#im  sorry  if  there  are  any  mistakes  im  too  lazy  to  proof - read  ill  do  that  tomorrow
blaeptein · 4 years
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HEADCANON //                             before  everything ,  before  the  world     &     before  god ,  there  is  only  one  thing  :  darkness .    she  is  a  void ,  she  is  nothing .  the  absence  is  her  existence ,  which  has  never  made  any  sense  to  mortal  minds     &     explains  most  of  her  erasure  from  the  scriptures .    but  it  doesn’t  last  :  the  universe  is  all  about  balance .     so  god  is  created ,  taking  space  where  amara  used  to  reign .     he  is  life ,  perfection ,  light  light  light .   she  is  frustrated ,  forced  to  disappear  by  something  she  cannot  be ,  so  of  course  she  tries  to  destroy  what  he  is .   to  protect  himself ,  god  creates  the  archangels .    while  darkness  is  unleashed  upon  the  nascent  universe ,   amara  has  to  face  the  truth  :  one  cannot  exist  without  the  other ,     &     so  she  accepts  a  truce .    she  even  begins  to  appreciate  god ,  because  he  is  young     &     prone  to  mistakes ,  which  means  she  can  help  him  learn .  for  the  first  time  in  an  extremely  long  existence ,  amara  has  a  true  purpose  that  isn’t  to  destroy .  
instead  of  accepting  this  peace ,  god  does  not  stop  from  creating  angels .  power  gets  to  his  head ,  or  maybe  he  just  desired  more  company .  but  this  is  a  terrible  decision  :  more  angels  mean  more  grace  mean  more  light  !!  the  balance ,  once  again ,  is  overthrown .  but  instead  of   listening  to  amara’s  warnings ,  god  decides  that  it  is  time  to  get  rid  of  her ,  otherwise  she’ll  always  prevent  him  of  creating  new  species  or  creatures  in  his  image .  as  said  before ,  god  is  young ,  and   believes  he  knows  better .  
the  archangels  are  sent  to  deal  with  amara ,   who  is  weakened  by  the  imbalance .  amara  meets  michael ,  but  he  is  not  the  one  who  manages  to  put  her  in  a  cage  :   it  is  lucifer ,  who  found  a  way  to  keep  the  balance  intact  while  making  sure  she  isn’t  capable  of  hurting  god .  the  brightest  angel  carves  into  his  own  grace  the  mark  of  cain     &      imprisons  her  in  it ,  creating  the  most  dangerous  curse .   the  plan  was  to  transfer  her  to  the  blade ,  and  then  to  lock  the  blade  in  a  cage  no  one  would  ever  access .  but  while  connected  to  lucifer ,   amara  accesses  his  mind ,  his  desires ,  his  ambition .   instead  of  putting  her  into  the  blade ,  lucifer  keeps  her  for  himself ,  while  she  whispers  sweet  promises  into  his  ear .  
this  is  how  lucifer  downfall  begins  :  with  a  mark ,  darkness  spreading  through  his  grace .   he  falls .   even  after  the  mark  is  given  to  cain  as  a  punishment ,  she  can  still  be  heard ,  corrupting  lucifer  until  nothing  is  holy  about  him  anymore .   while  she  is  proud  of  her  handiwork ,  it  is  not  enough .  so  with  cain ,  she  begins  to  utterly  destroy  god’s  creations  :  men  &  angels  die  under  the  blade .  amara’s  bloodlust  is  bottomless  &  cain’s  control  over  himself  is  inexistent .   she  whispers  &  he  executes .  that  is ,  until  he  falls  in  love .  the  hold  she  has  on  his  mind  loosens  so  much  she  fears  she  is  going  to  disappear ,  and  she  quickly  realizes  that  her  bond  with  lucifer  was  far  more  powerful  than  the  one  she  shares  with  cain .  so  she  decides  that  for  now ,  she  will  not  fight  cain’s  resistance .  she  lets  him  lay  low .  she  sometimes  awakes  to  remind  him  that  she  is  here ,  that  she  has  not  forgotten  what  god  put  him  through .  amara’s  story  is  one  of  vengeance .
when  she  meets  dean ,  amara  awakes .  she  becomes   unbearable .  she  offers  cain  an  out  :  she  is  the  one  who  whispers  to  him  the  way  to  get  rid  of  the  mark .  dean  winchester ,  the  perfect  vessel     &     the  righteous  man .  he’s  not  only  god’s  creation  at  its  finest ,   but  he  is  also  her  one  true  bond  :  he  is  the  light  to  her  darkness .  not  only  does  she  want  to  corrupt  him ,  but  she  also  knows  that  he  will  be  able  to  bring  her  back .  besides ,  he  is  god’s  creation ,  but  he  is  also  hers  :  he  possesses  all  the  traits  she  gave  humanity  right  before  being  locked  away ,  hoping  that  it  would  destroy  them .  
she  chooses  dean .  this  is  why ,  when  cain  meets  dean ,  he  talks  about  only  the  “  worthy “  being  able  to  take  the  mark .  when  others  have  come ,  amara  was  indifferent .  they  were  no  better  than  cain .  but  dean  is  perfect ,  dean  is  what  she  wants .  she  knows  it  is  his  destiny  to  be  united  to  her .  because  of  the  balance  of  the  universe .  
the  bond  with  dean  is  the  strongest  she  has  ever  had ,  with  lucifer  a  close - second .  if  him  having  the  blade  makes  it  stronger ,  she  can  still  appear  when  he  doesn’t  have  it  in  his  vicinity .   she  comes  to  learn  everything  about  him  :  his  fears ,  his  desires ,  his  memories ,  the  people  he  loves  and  the  ones  he  hates .  every  death  strenghtens  their  bond ,  because  every  murder  creates  darkness  in  dean’s  soul ,  therefore  creating  a  symbiosis  between  her  &  his  essence .  once  you  touch  darkness ,  it  never  goes  away ,   because  once  he  has  killed  in  her  name ,  they  are  linked ,  it  is  impossible  to  tell  where  she  ends  &  where  he  begins .  
this  is  why  dean  calls  her  a  disease  :  she  spreads .  she  gains  power .  she  feeds  on  every  regret ,  every  act ,  every  breath .   he   gets  angrier ,  more  violent .  she  makes  him  powerful ,  she  makes  him  ruthless .  dean  &  her  share  the  very  same  anger ,  but  hers  is  purer ,  more  ancient .  she  nurtured  it  since  the  beginning  of  time .  a  younger  brother  that  you  have  to  take  care  of ,  one  that  never  meets  the  consequences  of  his  bad  actions ,  the  feeling  of  never  being  enough  for  him ,  the  unfairness  of  it  all .
freeing  her  is  both  an  unconscious  choice  that  stems  from  amara’s  demands  &  an  act  of  rebellion  from  dean .  it  doesn’t  work  as  planned ,  since  even  with  all  of  her  powers  restaured ,  they  are  still  linked .  that  does  not  bother  her ,  since  her  objective  has  changed  :  while  she  only  wanted  to  corrupt  him  at  first ,  she  has  by  now  realized  all  the  things  they  would  be  able  to  accomplish  together .  
while  she  grows  more  &  more  powerful ,  she  has  no  plan  to  destroy  the  earth .  destroying  the  earth  would  not  only  destroy  the  new - found  balance ,  but  it  would  mean  destroy  every  human  amara  has  crossed  path  with ,  including  dean ,  which  is  not  something  she  desires .  she  is  neither  stupid  nor  particularly  impulsive  :  she  thinks  before  acting ,  and  after  having  spent  so  much  time  trapped ,  there  are  ideas  that  she  want  to  act  on .  even  absent ,  she  was  still  present .  because  darkness ,  as  seen  with  cain  &  lucifer  &  dean ,  is  inherent  to  life .  you  cannot  have  light  without  darkness .  she  was  there ,   on  earth ,  all  along .  her  causing  trouble  is  not  about  destroying  the  world ,  it’s  not  about  making  it  in  her  own  image .  amara  only  wants  to  take  back  what  was  hers .  which  is  to  say ,  she  demands  revenge .  everything  done  during  her  time  in  the  show  is  done  that  god  would  come  down  &  meet  with  her .  she  wants  him  trapped .  she  wants  to  take  back  the  control  of  the  narrative .   
as  for  the  kiss  with  dean ,  she  is  not  doing  that  for  any  sexual  purpose ,  but  she  is  absolutely  breathing  a  bit  of  his  soul ,  so  that  the  symbiosis  continues  even  now  that  they  have  separate  bodies .  the  bond  was  weakened  by  the  transfer ,  and  the  kiss  was  a  gentle  way  to  restore  the  balance .  
she  accepts  another  truce  with  the  sole  purpose  of  corrupting  god  himself ,  because  killing  him  was  easier  than  she  had  expected ,  considering  he  didn’t  really  put  up  much  of  a  fight .  this  is  what  leads  to  season  15  :  amara  whispered  sweet  things  into  his  ears  &  he  listened .  
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yoonlixstars · 3 years
skz reaction to their s/o wanting a kiss
Pairing: skz x reader
Genre: smut, fluff, and more fluff
note: im sorry i didnt post yesterday. i was a bit busy i guess? or i was lazy :). but yea im posting this and i saw a story like this one on wattpad so i thought why not make a story on Tumblr? and this is not proof read, so sorry for any mistakes. anyways, ENJOY!
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if you ever told him you rlly wanted a kiss from him
he would MELT
boy would think you were the cutest human being ever
(thats how much he loves you :( 
i dont think he would tease
like getting on his tippy toes making himself taller
so you wont reach his lips
instead i think hed just kiss you
like whenever he could get the chance
would also act dramatic if you end up changing your mind :)
Lee Know
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man would take it seriously
like he would say
“You only want a kiss? Nothing else?”
if you only wanted to kiss hed get sad
but if you end up getting in the mood
Happiest man alive™
but if he didnt say that
lee know would become a complete tease
but he ends up coming to you kissing you himself
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WOULD try to act cool on the outside
but on the inside would be FREAKING OUT
after you were done with the kiss
hed say
“im just gonna go over real quick”
youd hear him cheer that you kissed him yourself
for the first time
and then hed come back to the living room like nothing happened
would try to act he didnt like it
but in reality
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he would be talking about something
while you were eating a strawberry
youd try to distract yourself from staring at his lips
but you just couldnt
so as expected youd strating kissing the strawberry
pretending it was his lips :(
until he noticed you were staring at his lips for a little too long
so hed go ahead and say
“wow, you want to kiss me that bad?” 
youd try to deny but instead youd just nod :(
and hed say like
“well come here baby.”
and then hed just grab your lips and kiss them
for a good 3 minutes (or more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
after youd be hella shy
(Not Shy not me itzyyy)
ill stop now
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this man right here would just tease you
when youd turn to him for a kiss
youd tug his shirt
and as you tried to go on your tippy toes
hed also go on them to make himself taller
after you would be like “Fine.”
and hed say like “Wait no baby come back here, you want to kiss me right?”
you end up giving him the silent treatment for the rest of the day
but he gives you something else....
in the night( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
im not writing a smut tho. THIS IS A HOLY PLACE :)
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he would love to think youd want a kiss from him
and he will find it so cute
hed tease you at first, but later he ends up kissing you
he was playing on his phone when you started giving him the ‘look’
signaling that you wanted a kiss
he didnt get it at first and he was like
“babe, idk what you are trying to tell me.” so you just rolled your eyes and stood up
and that when he got the message
hed pinned you to the wall and be like
“Im sorry! I didnt know you were trying to tell me that! You still wanna kiss me right?”
youd deny everything he said
until he kissed you himself
for  good 5 minutes :) (like jisung)
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youd try to do ageyo? agyo, aegyo. IDK HOW TO SAY IT SORRY!
hed be like
“i know what you want.” Hed say that with a little smirk
you were already with your eyes closed
and them crusty ass fking lips in a pout :(
instead hed be like
“go put on some chapstick, and then ill kiss you.”
but rlly them CRUSTY ASS LIPS :(
i dont think i should write for jeongin but oh well
Jeongin :)
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no kiss for the baby :)
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hardyimagines · 6 years
Could you do a fic where charlie has been released from prison and it's his first day out and all he wants is to have sex with his sweetheart ?
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Warnings: um, if this fic was a video, tumblr would 100% delete it. Sex. Sex. Sex. Descriptive sex.
The previously dark and gloomy prison stood tall above you. Its dark walls and broken crevices somehow seemed more inviting today. The usual intimidating building was now calling your name. Never in all your life had you ever imagined that you’d be showing up to a penitentiary with so much excitement. There was a tight ball in your chest, one of pure happiness and giddiness that was impossible to contain. Your eyes shone brightly, revealing to the surrounding people how delighted you were that Charles Bronson was being released. A lot of the surrounding people were disappointed and livid that such a violent man was being let out of jail, but not you.
Charles Bronson was your long time boyfriend and childhood best friend. Since the age of 15 you’d be crushing on the absolute brute. He’d always been a little bit of bully to you, constantly pestering you. It was like his goal, from the second you’d met him, to be a pain in your ass. Then something changed when you’d been stood up by a second date. Charles had been there to comfort you and console you in the only way he’d known how. He was your best friend — though he could be an ass, but that day he’d been there, ready to assure you a hundred times that no boy in the world deserved you. His soft words of assurance had urged you to kiss him and to fall in love with him. The weakness that had filled you made you so desperate for physical affection and when he’d given into you, neither of you knew how to stop it.
Ten years later led to today. All that teasing and playfulness had turned into something so passionate and meaningful, something you’d never expected from the man. He’d been arrested six years ago, and everyday of those six years, he’d held your heart in his hands. Visitations were limited, but you showed up at every available opportunity. Letters were uncommon — you were positive the guards never actually gave them to your boyfriend. Apart from all the draining, sad stuff, today was an extraordinary day. Bronson was being let out and every negative thought in your head vanished.
The heavy metal doors opened wide. A loud creak floated through the air, grasping the attention of every person within ten feet. Charles Bronson stood between two guards. His head was as bald as it had always been, clear and shiny beneath the bright sun’s rays that beat down on him. He wore a dark pair of sunglasses that shielded his glistening blue eyes. His lips were curved upward, a delicious sign that revealed to everyone that he was more than happy to see them all — even if it was due to hatred for most. The handsome man wore a white pullover shirt, tucked into the waistband of a dark pair of jeans. He was stood tall and cocky, hands full of his few belongings.
“Pleasure meeting the two of you.” He smirked toward the men before tipping his head in faux meaning. “Bunch of fucking cunts.” He uttered before shoving past them and further away from the prison. The man’s boots scuffed the cracked pavement beneath him audibly as he made his way through the long line of people. Unfortunately for you, you were stood at the back. But fortunately for you, Bronson had eyes like a hawk and his bright orbs had latched on to you within milliseconds.
“Fuckin hell.” His husky, low voice hit your ears. “Is that my girl?” In his right hand he clutched a jacket and in his left a few papers. He opened his arms wide as he approached further, a breathy growl escaping his throat. “Fucking beautiful.” He announced as he locked his arms around you securely. Without hesitation, your slender arms circled his neck tightly. Your thighs made their way around his waist and soon enough you resembled a monkey, clinging to a tree. The surrounding people glared at the scene, completely and utterly sickened that you could love such an abusive man. There was no time for you to speak — no time to say you loved him, or missed him, or wanted to take him to eat, and then go home. There was no time at all, for Bronson hadn’t wasted even a second before pressing his warm lips against your own.
The both of you had been deprived, so the hungry kiss was beyond expected. Your small hands cradled the back of his head as your lips moved against one another feverishly. It was a battle to see he could devour the other first. Bronson was winning. His tongue was moving animalistically against your own. You felt weaker and weaker with every passing second. The thoughts in your head were becoming jumbled and your heavy breaths were now laced with quiet whimpers. Bronson moved his hands along the backs of your thigh until his wide palms curled around your rear. He held you against him in approval, releasing little moans and groans so you knew how glad he was to see you. To kiss you. To hold you. It was only when the two of you were about to positively suffocate that the man tore himself away. His body still remained wrapped around yours, but his mouth instead fell to rest against your shoulder so he could feed his lungs the oxygen that they craved. When he set you down, your legs merely fell to the ground, but your hands remained in place.
“Hello, handsome.” You chirped airily, studying how much healthier he looked beneath the sun’s rays. Your hands fell away from his shoulders so they could brush down and along his bulging arms. Tugging him back into you so you could kiss him sweetly, your hands blindly found his own so you could lead him backwards and toward the parked car.
“Need something to fucking eat.” He uttered beneath his breath. Draping his grey jacket over his shoulder, he pushed his papers into his back pocket so that his hands were free. Dragging you into his chest smoothly, he stared down at you happily when you opened your mouth to offer, he assumed, restaurants nearby. His hand lifted to your chin, cupping your warm skin. Lowering his head, he swiped his tongue along your parted lips before letting out a deep, throaty hum. “I want you.” He told you bluntly. Your eyes fluttered and your legs turned to jello. The cold air around you vanished and all you could feel was the sweltering heat from the sun. Bronson’s voice was rough. The pitch was deep, but it was music to your ears.
“You haven’t changed a bit.” You whispered breathily to the man. Your hand fell to the front of his chest, small fingers gliding along the front of the white t-shirt he wore. He pushed his sunglasses on to the top of his head before rewarding you with a slow, lopsided grin. “I’m not going to be very filling, baby, don’t you want something else too? A burger- haven’t you had any cravings?” The man wasn’t really listening to the words that left that pretty mouth of yours. He was entirely too busy envisioning your lips wrapped around his cock. It had been far too long and he was quite ashamed at how horny he was. The shame didn’t last long though.
“All I need, right,” He lowered his hand away from yours. His strong fingers brushed along your stomach as he continued to back you up toward the car. The soft blue colored car was a sturdy structure for you to lean against as Bronson pinned you against the side of it. His hand slid south, thick fingers brushing along the front of your trousers. The fabric was thin, helping Bronson in his attempt to tease you. His hand pushed between your thighs so he could cup the heated space. The palm of his hand pressed firmly against you, fingers grazing the underside of your ass. There was no worry floating in the man’s gaze. Despite the fact that the two of you were stood outside the jailhouse, with hundreds of eyes latched on to you, Bronson paid them no mind. His strong chest brushed against your own, lazy smile morphing into a devilish smirk. “is this cunt of yours.” He spoke against your ear before slowly opening his mouth so he could grip your ear with his teeth. A low, warning growl left him and in an instant you’d spun around so you could scramble into the car. Bronson’s hand dangled at his side, fingers twitching lightly in success as he moved around the vehicle and slid into the driver’s seat. “Off with those fucking things in, darling, they’ll just be in my fucking way.” The man laid one hand on the steering wheel as the other lifted the keys so he could slot the end into the ignition. The engine roared to life as you hurriedly hooked your thumbs into the waistband of your slacks. Rolling the fabric down your thighs and to your knees, your movements grew shakier and shakier.
The man at your side looked toward your thighs, quaking excitedly against the leather seats. He couldn’t help the pride that flooded him. You’d waited years to be reunited with him in such a physical way and he wasn’t going to deprive you any longer. His hand moved to your knee, the pads of his fingers caressing the smooth skin that resided there. His foot sunk into the gas pedal, effectively rolling the car out of the lot and into the main road. Bronson was more than capable of focusing on driving and pleasuring you, he’d done it many times before he’d gone away. Shaky breaths erupted from your lips, impossible to hold in and he wasn’t even doing anything yet.
“Did you miss me?” He inquired lowly. He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear you say it.
“Yes.” You moaned out impatiently. Your lust-clouded eyes fell to his hand, studying it intently as you waited for it to roam upward. It did as you spoke. His palm grazed your hot flesh, lazily brushing along it as it journeyed up to the space between your legs. The underwear you wore was thin and soaked. Bronson almost chuckled at how wet you were. His eyes flickered to your face. You had your teeth clasped down on your bottom lip — no doubt hoping that he wouldn’t point out the fact that you were drenched. He did. He knew you got shy over things like that and he loved watching you squirm.
“Fucking hell, sunshine.” He drew his eyes away from the road so he could hunch forward and inspect the cloth that shielded your most private space from his penetrative gaze. The pink material was darker in the center, eliciting a loud shout of laughter from the man. He was like a child when it came to sex. He felt so proud when he saw the effect he had over you. “You’re fucking ready for me, aren’t you?”
“Six years is a long time to wait.” You offered your explanation breathily. “It’s not my fault.” Bronson pulled a wide grin before running his tongue over his lips. “Bronson.” Your hand moved to his arm. “No. Drive.” You pleaded. You wanted to get home. The sooner, the better, then he could have you in any position he wanted and do whatever he wanted. You could tell by the look in his eye that he wanted to hunch over and devour you like you were the last meal he’d ever eat, but that would led to a car crash and he’d be at fault and then go back to that hellhole. Your hand squeezed his bicep pleadingly. He nodded once before looking back to the road. He may not have been able to eat you, but he sure as hell had some fingers that he could please you with. His middle finger hooked in the fabric of your panties and without warning he drew the things off of you and tossed them on to the floor. You laid your hand on the door, gripping on to it tightly. Bracing yourself for his touch, you closed your eyes and relaxed your body. Fingering yourself wasn’t nearly as nice as recieving such a touch from the man. Closing your eyes, your head rolled to the side and your legs spread even wider, giving him power over you. His middle finger was the first to push into you. He was being uncharacteristically gentle, but you supposed it was because he knew it had been a while. His goal wasn’t to hurt you — ever. Your walls clenched around his digit gratefully, hugging him tightly.
The man looked toward your shielded chest, eyeing the way you arched. Your breaths were shallow and short, chest heaving visibly. He pumped his middle finger at a delightfully slow pace, warning you up. You knew when he had his cock actually buried inside you, this gentle man would be gone. His hand would be curled around your throat as delicately as possibly, but his thrusts would be brutal and merciless. He added another finger without much warning. His pointer finger joined his middle one, moving at a slow, steady pace. You closed your thighs tightly to savor the feeling, hips rocking toward his hand in need. Bronson was in heaven at the feel of your soft skin, rubbing against his wrist. He struggled to get his third finger inside you because of how tightly you’d trapped his hand between your thighs, so he stuck with just two. His thumb brushed over your clit, little grunts escaping his lips as he picked up the pace of his fingers. You lifted your hand to his arm so you could clutch on to him as he pleasured you. His demeanor was calm and collected so the surroundings cars couldn’t read the situation. His hand moved a little quicker inside you, thumb rubbing more firmly and securely against your bundle of nerves.
“Bronson..” You whispered under your breath before groaning out loudly. You squirmed, attempting to sit up so you could adjust the angle, but your body was limp and weak. You felt weighed down to the seat. Your orgasm hit you unexpectedly. A wave of warmth rushed through you and then an explosion of tingles. Your droopy eyes closed tightly and your mouth opened in a silent cry. Your expression looked like one of misery, but it was definitely one of ecstasy. Bronson was only aware you’d orgasmed by the extreme amount of release that coated his fingers and the way your insides wrapped around him suffocatingly tight.
It didn’t take long for you to get worked up again. Bronson’s fingers remained inside you in order to draw our your orgasm, but you were beginning to feel that delicious ache form once more. Opening your legs shakily, your thighs fell open, slumped tiredly. Bronson slowly withdrew his fingers before lifting the glistening digits to his lips. His tongue moved along his middle finger and then pointer one, licking each one thoroughly clean before he set his hand on his thigh with a low groan. The forming bulge in his jeans was becoming agonizingly uncomfortable. The drive to the house wasn’t far now so you slowly began to readjust yourself. Leaning over, you pinched the fabric of your trousers and slowly lifted the material. You were trembling. Bronson watched you re-dress. He was tempted to stop you, but he was sure his parents would be waiting at home and he didn’t think they’d really want to see you walking alongside him with nothing but a blouse on. The car came to a slow halt. Parking the vehicle in the driveway, the man looked toward you before inhaling deeply. It was evident in his gaze that he wanted to continue what had been started, but the second car, parked in front of the one that the pair of you still sat in, belonged to his parents. He couldn’t very well fuck you with his rambling mother and curious father latched to his side.
The tip of your fingers lifted to his smooth cheeks. Drawing him toward you, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his mustache.
“They won’t stay for long.” You assured him. “They know who you are and how you are, don’t forget that.” Reaching behind you, you grabbed ahold of the door handle before nudging the thing open and climbing out of the car. Bronson took a moment before climbing out as well. He removed the sunglasses from his head and folded them. Tucking them away inside the neckline of his shirt, he pushed one hand into his pocket before reaching for you. Your hand laced through his, soft eyes lifting to his hardened expression. “Don’t be a grump, Charles. They missed you.” He let out a low grunt before following along behind you as you lead the way.
The front door had a large wreath hanging on the front, leftover from the Christmas holidays which were long gone now. The green circle was bordered by a large red bow, hung in the center of the almond-colored door. Your hand circled the doorknob before twisting it so that you could push it open. The rug on the porch read ‘welcome’, a new addition to the home Bronson had once knew. His large hand moved to your lower back, brushing along the length of it. He rubbed the bottoms of his boot off against the carpet before stepping into the warmth. He kicked the door shut gently before lookin around. The scent was homely and familiar, but the interior looked different somehow. You hadn’t done remodeling or moved anything around, it just looked so foreign.
A loud yelping sounded from the corner. To the right of Bronson, on a fluffy yellow dog-bed sat a little black furball. Bronson narrowed his eyes at the beast before looking toward you in question.
“What the fuck is that then?” He grumbled out before taking a small step back as the little beast came trampling toward the two of you. His face was swallowed by his fur, almost invisible. The puppy came to a stop at your feet, tail wagging happily. The animal barked again, tongue hanging out of his mouth as he lifted himself on to his hind legs to greet you.
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“This is Bear. I bought him last year.” Your eyes lifted to your boyfriend. “He’s a great protector.” The teasing tone in your voice told Bronson that you’d merely bought the thing to piss him off. “And he keeps me company. I’ve been awfully lonely.” The teasing tone was gone. He could tell you were being honest then. The veins in his arms became visible as he clenched his fists. His eyes fell on the thing as you leaned over to lift it. He was a cute little bugger, but he couldn’t believe you’d gone out and purchased the little devil without asking him. He supposed you didn’t need to, you’d lived in the house for longer than he had. Bronson didn’t have a chance to touch or speak to Bear before his parents came scrambling into the room.
“Charlie!” His mother exclaimed. Her eyes were alight. Happiness radiated off of her, just as it had you. Her arms opened wide, little body shuffling toward him as she drew him in for an embrace. The man towered over her, biceps flexing as he wrapped them around her small form. She nestled into his chest, thanking the lord for bringing her baby home. The embrace was short-lived for when Charles’ father entered the room, the men exchanged a handshake and then a hug. His mother made her way toward you so she could loop her arm around your hips and grin at her son. She was so happy that he was home. You kissed the top of her head before handing Bear over to her. Briefly explaining to her that you would grab the surprise cake, you vanished from the room. Bronson’s eyes were glued to the sway of your hips, entrances by your body and it’s movements.
The next few hours were spent lounging in the living room. Conversations were lengthy and laughter-infused, but as the sun was beginning to set, the chatter was beginning to die off. Bronson was sat on the sofa, knees spread wide and elbows situated on his thighs as he watched you move around the room. His parents had said their goodbyes and with tired eyes and heavy bodies had made their way outside to the car. The man found it impossible to tear his eyes away from you as you cleaned up the snacks and beverages. Throughout the night, he couldn’t help but think of how perfect you were for him. Absolutely made to be his perfect match. The way you connected with his family made him love you even more.
The room was quiet now, apart from your soft humming. Bear was fast asleep beside the fireplace, little body a deadweight as he lounged on the floor. Bronson watched you re-enter the room, hands on your curvy hips as your eyes raked the room for any leftover mess.
“I love you.” He announced lowly. His eyes were glued to you, refusing to move away for even a second. You glanced toward him at his words, shaped brows furrowing. Little lines formed in the crease between your eyebrows before your lips twitched upward into a smile. His words had caught you off guard — you found them to be quite random. But they were very appreciated. The bottoms of your feed slid along the carpet as you approached him.
“I love you too.” You whispered. The tips of your fingers lifted to his shoulders, thumbs brushing over his collarbones as you lifted your leg and set your knee on the cushion. Lowering yourself down and on top of his lap, he removed his elbows from his thighs so that you had all the space he had to offer. “And I’ve missed you so.. so much.” Bronson leaned back against the cushions, admiring you as you sat perched up on his thighs. Your hands moved from his shoulders to his chest, tracing the upper half of his torso before your hands moved south to his stomach. It felt so good to touch him. There was nothing but muscle beneath your palms, tough, hard muscle which you’d missed so much. You weren’t alone anymore.
When you’d been younger, Bronson had always warned you not to mess with boys a lot bigger than you. He’d warned you that they’d take advantage of you, or crush you, and you’d heeded his warning.. well, so long as it didn’t apply to him. He’d given you that fair deterrent before leaning in and kissing you for the first time eleven years ago. Bronson drew you from your thoughts when he noticed the faraway look in your eye.
“Sunshine?” His thumb sunk into your hip, drawing you back to reality. “You’re a bit faraway, don’t you think?” He grunted. His eyes trailed along your features, studying the look of concentration you wore.
“Mh?” Your eyes flickered before moving to his own. “Oh, sorry.. I was just.. reminiscing. Do you remember our first kiss?” The words were airy as they left your lips. Your fingertips lifted to the side of his neck, fingernails gentle as they traced his skin. The man lifted a brow before slowly folding one behind his head. Of course he remembered the first kiss he’d shared with you.
It had been a long day, one that left him exhausted and ready to go home. You’d been so playful that day and it had gotten on his nerves a significant amount. He’d been just a boy. An irritated boy, ready to throttle the girl that refused to give him any peace.
“I mean it,” He hissed. “if you don’t leave me alone, I’ll snap your fucking neck.” The threat was empty. You knew that better than anyone. Charles Bronson had a big mouth, one that didn’t have a sensor on it. His hand was wrapped around your throat, firm and rough as he pressed you against the brick wall behind you.
“Oh, boohoo, big, bad, scary Bronson is threatening to hit me once again.” Your arms lifted to his chest to pry him back, but he hardly moved. “I’ll kick your ass.” You told the man firmly before lifting your arm up and locking it around his shoulders. It was a poor attempt to lug him down and tackle him to the floor, but he was entirely too strong.
“Kick my ass!?” The boy howled with laughter. “I’d like to see you try.” He grit his teeth. You pulled a look of innocence. An apologetic look that made him back up slightly. You used it as an advantage. He’d let his guard down, so you’d pounced. He’d half expected it though, so in the midst of your lunging, he’d caught you on his hips. Your outcry of determination was then silenced when he smoothly tackled you to the ground. The grass beneath your body was somewhat of a cushion. You opened your legs so you could get closer to him, ready to hammer your fists against his back and pound them against him like a drum. “You shouldn’t mess with boys a lot bigger than you, Y/N. You’re liable to end up hurt.” His breaths were heavy and harsh as they wafted over your face. The grass you were laid in was damp and you were sure mud was staining the back of your clothes.
“I’m a big girl, Charlie. I can take care of myself.” Your words were venomous and just as harsh. You attempted to lift yourself up on to your elbows and wiggle out from beneath him, but his hand pressed against the space above you, blocking you from moving any further. He lowered his head as if to show you that you weren’t in control of this situation. You were lucky it was him and not someone else who had you pinned to the ground. He, just wanting to annoy you, leaned in and brushed his nose against yours with a raise of his brows.
“Do you feel in control?” He whispered harshly. You could practically feel his lips. They weren’t touching yours, but because of the proximity, they might as well have been. Your head shook at his question, lashes fluttering shyly as you looked away. You understood his point.
“You’ve made your point, Bronson. Now, get off.” Your hips lifted to buck at him, trying to nudge him off, but he smoothly lowered his hand to cease your little movements. His hand moved from the grass and his elbow fell to the ground instead. He brushed his fingers through your twig-infested locks before slowly curling his fingers in your strands of hair. He lowered his head then and his plump lips brushed your own. You expected bile to rise in your throat and disgust to wash through you. You did not expect a twinge between your legs and then a shiver along your spine. Your mouth parted against his to inquire what he was doing, but he silenced you easily by kissing you fully. His lips were plump and fall, covering your own easily. His hips lowered so that he was laying on top of you, elbow sinking further into the dirt as he supported majority of his weight. Your legs opened wide, small hands ceasing their angry hits against him. Your fists opened and your palms brushed along his back. You didn’t feel in control at all over this situation.. and you really didn’t mind.
“Charlie!” His mother bellowed from across the road. “Charlie Bronson! You get in this house right now!” Her demanding words made the boy moan defeatedly into your mouth. His lips broke away from yours after a few moments and when he went to lift himself off of you, you pathetically clutched on to him and let out a little whimper for him to stay. It was then, as he knelt up on top of you and stared down at you in confusion, that he’d realized that innocent kiss would soon sprout into sonmuch more. He lowered his head and pressed his mouth against yours for only a second before finally standing.
He wore a smug grin on his lips as he made his way back home. You stayed in the grass for a while. Your lips tingle from the kiss and your eyes fluttered shut as you replayed it over in your mind. It was only when your mother came venturing out into the cold to find you that you were pulled from your thoughts and lead back home.
“Lay down.” His instructed words met your ears. Coming back to the present once more, you stared down at him with a lazy smile before rolling off his body and collapsing on your back on the cushions. He rotated smoothly before climbing on top of you. The position was very familiar. He set his hand on the arm of the couch and peered down at you with a hungry look in his eye. His hand fell to your cheek, thumb gliding along your flesh, savoring the feel of it. The heels of your feet sunk into the couch as you spread your legs, no hesitation or shyness in your movements now. Charles Bronson was one of the fastest undressers you’d ever met. His shirt was ripped from his body and directly after he’d smoothly undone your blouse. He tugged your slacks from your body and threw them on to the floor along with his dark colored jeans. There was nothing in his gaze except for love and desire. The ache between your legs became more apparent when he rolled off his boxers and exposed his erect member to you. It had been so long since you’d seen the beauty that resided between his thighs. Your tongue traced your lips slowly as you moved your hands toward your old friend. His shaft was hard and throbbing against your palm. Bronson had been so deprived of this physical affection while he’d been tucked away in a jail cell, so you’d spend the whole night giving in to whatever he wanted. Your hands worked on his cock, squeezing and rubbing his member thoroughly. He was a grunting mess. His fingernails scraped at the couch before curling in it tightly. He wanted to be shoved deep inside you, drilling himself into your soaked entrance repeatedly, but he didn’t want to hurt you and he knew he’d have no control, fresh out of prison. You could take it though. You both knew that. You’d always been able to take it.
“Charlie..” You bit your lip. “Fuck me.” It was evident in his gaze that he wanted more than just a handjob and you weren’t going to deny him that. Guiding him forward by leading his erection toward you, you shuffled beneath him to get into a comfortable position. Your thighs would be burned red from his aggressive rocking and your insides would ache for days. You were sure you’d have a pain in your lower back if you didn’t angle yourself just right. Charlie had no control when you sprawled out submissively and spread your legs so invitingly. His hands opened wide and pressed against your inner thighs to hold them open. His hips sunk forward further, his tip grazing your entrance. He let out a weak whimper of want and you didn’t deny him any further. Guiding him into you fully, your back arched off the couch and your mouth opened in a groan of ecstasy.
“Fucking hell.. that’s it.” He ground out between his bared teeth. His eyes fell shut as a shiver ran along his body. The man wasn’t going to last long, you knew that. It turned him on how much you loved him and each time he managed to open his droopy eyelids to peer down at you, he was stuck staring down at your submissive form, sprawled out beneath him with a look of love pasted on your face. Charlie drew his hips back, nearly pulling out of you, before grunting as he sunk back into you completely. His thighs would be burning soon, pleading for him to cease his harsh movements, but he’d ignore his body. The throb in his cock would be louder than the pain in his thighs. You opened your mouth and pressed your lips against his front. Showering his tattoos with all the affection you could muster up, you kissed along his warm skin, whimpering breathily when he’d pound himself into you. It was slow at first. Slow and hard; but still slow. Your bodies were both beyond delighted to be reunited and just a few minutes in, Bronson’s reminded him of exactly what he liked. He began to hammer himself into you without warning or confirmation. Your body jolted beneath the force so you wound your arms around him so you could cling to him desperately. Clutching on to him for dear life, you shut your eyes and moved your lips to his ear. The man was rowdy and giggling, unable to contain the sounds that rolled past his lips. His knees bounced against the cushions, hips beginning to roll. “Oh, fuck me.” He practically howled out.
You lifted your arms up and bent them over the arm of the sofa. Squirming beneath him with a little whine, your leg lifted and flopped over the back of the couch. Bronson stared down at you before nibbling on his bottom lip. The sounds that left his throat were sounds that only this man could make.
“Right, fuckin-“ He moaned out. “there.” Charles Bronson didn’t hold back in the slightest. The man buckled into you, fucking you senseless and relentlessly. Your skin glistened with a thin layer of sweat, blanket in the moisture. The couch springs were beginning to creak beneath the angry amount of weight being applied and then removed. The man buried his face into your neck and bit the flesh beneath his teeth. It didn’t take long at all for him to finally climax and he did so with a drawn out roar. You followed soon after, unable to hold back any longer and for the second time that day, you shook as the orgasm rolled through you in waves. Your bucks and his thrusts began to slow simultaneously. His body grew heavier and heavier atop your own. His muscles gave out and he slumped against you completely, cock twitching as it remained hidden away inside you. A little moan of approval escaped you as you relaxed beneath him. His skin was stained with little half-moons from where you’d been gripping him unknowing viciously. The pair of you slumped against the furniture, not daring to part in such a passionate way. You lazily brushed your fingers along Bronson’s back before smiling slowly.
“Welcome home..” You whispered beneath your breath before kissing the top of his head. You could feel his smile, lazy against the side of your neck. It sure was good to be back, he thought.
Tagged: @thatsamegirl @peakyhoegh @centerhabit @favouritereadings @goodiesintheclosetlove @buckypetal15 @kitcatimpala67 @crldrr @jamierdr @lyraeluna @jakechillenhaal @vanillafarts @multireality @emiliesnowflake @ellar21 @emerald-bijou @raceylacy @innerpaperexpertcloud @kirah34 @ihclipse @qarhmn @morphoportis @jupitervalentine @amamkogr @callisen @hardygal69 @amontoya0110 @captstefanbrandt @meer0rauschen @jessichomper @2loveeverything2
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scoups-ofsuga · 7 years
BTS Jungkook x Reader [Thanks for Coming]
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre & Theme: FLUFF & Drunk Reader .. it could be a non idol AU or nah
A/N: so yeh lazy me just made this in a whim and didnt proof read yet,,, there is a mention of alcohol so if ya dont like it,,, dont read I guess. If there are any mistakes or anything feel free to tel me, they much apprecited ;) GOD BLESS !, happy readings !, and btw ill be making a drunk reader x member for i guess everyone cause i fund drunk confesions cute :)
It was ... whatever time at the night, bottles and glass cups clanking and clinking onto each other, music booming with the latest hits being played on the stereo and the strong smell of alcohol filled the not so big room, Im in a bar.
There I sat at the corner where the big sofa was, it stank with unimaginable smells. Holding my 4th bottle of alcohol, I’m not sure what Iam drinking, just ordered and just kept pouring and pouring the liquid trying to wash away these feeling of embarrassment sadness and other emotions ... I didn’t plan on getting drunk just wanted a drink but then
My phone starts beeping,I take out my phone and scrolled through the pile of messages and saw that it was Cookie,
“Hey there shorts. whats up ? Im bored lets chat :D”
I lean against the leather sofa and started typing,
“Hey theres COkies ... sure Ive got ... A sStory Too tell“
“Hey Dude are you okay ? Your typing is kinda wonky”
I didnt give mind to his reply started typing my AMaZiNG story ..
“So there was this girl that feel in love with a guy ... he was nice and sweet, but stupid girl .. getting ahead of herself thought that HE might like her, WRONG ! He has someone in his life already .. and the girl is now alone in a bar in the corner on a stinkin sofa and drinking away ~~ cool story right ??”
Theres was a somewhat long silence, then I see he was typing,
“ ... hey Shorts stuff, where ARE you ??”
I take a deep breath, I didn’t want him see my like this.
“Would you come if I told you ?”
There was another long pause, I thought to myself he wouldn’t .. then the phone beeps,
I started tearing up and I typed that I’m at a bar near the campus. I finished the lasts of my bottle, my vision got blurry, i was feeling light and all of a sudden everything went black.
“Hey ... hey !!!” I wake up from the pounding of my head and a voice of a guy,
“Hey shorts stuff, get up ! C’mon !” I look up and see a guy, it was him..
“YoNa !” A person giving care to who Iam, Its either cookie or a clerk telling me to go home, I thought to myself and started giggling weirdly,
“Hey there Coooookie !” I sit up and try to get a good look at him, but my vision is a blurry mess .. all I see is this ominous tall figure and his jet black hair shining from the disco luster,
“Why did you go alone ? And why text me such a vague location ! dummy!!” His voice was nice to listen to, it had worried tone, felt sort of warm and he was panting a bit, did he run ?
“Did you drink all of this ????” I weirdly release giggles, but with eyes about to tear up,
“You really came huh ?” I smiled at him weakly and looked down.
I feel woozi, and light im practically wasted. A felt a shift on weight by my side, Cookie sits beside me and pours a shot for himself and drank it like *swoop*! He then put his arms around me and gave me a hug while circling his hand on my back, I sank in his coat witch smelt woody and of smoke,
“Go ahead and cry, Im here” I hug him back, he rests his chin on my head and I just started bawling,
“Im sorry Shorty” he whispered softly, but just enough to be heard,
“Thanks for coming Jungkook” I murmured,
It was getting super late, or even super early. We were the only ones left at the bar and the bar tender has been glaring at us to leave,
“C’mon Shorty, we gotta go” ha stand and gives his coat a brush to remove crumbs or any dirt, he turns and looks at me.
“Can you stand ?”
“OFCOURSE I CAN SILLY ~” I push myself up and stand on both feet but suddenly I fall butt first on the floor, Cookie gave out an exasperated sigh. I still struggle to get up but he comes nearer and carries me bridal style !
“Up we go! UMPF- ”
“WOOOO !!” I wrap my arms around his neck and started giggling, we went out of the bar and he started walking towards the direction of my dorm.“You are one tough cookie”
It was a cold night, but being in Jungkook’s arms, I felt warm. Awkward silence ...
“My brother is busy these days and I didnt want to bother him, My friend is away with her family and crying over that guy ....” I murmur,
“I see, well no worries I’m here now” he grins,
“You know, I heard that those who drunk people drunk call or text, are those who they trust the most”
“Is that so ?? Then I’m honored”
I stare at his face, trying to get a good look but my eyes were failing me and the the dimly lit lanterns didn’t help. He caught me staring and I hid my face in his coat,
“You know Shorty, you’re kinda pretty” I look back at him with eyes widened and cheeks burning up.
I looked at the street and realized that we are almost at the dorm, a started struggling and wanted to go down from his cary,
“Hey ? What do you want ??l” He lets me down on the ground, firmly placing my feet on the slightly slippery side walk, and we presume to walk slowly while he supports me by holding my side.
“This is unfair” I say under my breath while pouting and stoped walking
“What is ?” He too stops and looks at me,
“You are being very nice to me ! And I wont remember this in the morning too !!” He starts laughing, the loudest I’ve heard for tonight, its giving me a head ache !!.
“Fine, Ill tell you tomorrow what happened”
“How ?”
“Ill text you, or tell your during class”
I pouted again and gave him small hits on his shoulders, and whines in a exaggerated way, I walk in a faster pace than him. And sooner than later we arrive at the dorm.
“Thanks again dummy, you don’t have to bring me in, the lady might get mad” I give him a pat at the shoulder and started climbing the small steps.
he then grabs my hand which kinda threw me back and I was caught in his arms, i feel my back against his chest and I looked up to see his face SUPER close to mine,as if it was just centimeters away !! My cheeks begin to feel hot and I must’ve looked like a tomato !!
I saw his eyes, it was dazzling ! he had dark brown eyes and it shines when he smiled,
“Your welcome Shorty, rest well and drink lots of water” and says and he playfully kisses my forehead, I. FELT. HOT !! And in the next second felt weak in the knees and again, everything went black.
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