#im very amused thank u kate.
creekfiend · 4 months
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friend Kate apparently saved this image of one of the first indeed cats that I ever drew back like 20 years ago
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Location: The Hollywood Bowl :::::: Disclaimer: I’m really sorry that the picture quality sucks on these photos, it’s because my phone camera is sucky and iPhones are expensive sooo yah im really sorry about that. Okay, so I guess I’ll start off with an amazing adventure, and my first (sort of not really but whatever) adventure without any adult supervision (yay), a PTX Concert. If you’re living under a rock and don’t know what PTX is, it stands for Pentatonix, and they are an amazingly talented acapella group who have gained a ton of popularity over the years. One day, my friend James asked me if I wanted to go with him and two other of his friends (i guess I’ll call them Kate & Mary for privacy reasons). So, I obviously said yes, because....well.......duh. So, I went to his house, we got in the car, and his dad was really nice, and I really liked the friends of his in the car with me. We laughed most of the way there, it was nice, it was like a breather, and I could truly relax, yay. When we got to the drop-off section, we got dinner, and then we went to our seats to talk & eat. James and his parents were kind enough to get BOX SEATS YAYAYAYAYAA!!!! They were actually pretty comfy, and we were four people so yah.. We talked a lot and had really good and hilarious conversations. I was afraid that since I only very vaguely knew these girls, that I would be left out, but the opposite actually happened, so that was cool. Kate & Mary were really awesome people, and I hope I can hang out with them more, but I’m slightly socially awkward so we’ll see. But anyway, Mary had to go the bathroom and wanted someone to go with her because she thought that she might get lost and like not find us, so I went with her. On the way back, we saw this dude with a T-shirt that said something like, “Soo Gay” with rainbows on it. It amused me. that wasn’t funny ill stop. The dinner was mediocre, and the concert WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAAAAAAAZING, I GOT TO SEE THEM VWORIWRIBPIVBAYAYAYAY, IM fan-girling im sorry lol. So that was incredible. Then, the band came in, and fireworks went flying everywhere, it was beautiful. After the concert, we managed to get out without being stampeded by crowds, and then waited like an hour for James’ dad to get there, but yah. Sorry if the story wasn’t very eventful, it was just very nostalgic, and I had an amazing time, and we just laughed a lot. Stuff that we talked about and the whole experience is kinda hard to put in words. But, it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had, so props to James for inviting me, thanks bud. I know I’ll remember this experience for probably a long time hopefully. I just wanted to share an adventure of mine, hopefully it was interesting. okay bye :) hope u all have a fantastic day :) ❤❤❤🙈 🙈 💕
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