed and I’ve changed with it, as I saw how it allowed us to have our own voice separate from the narrative that we were getting from the media.
“I feel that this is where the power is. It’s an opportunity for me, Kelechi, to give you an alternative narrative to what you’d normally get from the mainstream.”
But in being so outspoken across her social media platforms, has there been a cost? “Yes, there has been, but I think that for anything that matters to you, there is always a sacrifice,” she says.
“Occasionally I will go online and there will be someone calling me a black b**** or a black this. Sometimes I save the tweets. Perhaps one day I’ll take it to court and then they’ll have to show up and explain that email or tweet they sent. But it hasn’t really got there.
“I did have horse manure sent to me in the first small studio I opened in Clapton, though,” she remembers ruefully.
“I had been speaking that weekend about the appropriation of black culture by mainstream pop artists.
“I was pointing out that when it’s ‘appropriation’, there’s always someone with more power who benefits from it financially. If it was ‘appreciation’, the person who has less of the power should be benefiting from it but they’re not.
“I was explaining that and someone got extremely upset with something I said, because soon after, I got horse manure posted to me anonymously.
“Although,” she laughs, “it didn’t even offend me because it was so well packaged and 100 per cent organic.”
What was the response to that experience from her social media followers?
“I have a lot of black female followers who care about my safety and care about my wellbeing. So, someone wrote an article for BuzzFeed about it, which basically helped promote my studio.
“Many people, men and women, sent me flowers and books of poetry including one by Maya Angelou. I just received so much love.”
Whatever the challenges she has faced in life, keeping fit has always been her way of working through issues.
“I’ve always been active and into sports”, she says. “Growing up, I played football and netball. It was stuff I didn’t have to try hard at, it was just a skill that I had.
“I had wanted to be head girl at school but my teacher thought I was too boisterous for that, so she said I could be sports captain instead.”
Her love of sport comes not just from her innate ability, but also from the discipline that it requires.
“When I was in secondary school I joined the air cadets. All I’ve ever yearned for, after not seeing it in the family home, is discipline. I like routine and structure.
“I think we were in year eight when we had a talk from the air cadets. And I thought, ‘Yeah, that’s it, I’m becoming an air cadet.’”
True to form she worked hard at it and for her, “the psychological part of the training gave me a break from being the one who did everything at home and having to be in control of everyone. I wanted and needed that break.”
Alongside fitness, her other passion is acting. It was a choice of career that her mother was dead set against.
“I can understand why,” she muses. “If you’re losing your home and don’t have a regular job, what you want for your children is a steady job. You want to know that they will never suffer or want for anything. Mum was like, ‘Just be a lawyer, you are such a great orator’.”
As a compromise, Kelechi found a course that would allow her to study both drama and law at Liverpool Hope University.
“I’d never been to Liverpool before,” she says, “but that’s the only place which was offering that degree.”
Coming back to London, she started working at a call centre and found it soul destroying.
“I remember going through London Bridge one day and just thinking, ‘There has to be something I can do where I’m not at the mercy of this corporation’. And I just thought, ‘I’ll become a personal trainer’. Fitness was the thing I loved most after acting.
“I saved up my money from my job, paid for a distance learning course and then I did lots of work experience in different gyms.”
Her business took off straightaway, courtesy of her followers on social media.
“When I did qualify, there were already women on Twitter and Instagram who were like, ‘Just come and train me’.
“So I went into that and that’s when I started to see the kind of freedom and flexibility that I could have access to without being at the mercy of big corporations.”
Her personal background means that she has a real desire to see women embrace who they truly are, not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually.
“What I really want for women to understand, especially when it comes to our bodies, is that we only have this one body,” she says.
“When I start training people, I want them to understand that there’s nothing I can do that’s going to make them more beautiful.
“I can get you slimmer if that’s what you really want. I can get you more toned, but none of these things are actually going to make you more beautiful, because it’s not really based on what you look like.
“[It’s about] getting my clients to understand that to me, personal training is 80 per cent psychological and emotional, and 20 per cent physical.
“You didn’t come to me because you care about your fitness, not really. There’s something else that’s happening there. What is that thing?
“If we talk about that ‘thing’, then the fitness doesn’t feel so bad. I’ve had women and men break down into tears when we’ve been having a session because I will say things like, ‘I just feel today that you’re holding a lot in’.
“I can feel it and then they let that out. And that’s what they needed. Then they feel safer because they know that I will spot it if they’re holding a lot that day and we taper the session to create space for them.”
She’s irritated by men who try to dominate in gyms. “I’ve had it myself when I’ll be training at the gym and a guy who clearly knows nothing about fitness comes up to me, just because I’m a woman, and says, ‘So when you’re doing this you really want to do it like this.’
“Wait, you’re telling me, the actual professional, how to do it?! And then they often have the temerity to say, ‘Don’t grow too much muscle though, because you don’t want to look like a man.’”
She dislikes the way Christmas and the new year are promoted to us commercially.
“It’s interesting to me how around Christmas time, the focus in adverts is on massive turkeys, chocolates etcetera, pushing a form of gluttony on us.
“Then as soon as January hits, it’s ‘You, disgusting fatty, get to the gym, get fit’, and I just think that we have to pull ourselves out of that. We are being sold one thing while being beaten with another. What does that do to your self esteem? We never know where we stand because companies were just telling us five minutes ago to eat all of the food!”
What’s on offer at her own gym is a way, according to her, of connecting women to the “divine feminine” through dance.
“With the twerking classes at the studio I wanted to celebrate my African-ness while still paying homage to the ways in which it has changed and how it’s now become linked with hip hop culture,” she says.
Also available at the Kelechnekoff studio are very popular classes in pole-dancing and also yoga, which she is particularly keen to make accessible to all, especially those on lower incomes.
She hopes in 2019 to include a few more aerial disciplines, such as aerial hoops and also Wing Chun defence classes. Primarily though, whether it’s a twerk hen party or a pole-dancing class, her dream is that the studio continues to be a fun place that celebrates all women.
On a personal level as we approach the new year, she’s living by her own mantra: “Don’t stop striving for that thing that makes your heart warm. You deserve it. You can achieve it.”
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taleshalance4 · 5 years
TECHSHOW Tips: How to Maintain Client Responsiveness in Chicago
Capture leads, serve clients, and keep your law firm running smoothly.
Solo and small-firm attorneys attending TECHSHOW have one extra thing to consider while they’re out of the office—something that doesn’t affect those who work for big firms, universities, large associations, and other high-headcount organizations with ample front- and back-office support: When you’re at TECHSHOW, you’ll be in sessions, at parties, in meetings, networking, maybe even catching a few Chicago attractions. Days are densely packed. That means you’re unavailable. And you probably don’t have a backup.
Breaks before, during, and after each day’s activities offer time only for the most urgent work matters. So how do you get your time and money’s worth during TECHSHOW without risking time and money back home? Look to these five simple and surprisingly affordable solutions to stay responsive to new and existing clients.
1. Add texting to your landline office phone number
Lots of lawyers still rely on a landline phone service. If that’s you, it’s common to feel uneasy and out-of-touch when you’re away from the office. Even if you forward calls to your cell phone, you won’t always be able to pick up—if you’re in a session, for example.
Add-on texting services, like ZipWhip, let you send and receive texts with your existing business phone number. The extra-smart feature they offer is automatic responses. Consider ways this can help you respond quickly and accurately:
A potential client texts to see if you’re taking new clients. You are. You set up an auto-response triggered by certain “new client indicator” keywords that say not only “Yes,” but also confirm they’re looking for an attorney in your practice area. And if so, here’s the link to your online calendar to book a consult.
An existing client texts to see if they can pay their invoice with a credit card. Yes, they can, because you have online payments through LawPay, Headnote, or another similar program. You send the link to your online payment page and get paid instantly. The client’s thrilled, too: It’s one item crossed off their to-do list.
An existing client texts you an image of the document you asked them to complete. They’re not computer-savvy and don’t know how to share the file via your secure document-sharing software. No problem, you upload the image to the software from the app on your phone. The case can now stay on track without delay.
ZipWhip offers a 14-day free trial, which gives you ample time to set it up before TECHSHOW and to assess its worth during your travels. After that, plans start at a palatable $35/month.
Bonus points: Ready for something that stacks on top of your new texting strategy? TimeMiner logs your time spent texting clients, so you can bill clients for your time spent communicating with them via SMS and MMS. Get started with a 30-day free trial, and then choose a plan: It’s $9.99/month for Android users and $12.99/month for iOS users. (The $12.99/month plan also gets you Clio integration.)
2. Book consults with new leads using online calendaring software
Fully featured and affordable online scheduling tools abound, and there’s even a free option available through Calendly, an easy online program that plugs into Google Calendar, Office 365, Outlook, or iCloud.
With online scheduling apps, you can make your calendar accessible on your website, in your email signature, and to your in-house or remote staff, so clients and firm staff can book consultations and appointments with you, without your direct involvement.
For example, see the steps that Justie Nicol, owner of Nicol Law Offices in Fort Collins, Colorado, outlines on her website for her solo criminal defense law practice:
Step one is basic intake using an online form (hers is built using Typeform). Step two is a 30-minute free consult using her online calendar, which she runs through Acuity Scheduling. It looks like this:
When help is needed, in-house and remote staff, like virtual receptionists, can use her Acuity links to book new consults like these, as well as other appointment types, like those for existing clients, court staff, or other attorneys.
Let’s say Justie’s heading to TECHSHOW. All of these bookings can happen while she cruises the EXPO Hall or dines at a Taste of TECHSHOW meal.
3. Add FAQ to your website to address routine questions
Your website is the best first line of defense for answering basic questions about your firm for new clients before they interrupt you with a call, text, or email. And you know those questions that are most frequently asked. Add a page dedicated to these FAQ, or just add them as a section on your homepage.
You can even take it a step further with online knowledge-base tools like HelpDocs, which offer a repository for these Q&A, easily plug in to your existing website, and allow visitors to search through topics, like how your fees work, how clients can make payments, details of your policies, what areas you practice in, and more. The result? More clients can “self-service” their needs instead of prompting you for help.
HelpDocs plans start at $39/month and there’s a 14-day trial, which is more than enough time for a TECHSHOW test run.
Bonus points: Put web chat up on your site and further stem calls and emails from folks who still can’t find an answer. Bots can auto-respond with simple answers and links to those FAQ, and live chat agents can provide custom-tailored answers. Chat services that also provide live phone services can even turn a chat into a call, for a very high-end client service experience for web visitors who appear to be very strong leads (or happen to be VIP existing clients).
4. Outsource call answering and web chat to virtual receptionists
When you hand off call answering to remote receptionists, you maintain (and even improve) responsiveness while you’re out of office. Better yet, have them return non-sensitive calls (like calling back web-form leads and clients rescheduling appointments). Even better, have them respond to chats on your website, so they don’t even have to call or email in the first place. Services that offer a free trial can even get you through the half-week while you’re gone, like many of the other services I’ve mentioned here. Now is prime time to get these trials going.
For example, Smith.ai offers a 10-call trial that lasts up to 30 days. Get set up this week and identify exactly what the receptionists are going to do on your behalf, but start forwarding calls only when you take off for TECHSHOW.
You can even set it up so calls ring first to you and then to the receptionists, so they’re backup during times you can’t pick up.
Or, if you have an IVR or phone tree (e.g., “new clients, press 1”) route calls for new-clients only. They can not only answer these calls, but also screen them based on your criteria, schedule a consult on your calendar, take payment if you charge for consults, and capture basic intake information so you’re prepared for your consult when you return to the office.
Bonus: You’re always in the loop thanks to: 1) immediate post-call email and text summaries, and 2) software integrations, which mean callers are added as new contacts in ClioGrow/Lexicata, Lawmatics, HubSpot, Client Sherpa, Lead Docket, or whatever intake software you’re using.
Example: Remember that online scheduling scenario? A phone receptionist or live chat agent can serve as a gatekeeper if you don’t want to post your calendar online. Just provide the link to the receptionist or live chat service, and instruct them when and how to book appointments for you.
It could go something like this when a client reaches your website and indicates they’re a good potential new client (instead of “today” pretend the chat agent is saying “Monday, March 4”!)
Behind the scenes, the chat agent booked the appointment on your calendar and the chat transcript was sent to you via email. Done and done!
Live chat can also be used to help guide new potential clients as they complete the basic intake form and book an appointment on your website. Remember Justie? Chat agents are able to instruct new web leads on how to best answer intake questions to help them have a successful, informed first consultation appointment with her. Chat widgets begin with a disclaimer, and then proceed with helping the new lead:
Not only is Justie not interrupted, but she’s even more likely to have a consultation booked with a new potential client who has properly completed her intake form (which is short but not insubstantial), and has also likely had some routine questions answered. Meaning, the first consult will be more productive—and with a potential client who’s likely very serious about hiring her. Something she’ll be particularly thankful for as she catches up on the backlog of work that’s inevitable to follow after TECHSHOW.
5. Reduce interruptions by filtering out unqualified leads
Sometimes the most frustrating inbound calls, texts, and emails are from people who contact you about a family law matter even though you clearly state on your website and everywhere online and in print that your firm only handles criminal defense cases. Unfortunately, some people don’t read. Don’t let them waste your time. Using some of the services above, like auto-responder texts, web chat, remote receptionists, and online calendaring, you can screen out bad leads before they ever reach you.
For example, in ZipWhip, you can set up an automated response when a potential client texts you about a case outside of your practice area. Let’s say they use a keyword like “divorce,’ you (and I’m calling you Joan here) can respond with a polite, instant text back that says something like, “Hi, thank you for contacting me. I don’t currently handle family law matters like divorce. I focus on personal injury cases. If you ever need help with a personal injury matter, please reach out to me. All my best, Joan.”
Bonus points: It doesn’t have to stop there. In fact, I recommend it doesn’t. Instead, build goodwill (and potentially earn referral fees) by referring unqualified leads to other firms you recommend.
First, inform them briefly about your firm and what types of cases you do handle. You never know if they may be a good potential client for a different legal matter in the future, which your firm does indeed handle. Or, they may encounter someone in the future who they refer to you since they will now better understand what matters your firm does and does not handle.
Then, recommend one or a few firms that are better suited to their needs.
If you have a process for referrals and a list of firms you recommend (identified by criteria, like practice area and cost), you can even hand off referrals to in-house and outsourced staff.
Check that out. Now, you’re not only queuing up new business and serving clients while you’re in Chi-Town—you’re also building positive sentiment for your firm back home, whether that’s down the block or across the country.
Questions? Contact me.
If you have questions about anything I covered above, or simply want to dive deeper into some of these suggestions, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I’d be happy to help you identify the best solutions to suit your firm’s specific needs. Or, come find me at booth #102 in the EXPO Hall and let’s chat in person!
Maddy Martin is the head of growth and education at Smith.ai, which provides superior virtual receptionist services for live calls and web chat, through a combination of U.S.-based professional receptionists and AI technology. She has spent the last decade growing tech startups from New York to California, and has expertise in digital marketing, small business communications, lead conversion, email marketing, SEO, and event marketing. Maddy can be reached at [email protected], and you can also connect with her on LinkedIn.
This is a guest post from Smith.ai. Visit them at ABA TECHSHOW in the EXPO Hall at Booth #102 and learn more about the Conference. 
The post TECHSHOW Tips: How to Maintain Client Responsiveness in Chicago appeared first on Law Technology Today.
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PIN’s: The Future of Private Link Building
1,116 Comments 20 minutes
What I’m going to reveal in this blog post is a strategy that will likely weed out a certain section of the ViperChill audience. In other words, I’m fully aware that this blog post will make a particular type of person unsubscribe from ViperChill and likely never return. It’s certainly not going to end up on the homepage of Inbound.org.
If you are loyal to Google guidelines, the teachings of blogs like Moz and love playing by the book, then you’ll probably realise with this article that we possess a very different perspective. When I first started my internet journey – where I spent day and night trying to make a living online – I tried and tested more website ideas and angles than you would believe.
Today, I’m still pushing the boundaries to see what works. These boundaries most often pertain to SEO, since it’s what I’ve enjoyed the most over the last 11 years.
I’m in the fortunate position that my business it not tied to some employer who dictates how I have to do things when it comes to promoting web properties. As such, I’m always willing to ignore everything I previously thought about marketing and to be open to new ideas and opportunities.
This blog post details one such opportunity, but I realise it will not be for everyone. Not everyone is the position to implement it for their online business, and even if you are, you may question the ethics of what is coming up.
With that disclaimer out of the way, today I’m going to introduce you to the world of PIN’s. Just before I do that, I want to talk about why I think they’re necessary.
I Predict We’ve Got Four to Five Years Left to ‘Do SEO’ As We Know It
This isn’t some “SEO is Dead” article you see go viral in the SEO blogosphere every six months, but a genuine prediction based on how Google search results have evolved over the last few years.
Google make all of their money via ads so quite simply want more people to click on them (and more often). The less success people have with SEO, the more likely they are to move to Google’s advertising platform.
Long gone are the days when we’re presented with just 10 blue links on a page.
The White Space Between Search Results Has Increased
It’s known that the higher up the page a search result, the more clicks it will receive. Therefore, when organic search results are pushed further down the page they’re going to be receiving fewer and fewer clicks. Not only are they lower down now in mobile results due to spacing, but the change is being tested across desktop results as well.
The search result on the left includes the new extra spacing with the ads taking up far more vertical space than the search result on the right (graphic via SEMPost).
There Are More ‘Featured Snippets’ Than Ever Before
There isn’t much to say on this one besides feature snippets are to be found for millions of search queries in every industry imaginable. What, when, how and why questions are often answered with a featured snippet box.
This not only pushes ‘organic’ search results further down in search results, it also attempts to give you the answer right from the results page. We can argue whether or not it’s useful for searchers, but for SEO’s, it gives new meaning to having the top result in Google.
‘Map Packs’ Completely Changed Local Search Results
Some call them ‘map packs’, some ‘the local pack’ and some even call them the ‘snack pack’. Whatever your term of choice, after being introduced a few years ago SEO’s have been trying to figure out how to get themselves and their clients into the pack to compensate for a lack of expected search results.
After all, these local listings take up a large portion of screen real estate.
I’m not complaining about this change; I’m simply pointing it out. There’s no doubt it makes search results more useful and that is Google’s aim (usually) after all. While Google did reduce the listings from seven to three back in August of 2015, the redesign of the listings with adding spacing means not much changed in terms of organic results being seen.
Those Map Packs Now Contain Ads, Too
We’re not going back to Google updates of a few years ago to make a point about Google evolving. Just last month Google announced that the map / local / snack pack would now include ads, as shown below.
This image is a mockup by Barry Schwartz, though the real thing looks very similar
It’s interesting to follow both PPC and SEO guys on Twitter and see the difference in reaction. PPC guys are over the moon since it gives them more traffic opportunities for their clients and SEO guy’s, well…I’m sure you can guess the reaction.
Based on how Google’s past, it’s not one of surprise.
They Have All The Answers
The knowledge graph was released in May of 2012 and it’s almost disappointing when you don’t see it for queries when looking for quick answers. For example, when I want to see how my football team, Newcastle, have fared against Liverpool, I literally don’t have to click anywhere.
Whether you want to learn about how old someone is, what 12 x 56 is or who discovered Radium, Google has the results right there for you. As a searcher, I love these quick answers, but as an SEO, it’s just one more thing which has lessened the likelihood of people clicking on my website if it doesn’t appear in this box.
They Continue to Make People Scared of Link Building
Google are great at making people fearful of performing any type of SEO. After all, this was the company that introduced the rel=”nofollow” attribute so we could link out to websites without giving them “link juice”.
That isn’t the real headline for the article – I’ve got to have some fun in these serious posts – but Google have publicly cracked down on pretty much everything when it comes to link building. The list includes, but is not limited to:
Guest posting for links
Using directories for links
Utilising private blog networks
Adding links to website themes
Adding do-followed links to widgets
They literally created a ‘no-follow’ tag
That’s not all; they openly share how much human intervention is involved in finding people abusing the guidelines, rather than algorithmic. This tweet speaks volumes.
Anglo Rank was a small network being promoted on the Black Hat World forums.
Just think about this for a second. One of Google’s first employees (and former Head of Web Spam), worth millions of dollars, dedicated his time to actively targeting a tiny little network on some private forum just to scare other people away from doing the same.
The simple fact is that Google can’t figure out with absolutely certainty which links are earned, or bought, or manipulative, very effectively.
Now I’m not taking anything away from Google here. Their company is worth hundreds of billions and mine, well…isn’t. They have undoubtedly created the world’s most sophisticated search engine.
But as I said earlier, it’s far easier for them to get us to police ourselves than it is for them to police us.
Big Brands Dominate the Long Tail
As SEO becomes increasingly difficult and searches are more and more dominated by big brands, the long tail will be the final frontier of search traffic opportunities.
When I said we only have a few years left to do SEO as we know it, the long tail will be where the majority of SEO’s focus their time through on-site SEO changes and content marketing.
While we’ll still have opportunities for SEO to ‘work’, long tail search results just don’t seem to be as diverse as they were in the past. It makes sense to me that Google have some kind of ‘filter’ whereby if they’re not sure what to list for a search result, they simply show more results from an authoritative site to be on the safe side.
Logically, this makes sense, but as an SEO, it could be a worrying sign of things to come. You can see this lack of diversification above in my screenshot of the map packs as well, with Yelp dominating the first three organic search results.
The Lack of Diversity in Search Results Will Only Get Worse
If you’ve only found ViperChill recently then it was likely because of my recent article, How 16 Companies Are Dominating the World’s Google Search Results. It has been shared thousands of times on social media and been read over 40,000 times, making it one of the most popular articles I’ve ever written here.
In the article I highlighted how Hearst Media were using their brands like Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan and Woman’s Day to point footer links to a new website of theirs, BestProducts.com.
That strategy, which would get the rest of us penalised, continues to work incredibly well.
“Just follow the Google guidelines.” Why?
Since that post, I was also contacted by a few people associated with the brands I had featured. One of those people I talked with was Tre who works in the growth department of About.com. I had already mentioned in the article how About planned to spin off into many more verticals over the coming months, which he confirmed.
I admit I’m being a little pedantic with my highlighting, but when you’re Director of Growth for About.com you’re going to share which terms are driving traffic to one site with the team that is in charge of another.
I appreciate Tre’s replies and I’m sure there’s only so much he can say, but About.com’s real goal with their spin-off’s is to no doubt own ten search results, instead of one.
PIN’s: My Version of Fighting Back While I Still Can
When I talked about why I started using private link networks and then continued to use them after Google’s “crackdown”, my primary reason was very simple: Writing quality content and getting ‘whitehat’ links wasn’t working for me. I was being outranked by people with crappy link networks who could build their own ‘relevant’ links on a whim and I decided to fight back.
You could view PIN’s in a similar light. I am utilising them because we’re not competing on a fair playing field, and what is supposed to work is very rarely what ranks, at least in the industries that I operate in.
While I don’t wish to reveal those exact industries, let me give you an example closer to home, with ViperChill.
I will say in advance that this is a search term I really don’t care about ranking for. I have no idea how many times it’s searched for each month and honestly, I doubt it gets many searches at all.
Here are the search results for the query, ‘Future of blogging’.
My site is usually either in 10th or 11th for that term, yet by every SEO standard metric I should be number one.
I have more links to the page ranking than anyone else
I have more ‘domain authority’ than most other pages
My title tag seems more relevant than half of them
Yet in order to get more traffic for this search term, which I think I ‘deserve’ from a 10,000 word article which took me weeks to put together, all I have to do is one thing.
It’s not getting more links. It’s not improving my on-site SEO. It’s not building better connections with influencers.
All I need to do to get my traffic back is to add a sentence to the start of the article which says ‘Last updated: July 25th 2016‘.
This is a search result where how recent an article was posted is more important than whether it’s actually a good page to rank.
I don’t actually have to update the article; I literally just need to make it appear to Google – thanks to that one sentence – that my article was updated recently. This one sentence, this ‘trick’, would bring me back the ranking I feel I deserve. (Though, again, I doubt this even gets searched for. It’s just an example).
This is not theory. If you look at the first sentence of my WordPress SEO guide that’s exactly what I’ve done before, with great results.
This little change is not too dissimilar to what I need to rank in other industries. I don’t need better on-site SEO. I don’t need to build natural links from relevant sites through content marketing. I simply need to add more domains to my private link network and write more guest blog posts.
Yes, these are both tactics that are looked down upon by Google, but they still work incredibly well. In 2014 when I covered Google’s crackdown on private blog networks I did mention that they would now be less likely to care about private link networks.
In my exact words:
What I expect to happen is that Google will ease off looking into private networks. The damage is mostly done.
Why? Because they’ve already made people scared to build them. The best way to deal with people trying to game the system is essentially making us as a community police ourselves so we don’t try to game the system in the first place.
The continued use of private link networks and guest posting for SEO is part of the reason why I will get a lot of criticism from this post. How to implement these tactics more effectively, which I’ll talk about later, will be the larger reason for criticism.
The Approach to Take
One of the first ideas I had when I started out online was to assemble a team of people who could work together to build a huge website. At the time I was following the growth of TechCrunch and Mashable and saw how quickly they were able to grow thanks to having a team of writers.
My idea was to essentially connect a team of people who all worked on one website and in return everyone had a percentage ownership. The logic being that working as a team would result in the site growing faster and even if revenue or a sale price was split, we would have more success than working on our own.
It’s a similar idea a number of ViperChill readers had after reading my last article on the small number of brands dominating Google search results.
While it’s a nice idea, in theory it doesn’t work so well.
Some will want to dictate the direction of a site that others don’t agree with and more importantly, some people will put in far more work than others. If you’re writing more content than others and your articles are getting better traction, you’re going to want to increase your ownership compared to someone barely putting in any effort.
There is another option you can utilise if you wish to team up with others though, and that’s a PIN.
It comes with all of the benefits of creating your own team, without the downsides of worrying about who is contributing what work.
What the Hell is a PIN?
A PIN is a play on the acronym PBN, which is commonly referred to as a private blog or link network.
I’ve received my fair share of critics over the years for talking about PBN’s and their success – and continuing to build them – but there’s a reason I do: They work.
I simply don’t believe that playing by Google’s rules is always going to get me the results I want. In some industries I wouldn’t make the money I do without them. I don’t use them for clients, but do for my own websites.
Going forward, I think PIN’s are going to be crucial to my success in certain industries, and I think they are going to be crucial to a number of people reading this as well.
PIN, stands for Private Influencer Network.
Before you think that just means making some “friends” online and building up your connections, allow me to continue.
I define a Private Influencer Network as a group of people looking to rank their websites in Google in similar industries (but not the same) who work together to help each other reach their objectives.
Essentially, they use any opportunities they have to build links (such as private blog networks, guest blogging, interviews, blogger round-ups) to send backlinks to other people in their network. In return, other people do the same for them.
The end result is that for the work you would do to build ten backlinks, you can get twenty to forty (of the same quality) in return.
A $100,000/m PIN Operating Right Under Your Nose
I first came across a Private Influencer Network a little over a year ago. A few ‘influencers’ in a particular field were using their private blog networks to – quite simply – link to each other.
I didn’t think much of the tactic at the time, until I found another example of this happening just a few months later.
Then three months after that, I found my third example. This time it really got my attention.
A group of just five people (from what I could tell) were ranking in one of the most profitable industries online and undoubtedly making over $100,000 per month in the process. I operate in the niche, which is how I found their collaboration, and know the numbers very well.
This is when I started working on building my own, PIN.
Finally, the idea to write this blog post came to me when I found yet another PIN. One of the members of this network is one of the most well-known SEO’s on the planet and is reading this article. He already “knows I know.”
If you follow the SEO blogosphere, you’ll undoubtedly know who he is.
One of the sites they are promoting also very likely also makes more than $100,000 per month. I’m not involved in the niche, but I know others who are and with the rankings they have, those numbers wouldn’t surprise me.
I reached out to the owner of the ‘money site’ they had all teamed up to promote. I keep a private database of paid link opportunities and one of them costs more than $10,000 per year. I found their website there, so sent the main owner an email.
One months revenue spent on link building is a small price to pay when you’re doing huge numbers thanks to gaming Google.
While some would view four to five guys linking to each other to make more than $100,000/m from a one-year-old website as shady and unethical, I’m personally impressed at how well they are crushing a very competitive niche so quickly.
While there is a chance that a PIN could be “outed”, the last two examples I found were so well put together that I’m almost certain I was the only person who connected the dots.
If you’re not trying to rank in an obvious industry that’s constantly monitored by SEO’s – like blogging and internet marketing – the chances of your PIN becoming uncovered are relatively low. Much lower than having your private blog network discovered.
As you’ve probably already figured out more succinctly than I am at getting to the point, members of a PIN use any opportunity they have to ‘link out’ to take care of their whole team.
While I’ve been fairly slow on the uptake to building my own PIN, I have been slowly building them in a few industries over the last few months and I’m excited to see what the future holds.
I didn’t want to write this blog post until I had a better understanding of how to build and manage them, because managing them is actually the most time-consuming part.
You have to make sure everyone in the network is pulling their weight and giving (and getting) equal opportunities. Opportunities, of course, is code for links.
A Real-World Example of How a PIN Works
One of the websites I find myself checking for ideas and inspiration is Entrepreneur.com.
I recently found an article on the website, published by a contributor and not a staff member, which could serve as a great example for how PIN’s work.
Let me say it in bold (for those just skimming) that the example below is totally legitimate.
I’m highlighting it because it’s natural, but could have been used in a non-natural way.
While the screenshot below might be the longest ever embedded by me into a blog post, there is something much more important that I have to say about it.
There is no specific reason I have singled out this article. It was simply the first article on Entrepreneur.com when I was looking to give an example for this post. Proof of that is the date. This article is going live on July 25th whereas this article I’m featuring below is from July 22nd.
It just happened to be a great example to see a PIN (or what could be a PIN), in action.
I made the article a little shorter than the original (the screenshot was long enough, I know) but you can see the majority of it here. The first thing you’ll notice is four mentions of Weekdone. Unsurprisingly, these are all links to the company that the author works for.
A good guest article, utilised for a PIN, will link to other recommended resources that are connections of the author. The links should be relevant, but also to other people in your network so that you are ‘owed’ a link back.
Now on the surface (without my large logos stuck over the text) this looks like a totally normal article (albeit with a little overuse of linking back to the authors employer). If you do a little more research, you’ll learn that the other two highlighted companies, Zlien and Mavrck, are actually clients of Weekdone.
In other words, Weekdone likely earn some bonus points from their clients for mentioning them in an article on Entrepreneur.com. I see nothing wrong with this and it’s a one-off occurrence so it’s not done for SEO manipulation; I’m just trying to show how a PIN link looks without actually revealing one.
Essentially everything looks natural until you look under the hood. It’s normal for a client to talk about a company they use, as shown below where the relationship continues.
Once again, I’m not saying they’re doing anything wrong here. It was one of the top articles on Entreprenuer.com as I was finishing up this article (the post is only three days old) and happened to make a good example.
The truth is that Entrepreneur.com, along with Forbes and the business sections of the Huffington Post, are great resources to see mini PIN’s in action. The people who write content for these sites generally try to get as much out of writing for them as possible.
They link to their friends, and their friends link to them.
A PIN in Action
I wanted to create a graphic for this section but your understanding of the concept is far more important than your ability to decipher my poor Photoshop skills. Before it gets a little bit crazy, I have assumed that there are just two ‘influencers’ in your private network.
The yellow box is your money website (the website you wish to rank in Google).
The brown boxes are private blog sites you own (optional).
The grey boxes are link opportunities you’ve created through guest posting or similar.
While the graphic is admittedly not the prettiest (I did warn you), the concept is very simple.
Some of your private network domains will point links to the other influencer in your network, as will some of your guest posts on other websites.
In return, the other influencer will do the same for you.
Once you start adding more people to your network, things get a little bit more messy, but the principle remains the same.
When I try to visualise this with four influencers as part of your PIN it gets a little ugly, but here goes.
The golden rule you need to remember is this: If you receive a link from someone from a specific source, you need to replicate the link in kind.
So if you receive a link in a guest post from someone in the network, you need to give them a link from a guest post you write. Essentially meaning that the work you do for 10 links for yourself gets you 30-40 links in return. This number varies because sometimes it’s a bit risky (such as using blog networks) to link out to the same sites which are linking to you but you still receive more links than you would have without your network, for essentially the same work.
The Types of Links Which Are Shared
I originally tried to write these guidelines as if there were four people in a PIN but it became a little bit too complicated to read (and write). Instead, I’ll assume there are only two people in your PIN and show you what types of links you could generate or other ways to help each other.
If there are more people in your PIN, which I highly recommend, then understand that Influencer #1 will sometimes link to #2, while #4 sometimes links to number #3 and so on. It’s basically just varying the following link opportunities to keep things fair for everyone.
The types of reciprocation that can take place.
You can tweet or Facebook share an article from another influencer
You can retweet or publicly thank another influencer for mentioning you
You can utilise a guest post opportunity to link to a relevant quote or article from another influencer
If you use build private blog networks, you can use some to link to other influencers
If you find articles where comments drive traffic to your site, you can inform other influencers
When being interviewed you can link to a relevant quote or article from another influencer
Sharing link opportunities you find on your site they can utilise for theirs
Offering website design advice
Utilising Web 2.0 properties to give links and get the same in return
If performed properly, there is no reason to hide that you have a connection with other influencers in your niche. The only thing you would have to care about is that the obvious mission for having these connections is to help each other’s search engine rankings.
If you are outside of the internet marketing world you don’t really have to worry about other people finding your private link networks, but always keep a few rules in mind to avoid footprints.
Ready to Build Your Own PIN? Here’s My Advice
If you see the benefits of utilising a PIN for your own search engine rankings, and actually getting more than rankings in return, then here’s my advice for setting one up.
A PIN Must Have a Leader
As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t want to write about this topic until I had attempted to do it myself.
My short but relevant experience tells me that there has to be one person (or two at most) who is in control of the group you gather together to make sure that everyone in the team is pulling their weight.
In other words, you need to make sure that the people who are receiving links are doing their part in giving them as well.
The leader must also make sure that members of the team are active. It’s no use everyone playing along for the first few weeks while the idea is hot and then dropping off the map.
Bringing Together Your Team
While some of you may be excited about getting started on this – and some horrified that I’m even talking about it – there’s one important caveat to keep in mind.
Do not bring anyone into your team who has never shown any self-drive in terms of search engine optimisation.
If someone:
Doesn’t already have a website they wish to rank
Doesn’t regularly produce content for their own sites or others
Doesn’t have at least a basic knowledge of SEO fundamentals
Don’t invite them to be part of your network.
I assumed this would be the case from the start of building my own, but I’m even more sure of it after trying to get other people excited about the idea who weren’t actually willing to contribute to the rest of the teams’ success as a whole.
A simple test to see if someone would be right to join your network is to send a candidate over to this article and have them read about this concept for themselves.
If they don’t immediately “get” the idea and they don’t reply with something like “I can see this working well” then it’s not someone you want on your team.
You shouldn’t have to convince anyone to work with you. They should see it for themselves. If they’re against it because of ethical reasons, then that’s totally fine (and understandable) but again, it’s a sure sign that they’re not someone you want in your team.
As far as communication goes, there are a few platforms out there that would be useful.
You could create a Skype group where people get together. I certainly recommend that everyone get on a call together at least some point to make sure you all understand each other’s roles.
Slack is another good option, as you can keep up to date via their mobile app and have a history of previous agreements.
A private Facebook group is another good option.
Both Slack and Facebook allow there to be a leader who can add or remove members to the network.
The platform is really up to you. My only recommendation is not to lay out all your plans in Google Docs ;).
Take One Step Back from Your Current Niche
It should be obvious but I’ll state it anyway: You don’t want to work with people who are targeting the same keywords as you.
However, you still want to connect with people who are in a relevant niche (I’ll give you the chance to connect with ViperChill readers at the bottom of this post). For instance, if you’re promoting your real estate website then it makes sense to team up with other realtors, just not for the same region.
If you’re in the weight loss niche then it makes sense to collaborate and grow your audience with other people in that niche, but target different keywords and / or promote different types of products and services.
Whatever niche you’re in, imagine you’re shopping for that specific industry on Amazon but go back one category to find people to work with. Again, I’ll give you the opportunity to find PIN partners at the end of this article.
Footprints are Hard to Find, But Still Be Careful
From the PIN’s I’ve discovered and the ones I’m working on myself, I’ve found you really don’t have to be too careful when it comes to leaving some kind of footprint. After all, it doesn’t ring any alarm bells when Copyblogger keeps mentioning Problogger or Mashable keep linking to TechCrunch. It’s “natural” and something you can expect from the owners of websites who have developed friendships with each other.
Where you have to be careful is primarily with private blog networks and not creating footprints of clearly linking back and forth to each other from the same sites at all times. Of course, you don’t have to use private networks, but remember for each link you give out, you can get three to four back, so it can dramatically speed up the process of ranking your site.
You Need to Know How the Microphone Works
And how to sing.
One of my favourite authors, Daniel Priestley, said the following in his book The Key Person of Influence;
You don’t need to know how the microphone works, you need to know how to sing.
He was referring to the technology behind the microphone and how, when it was first invented, your time would have been better spent learning how to sing than how a microphone worked, if you wanted to reach a lot of people.
When it comes to ranking in Google, I don’t think that’s the case. You need to know how the microphone works and how to sing.
There are going to be people who worry I’m encouraging armies of people to come together to take over the Google search results.
The truth is that I don’t believe people who can’t sing – in this case, can’t produce great results for search engine users – will have much long-term success.
There’s no point putting all of the work into your PIN if the end result is going to be a crappy website.
The third example of a PIN that I mentioned earlier now easily does in excess of over $100,000 per month. What I didn’t yet tell you is that they built a fantastic resource for their industry. The site doesn’t have many pages (less than 50), but each one genuinely solves a question that a particular searcher is looking for an answer to.
I don’t view utilising a PIN as a way to “sneak” up the Google results and send thousands of visitors to an ad-riddled website.
Instead, I see it as a way to help you start getting great content noticed that could attract natural links once it is.
I mentioned at the start of this article that I would likely weed out some of the audience of ViperChill. I want to make it clear though that I’m not trying to help people with shitty websites rise to the top of Google.
While I believe there is a great opportunity here, it isn’t easy. Turning the concept into reality sounds much easier on paper (or in a blog post).
The truth is that when it comes to making money online, most people are, quite simply…lazy.
They may be excited about this idea for a few weeks but if you’re going to use this to rank in an industry worth ranking for, you should be aiming for keywords that take a few months to get any serious traction for.
Links Aside, The Connections You Build Can Be Invaluable
I’ve already briefly talked about the other benefits this kind of network can have, besides link building.
You can connect with people who have a genuine passion for your industry who in turn spur you on to put more work into your site and help you improve your online ventures. Whether that’s giving advice on your design, your writing, your strategy or anything else.
Working online can seem lonely at times, especially if your offline friends don’t have an inkling to do anything online. When you’re aiming to make money from your web projects it’s nice to find other people on the same journey.
In my future of blogging post a few years ago, one of the most popular on the site, I mentioned how some bloggers had worked together to help grow their respective audiences in the same industry.
TechCrunch and Mashable grew incredibly quickly at the same time while investors were putting more and more of their money into web-based projects. They mentioned each other thousands of times.
Smaller operations – though still huge – like Copyblogger and Problogger would guest post on each others’ sites, promote each other’s products, send traffic to each other via their email lists and essentially enhanced both of their own images through their connection.
I took the time to actually figure out how many times some sites mentioned each other, which you can see in the graphic below.
While links were a key factor in all of these partnerships, I wouldn’t essentially class them as private link building. Most of the links didn’t include any specific anchor text and they weren’t to random affiliate sites or anything like that. All of them were trying to build authoritative online businesses and found someone with a similar passion on the same journey.
While TechCrunch and Mashable were almost in direct competition with each other, they still highlighted the stories that the other site got to first. Michael Arrington later sold TechCrunch to AOL for $25m. Pete Cashmore is still the CEO of Mashable though according to Politico.com, is trying to sell the site for around $300-$350m.
That’s a partnership that certainly paid off for both of them. Pete holding out six years on his sale seems to have been a smarter choice, however.
A Facebook Group to Find PIN Partners
For what is probably a very limited time only, I’m giving access to a private Facebook group where people can assemble together to potentially build their own Private Influencer Network.
I don’t want the comments here to be full of pitching opportunities, so let’s take this elsewhere to see what industries you’re working with. To be approved for the group you must leave a comment here with your Facebook name or put your Facebook initials at the end of a comment. Facebook will likely recommend the group to people who have no idea what PIN’s are and I don’t want to do a lot of moderating.
Don’t reveal your exact niche when you start a discussion, just simply zoom out of your niche and reveal a higher category that you would like to work in. You can find the group here (remember to comment to be approved).
Thank you, as always, for reading.
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16 Side Hustles to Help Save Money for Your First Deal
Do you know why most people cannot invest in real estate? Its because they dont have the money. Are you one of these people? Are you dying to get in, but dont have the funds to do so? You may have fully optimized your spending, but lets be realyou can only save so much. Ideas on how to get into your first real estate deal have run through your mind. Perhaps this includes wholesaling, flipping, or using other peoples money (OPM). Unless you plan to dedicate 100 percent and make this your full-time job, I would advise against these strategies, as they can be quite time-consuming and may take away from your current job. Instead, I would advise that you continue to pinch your pennies and look for easier ways to generate additional incomeones that are relatively easy to do for a short period of time and will generate just enough to get you the cash for that first down payment. Related:5 Ways to Generate Extra Income Beyond Real Estate Investing There are a plethora of options in this arena, but I am going to provide 16 side hustle ideas that you can start and monetize in the next 30 days so you can be on your way to rapidly saving for that down payment. These side hustles are geared toward someone who is young and hungry but has yet to do their first deal. His or her time best spent at this point would be hustling for every dollar to save up for that down payment. As a result, these may be low dollar-per-hour tasks. I am certainly not suggesting you do these foreverjust until you have obtained your first property or can find a higher dollar-per-hour task. So, here it goes! 1. Drive for Uber or Lyft Driving for Uber or Lyft is the most obvious side hustle. Turn your car into an asset while familiarizing yourself with the city and networking with the passengers. Youll be surprised that you may find a property that you are interested in or meet the newest member of your team. I actually did this for about three months and would make an extra $1,000 per month while also getting to know Denver. Fun fact: I actually found the woman who cleans my Airbnbs through driving for Lyft. 2. Rent Your Car on Turo Im not the biggest fan of driving, which is why my career with Lyft was rather short. I decided that Id rather make slightly less money but have all of my time back by turning my car into a semi-passive income stream by renting it out on a site called Turo. Turo is essentially the Airbnb for cars. It works great, and depending on the type of car you have, it can put a couple hundred dollars in your pocket each month. 3. Airbnb Rooms in Your Apartment (If Your Landlord Allows) Be sure to check with your landlord, but if you have an extra room in your residence and live in a semi-desirable area, try renting an extra bedroom, or even your couch, on Airbnb. I rented my bedroom out while sleeping on a futon behind a curtain in the living room. The results? My savings were boosted an additional $1,200 per month and I met some cool travelers from all around the world. 4. Walk Dogs on Wag or Rover These days, people are more and more treating their dogs like humans. Dogs wear clothes, shoes, and I recently even saw something where dogs have their own car seat. I cant wait until dog owners start sending their dogs off to doggy college. Related: 7 Creative Ways to Earn More Money from Your Rental Properties Anyway, the point is that people love their dogs and they dont want them couped up inside all day while theyre at work or on vacation. What do they do? They will pay you ~$20 to come in and take their dog for a 30-min walk. If youre a dog lover, this one might be a no-brainer. 5. Bicycle Taxi Have you ever seen those folks on bicycles towing a couple through downtown or around after a baseball game? Those bicycle taxi drivers with the huge legs actually make decent pay for a side hustle. If you live in the city and dont mind spending some of your nights and weekends riding your bicycle, this could be an attractive side hustle option for you. 6. Assistant to a Real Estate Agent Are you just getting started in real estate? Do you want to learn a whole bunch in a short amount of time while getting paid for it? Would you like to gain a mentor in the process? If so, go onto Zillow and look at some of the top performing agents in your area. I bet more than anything they are extremely busy and are going to need some assistance. Reach out and ask if they are looking for an assistant. You will receive a lot of Nos, but keep asking. All it takes is one Yes, and youll have yourself a (albeit low) paying real estate job while learning from one of the best in your area and making connections. 7. Waiter/Bartender on the Weekends If you are looking to rapidly save money, becoming a waiter or a bartender on nights and weekends might be a great way to get started. This is a double win. Not only will you make lots of money, but youll be doing it during a time when youd likely be spending a significant amount of money. Each night you bartend you replace high spending with high earning. Although, you likely will not get many high-value networking opportunities being a waiter or bartender. 8. Handyman/Mow Lawns If you are confident in your handyman skills, try selling these skills on Craigslist, TaskRabbit, or other sites. Youll be amazed at how many people will pay someone to change a light bulb or mow their lawn.
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If you are ever planning to do a rehab yourself, this is a great way to gain experience and confidence while also generating some additional income. 9. Take Surveys Online While not a great use of your time given that you wont make a whole lot of money and you wont learn much, companies pay people to take surveys for them. Swagbucks is one of the most popular, but others include Toluna, OnePoll, and MySurvey. I would recommend only doing this in down times such as when you are watching TV. 10. Start a Blog You are about to embark on a journey down the path less traveled. The road of financial independence through real estate investing. Why not document the journey? Let your friends and family know what youre doing, why youre doing it, and the frame of mind you are in. A couple of years down the road, when you are much more experienced, your blog will likely help and motivate others. Who knows? It might even be thousands of other people in which case you can monetize if youd like. 11. Tutor What was your favorite subject in high school? Im sure if it was your favorite, it was because you were pretty darn good at it. Guess what? There are loads of kids having lots of trouble learning the stuff that you are good at and there are twice as many parents willing to pay someone to get their kids up to speed. Why not monetize your math, history, or English skills? If you live in a culturally diverse area, this can include teaching non-English speakers how to speak English. 12. Babysit Babysitting is a great way to make extra money. Ive never been paid to babysit, but the people I know who have seem to get paid a decent amount of money. Depending on the kids and time of day, it can be a relatively easy job. If all it takes is putting them to sleep, then youll have time to listen to a podcast, read a book, or work on other side projects. Heck, maybe even the parents youre babysitting for are involved in real estate and you might be able to get some good networking from it. 13. Clean Houses One thing that many people dislike doing is cleaning. You know what that means? Theres a good chance that they will pay someone else to do it. Do you know who that someone is? Its you! Get a few clients and clean their houses once or twice a month. Depending on the size of the house, youll likely be able to make $60-$100 per house. If it takes you 3-5 hours per house, thats a $20-per-hour job. Not bad for one of your first side hustles. 14. Become a Freelance Writer If you are a good writer, there are a lot of people who have great content but do not have time to write the articles. I promise that I write my own articles, but do you think guys like Tim Ferriss and Gary Vaynerchuck write their own articles? Probably not. They probably hire someone to do the writing so they can still provide quality content while doing bigger and better tasks. You can be a writer for one of these people. That is, until you move on to bigger and better tasks. 15. Give Music Lessons Do you play an instrument? If you do, Im sure you enjoy playing it. Whatever instrument that is, Im sure there is a whole bunch of people who play worse than you but want to get better. Teaching music lessons is a great way to do something you enjoy while teaching others and potentially networking! 16. Become a Local Tour Guide If youre going to be investing in real estate, it might be a good idea to have knowledge of the area you want to invest in. Assuming that this is where you live currently, what better way to really know an area than to give guided tours? Not only will you learn a lot about the neighborhood, but youll likely be meeting 2530 people. While on the tour, in between stops, try to make your rounds and let everyone know what you do. Perhaps they can help you or you can help them? As you can see, there are an infinite amount of side hustle opportunities, many of which are not mentioned in this list. My suggestion is to pick one where you think you can get the most additional income and personal growth so you can purchase your first property. Remember that this is not a job you will hold onto forever, its just for a couple of months or years until youve saved enough for that down payment. Once you feel like your time can be better spentelsewhere, do it! Until then, heads down and get to work! Remember, saving the first $20,000 is the hardest part. My challenge to you is to do it in 2 years. Ready GO!
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What side hustles have you used successfully? Share them below! https://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/side-hustles-save-money-first-deal
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Passive income vs. passion income
Shares 167 When I was a younger man back before I founded Get Rich Slowly in 2006 I was intrigued by the idea of creating passive income. While passive income isnt exactly a get rich quick scheme (and boy was I intrigued boy those back then!), theres certainly some overlap. Both passive income and get rich quick schemes appeal to lazy people like my younger self, people looking for ways to make money for nothing. What Is Passive Income?
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Passive income, as the term implies, is money you earn on a regular basis with little or no effort required to maintain the cash flow after the income stream has begun. Common examples of passive income include rental properties, royalties from books (and other published work), and profitable businesses that you own but in which you have little (or no) active involvement. My interest in passive income started early in life. When I was a boy, my father was drawn to the promise of easy money. (See? This is another example of how we inherit our money blueprints from our parents.) Dad was a serial entrepreneur, as Ive mentioned before, but he was also drawn to multi-level marketing schemes. Multi-level marketing schemes lure victims participants with the dream of big bucks for minimal effort. Sure, you have to set up your own operation by recruiting customers and a stable of salespeople, but once you do so the story goes you can sit back and relax as the money pours in! Like my father, I too was drawn to these schemes when I was younger. My first job out of college, for instance, was a multi-level marketing scheme disguised as an insurance company. On a daily basis, the job entailed going door to door trying to sell hospitalization insurance (that was essentially worthless), but the folks who really made money did so because they recruited salespeople who worked under them. The top managers made plenty of passive income because of the pyramid nature of the program. That said, passive income is not inherently slimy. In fact, its a terrific concept worth your attention. Note: My favorite legit book about passive income is The Incredible Secret Money Machine by Don Lancaster. (Heres my review.) My dad bought a copy of this book when it came out in 1978, and I read it several times as a kid. (I still have Dads old copy signed by Mr. Lancaster himself!) If youre at all interested in legitimate sources of passive income, you should read the updated version of this book, which is available for free at the authors website. The Power of Passive Income The truth is that if you can create multiple streams of income that operate without effort on your part, these streams can be terrific supplements to your regular job. Actually, the crossover point, an integral part of Financial Independence theory derived from the classic book Your Money or Your Life, is built around passive income: The Crossover Point provides us with our final definition of Financial Independence. At the Crossover Point, where monthly investment income exceeds your monthly expenses, you will be financially independent in the traditional sense of that term. You will have passive income from a source other than a job.
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At the moment, I currently enjoy several small sources of passive income: Each month, I receive between $30 and $50 from sales of Your Money: The Missing Manual, the book I published in 2010. (I earn about a buck per book.)Similarly, I get about $100 to $200 each month from sales of the Get Rich Slowly course. My share of each sale ranges from $8 to $40 depending on a variety of factors.Im earning a tiny bit of revenue from a variety of websites that Ive abandoned or neglected.Kim is paying me $500 per month to vest into ownership of the house.My top source of passive income comes from interest and dividends on my investment portfolio. In the past, Ive also received passive income through other sources such as business loans. (I loaned money to my familys box factory, for example, so the company could purchase a piece of machinery. The interest on that loan was passive income.) There are folks who are under the impression that Get Rich Slowly itself is a source of passive income. Hahaha. Nope. Not even close. For one thing, theres nothing passive about running this site. Its a full-time job, especially if I want it to be good. Plus, while Get Rich Slowly is generating revenue right now, its operating at a loss and not a profit. (So, I guess you could say that GRS is a source of active expense rather than passive income. Ha.) What Is Passion Income? During my short summer break last week, I took a morning drive to visit some friends. Jillian and Adam from Montana Money Adventures were passing through Portland during their 10-week mini retirement. I spent a couple of hours eating breakfast with them and their five kids. Jillian was amused at how she kept burning the pancakes. (This isnt my usual pancake batter. Im used to Krusteaz, she said. So am I.)
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After breakfast, Adam took their troop for a hike. Jillian and I sat by the campfire and recorded a video that shell use sometime in the future at her website. We chatted about travel (or course) and blogging (of course) and early retirement (of course). But then Jillian steered the conversation in an interesting direction. We were talking about how retirement isnt always what people expect it to be, whether they retire early or not. A lot of folks quit their jobs to find that theyre life is without purpose, that theyre bored. Thats why I encourage my readers and clients to pursue passion income, Jillian said. Passion income? Do you mean passive income? I asked. No, Jillian said. I mean passion income. Passive income is great, and if you can find a way to get some, you should do it. But passion income is something completely different. Passion income is money you generate by simply doing what you love. Thats interesting, I said. And passion income is different for everyone, Jillian said. For one person, their passion income might come from creating art. For another person, it might come from consulting. For another, it might involve doing carpentry on the weekend. For you, its Get Rich Slowly. The key, though, is that passion income combines what youre good at, what you like to do, and what matters to you. The Power of Passion Income I said good-bye to Jillian and her family, then headed home. But along the drive, I continued to think about the notion of passion income. Its an idea that Ive espoused for a while but never had a term for it. When I got back to the house, I dug through the archives at Montana Money Adventures to read more about the concept. So far, Jillian has three articles about passion income: Jillian says that passion income is derived from things that (a) are in your natural skill set or match your core competency, (b) you love the outcome and feel like youre making a difference, and (c) give space for other important things in your life. Shes created the following Venn diagram to show what she means:
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While neither Jillian nor I would argue that you should do what you love and the money will follow, I think we both agree that in an ideal world youd make money by doing something you enjoy. This might be difficult if youre currently in the middle of a specific career trajectory, but its much easier after youve retired. After youve left the traditional workplace, you have the freedom to make choices more aligned with your self and your vision. Pursuing passion income whether its through art, a hobby, or work in your community can be an excellent way to take pressure off your retirement savings while also giving yourself a sense of purpose. Thinking about it, thats really why I bought back Get Rich Slowly. My hope is that this blog will be a source of passion income (not passive income). And once I get the monetization thing figured out, I think it will be. Combining Passive Income with Passion Income The great thing, Jillian says, is that you can pursue both passive income and passion income. That might mean doing something painting, writing a book that fits in both categories. Your work might fit in that passion income sweet spot, but then produce residual passive income in the future. Or, that might mean pursuing multiple sources of income, some out of passion and some that are passive. (She points out that the happiest retirees average eight streams of income. Im not sure the source of that stat, but its interesting. And it makes sense. When you have diverse income sources, theres less risk to you if one of them dries up.) Why even worry about passive income and passion income? Recently, I wrote about the struggle some people face to figure out how much to spend in retirement. While some people overspend, theres a sizable population that underspends. Theyre afraid to touch their nest egg. Passion income alleviates the pain of spending. You get to work at something you love while also earning some money. And spending this money isnt painful, unlike spending out of your investment accounts. Another benefit of passion income? If youre able to generate ongoing revenue with work that you love whether its part time or full time youre able to quit your career much sooner than you would on a traditional early retirement path. If you can earn $1000 per month by building picnic tables, for example, thats $300,000 less you need to save for retirement (given standard assumptions). As I near fifty, Im still intrigued by the idea of passive income. I probably always will be. But the older I get, the more vocal I am that people should consider creating sources of passion income. Finding a way to earn even a little bit of money by doing something you love can not only be fun, but it can also help you reach retirement sooner or make your current retirement less stressful. Shares 167 https://www.getrichslowly.org/passive-income-vs-passion-income/
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Should my roofer see my insurance estimate?
We are in the process of getting our roof replaced through insurance. We have a roofer who said he would do the work and we got the check from insurance in the bank. The roofer never gave us an exact estimate, just that he would do it for whatever insurance is going to pay. Now the roofer wants to see the detailed insurance estimate... Is that standard practice?""
What to do with my auto insurance?
hello I plan to give my 18 year old daughter my car and I plan to get another car. Does anyone know how does this work. I mean I not only will be putting her on my insurance but I will be adding another car. Will I have to pay double because of this? Or would it be cheaper for her own insurance and if I should leave the car I am giving her in my name or put in her name?
Two hit and run claims in one year ... are they gonna stick it to me with my insurance rates?
One car parked outside my house, got sideswiped earlier this year and of course, I had no idea who (middle of the night hit and run). I made a claim against the insurance to fix it, and they ended up paying out about $750. My OTHER car had the same thing happen to it yesterday morning (I found out when I went to go to work) so I got an estimate at lunch and it's gonna be at least $2500 to repair THIS damage (at the insurance companie's preferred shop). No suspects, no witnesses, nobody to point the finger at. $250 deductible I can manage to scrape together, but ... will my insurance company (Nationwide) hike my rates, and if they do is it likely to be a little or a LOT ? I've had them for four years, I have mediocre credit but a spotless driving record, and now TWO no fault claims in 2008 ... I haven't called them yet to report it, but I probably need to TODAY if I am going to ...""
Average Insurance Price for 2-Door Car?
17 year old male.
AVERAGE Insurance (UK)?
Could anyone give me an average price of insurance or insurance group for a 20 year old female, on a 2011 fiat 500 twinair lounge 0.9? I don't want to do those compare sites as they ask for all your details. Thanks""
Motorcycle Insurance for 17 year old?
I am 17 and have a gsxr 600. I want to register it and insure it so i dont have to worry about being chased anymore but my current insuarnce company wont allow me to insure and register the bike without a licensed motorcycle operator. I am the only one whos rides so how am I supposed to insure my bike for a motorcycle permit? I also live in Connecticut. I'd appreciate some advice and maybe some insurance companies that have different policies. Thanks
Car insurance claim failed. I am totally innocent and will not give up. Where do I stand with this?
The accident happened on a roundabout I was already on, someone pulled out on me and I T-boned the side of their car. An 'independent' assessor has looked at my car and wrote a damage report which went to the other drivers insurance company (who I am personally claiming from as my insurance is 3rd party cover only). Their company have now wrote to me saying they are denying my claim because: They can't understand why the whole front of the car is damaged (erm..because I T-boned the other car!) They can't understand why the nearside wing is damaged (erm..because she kept driving for a few seconds, which tried to drag my car to one side. The chassis went out of line and it moved the wing out of position). They can't understand how the nearside door is damaged (erm..it isn't!). Is there much else I can do other than write to argue their statement? A solicitor or small-claims court would not be cost effective as I'm only claiming approx 400. What can I do?""
How Much Of Your Income Can You Use On A Car?
How much of your income is it appropriate to use on a car? I am not talking about insurance or gas, just the retail price of the car. Would you say as low as 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, or what? Thanks.""
Dose anyone know any cars with cheap insurance for a young driver (under 1000pa)?
Im looking for a car with a small engine so the insurance will be as low as possible. can anyone think of any good cars.
Is insure.com legit?
I was wondering if the site insure.com is legit and If they have good rates
Insurance price for a 16 year old?
I'm 16 live in Minnesota and i want to get a car maybe around $5000 just wanted to know how much a month it would cost for insurance with and without my parents
Insurance Rate difference Between hatchback And Sedan?
hello everyone, im interested in some information regarding insurance quotes. Im in the market for a 02+ Gti, or a 02+ jetta. The gti is 2 door hatchback and jetta is a 4 door sedan. Im 16 years old but im concerned now how much higher will insurance quotes be between the 2 when i start driving. Theyre both going to be manual. If someone has any idea please let me know.""
How I get discount on car insurance?
I am from Liverpool and wanted to have good discounts on Car Insurance.. Can someone please suggest.
Help with insurance cost info please?
I'm 17 and my parents are going to buy me a new VW Beetle when I pass my test. They keep telling me the insurance is going to be high though, could someone give me an idea of how much insurance is for someone my age? Thanks""
How much do you pay for FULL COVERAGE auto insurance?
I am trying to understand rates more and am interested in hearing what people pay for full-coverage auto insurance. How old are you, where do you live, what insurance company do you have, how much do you pay per 6 months? (Please only answer if you pay for full or maximum coverage) I currently have Allstate and pay around $300/6 mo. I am interested in hearing from CUSTOMERS what they actually pay instead of getting quotes from companies. I would like to gauge cheap/expensive.""
""50 in a 40, first ticket ever. Insurance?""
I got a ticket for going 50 in a 40 tonight. My gas was PASSED E, and I was turning into the gas station. I realize that doesn't do anything for my case. I'm 17. I've never been in a wreck, never been pulled over. The cop (who is a friend's dad) said that I go to court Oct 1 and if I'm eligible for Defensive Driving I can take it, and it wont go on my driving record. Question is, does this affect my insurance rate at all? I pay my own insurance. I have State Farm.""
Im 6 weeks pregnant with no health insurance in california?
Im 6 weeks pregnant, i got my proof of preganancy at a free clinic, i applied for medical.. how long till i know im approved? I work part time, i dont make enough money at all... maybe 400 before taxes. i pay 400 rent, i split rent with my bf that i live with. he has a good job. would that effect my media-cal application? are they going to want my roomates info? and with him being my bf does that make a difference? we are not married so will they still use that?""
What is the average cost difference between full coverage insurance and liability insurance?
approx how much difference that is, like are we talking about couple hundreds 300-600 or alot more than that? thank you""
How much does motorcycle insurance typically cost?
good credit, driving record, etc...""
What insurance is required on a new car in Florida?
Is it just PIP/property damage liability and Bodily Injury Liability or is there more? Thanks!
Can my wife and I have a joint car insurance when we are in two states?
Hi, I am at MI and my wife is at DC (I think DC will have a high insurance rate. I'll move to DC after a year). We have two cars. Could we have a joint car insurance if one car is registered at MD and one car is registered at MI? Thanks for your attention
Looking for a health insurance coop in California.?
Anyone know of one not related to working at a company or for the government?
Change in Health insurance? Or not?
First, I hate insurance companies. I really don't understand how they can continue to get away with the cherry picking of clients to minimize their losses...I myself have health insurance through my employer, however when I was between jobs at one point I applied for short term coverage and was denied because I had previously had an abnormal pap smear...I was furious!!! My quesiton is - how do you think private health insurance will be impacted, IF AT ALL, if Obama gets elected this fall?""
Insurance and bmv question?
If I have to show insurance to the bmv and they tell me I have to show the insurace at time i got pulled over do they check with the insurance company to see if you really had insurance at that time?
Motorcycle insurance?
about how much should it cost?
house insurance contents quote
house insurance contents quote
Motorcycle insurance for a 20 yr old?
i just got a 2004 ninja zx10r, any one know of a place that has motorcycle insurance for cheap??""
What Exactly Is Life Insurance?
What I mean is... If my Mom has life insurance on me, then when exactly do I receive the money? And can I spend it on whatever I want??""
Any suggestion of affordable health insurance?
ot discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable
Texas insurance licensing exam?
I am studying to take the exam and was wondering how close the Unit Tests in the book are to the actual test and how difficult the test is. Thanx.
Does anyone know of any dependable and affordable health insurance for young adults?
Does anyone know of any dependable and affordable health insurance for young adults?
Thinking of buying an Audi TT next year..Insurance quotes ect.?
im quite young..but ive researched this and if i keep my job down id be able to afford this. would be my 2nd car. Any advice? obviously wouldnt buy a new one.. what sort of price would i expect for a good quality one? also.. car insurance.. what websites are the best to find out approx. figures? ive been on ones before where they ask for your details and call you back..obviously dont want this just yet..just an average quote online where nothings written in stone so to speak// thankyou SO much for any help xx
What's a good first car for low insurance?
I'm buying a first car soon, and I don't want the insurance to go through the roof. My mom offered to just give me her 3-Series but I'm afraid it'll make our rates go up if I'm the primary driver, but I know nothing about insurance so help me out here... I don't really care what the car is AS LONG AS... It is 1995 or newer Has the basics (power steering, air conditioning) Reasonably comfortable Reasonable gas mileage--doesn't have to be too great NOT a Honda. At all. I really hate Hondas with a passion and that kind of lowers the list, but oh well.. It doesn't really need all the fancy bells and whistles--just needs to be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and easy to fix. I'm looking into Buicks right now. My mom said she likes the Scion tC, and I don't really mind either (but it does look kind of girly). Any other good options? Thanks!""
Home Owners Insurance?
My husband and I are looking for the best home owners insurance in California one that includes earthquake coverage and other stuff like fire and theft can you give me places to check out? We will be living in Culver City, California in the USA""
Know of Affordable Insurance for unemployed NJ resident?
My wife just lost her job due to downsizing and she carried the insurance. Our insurance expires the end of October. I cant signup at my job until January. We can COBRA but it will cost around $900 a month which we certainly wont have since shes unemployed and wouldnt have even if she WAS employed. Anyone know if there is a more affordable option? Does unemployed have some kind of health insurance? We have 2 young children so not having insurance isnt an option. Please REAL Replies Only!!! No SPAM!
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
""Getting 2011 car, all insurance quotes are over $300 Can i put my mom down as primary driver if its in my name?
The reason why its so expensive is because im only 19. i know she has a safe driving record which will help me save so much money. I'll be lucky to have gotten this car but i wont be able to afford my payments if insurance is that high. So can i own the car without being the primary driver on insurance to help save costs?
I live in PA...I never had car insurance but I'm buying my first car. I can't get a car insurance quote so...
how can I drive the car off the lot if I don't have insurance? I'm lost...can somebody help me solve this problem? Thank you.
What should I do about this car insurance?
I have a car that is worth no more than $1500. I bought it off someone in my family and I should transfer ownership (as it is from a different state). At the moment they have selected me as a secondary drive for insurance, as I am a P plater it will cost a lot of money to put it under me. To reregister it and insure it under me would cost a lot. (including getting another roadworthy certificate). I took it in for a check and they said repairs would cost nearly $2,000 which is more than the car. Plus the insurance, totaling about $3500 in total when the car is only worth $1500 max. So this is the situation I need help with, the car runs great and I may have just gotten ripped off by the mechanics (I didn't bring it in, someone else did and they can seem like an easy person to rip off) - also we have a friend who is a retired mechanic and he said the car is in great shape and roadworthy should be no problem, so that conflicts with what these guys said.. Any tips? I have no clue what to do. What do you do when it costs more to put a car on the road than the car is worth?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ?
whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ?
Buying an insurance write off ( car )?
I was wondering if it was possible to buy an insurance write off for the purpose of using it off road, for things such as car trials and banger racing? i know that if a car is category C or below, it can be returned to the road after repairs, but what are the rules as to off road use?""
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
About my leased car insurance?
I have a nissan 2009 lease, I have two questions: 1. do I need to purchase PIP insurance? also a $750 deductible in comprehensive and collision is ok? 2. My boyfriend lives with me and he has his own commercial car insurance, I drive my car the most, do I need to add him in my quote? He drives the car perhaps on Sundays when we go out other than that I drive the car most of the time. Thanks for your answers""
Health Insurance for an Eighteen year old Graduate?
Alright. I am in desperate need of some knowledge. I just graduated from high school and live in Idaho with my boyfriend and his parents. The house includes 2 parents, 3 kids under the age of eighteen and 2 adults that are exactly of the age of eighteen years (7 total). I used to live with my father, who does not have any health insurance (he's a Veteran). And even before that I lived with my mother in California who although does have health insurance, I was never a part of. My boyfriend's mother wants to take me to the Department of Health and Welfare so that I could maybe get with Medicaid or something to help me out. I haven't had a job yet (still trying to find one) and I really am quite lost in the world. I am behind on immunizations, have not visited a dentist...in a while. I do have terrible eye sight and will need more exams in the future and have not yet received any type of check up from a doctor or a physical. I was wondering if there was a way that I could get on my mom's insurance even though she lives in another state and maybe if welfare was all I could really do now. I'm not very educated about insurance and was hoping if there was a wise person out there who could help me. I appreciate any help at all and thank all of you for taking the time to read my cry for help.""
How much does it cost to get insurance on a motorcycle?
whats the average cost? do you know the cost in vancouver, canada?""
2000-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse insurance?
I am 15 and will be getting a car soon and i was really liking the eclipse, but i have heard that the insurance for it is a lot. Could anyone tell me what a normal car insuance rate would be (say a sedan), compared to the eclipse??""
How to get a cheaper car insurance in new jersey?
i leased a car a year ago and allstate just add 500 dollars on my premium and actually my car insurance is way more expensive than my car note. although i have 2 points on my drivers licence but it has been almost two years now and since i havent had no moving violation. Am planning to take a online defensive driver class to remove them. Please let me know what should i do to lower my premium or where to go cause its killing my finance. i am living in new jersey.
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
How much people can be on someone's auto insurance?
is there a limit to how many people/vehicles can be insured under one person's name? lets say, can a person insure his car and himself, as well as his 2 sons cars and his 2 ...show more""
How much will my Insurance go up?
im 18 years old on my mothers policy been driving 1 year crashed my car into a old Escort which his car was called a Rite Off. His rite of value for his car is 950. my damage i fixed with my old money as my insurance did not cover my cars damage. my Current Insurance price is 1250(pa). How much will my insurance go up by next time round...next year in September?
250CC motorcycle insurance-How much should I expect to pay?
I am looking to buy my first motorcycle. I am looking in the 250CC category. I have narrowed down to 1. Yamaha Virago 2. Honda Shadow I am 29 yrs old male with good driving record for car. Have good credit history. How much should I expect to pay for insurance for the motorcycle if I buy 1. NEW 2. USED (my preference). I would probably look for a MB with 10-15K on it.
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house insurance contents quote
How does car insurance work?
I work at *** insurace services and im a secretary. i do nothing but answer calls. i want to know how this place works. i know they insure taxis,. limos, trucks. and personal cars. but how do my managers get paid. HOW DOES THIS PLACE WORK. so i dont have to feel lost all the time at work. i still dont know why they hired me.. weird""
Does anyone know how much car insurance will be on a 2003 ford focus svt 2 door?
im thinking about buying a ford focus svt i just need to no around how much car insurance might be if any one knows
""Online resources, I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?""
How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.""
Which Car Insurance Company would be cheaper?
Looks like everything now and days is going up -including car insurance. Does anyone know of any company that has cheap car insurance???? I'm not sure if AAA offers any good deals
Reputable term life insurance?
Is there any term life Companies with decent prices that you don't have to take physicals for?
Motorcycle insurance for 20 yr old mn?
I'm looking at getting a motorcycle and was wondering what it would cost me. I don't have any tickets or anything. My record is clean and I was looking at either a Kawasaki ninja 250 or 500r that would be like a 2005. Maybe a 750ccc cruiser. What difference would there be between the two types of bikes and about what would I be looking to pay?
Do I need Car Insurance to get a Georgia Drivers License?
I'm 19 years old and Ive been ready for my driving test for a while now. I just need to know if I can take the driving test in Georgia with my mom's car. WITHOUT being on her insurance. And YES her car is insured. I just want to take my test, get my license, and worry about insurance and a car later.""
Can I get free health insurance?
I just paroled out of prison. I don't have a job yet. Is there any free health insurance available to me? I moved in with my brother, who has a good job and his own insurance. will his household income affect my options of getting low income insurance? Thanks""
Best insurance for a teen boy whos 18?
i need to know whats the best insurance company for a guy whos 18 and doesnt have alot of money to go blow on a big place i have a 96 jeep cherekee sport anybody got any ideas thanks
I dont want to pay for car insurance... is there any way around it? LOL?
I know it sounds crazy and I need insurance but is there anyway to avoid paying it... at least for just a month? I have the cheapest plan possible but its still killing me financially every month! Do you think allstate has a low income program? Do ANY of the insurance companies....?
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Good Insurance company?
What's a good insurance company the not expensive? I live in florida and tired of the big name companies. Good driving record too
Do all pharmacys run your insurance?
Do they have to run your insurance whether you tell them you don't have it or not?
Where can i find some good health insurance?
i live in california bay area i'm just wondering if theres any good insurance out there i'm 19 and i just don't feel safe without health insurance and how do i know if it's a good or crappy one please explain in details
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
When taking out car insurance. Is it really worth protecting no claims bonus or not?
I have heard that if your no claims is protected and you have an accident (which is not your fault) your insurance still goes up. Is this true?
How do I get added to my parent's car insurance?
I am going to have to use one of my parent's cars to get around soon. I have never had my own car, but have had a license for a few years, I just always used public transportation...so I am wondering how would I go about getting added to my parent's car insurance policy. Note: I would only be driving their car occasionally, not regularly. I'm 21 btw. Details and possible costs would be appreciated.""
Should I call my auto insurance?
This afternoon, I was at a gas station and I backed my 2003 Pontiac mini van into a concrete barrier very hard. The left rear bumper is falling off, the hatch is dented fairly bad in the corner so it is difficult to open (that dent is about 4 inches in diameter but very deep) and the side with an automatic door has two shallow dents about a foot across. One of my taillights chipped on the side but didn't crack or shatter. No broken glass or anything. The plastic bumper is cracked in a few places, and has red paint all over over it from the barrier. the doors still work (excepting that the hatch catches on the taillight area), no electronic or mechanical issues, just body damage. The question is, should I call insurance? I am almost 17 and I've had my license for about 6 months. Roughly how much would the body work cost, since my insurance with AARP is sure to go up dramatically? Or would I want to play it safe and place a claim? My parents know all about it, and it was a total accident (I missed the brake pedal and hit the accelerator). Just looking for the way that will cost me less in the long run. Thank you for your help.""
Best life insurance questions for seniors?
67 year old male whose had heart surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants and a cpap needs term life insurance. what is the most affordable in your experience ?""
A few questions about SR-22 Insurance?
Alright, so I'm getting slightly annoyed of the DMV as I've visited them three times already an had literally no progress made in all those lame visits... Anyways, I only got insurance so I can drive, but my car has failed smog three times now so that wont be happening and I'm now paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. Here are a few questions I have about the SR-22 and any input would be much appreciated. 1) What are the exact consequences if I choose to cancell my non-owner SR-22 insurance? I acknowledge that I will have to restart the process all over again when I want to reactivate it, but will the price be raised even more and the time frame? 2) Who do I call to find out how long I have to have SR-22 insurance; DMV or Local Court? 3) When does the SR-22 officially get activated, when the judge orders it or when I first started paying for the insurance? (I'm asking this because the insurance company I'm with is saying I shouldn't cancel because it will restart; I got the DUI 2 years ago and acitvated the insurance about 2 mounts ago.) I'm planning on going to a 4 year college so I don't want to be paying not to drive...! *I live in California if that helps you answer the question.""
What are some Big name Insurance companies?
Admitted Carriers I believe is the Term for Big name/Most Legitimate. I am in California. Please give me a list, of all the ones u can think of, all the commercials u can remember, what ever. I need to contact every single big name company, I am shopping for Commercial Insurance, & Need to find The Best price & Best policy thank you very much! & May god bless you!""
Car insurance?
why doesnt some insurance company give 17 year old drivers a chance, my son was quoted 4000.750 he works on a farm and works bloody hard,but the pays not great, i can understand these young drivers without any insurance, they make it impossible for them to get it, we know its wrong , and iam not condoning it ,just give them a chance it doesaint mean there all mad drivers .""
How do insurance company's value cars?
i had a 07 impala and just got a new 2010 impala and my insurance is cheaper on the new car than the old car why is that?? is the older the car the more it is?? or what really takes place on the prices??
Can i get a motorcycle insurance without having a license?
Or how else am i going to take the bike for the skills test
Can i put my car under my dad's insurance even thou its registered to me?
My car is financed but the insurance rates are thou the roof! im paying over 475 a month for full coverage, can i have my dad add it to his policy as a second car and still have it registered under my name? Will the finance company find out? will this be possible?""
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house insurance contents quote
Speeding ticket in california with no inssurance?
My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?
About how much do you think insurance would be for a teen for state farm?
the car would be anywhere between from 1997 and 2002. I'm 16, a girl, had drivers ed, and have grades that qualify for the good grade discount, and am going to get my license soon. im looking at cars and want to know how much it would cost for insurance...do you have any idea how much it would cost?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance price in Michigan?
What is the cheapest auto insurance price in Michigan?
Car released to my insurance company?
my car has been released to my insurance company, for them to ascertain whether my car is repairable or is a write off, the car an MGTF Convertible was burnt to dust at the week-end and no courtesy car has been provided, making my journey to Edinburgh from Glasgow and back again every workday a bit of a nightmare, has anyone any idea how long this process of making me an offer will take, as it is costing me a fortune in rail fares""
How can I get cheap insurance?
I am 19,and I am thinking about doing my theory test for my full licence,but insurance are so expensive,especially for my age. Do any of you guys know how can I get cheap insurance? Do any of you guys know of any cheap insurance companies? Thank You all""
Approximate Car Insurance Cost for 2005 Audi A4 Sedan for 16 Year Old Male in New York?
I want to buy a 2005 Audi A4 but was wondering about how much the insurance would cost? I am 16 years old and a male, living in New York. Thanks.""
Why is a car insurance trying to settle a car accident claim fast?
I was in a car accident. The other driver did a squat and stop scam. (the driver speeds out quickly in front of another driver so he/she wont have enough time to stop and then sit there so the other driver can hit him/her) However, the other driver's car insurance trying to settle quick. The driver's car insurance company did their investigation and came to an conclusion that I was at fault.. (yeah right) The accident happen on 4/20/11 and they trying to settle on 4/28/11. (eight days later) When I mentioned that my attorney was handling the case. All of a sudden the company sending me letters claiming it my fault and I have to pay for my own damages. And, that I have so many years to take the claim to court. (hoping that I want) I just fax everything over to my attorney. I am still going through therapy. I do have car insurance. So, why is the driver's car insurance company trying to settle the claim quick when they was actually at fault? Please, only knowledgeable people reply. Thank you so much Note: The driver's girlfriend was told to fake she was injury because she is pregnant. Also, the driver came out the wrong exit of the driveway speeding..""
What is the average insurance on a motorbike?
Hi I would like to know what the insurance is on a bike, preferably a 'Yamaha YZF R125' Thanks xx""
How does health insurance work??? Payment?
I'm 18, jobless. My parents will stop paying for my insurance soon. How do I get a new plan and what will the cost be? NO MEDICAID. also what if you're pregnant""
How can we get our own health insurance?
What do we need to do to get our own health insurance and how much is insurance usually?
Insurance ........................?
i m working for a insurance company and doing 100000 rs business(premium collected in regular plans what should be myjustified salary
I need health insurance. I am 60 years old and live in Pa.?
There is no state program I qualify for, because I am on Social Security retirement. I need an affordable health plan which includes screening tests (MRI's, colonoscopies, blood ...show more""
What are the minimum state requirements for car insurance in california?
What are the minimum state requirements for car insurance in california?
Car insurance question! help?
Ok so I'm 17 years old. I have had my license for 5 months. I have never gotten a ticket, been in an accident or pulled over. My parents are buying me a car.. and well I'm a teenage guy so I want a sports car. My parents said I can't have a car with a v8 engine or any kind of GT because it will raise the insurance cost. I found a nissan 300zx online for around 4,500. It isn't a gt, its automatic and its a v6. I told my dad about it and he said no. When I asked why he said because nissans are different and the insurance will be high if I buy that car, but he says its fine if I get a different car make that has a v6. Is what he said true? Will the insurance go higher because its a nissan sports car? (We have gieco)""
Car insurance?
1st off i live in new jersey i accidently hit a car but didnt know i did it till later when the dude whose car i hit came up and confronted me.it wasnt my car but my roommates and i dont have insurance.ive offered to pay about 75% of the damage but i dont know if dude still wants to make a claim.i talked 2 the police and he said i could lose my damn lisence for bout 2 yrs.can any1 add a bit of clarity to this for me?
Why is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
I have heard rumors that it is illegal to drive without car insurance; first of all, is this true? Secondly, if this is so, why? Many individual American motorists experience between 0-2 minor accidents in their lifetime, some of which are very minor (where both cars still run fine and there's just a bump or so). Any information would be useful.""
How much does your insurance go up after getting a underage?
does anyone know how much the rates will go up? I didn't have my license when i received the underage and i still don't. I've never drove a vehicle. i don't have my license yet and im most likely not going to because my parents have told me the car insurance goes up now. I've looked online and it says that rates can double or triple. thank you for your answers.
New health insurance question?
How long after health insurance policy starts can you go to the doctor? My insurance starts on 11/01/08 just wondering how long should I wait to go to the doctor for my yearly checkup?
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking at buying a road bike to save money on gas. i am 21 years old and have a good driving history. how much do you pay for insurance? I live in Michigan? do i need insurance? does it matter the size engine for different price insurance?
Can you have more than two car insurance policies in New Jersey?
I am under my dad insurance and so is one of my cars. Is it possible for me to be under another insurance with my other car or thats not possible.
""Looking for auto insurance, do I need to report an accident?
I was driving a friend's car and was involved in an accident. I was not at fault and no ticket was issued. My friend's insurance paid for the damage on the other car. Do I need to report this accident while shopping for car insurance or can I leave it out? I live in California and was required to report the accident to the DMV even though I was not at fault.
Why life insurance is so cheap ?
are they really going to pay after death ???
What is the best insurance company?
I am looking around for health insurance, but I don't which one is affordable. So, can anyone tell me which ones are the best ones? My employer does not provide health insurance.""
Is AARP's Homeowners/Auto Insurance A Good Deal?
Mom's insurance company made a whopping raise in her premium claiming they have been under charging her for 58 years! She wants to switch to AARP for homeowners and auto insurance. Are they a good company to deal with?
What is the best health insurance in california?
i could either choose blue cross hmo or ppo or kaiser hmo..not sure which is best?
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house insurance contents quote
0 notes
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"go compare holiday insurance quotes
go compare holiday insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is a good (cheap) insurance in Canada?
I'm a new driver, I would like to have an insurance for myself, in case IF anything happened. What are some companies with good deals? They are mostly expensive, but I have heard there are some cheaper ones available. Thank you for you help!""
Is the affordable health act actually making healthcare affordable for everyone?
Is the affordable health act actually making healthcare affordable for everyone?
Maintaining car insurance for DMV (lawyers chime in)?
I have a bit of a tricky situation that I can't get a clear answer online. My question is I have misdemeanor on my driving record that is not yet 3 years old. I have moved out of the US for awhile but will be back and some point in the future. I have no use for my current car insurance and as I will be relying on public transportation for everything. For California DMV purposes, do I need to keep my insurance policy up or is it ok that I cancel my policy since I will be off US roads (all roads in general)? I have read a stipulation that requires 3 years uninterrupted SR-22 coverage or something of the like. I would like to get rid of this monthly charge that I'm getting nothing out of but my worry is that negatively impact my driving record at the DMV for not fulfilling insurance obligations. Thank you.""
Will my insurance company keep me with them once i buy a new car?
I am an 18 y/o female I was recently involved in a serious car accident 3 days ago. so here is what happened, I was traveling southbound and there was an 18 wheeler traveling northbound. I was moving over into my left lane because I was soon about to turn onto the highway.the light was green and I must admit I did see the truck but it was further back so I decided to try and make the left the light was turning yellow and I wanted to beat the light but my main focus shifted to my left rearview mirror because I wanted to make sure there weren't any cars in my blind spot..next thing you know I looked up and the truck was swerving out of control obviously he was trying to beat the yellow light as well and since he is driving a truck it is way much harder to complete an abrupt stop without gliding practically 100 yards..he smashed right into me and dragged my car along with his truck until I was facing northbound with him..my car is completely ruined and totaled..I know for a fact that if I would've had a passenger with me they would've died on impact, I am so blessed because i wasn't injured that bad beside a little torn tissue in my knee,the pain from my seatbelt, minor scratches,bruised lips, and the small cuts from small glass and powder from the air bag, I did however immediately jumped out of the car cause I didn't want to get blown up or anything...anyways the police came..come to find out the truck driver didn't have proof of insurance with him..and we both got a ticket..mines was failure to yield and his was failure to slow down at yellow light so we both were at fault that was my first car and I only had it for a month and I have full coverage..now the big question is once I buy another car will my insurance company let me stay with them?..because I really like them and they are loyal to their words and customers..I also realize that I caused them to lose alot of money compared to how much I paid...""
What's the cheapest insurance company for a 21-year old with a 2000 ford mustang?
My driving record new and unblemished.
What is the cheapest auto insurance in texas ?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in texas ?
""For me, the auto insurance company USAgencies is cheaper than Progressive, Geico, All State, State Farm, ...?""
....Direct, The General, and Safe Auto. Does anyone have an auto insurance company not mentioned above that is cheaper than USAgencies? Do not send my links of places that quote different companies. I want to know from your personal experience.""
Best place for cheap car insurance?
I can only think of MoneySupermarket.co.uk, which other companies do searches for the cheapest car?! Best quote ive had is 506 for a 1st car, 3years with licence, 22year old female, Ford Fiesta 2001, Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering if I can find something better?! Or is that the best around? Cheers x""
Canceling car insurance?
I paid my car insurance for a year but I have started a new job that I get a company car. If I cancel my car insurance will I get some money back?
Health insurance/medi-cal options for independent full time university students?
Are there insurance options for independent university students? Prior to my 18th birthday I was part of a Kin-Gap program. I remember I received a letter saying I should go on ca.gov to see what benefits I can receive but I'm having a hard time navigating through it.
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in the uk from im 17 thanks?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in the uk from im 17 thanks?
Cheap Health Insurance...?
I need cheap health insurance just for seeing my gyn and the eye doctor twice a year or so. I had medicaid as a child *until this past bday in december (i got an extension)* i don't make much since i work fast food right now..and i'm in school...
""Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Why is barebones insurance for me going to be...?
...$150 a month for a 1985 gmc s15 4x4, valued at approx. $200 with the very basic coverage, liability only type thing. i have a 2002 chevy s10 2wd and its only $350 a month with total coverage. what the heck?! im 18, have a couple traffic violations but nothing serious (22km/h over the limit and an amended stunting ticket), i live on my own, have a steady job, and am looking for something that i can get stuck in the mud and dont give a crap about. any one know where i can go to get really cheap insurance for this? i live in alberta so it limits my choices a little from the world wide options. thanks everybody""
Help PLEASE!! Auto Insurance Question?
I have a question concerning auto insurance. I recently totaled my vehicle at no fault of my own. Long story short the insurance company is offering me a few thousand more than Kelly Blue Book states the vehicle is actually worth. But what theyre offering is substantially lower than that which is outlined on the Declarations for Policy paper under value. Thing is, Ive verbally accepted the amount over the phone. Now theyre sending papers to sign over the vehicle. When I phoned the agency, I was informed by the assigned adjuster that he cannot offer more. I dont really believe him, afterall insurance companies are known for trying to take advantage of people. Heres the dilema, if theyre offering more than KKB and under the value on the policy. I assume theyre just trying to avoid paying what the real value is. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. I have little knowledge in this, I just turned 22 years old and this was my first car.""
How to get Health Insurance when you are 17?
My parents are divorced and my sister and I have been living with our mom. However, we received health insurance through our father's place of work. Now he is applying for disability and has quit his job, so currently my sister and I have no health insurance. Because of this, my mom forbids me to take my car or motorcycle out because if my sister or I get hurt, there is no way for us to pay for it (we are suffering financially because my mom's hours at work got cut, and she is still recovering from breast cancer). Anyway, is there any way for me to obtain health insurance (or at least help my mom to) that would be affordable? We live in New York State""
""If i'm under my dad's car insurance plan, does he need to be there when i buy a car?""
Do i have to give the car dealer any of his info? What do i need to show them to prove i have insurance? I live in california, so insurance in required to drive.""
Do i need business car insurance???????
i have private car insurance but was wondering if i need business insurance because i drive clients to and from places,really need to know if im covered or not asap! thx vic""
How does car insurance work in Illinois?
This is something I have been confused about for the longest time. Instead of referencing me to a site, please explain it in your own words. Is it the same as in other states, and does it differ by company? In North Dakota, as long as the car is insured, virtually anybody can drive it. There is no such thing as individual insurance per family member or crap like that. I live in Chicago, and my family has Geico. My parents said they won't let me drive the cars because I need my own insurance card, which would cost $130/month, which we can't afford. I've had my license for almost 4 years now. Recently I have noticed a lot of my friends driving, who said they drive under their parents insurance. One friend has Safeway and says she has always driven under her dad's insurance, and when she gets pulled over the cops say nothing against it. Another friend has Allstate and says she has her own insurance, but on an older car, so when she drives her parent's cars, she carries her dad's insurance. And that that's perfectly fine and legal. So I am completely lost. Does it differ by company? I thought policies were state-wide. Is what they're doing actually illegal? Do I need my own insurance card? How does this work?! I need to drive!""
Cars that come with cheap car insurance. Thank you?
Cars that come with cheap car insurance. Thank you?
Car insurance/Finance?
I'm wanting to get a cheaper car on finance. I was looking at a few second hand Toyota Aygo's for around 4,000-5,000. But somebody said you need fully comprehensive insurance to be able to get a car on finance, i had forgotten about insurance. But i'm a young driver, so comprehensive is very expensive now, and barely affordable when you add the amount payable for the car each month too. Is it possible to take out a loan, buy the car out right, then pay the loan back monthly.? That way would i be able to have any level of insurance cover on the car?, as Third party fire and theft is much cheaper than comprehensive on a Toyota Aygo. Thanks a lot. :-)""
I need an sr50 and need cheapest insurance in Indpls?
I need an sr50 and need cheapest insurance in Indpls?
""Car insurance, 16 year old, oh no.?""
I'm 16, I have a 92 Nissan 300zx Twin Turbo, what can i expect to pay for insurance on state minimum?""
What is the definite BEST car insurance company?
My boyfriend and I are both 20 years old and we own a 2001 honda civic dx hatchback. Right now were on a plan with my brother so it's cheaper on us(Farmers insurance) but we are going to be moving out and getting our place and start paying for our own stuff. I'm confused as to which car insurance company is really the best because they all they they're the best. So really... tell me which car insurance company is the best and why. Allstate, The general, 21st century, geico, progressive, farmers, esurance or nationwide? Also note we live in california.""
Mustang GT Insurance?
I am now 15 and 9 months and when i turn 16 and 9 months around May next year i would like to get a new 2015 Mustang GT for 32k. There is a problem. My mom is worried about how much she will have to pay for insurance so i would like to get an estimate from you guys before asking her to call the insurance company. By the way we are from Poland( I am first generation born in New York Brooklyn now in Maryland). I was thinking maybe she could just tell the insurance company she is buying a second car for herself to maybe keep the insurance company from knowing its for a 16 year old they wont be able to trust.(Even though i have been driving my Mom's Camry for a few years now and am beyond responsible enough.) I was hoping below a 100$/month? (P.S. She is very responsible and had never been in an accident caused by her fault so her insurance company trusts her and i believe she is with Erie Insurance now after she switched from Geico who were overcharging her for the house coverage i believe...)
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go compare holiday insurance quotes
What is the cheapest auto insurance if you have points on your record?
I got myself a DUI 6-7 years ago. I was told by many that prices of insurance would go down after 5 but apparently it's after 10 years. I am on a very low budget but drive for work and drive to where there is no bus or train to take care of my parents. please if any one knows any good but cheap insurance for an older 4wd car. thanks.
I scraped the bumper of a parked car. Is it cheaper to pay it off or send it to my insurance?
I have a clean driving record, but i accidentally scraped a car parked next to me. There was a dinnerplate sized scrape, and the guy sent me a estimate for $400. Will it be cheaper for me to send it to my insurance, or pay it out of pocket?""
How much higher is car insurance in harris county texas vs fortbend county?
How much higher is car insurance in harris county texas vs fortbend county?
Car insurance won't cover accident?
Ok, so I live here in phoenix arizona. I haven't had insurance on my car for a while up until Friday November 2, 2012 when I got paid from work. (Don't harass me for this it was a stupid decision. I live five minutes away from my work and that is all I do is work and home). Now, was heading into work and I thought I was parked. I was on private property, I was at Arrowhead Mall here in az. There are no camera's. etc. I thought I put my car in park when I had it in reverse and I started fiddling around for my purse in the passenger seat. I lifted my foot off the break and the car started rolling backwards and before I knew it I hit the other car that was parked. There was no one in the car and we swapped insurance information but because I had just gotten insurance that day it didn't process til November 3rd. So my insurance wouldn't cover the claim. Now I'm screwed and the guy is telling me that he is out of state and would like to get this fixed before he leaves. He was told that the claim has to be settled between us now. I want to make this right. It was my fault. But there was no police report. So, the guy is looking around for estimates on fixing his bumper. If I can't pay in the time frame he needs me too pay, what can I do? I don't think i can even get a loan because I don't know about my credit history and I'm not having family or friends help in this. I just don't know what actions I can even though I want to help him and make my mistake right.""
What are the best car insurance company's?
In California it is Wawanesa low insurance rates for good drives only
Who is responsible for homeowners insurance?
In a rent to own lease agreement for the one-two year lease period who will have the homeowners insurance?the renter or seller?
I need health insurance for my daughter?
I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?
Can anybody tell me what impairment rating have to do with an auto settlement?
my lawyer tells me she cant make a demand to the insurance company till i get an impairment rating from my doctor. what does that mean and what is a good rating?
Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?
Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
""Please tell me the difference between insure , assure , and ensure . Thank you""
Please tell me the difference between insure , assure , and ensure . Thank you""
Do I need car insurance here in Florida?
If i have my own car...paid off..it's mine....do I need insurance on it here in Florida? How does that work?
Do you have to buy full coverage insurance?
If you are finance a car from a dealer? This would be in california
Insurance for my full bike test?
I want to do my full bike test but i dont need the trainng as its expensive and i think im up to test standard. I have my own bike but how do i get insured? the insurance company say they cant insure me due to me not having a full license but other people say they have done it on there bike please help!
Car insurance after accident?
I am 18 and have been driving for 1 year, I used to drive as an additional driver on my Dads Renault Megane, I crashed it from spinning off and hitting a wall, luckily no one was hurt, I just had a few cuts from shattered glass. The police have arranged for me to have an interview next week to discuss the consequences, at the moment I have no convictions or anything on my licence, my Dad just bought me my own car and has said he'll pay for the insurance in full, it's quoted at 880 for a year if he pays in full, he was planning on paying in full in 2 days, I'm not trying to cheat the system, but if my dad pays in full and then I get a conviction after the transaction has been made, can the insurance company up my insurance considering I had no convictions at the time? I'm not trying to beat the system and cheat my way, I'm just curious as to what will happen. Thanks for taking the time to read!""
Which of the following medical expenses are deductible for AGI?
What company offer auto insurance for illegal ?
Do you know what company offer auto insurance for illegal ? I email for some company but they answer me that I need a valid license.
Car insurance needed to fix car?
I got a scratch on my car and I think I just need a paint job and for them to sand it. Do I need to inform my car insurance or anything to get it fixed and will they inform my car insurance if i went to get it fixed? The problem is my car is under my mom's name as well as the insurance if she found out i scratched the car she might flip.
What kind of convertible can I get that won't be a sports car on insurance?
I'm looking at getting a car and I'd really like a convertible. The thing is that I can't afford the insurance on sports cars. So what kind of convertible that would be around 5000 dollars used (perferably 90's to an early 2000s car) would not be a sports car to the insurance agency. Or is there no way around that? And if it makes a difference I have State Farm.
How can I apply for Insurance???
Is there a site where i can go and Apply for Insurance??? Is there another way to do it?? Thanks that would be great.
What Auto Insurance Company do you use and would recommend?
And have you ever heard of western general insurance company / Insure Express? They have a pretty good rate, but I've never heard of them before.""
Average health insurance annual limit?
How much is the US health insurance annual limit. I'm talking about the amount the insurance company will pay to the healthcare provider. NOT what the customer would pay. IE: I go to the hospital for chest pains with insurance. I pay a deductible (a) and the insurance company pays the rest (b). Most insurance companies have a limit for the amount they will pay towards (b). I need to know what the average limit is. Google is failing me here, but maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Just to be clear: I am looking for a dollar amount not a percentage. I am not interested in what the person pays, just what the company pays. Thank you!""
Do you have health insurance?
if, so, How much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
Cheapest insurance?
What company has the cheapest insurance for used cars.
Im pregnant and need insurance. Is there affordable prenatal insurance besides medicaid?
Medicaid denied me because I make 25 cents more than the allowed amount. I am 4 months pregnant and have not had any prenatal care due to lack of insurance and fighting with medicaid. Is there AFFORDABLE coverage that anyone knows about?
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go compare holiday insurance quotes
Cheap insurance?
ok my partner has hes test next week and we are looking for a car costing about 1000 thats cheap on insurance / cheap to run also a 5 door, the best we found so far is a deawoo matiz witch isnt even a 1.0 but the insurance is 1400 for a year! witch is the cheapist we have found as its a 2002 model. any other cars thats we can get thats cheap and around the same year? thanx ~x~""
What could make my car insurance cheaper?
I am currently 19 years old and I want to buy myself a new car. It would be about 200 dollars a month for the current car i'm driving for car insurance but it is in my fathers name so I only pay 80. Now pretty much any new car I am choosing the quotes are over 400 a month. Would have car insurance in my name for my current car at 200 a month for 6 months until the policy is over make the quotes for the new car cheaper? Or is the quotes based off of how long I've had my license?
What's the average cost for adding a teen to auto insurance who've completed drivers ed?
I got my license this past Thursday, and I'm waiting on my dad to add my to his insurance (State Farm) So I can begin driving my car. It seems like he's procrastinating;UGH! Anyways, How much do you think it will be? & don't I get a discount if I've completed drivers ed? another question do I have to pay like this huge first time fee? or do I just pay like what i'll be paying monthly?""
How much would my car insurance cost?
im 16 years old and i have a job i have 2 grand saved up in the bank and my gpa is about 2,6 would it really be expensive or not the car i am drving is a 93 honda acorrd""
How much do doctors visits cost without insurance?
I am writing an argumentative essay about the health care system in the United States of America, and I would like to know that the prices, without insurance of: A doctor visit: Any specialists: Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any doctor you can think of. Remember: no insurance.""
Car Insurance Question..?
I don't have car insurance, but I have a driver's license. I am 16 years old living in Arkansas and I don't drive much. My parents have insurance and when they added me to the policy (of 2 cars), it went from $150 a month to $350, which we can't afford. We cancelled that insurance (with geico) and now have esurance, where my parents pay $135 monthly (with the same coverage), without me added. Should I be added on the policy, even though I don't drive much? If I'm driving and get in an accident, can I say that I was just burrowing my dad's car? Will I be covered under him then? (since i don't have my own car) I am confused. How does this work? thanks""
How much would car insurance cost for me if I got a car?
I'm 22 years old and have been driving since I was 18. Never got pulled over, a ticket, or in any accidents since I've been driving. Been on my moms insurance since then but I'm looking into getting my own used car and just curious as to how much it would cost for someone like me.""
Can car insurance charge you if you dont have a car?
state farm is charging my mom extra $$ because i got my license a few months ago (im currently 21) i got it late but they are charging her and i dont even have my own car. are they allowed to do that? how much would they increase it by?
""If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
Why does my car insurance come up so high even when im 21 years old?
hi the car insurance has been destorying my life. I cannot figure out why car insurance in UK is so high, im 21 and i want to insure a 1.6 mazda 3 which is i think group 6 insurance. I HAVE CLEAN LICENCE!! no claims or any other other conviction and still the cheapest quote i get is 6000 hahahaha. thats ridiculous!!! like 2 years ago i use to get cheap quotes for same size cars at around 1000 now for some reason same thing costs me more!!!!!!!!!!!! i have tried everything but cannot figure out why this happening. PLZZ HELP ANY ADVICE WILL HELP SO MUCH. i have 0 years no claim discount but thats because i have been on my dad's policy but even then dont you thing 6000 quote is mad, even when i try insuring a littlle 1.0 ltr car quote comes out at 5000 lool""
Is car insurance more or less the same price in every state?
In Tennessee, my car insurance is $263 a year on a 2002 Ford ZX2 ... can I expect to pay the same amount in the State of Washington?""
Home insurance wants to raise dwelling coverege?
I purchased a townhome in March of 2013 for $183k in Florida. It is in a 200-unit subdivision that just completed all construction and sold out all last remaining units a few months ago. When I signed up for home insurance, the insurance company set my dwelling coverage to $183k. I told them that it isn't accurate for them to base dwelling coverage on market price because the replacement cost must be lower since market price includes land and profits the builder makes. Long story short, they convinced me to stay at $183 because they said costs were rising and so forth. I decided not to fight it. Fast forward to this year, and now they are proposing to increase the dwelling coverage to $203k (11% increase). Funny thing is that for my exact townhome model, about 20 units were sold in the last year with prices averaging in the upper $180s (slightly above what I paid). I called the insurance company to let them have a piece of my mind, and they told me they use an independent 3rd party company to price the replacement costs. I told them it's BS because it's way above average market price and replacement costs is always below market price. They asked me to send them documents from when I purchased the home that details the construction materials used and upgrades so that they can reevaluate the dwelling coverage. My question is, why is the burden of proof on me to prove to the insurance company that dwelling coverage should be lowered? Why can't they just reduce it to what I tell them to reduce it to? After all, I am the customer who pays for the insurance. If my house is ever destroyed and I underinsured, that's my problem not theirs. I just find it strange that I'm paying for an insurance service and the insurance company decides what the replacement cost is, not me. Even though it doesn't affect them.""
Will I get the money from my life insurance back?
I have had life insurance for a year now, which gives me a discount on my car insurance. When I am 21, my car insurance rates may go down and I may not need the life insurance discount from State Farm any more. Will I get the money that I have put into the life insurance back?""
How can I find my neighbors home insurance company?
My neighbors have a pit bull which is completely untrained and escapes from their yard on a regular basis. I have tried to talk to my neighbor telling him he needs to keep his dog in his fenced yard but he does not speak English very well and I don't believe he understands me. I do know that he owns his house. I am concerned that if his dog attacks someone that his home owners insurance won't cover it. My home insurance company told me that they would not cover a pit bull if I had one. How can I find out what insurance agency my neighbor is using so that I can find out if he has coverage for his dog (or blow him in for having a dog his insurance won't cover).
Is globe life a reliable insurance company?
for life insurance
Who has the cheapest renters insurance in california?
Who has the cheapest renters insurance in california?
Insurance will go up for me?
My sister drove my car and was hit from behind. Her insurance is not under my policy. Will this affect my insurance premium? I just had a accident last month also (I hit something on the road which cost $6000 to repair and my insurance covered it without increasing my premium).
Insurance For A 1999 or 2000 328CI Manual BMW And Im 18 How Much A Year And Month?
i want to get one a 1999 manual model or a 2000 manual model how much will it cost per year and monthly
""When I buy a used car, is it legal to drive it home without insurance?""
What do I have to do before I drive it home? I am buying the car in another city, so I have a 45 minute drive from the sales point back to my house.""
Whats happens if I don't get car insurance?
I have a speeding ticket on my license, I'm about to go to court for another speeding ticket (19 over) and a reckless driving ticket (for burning tires). I am 18, with a Nissan 300zx (2 seater sports car) My insurance is currently $120 a month for liability (I think) , and will probably go WAY up I was thinking, what if I don't renew my insurance? Will I just get a $200 ticket when I get pulled over for it? $200 ticket >>> $300 a month for insurance More knowledge the better, cuz the 2 tickets I just got are gonna cost me out the ***, and insurance is ridiculous anyways, I have 0 wrecks, I'm considered high risk with tickets even though its just speeding and burning tires. Speeding on old highways with nobody on them, the worst thing I have to worry about is deer. Burning tires in secluded areas on roads nobody drives on really.""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm 18 and I drive a '01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I haven't had any tickets or accidents.
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
Will my insurance company notify the DMV with proof of insurance?
I recently got my vehicle suspended because I haven't been using it or paying for insurance since the school break started, but now that school is starting up I have paid for insurance and paid the fee the DMV asked for, to get my vehicle back in. The DMV is still asking for proof of insurance, but won't my insurance company notify them? I have Progressive and I live in CA. Thanks!""
Do i need to list the second driver on my insurance policy?
If they aren't registerd to the vehicle but drive it often do they need to be on the policy at all? Im paying way too much with two currently...
Pay Per Mile Car Insurance - have you tried it?
I've heard from a friend about a pay per mile car insurance - as I only use my car on a Saturday it sounds ideal. Anyone have any links or recommendations?
go compare holiday insurance quotes
go compare holiday insurance quotes
Is it true that ObamaCare forces people to buy health insurance?
If not, risk going to jail and face a fine.""
Reasonable health insurance in CA??
My step-daughter, husband and I are currently insured trough Blue Shield of California. The Deductible is $7.500 annually and we are paying $520 a month. Whenever we are going to get my husbands prescription drugs, we have to pay 100% out of pocket, whenever my husband has to go to a doctor we have to pay %100, whatever we do, we have to pay 100% ourselves, when does the insurance come in??? Every year, we have to pay $7.500 out of pocket till we can expect the insurance to even consider covering anything, who has that much money to spend every year on health insurance?! Recently my husband started having kidney pain, hernia, heart problems... but we can't go to a doctor because after paying the $520 a month to the health insurance we are simply left with nothing. I have not been to a doctor for 8 years, now I am very frustrated, I really need to take care of my husbands health but every insurance is just a ripoff. Can anybody help me with some advice...or a good insurance with low deductible or none at all (if that even exists).""
Affordable Dental Insurance? Can it be true?
I recently lost my job. I would like a separate dental insurance plan besides my basic health insurance. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the pain like me. Any suggestions?
How do you get cheap classic mini insurance when your 17 and its your first car?
My friend (also 17) got his insurance for 998, i asked and he said about classic mini insurance and joining a mini club, can someone explain and help me?""
How much does Auto insurance cost in Mass?
I am moving to Mass, and am curious if someone can give me an idea about how much it would cost to insure a 97 Acura CL 4 cylinder car. I am having a hard time finding quotes online. Round about numbers would help.""
Do insurance rates always go up after fender benders? even super minor ones?
I was in a minor parking lot fender bender, more like fender TAPPING if you ask me, neither car has more of a scratch, I am pretty sure that she is more at fault in this situation because when we tapped i was all the way out my my parking space and she was only out about half way, hence why our bumpers tapped on both of our rear passenger corners. she has a witness claiming they saw the whole thing and that I hit her, but regardless of if my car tapped hers or her car tapped mine, I was all the way out of my space and she was the one who wasn't looking enough to not hit me. I was about to shift into drive right when we tapped, I had my foot on the brake, which is probably why we didn't hit hard enough to do any more damage than a scratch. ANYWAY she is basically making a huge deal about a small *** scratch on her 1998 honda in which i am sure that she is at fault for. in maryland, I have always been told that parking lot accidents are equal fault cases no matter what. she called me 3 days after the incident and also called my house number(which i did NOT give her!!! creepy) she got mad that I called the police for advice on what to do and said she is going to go through my insurance to get things settled. m my question is, will my insurance go up if she files a claim using my insurqnce info? even though the repair for her tiny scratch couldn't possibly cost more than 200 bucks? It is so small i feel like someone at a body shop could buff it out for even less than 100, maybe even 50. it just baffles me that someone would make such a big deal over a scratch that is less than an inch, especially when my scratches are deeper and longer than hers! you can tell by the direction that my scratch was in that she was the one who hit me, because of where the paint was pushed.""
A question about car insurance?
I am 18 and i just got my G.E.D. and I'm looking for a job. I do not have a drivers license so i was wondering how much will it cost me for car insurance per month when i get it.
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
How much typically does car insurance cost per year if i'm a first time driver and car is brand new?
How much typically does car insurance cost per year if i'm a first time driver and car is brand new?
What is the cheapest auto insurance for undr 25's in Texas?
Please provide me with the web address if possible.
Question about Health Insurance??
I wanted to get added on to my husbands health insurance, but the secretary who works for the company he does(it's a small construction company) says I can't get added until open enrollment which is in June..is this true? How does that work? The insurance company is Blue Cross Blue Sheild. Is there only one enrollment per year?""
Car insurance Questions!! HELP!!!?
My wife and I bought a used car the other day. The car dealership didnt require us to have insurance on it before we left because we paid cash for it. Well on the way home she got into a wreck. It was her fault. Someone said that the dealership covers the car up to 30 days from the time you bought it?? Does anyone know abt this? Or know how I can have it covered? Thanks
Truck hits curb due to icy road..Damage is extensive. Will insurance pay? ?
I was heading down a hill; the road was icy. The truck wasn't stopping properly. It slid into a curb; damaged the wheel (rim). Now, the truck swirves to the left when I drive. I thought I needed an alignment. Went to an auto shop; turns out I need to replace a control arm ($569 just in parts) and some frame pulling is needed....AND an alignment. Total cost: $1750 (with labor) I do have comprehensive coverage with a $500 deductible. I just called my insurance and am waiting to hear back from a claims rep. (they said within 24 hrs); can they deny this for any reason? I really need the truck fixed soon.... Also, will my premiums increase? By a lot???""
Cheapest Car Insurance for a teen ?
Hey everyone I am 18 and...still live with my parents for 1 more year :/ Anyways, I finally bought my own vehicle with my OWN money and it feels great doing so :) But now I have to pay for my own insurance, and where I work (LongHorn SteakHouse) doesnt quite make me any bank haha. What would be the cheapest possible car insurance for me ? CAR : 2000 Ford Ranger 2 Door Only front seats (not an extended cab, or doesnt have the pull down seats) I have NEVER been in an accident nor have i gotten any tickets if that helps.""
How can I get medical insurance if I have a history of pancreatitis?
I've never had medical insurance b/c I've never had a reason too. Never had any major sickness before now, never a broken bone and never sprained anything. My pancreas suddenly became inflamed. It wasn't caused by drinking, I hate the stuff! I believe it was caused by smoking. I've had a few episodes of pancreatitis and was hospitalized once in which it cost an arm and a leg. Should have went to the hospital this last time, but I was so scared of the extra costs. Your pancreas is a major organ. You can't live without it. Am I going to just have to grin and bare it and leave a debt to my family when I die?! I tried applying for the discount but I wasn't eligible b/c I don't have a job. I haven't had one in 4 years. What are you to do. No insurance company will accept me due to the medical problems. I'm scared of what I'll be charged, but even more scared of the pancreas killing me.""
Car insurance question?
Ok, car insurance questions..? we have car insurance through a really CHEAP company, not a big name one. When we signed up, the do the multi car thing, but they add all the cars under one name and the others as drivers. We had a relative come stay with us, and they added their car and name to our policy, than they moved and registerd the car else where, the policy is under our name, with them as a driver, is this legal? what should we be doing, the policy is good for like 6 months .""
Life insurance question.?
can your family collect it if someone commits suicide. for instance,when i shoot myself in the head and die,will my family get anything for it? honest answers only.""
What is the likely penalty for a new driver caught without insurance?
i know you get 6-8 points but what im really interested in knowing is what happens with the license ie if it is revoked, how long on average is the ban before you can sit the test again?""
""Does car insurance cover just the car, or the driver?""
May be a silly question, but everyone I ask seems to not know the answer! I may phone the insurance place about it later, but want to see what you guys say. I'm 26, going for my G soon, in Ontario Canada. I have car insurance on a car I share with my parents. Does this insurance cover just THAT car? If I want to drive my boyfriends car do I need to have insurance for his car? OR, does the insurance cover the DRIVER and they can drive whatever car they want without telling the company what vehicles they're driving as long as they have insurance?? Any information you can give me? Thanks.""
What are the cheapest auto insurance companies for young drivers?
What is the cheapest major auto insurance company for a 19 year old male, with no violations or accidents? Going to be buying first car in the next couple weeks and need insurance. Getting a much older used car so I don't car much about comprehensive and such, just want state minimum coverage (20/40/15 in IL) to be legal. I've seen quotes from Progressive, Geico, The General and Safe Auto. So far, geico has been considerably the lowest. I checked various models I was looking at, on average progressive was about $100/mo, the General and Safe Auto were around $120 and geico I saw the lowest as $45/mo ranging up to $80/mo (but I've already eliminated that car- a ford probe that sold before I could test drive) I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other major companies with lower rates, otherwise I'm obviously going with geico. Right now my options are down to a mitsu eclipse or a camry/corrolla/accord (something of that nature, whatevers on the lot and priced right) The eclipse from geico I believe was around 60-70, I imagine the camry would be more in the 45-50 range. Any companies with rates lower?""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?
How can I find out the cheapest rate?
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over... So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
Im needing insurance for myself and my son?
im looking into getting some health insurance for myself and my son! im 43 and hes 18months! Anyone who has insurance, lend me some info on where you got it! thanks""
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
go compare holiday insurance quotes
go compare holiday insurance quotes
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