#his audacity
entermyrealm · 3 months
i'm admitting now that i honestly hadn't had one thought about the netflix sandman show AT ALL since they first released it, back when i first watched it. that was until Dream showed up in a very strange dream of mine. now, i can't seem to let go of it, the show, or anything else sandman-related (thanks a lot, morpheus), so i've decided to write my dream down in hopes of...something.
i miss writing my dreams as if they were stories, so if you want to read on, you can click below. if you do end up reading it, i welcome any feedback about how it's written. keep in mind that i'm writing it literally from my dreaming self's perspective (it's not meant to make a ton of sense, that's just how it happened). but i'd love to continue writing fanfic (and just in general), so feel free to let me know your thoughts. ✨
Dreaming (of an Endless)
On this night, not unlike other nights, you see yourself cross the threshold of a Jacobean manor. A gentle swish is all that announces your presence as the hem of your cloak brushes each concrete step leading up to the entrance. Moonlight illuminates the path behind you. You watch from afar as your darkened form passes through the heavy wooden doors that have curiously been left unlocked and ajar. The manor is welcoming both you and your watching self.
This version of you, this walking form, is shifting along with the environment. Your attire has changed once inside. Music can be heard in a distant room. Everything is quite black, but it is not unwelcoming. You notice that even though your cloak is gone, you feel safely enveloped in this darkness. Golden glowing candles intermittently dot each wall. You can feel the faint vibration of voices growing stronger with each careful step.
Am I here to greet them? Is this my purpose?
Before you can wonder whether or not you remember being invited, smartly dressed figures materialize around you. Much like yourself, they appear to undulate intangibly, as if their forms are undecidedly incorporeal. Your eyes see yourself watching them as you pass each group; softly smiling faces deep in conversation with their tablemates, some with tentative fingers gently touching. Your mind catches a peripheral glimpse down the darkened hall to your left. Small, antique tables hosting quiet guests are lined up against the windowed wall and extend all the way back into nothingness. An imposing staircase reveals itself next to this hallway, but an uneasiness prevents you from looking up to the second floor.
A shift, and then: lights! One light, rather, fixed above a small stage, shines so brightly that you blink to avert both sets of eyes. In that blink, you’ve become a confident body moving boldly through a large crowd that has formed in the center of this room. Your watching self notices red curtains hanging across the stage, in front of which sits a single wooden stool.
Your attention snaps forward to the mansion’s front entrance, at which you are now greeting an invited guest. Someone in the business of entertaining, but you have difficulty placing exactly who they are. It doesn’t matter anyway. You usher them inside with an arm at their back, passing over a bright red carpet that suddenly lines the foyer. You stop them briefly to warn them about the crowd just on the other side of the wall, but they simply wave you away. Your walking self shrugs and turns. You can see yourself smirk as the crowd erupts into shouts and applause.
As you leave this raucous behind, the inviting dark surrounds you once more. You feel a deep breath fill your lungs. The mansion’s muted greens, golds and burgundy are being traded in for cooler tones.
Is something coming?
You thought you were feeling exhausted, but the dark boots that were once on your feet feel lighter, along with the rest of your clothing. This new form is curious to explore the mansion and its grounds. Your watching self seems to join with the walking; both sets of eyes are viewing the same path that is just barely visible outside in the night garden.
The moon is a silver lamp in the sky. Stars can be seen faintly winking. Is that an old oak tree? Astonishingly massive leaf-covered limbs stretch up and out as if to reach the moon. You briefly marvel at the tree and everything else outside.
You are not sure of the next sequence of events. An impossibly pale hand reaches to hold yours. You reach behind you without turning to grab hold of an impossibly pale hand. Restrained strength lingers there. A breath. A low voice. He breathes and you feel him keeping pace with you, if ever so deliberately behind. Your fingers touch and your black cloak returns to match his. He towers above you. No, he is…slouching? Both of you go unnoticed by all houseguests on silent cat feet. 
As a pair, you have walked every inch of the mansion’s first floor before finally stepping out into the night garden together. Through the glass double doors, descending a few stone stairs, bare feet disturbing pearls of dew on the grass, yet making no sound on the gravel path. You pass through low bushes and attempt to continue on to a dark clearing between the trees.
We could explore the rest of this garden, too! The moon is so bright, and there’s a path up ahead - 
Pleading, slow, not demanding. You think you heard it in your ear, but maybe it came from inside your head. He used too much strength (he doesn’t know it), and you’re chest to chest facing his seemingly solid form. You’re looking up at his face. He keeps shifting, undulating. Is he nervous? You decide to look down, away from those dark starry eyes, and you notice that his hands are grasping yours between the two of you. You frown. Your watching self frowns.
You cannot stay with me.
His voice is too melodious and almost apologetic. You can barely focus. You just want to do as he says… You start.
Why does it matter? Why can’t it be my decision? Let’s go wherever we can.
His stoic glance is betrayed by the slightest smirk. There is so much hesitation.
This is annoying. You are annoyed.
The walker and the watcher. This is not the first time we have met.
Isn’t it, though? You actually can’t recall. You frown again. You feel his hands drop from yours. He watches them fall to your sides. Wait - he’s…avoiding your questions. Wasting time.
I’m certainly not meant to stay here.
No. To stay with me means pain and death. You would have to die.
I’m no stranger to either. I have no fear of either.
All of the air is gone. For a moment, it’s as if the reassuring curtain of night drops to reveal that you have both been standing in the desolate, uncaring cosmos. You blink. His eyes are pitch. The night garden is surrounding you once more, but something has changed. There is a pressure keeping you immobile. Your watching self sees that his arms have wrapped around your center with his hands at the small of your back. He carefully extends two long fingers on each hand and pushes into either side of your spine.
Your watching and walking bodies go rigid, gasping, and your head recoils at the sudden pressure and pain. The pain grows, but you feel yourself protesting. You make a pained noise but still persist in your wanting to stay with him.
You manage to lower your head down and forward to see his large slender form looming over you, wrapped around you, dark eyes glistening, almost teary but determined. Scared? Uneasy. He knows you have magic, too. He knows you can be stubborn. He is pushing you away, out of the dreaming. You swear you catch a glimpse of regret.
You wake up.
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muuuumin · 1 year
Tim Drake posting this:
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joocomics · 4 months
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stop it…. STOP IT NOWWW
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frootyrooties · 10 months
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once again, would someone please keep this man away from me.
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kimtaegis · 2 years
"i wont hide anymore even if it hurts" jimin u cant make me emotional and hype like this my brain isnt working!!?? is jimin really gonna make me believe in myself?? fuck what anyone thinks vibe cus I AM HERE FOR IT
no but that line in contrast to “I can’t free myself from these lies” in Lie … he’s come so far and it’s so wonderful to see him grow like that
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"so you're the annoying guy who's been following me around for ten years?" (spy verse HEHEHE)
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Had it really been ten years? Fuck, if that was the case than saying he's going to retire has become a water cooler conversation that has gotten way too old. No wonder Sal is always giving him that judgmental eyeroll. There's no way he was retiring any time soon, especially not with the shit that he's been keeping an eye. Carol's shit. Technically, JIM as he was known as wasn't officially part of his job description yet, not named at least, except by Carol. Since looking after Jim was a favor with no returning reward. It's the little things he does for his friends
(Except Jim's a big thing, a pain in his ass for ten years to keep track of, and part of that is because Jim's good at what he does. The other part usually involves bullets and not dying.)
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He doesn't even spare the agent who admittedly looks ready to kill him. He holds up his hand to signal for Jim to pause, hold still for a moment. ❝ Mh'nm, hol'tha'thought. ❞ There had been a somewhat soggy looking paper towel that he had been eating out of before they had gotten into their kerfuffle and Jim had realized who he was. He had very barely managed to slip it into the pocket on his chest pocket.
He reaches for it, keeping one hand up to keep the peace and shoves the rest of the crumbling muffin into his mouth. ❝ You're the annoying one, making everything harder than you need to and almost dying a few times. You know how hard it is keep my cover, do my own fuckin' work, and make sure I'm not bringing you to Carol in a coffin? ❞ Clint chews around his food a little moment before wiping his mouth with the questionable paper towel.
❝ It's futzin' annoying; and please don't shoot me. Hospitals make me cry. ❞
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yuwuta · 1 month
hitting it raw is fun and sexy and all but not more than clawing at a boy and you both being so desperate for each other and barely getting out that you guys should use condoms and watching him trip over all your shed clothes on the floor and dig through nightstand drawers and bathroom cabinets like a madman on a wild goose hunt and cheer when he finally finds them and run back to you with so much excitement and watching his brain re-freeze when he realizes he’s about to fuck you 
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cheekinpermission · 2 months
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If i fits, i sits
Taken from his max friendship guest room voice line
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ladylooch · 2 years
This. Song. Is. So. Good.
And I've got a story idea for it, but I need a hockey player. DM me your suggestions.
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fakemichaelsheen · 1 year
-the theatre, 1597-
aziraphale, wiping tears: what did you think?
crowley: ...
aziraphale: did you not like it?
crowley, hesitates: weeell...
aziraphale, sighs: what was wrong with this one?
crowley, shrugs: I don't know. it was all so...depressing. I mean, they were kids, angel
aziraphale, rolls his eyes: it's romantic
crowley: it's morbid
aziraphale, shakes his head: yes but it's about the star crossed lovers. the forbidden love. the tragedy. two feuding families. you wouldn't understand
crowley: *stares at him*
crowley, incredulous: sorry, did you seriously just say that?
aziraphale, oblivious: yes. so?
crowley, sighs: nothing *takes his arm* come on, let's get out of here
aziraphale, smiles: yes, I believe I owe you a drink. for coming with me
crowley, nods: several, I should think
aziraphale: it wasn't that bad
crowley, glares at him: dead kids, angel
aziraphale, agreeing: yes, I see your point
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aro-in-danyl · 5 months
During an Overlord Meeting
Random Overlord: So how'd you bag the King of Hell?
Alastor: Well I-
Lucifer: The first time we met he told me to go fuck myself and dropped a piano on my head
Other Overlords: ...
Lucifer: I've been charmed by his audacity ever since
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oldbutchdaniel · 1 month
obsessed with the dynamic in dubai where armand seems to think daniel is on his side? like he in very small ways protects and defends daniel and is otherwise giggling and kicking his feet when they get to interact. he is SO happy to see daniel after all these years and gets so lost in it that he just. forgets that daniel doesn't know who he is. armand is like "well i don't want louis to do this interview and i know what daniel is capable of but at least daniel loves me so much that we will be a combined front against the forces of louis and lestat! our shared history is powerful enough that we will emerge from this more powerful than ever! right daniel?" and daniel is like "what shared history? i want you dead for real."
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so, you know, a couple of things:
s2 is set in 2023 (ie around 4 years after s1)
voluntary uk driving tests were introduced in 1935, so around 90 years ago
bentley in the show is the 1933 model, and crowley has "had [her] from new"
im fairly certain im connecting dots here
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this bitch
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frootyrooties · 1 year
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i’m okay. i swear i’m okay. i’m not having heart palpitations or anything.
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shiiro-arts · 8 months
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The fact that this is actually canon…
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shkika · 2 months
This has probably already been asked, but you said that W1 goes through the events of the game in V1s place. So what happens when it meets Gabriel? Would it avoid him, attack the same as in game, or do something different? Love the AU; some of the best quality work in here!
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A gentle reminder.
I think W1 is capable of more spite than V1 alone!
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