#image source tumblr user sandmandaddy69
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cmon flynn the man’s waiting for an answer
[ID: A four-panel comic featuring Tales of Vesperia characters in flat color on a pink background. Panel 1: A hand holds a piece of paper which depicts the meme of a person on all fours with sharp teeth and covered in blood. The person also has heart eyes, hearts floating around them, and a bouquet of roses clutched in their teeth. The text over the image reads “do you still like me” Panel 2: Flynn, shown from the waist up and dressed down in a plain black turtleneck, looks down at the piece of paper in his hand. His expression is unimpressed. Panel 3: Flynn lowers the paper and glances up, one eyebrow raised. Panel 4: Yuri is shown from the chest up, beaming. He is blushing slightly and has sparkles and flowers radiating from his face. He is also splattered with blood. He says “well?” with pink hearts in the speech bubble. Flynn, the back of his head and shoulders visible, has an anime sweat drop. /End ID]
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