#imagine being cursed into becoming a literal living shadow. losing all of your physical traits and inhabiting a body that
laugtherhyena · 9 months
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A shadow of what you once were
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Rae Lightbringer ♎️ Motivation: (Short description of a character’s primary goal. What drives your character to go out and be a hero, and it is part of the reason they have been chosen) Restore the Solar Delibrative
Intimacies: (Person, Places or Things a person is loyal towards that is not their motivation; secondary motivations)
Loves of the Lightbringer Cult Loves “Silent Might”
Caste: The Blasphemous (According to the theology of the Realm, these Anathema were unholy priests who forced their subjects to bow down and worship dark powers. The Dragon-Blooded abolished this foul cult and set up the pure faith of the Immaculate Order in its stead.) Anima Banner: Marked by a large bright-gold circular disk in the center of her brow. Anima: Burning White Totem:A bright white eagle rises over her flapping its wings for a brief moment before winking out. Anima Effects: (Can channel Essensce directly through their animas to generate magical effects) Cause his caste mark to glow brightly for a scene Cause his anima to glow brightly enough to read by for a scene Know the precise time of day for the rest of the scene Use her anima to burn a dead body to ash. Gains Essence to Soak and adds Essence to minimum dice rolled for damage against Creatures of Darkness. Concept: Prophet
Attributes (Represent the character’s innate physical, social and mental capacities) Physical Attributes: (how strong, how nimble and how tough) Strength: Relatively weak, may be able to life a dog. Dexterity: Uncommonly nimble and fast Stamina: tires slowly and is rarely ill Social Attributes: (looks, how generally like-able one is and force of personality) Charisma: Rae has the rare spark that draws everyone to her cause. Even the wealthy and the powerful will go out of their way to become her friend. Manipulation: has a clever tongue and can convince most people to thrust her Appearance: quite good-looking Mental Attributes: (perception, mental capacity, imagination and quick-thinking) Perception: keeps careful track of what’s going on around her and almost always notices pickpockets Intelligence: quite bright and might make a good scholar Wits: Exceedingly clever and almost never loses his cool
Virtues (measures a character’s drive to act in a certain way; passions/ emotions) Compassion: (a measurement of a character’s caring for others) Average Conviction: (how easily the character can endure hardship or inflict suffering upon others) Average Temperance: (the character’s self control) can keep her head in a heated argument or turn down generous bribes Valor: (courage and resolve when facing danger) Average Virtue Flaw: (The great curse; a perversion of the primary virtue, which drives him to rash, ill-considered deeds) Contempt of the Virtuous (disdains anyone she has previously witnessed overindulging or acting dishonorably) Limit Breaks Condition: (a situation that can cause the Exalt to lose control of themselves and act out their flaw) is hindered by the self-indulgent or dishonorable behavior among companions
Abilities: (traits that a character has deliberately practiced or studied) Forms of combat, armed or otherwise Archery: (skill in the use of all manners of bows type weapons) No skill Martial Arts: (fighting without weapons or special martial arts weapons) can skillfully fight multiple opponents Melee: (fighting with weapons; non-martial arts weapons) No sklll Thrown: (knows how to hurl specially designed weapons at targets) No skill War: (understanding of combat and military maneuvers) No skill
Surviving great hardships and skill in persuasion/ inspiration Integrity: (resist all forms of supernatural mental control, sales-pitches, and not breaking under torture) Average Performance: (covers all forms of artistic expression, from storytelling and acting to dancing and singing.) Can move an audience to tears with a speech or tell stories so engrossing that guards ignore their duties to listen more closely. A specialist in storytelling Presence: (skill at leadership and long-term persuasion) Can cause the populace of a town to embrace a god or force one of the dread Lintha pirates to reveal the name of her immediate superior. A specialist in persuasion Resistance: (allows a character to combat the effects of disease, poison, fatigue, sleep deprivation, pain, extreme temperatures and other harsh or potentially damaging conditions) can run 10 miles without stopping or easily recover from an infection Survival: (ability to find food, water, and shelter; also set traps, track enemies, identify poisonous plants, dangerous animals and tame both wild and domestic animals ) Average
Skill in searching for knowledge and applying that information Craft: (skill in creating both useful and beautiful objects; the five mundane Craft abilities each are associated with one of the five elements. Air: calligraphy, jewelry-making, creating precision instruments and glassblowing; Earth: masonry, stone cutting, creating earthworks; Fire: blacksmithing, making ceramics; Wood: carpentry, weaving, paper-making, flower arranging; Water: cooking, brewing, leatherworking, pharmacy and poison-making. Several exotic varieties exist as well, such as Magitech: wonders of the first age; Glamour and Fate. No skill Investigation: (skill in uncovering hidden or obscure information) No Skill Lore: (required to be literate; skill in knowing the secrets of the universe; having knowledge of current events, history, geography, the customs of other lands, as well as First Age technology) literate and can find most large nations on a map of Creation. Medicine: (skill of using herbs, acupuncture, medicines, bone saws, sutures and scalpels to treat illness and repair injuries) skilled enough to successfully treat smallpox, set a badly broken compound fracture or perform an appendectomy. Occult: (a character’s knowledge and familiarity with all forms of magic, ranging from the Charms of the Exalted to the minor but ubiquitous workings of mortal thaumaturgy) No skill
Noticing that which others miss and going into places where they are not wanted Athletics: (to move with grace and ease; covers areas of strength, balance, coordination and reflexes) No skill Awareness: (how well a character keeps track of his surroundings and how well he knows how to use his five senses) is usually the first one to notice a pirate ship on the horizon Dodge: (skill in moving out of the way of harm) can usually avoid a street urchin’s knife or a boulder rolling downhill Larceny: (ability to break into locked treasures and ability to win at games of chances) no skill Stealth: (skill in avoiding to be noticed) can probably avoid pursuit by remaining motionless in a deep shadow
Skill in communication, organization, and travel Bureaucracy: (skill in dealing with commerce, laws and official regulations) can probably bribe a slightly corrupt official or sell aging horses at the same price as young ones Linguistics: (languages) Riverspeak (native) and Old-Realm Ride: (proficiency in riding horses, camels and other exotic mounts) no skill Sail (ability to pilot ships in the seas or oceans as well as pilot flying vehicles) No skill Socialize: (the skill in both to understand the feelings and motives of others and to negotiate the complex network of customs, manners and etiquette found in every culture) can probably flatter a vain courtier or arrange an assignation with someone of a lower social class
Backgrounds: (traits that catalogs a character’s connections, his possessions, and position in the world)
Cult: The Lightbringer Cult lies in secret throughout Central Treqe. It is an offshoot cult of the Cult of Illumination that began by a former follower of that cult. The cult found a foothold in CentralTreqe and has spread through the urban and rural areas in the last decade. Now word has spread about the cult that the Lightbringer has come in the form of Rae. These individuals live to ensure that Rae is provided with prayers and support in her journey to fulfill there destiny of bringing about the rise of equality and peace throughout the world. There are nearly 500 cultist spread mainly throughout Centrel Treqe, yet some members live in the major cities of the rest of the city-state of Treqe. The last couple of years has brought an enthusiasm by members that unfortunately has caught the attention of an individual who is now investigating the claims of a few captured and interrogated cult members in the city of Treqe.
Influence: The King, Dynasts and Meridian Knights have all heard of the young teen Rae. Her fame has spread throughout most of the urban areas of the city-state. No one knows exactly who Rae is but they are aware she is a child of adolescent or teen years that has many speaking of her. The Dynast, Red Lady and the king have individuals searching for this being. It is believed that she is an Anathema of great healing ability with the peasants and slaves of Central Treqe. It is only a matter of time before she is found by those who want to kill her. Note: As of now no one really knows exactly how Rae look, she has never fully exposed her face in any encounter with those she has healed or even those of her cult. They only know her by her size and the hooded robe she is always seen wearing, and she speaks in the an obscure language with a few words or Riverspeak.
Familiar: Silent Might is an albino eagle and pet of Rae Lightbringer. It has the intelligence of an adolescent that is able to communicate with Rae as well as any human being. As long as Silent Might remains within a hundred yards of Rae, the teen is able to use any of Silent Might senses through her familiar as if she was in the exact location of her familiar. Rae is also able to draw a bit of Essence from her bird so long as they are touching each other in someway. For example Silent Might riding on Rae’s shoulder would allow for the transfer of the Essence.
Essence: (One of the most important traits in Exalted. As an energy, Essence is life, breath, power–the essential, all-pervading animating energy of Creation. The higher the trait the more powerful a person’s soul. Being with high Essence are hard to affect with magic. The average person has very little Essence as well as animals. Exalted and magical beings have more Essence at least double that of the average person. Normal humans are unaware of the Essence within themselves and others, they cannot manipulate Essence.)
Rating is above average for a recently Exalted being. Rae exalted about seventeen months ago at the age of eleven, the weirdest thing is that since exalting she has not changed physically as puberty for what ever reason has not started for her. This is something she is really not that concerned with. Very few people has seen Rae’s face since her exaltation. No one outside of a few cult members have seen Rae’s face, this includes her adoptive parents and siblings in the town of Triby. Noh the local cult leader and those members of the cult that have knew her before her exaltation. She has matured significantly since gaining her powers, her maturity is about on par with a young adult. Rae most trusted friend is Silent Might who mysteriously appeared soon after her exaltation took place. Besides her white eagle she trust her family more than anyone else. Three days after her exaltation with the help of Noh and a few other cult members Rae was secreted away from her home town about three months ago. The plan is to get away from those she cared most for and to go to the only hidden temple of the Lightbringer cult, located in the city of Treqe. She is in the village Loda at the start of the story. This is a small mining village located in the southeast of Central Treqe.
Willpower: (measures both determination and emotional stability; used when pushing a character’s mind and body beyond their normal limits while attempting to do something extraordinary) Rae is diffident and a little shy
Willpower is used for: Free Successes Activating a Virtue (instead of gaining a free success a character adds dice equal to their Virtue to the die pool of an action) Resist Mental Powers
Compulsions: If a character loses all of their Willpower, they are subjected to each of their virtues that are rated above average.
2nd Presence Excellency Characters with this Charm are known for their unwavering perfection.
Integrity- Protectin Prana (Integrity) This Charm protects the character from any Shaping effect that directly alters her mind, body, spirit or traits. This includes instantaneous Shaping effects and any new alterations caused by long-term Shaping effects. This Charm also protects the character from any undodgeable, unblockable Shaping attacks.
Hypnotic Tongue Technique (Presence) It is hard for mortals to resist the shining glory of the character. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence to create a Compulsion effect.
Durability of Oak Meditation (Resistance) A boy cannot cut down an oak tree with a kitchen knife. Nor can a mere mortal slay the character with petty blows of mortal steel.
1st Medicine Excellency The character with this Charm are known for their moments of brilliance.
Touch of Blissful Release (Medicine) Those who serve the character faithfully need know no pain. The recipient of this Charm feels a temporary euphoria qualitatively similar to an opium high.
Wound-Mending Care Technique (Medicine) This character can speed a patient’s recovery from even the most terrible wounds.
3rd Awareness Excellency Characters with this Charm recover smoothly from failure
Respect Commanding Attitude (Performance) Others listen when the character speaks. In ancient days they commanded the attention of Primordials, beasts and gods.
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