#imagine clint in jim's room or something. just eating a poorly microwaved muffin.
"so you're the annoying guy who's been following me around for ten years?" (spy verse HEHEHE)
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Had it really been ten years? Fuck, if that was the case than saying he's going to retire has become a water cooler conversation that has gotten way too old. No wonder Sal is always giving him that judgmental eyeroll. There's no way he was retiring any time soon, especially not with the shit that he's been keeping an eye. Carol's shit. Technically, JIM as he was known as wasn't officially part of his job description yet, not named at least, except by Carol. Since looking after Jim was a favor with no returning reward. It's the little things he does for his friends
(Except Jim's a big thing, a pain in his ass for ten years to keep track of, and part of that is because Jim's good at what he does. The other part usually involves bullets and not dying.)
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He doesn't even spare the agent who admittedly looks ready to kill him. He holds up his hand to signal for Jim to pause, hold still for a moment. ❝ Mh'nm, hol'tha'thought. ❞ There had been a somewhat soggy looking paper towel that he had been eating out of before they had gotten into their kerfuffle and Jim had realized who he was. He had very barely managed to slip it into the pocket on his chest pocket.
He reaches for it, keeping one hand up to keep the peace and shoves the rest of the crumbling muffin into his mouth. ❝ You're the annoying one, making everything harder than you need to and almost dying a few times. You know how hard it is keep my cover, do my own fuckin' work, and make sure I'm not bringing you to Carol in a coffin? ❞ Clint chews around his food a little moment before wiping his mouth with the questionable paper towel.
❝ It's futzin' annoying; and please don't shoot me. Hospitals make me cry. ❞
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