#im writing post potd fic and imagining 13 being made part of the family like 10 and 11 were is mending my broken heart rn
i think 13 and yazs dad would get on like a house on fire. she actually loves his pakora and hes like FINALLY someone who understands my VISION. he periodically sends yaz pictures and videos he took of the newspaper or the news on tv with the request to show it to the doctor and dutifully but skeptically yaz always does and the doctor always wants to check it out because even if it isnt really something hakim always sends stuff that seems specifically chosen to pique her interest, which it isnt, they just have similar opinions on what counts as interesting. and like 60% of the time it actually IS something. and the other 40 they have a nice day out seeing sheffield under the guise of “investigating” and report back to hakim at the end of the day what theyve found. it’s like a little holiday. if yesterday they saved three civilisations and also got a cat out of a tree then today they’ll check out one of hakims hunches.
sonya i think would take a while for 13 to warm up to. sonya clocks whats going on within two minutes of seeing them together and takes it as her duty as a sister to tease yaz and her weird girlfriend until the end of time. she treats the doctor with that same abrasiveness that covers affection that she does yaz and it takes the doctor a while to figure out what to do with that. but as they spend more time together she starts to see through the teenage posturing how much sonya cares about yaz and how much yaz cares about sonya and she recognises herself in sonya as much as she does in yaz. recognises the insecurity and fragility behind the big mouth. approaches sonya when she sits in a corner on her phone at family gatherings and starts telling her stories of everything she got up to at school (hotwiring warp drives) and slowly but surely she gets sonyas guard down and there grows some genuine affection between them. a relationship thats more than the initial I See You Care About Yaz As Much As I Care About Yaz And I Respect You For That But I Dont Really Get You
they all get together on birthdays and holidays and yaz brings the doctor and sonya brings ryan and ryan brings graham and yaz is like damn. damn it. this is what i was trying to avoid. this is what i didnt want to happen. wasnt sure what i DID want to happen but it sure as shit wasnt this situation that is unfolding right now in front of me. as the doctor is offering pakoras her dad made to two people whove been sort of father figures to her, one who was also kind of an inferior to her in a flat team structure dont question the math there and also her best friend for three years in what were at times definitely traumatising circumstances that she hasnt dared to look too closely at yet, and another who was basically an honorary grandad to her and actual grandad to ryan who sits across from her holding hands under the table with sonya and they both definitely definitely are very sure in what they think is happening between her and the doctor and have no reservations smugly hinting at it in front of her parents and okay fine maybe they are a little bit right and okay yes probably her parents do also know but that doesnt mean we need to acknowledge anything or talk about it thanksss :):):):):)
but she gets over it. and the doctor, who was very much resigned to never seeing graham or ryan or dan ever again, is overjoyed and after every party yaz has to convince her of the joys of delayed gratification and also the fact that if she skips right to next year right now she’ll have to wait two years for the next time.
najia takes a bit to come around. she has missed years of her daughter’s life and it’s hard not to blame the doctor for that. it’s hard to trust her or be okay with all this when she was deliberately kept out of the loop since the moment yaz met her. the doctor feels like this threatening force, fell into her life calling her on her husband’s phone mysteriously knowing her whereabouts and asking about her daughter. knows her name but never introduces herself. only has “it’s a long story” to offer in response to “who are you and how do you know my daughter”. and while not being forthcoming with whats going on in her life or head is hardly new or surprising behaviour coming from yaz, it’s still concerning in combination with this stranger who yaz seems very familiar with and the sentence “i owe the doctor my life”. it’s suspicious. it’s weird. and it doesnt help that after that chaotic first impression, her second impression of the doctor will be yaz telling her “i ran away with her travelling through time and space and i lied to you about it for years” and conspicuously not telling her “your impression of whats going on between us was right that first time when you’d only seen us together for like half an hour”
but because yaz is clearly happier than shes been in years and also because all these other people seem to trust the doctor too - especially the adults, she probably discreetly questions dan and graham about her some time - she does come around eventually. because especially with 13 i think it’s hard not to love her once you get past the initial suspicion about the Weirdness. especially because with yazs family she’d dial the Im Nice Im Friendly Im Not A Threat Ive Never Murdered Anyone In My Entire Life Please Love Me mask up to 11. and najia is a mother and shes a mother to yaz and if yaz is even slightly her mother’s daughter and the doctor is a lot like yaz, najia will be kind to her i think. she’ll become a little bit of a third daughter. once najia’s been convinced of the Im Not A Threat thing. and the doctor and yaz get the same thousand yard stare sometimes. which she gets angry about too. and yaz and her fight about too, a couple times. but in the end the doctor seems like a net positive on yazs life, and even if she isnt, it’s unlikely shes gonna leave anytime soon so better make peace sooner rather than later. though i do think the doctor will charm her. and she’ll have a relationship with najia like she will with hakim and sonya.
the doctor always sits in the same spot on the sofa whenever they come over and eventually yaz is like “you know we can just buy a sofa? for at home? could even be a purple one” and the doctor Lights Up like she hadnt thought of that and they get a purple sofa and they sit on it every night because nobody dies. happily ever after. the end
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