#imagine falling asleep in some random car and u wake up to see some dudes surrounding your car looking like cokewhores what would u do
othercrossee · 2 years
Frontier z is diseased with rabies
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soupiyamashuu · 7 years
team one ( 1.) ) is finn, elena, keiko, and kikka
team two ( 2.) ) is dimitri, cecil, toby, and nikolai
Which OC is the driver? Where are the other OCs sitting in the vehicle?
1.) finn and elena can both drive so .. whoever fuckin feels like driving that time. keiko & kikka just sit there like ??? 2.) i think fuckin dimitri drives im cryin ( tho i think my other ones are old enough / nearly old enough to drive too ) so its just ... toby, nikolai, and cecil sitting around screaming
What form of transportation are your OCs using (RV, motorcycles, on foot, etc.)?
1 & 2.) cars.. its not quite a road trip if ur walking around
What’s playing on the radio?
1.) weird japanese music 2.) GOD KNOWS ... they probably burn shitty memes onto cds and play cryptic russian chanson songs on the aux cord or smth ... imagine ur driving down the highway and u just hear this coming from the car next to u
Imagine your OCs reacting towards staying overnight at an incredibly shady motel
1.) oh god they’d be so fucking upset ... they normally stay in fucking penthouses and luxury suites im cryin. finn’d be like “WHERES UR LUXURY SUITE :)” and the tired fuckin motel worker would be like “sir this is a motel 6″ 2.) THEY LOVE IT. they love the shitty aesthetic and take weird little pictures together with the fucking workers. they’ll like, take polaroids of the dead bugs around the room and hang them on the walls for the next people
Which OC gets homesick nearly immediately? Do they get over it?
1.) keiko and kikka. they don’t like being far away from home very often. 2.) toby, but he’d never fuckin admit it. he’d be like “UM ... Hehe! I’m ok... just dyin a bit ... heh” ( tho he’d get over it fast haha )
Imagine your OCs getting lost
1.) finn would probably cry on the inside im fuckin screaming. elena would force him to stop and go ask the random ppl in mcdonalds where they are im dyin. tho then again, they’d probs have a gps bUT- 2.) fhghfhghfg toby would probably tell dimitri the wrong road and cause them to be on like, the opposite side of the way they’re supposed to be going. then they’d just reroute and start dying on the inside/// “Getting lost is fuckin expensive!”
Which OC yells “HORSE” whenever they pass by horses?
1.) i desperately want to say it’d only be the kids but literally all of them ... theyd all just be like “OMFG HORSES ... LETS SAY HI” hfghgff 2.) toby and cecil.. they love horses im
What does your OC do to pass the time on a long stretch of road?
1.) whoever isn’t driving fucking passes the Fuck out ( if finn’s driving he’ll just be like ... ._. and die on the inside ) but otherwise they’ve got a shit ton of stuff to do. i’m so sure finn and elena would have like, 4 fucking cars [ one for both of them to drive around, one for Long Road Trips, and one for just every day driving around w/ everyone ] and the road trip car is def. a fuckin porsche cayenne with a fuckin ton of weird backseat shit for their kids im cryin. im sure theyd also just draw pictures or play games 2.) theyd either sleep, play games, or fuckin start zoning out im cryin. i feel like one of them would realize they forgot smth while On the long stretch of road.
Imagine your OCs playing I Spy
1.) finn is fucking awful at i spy and always loses, though when it’s his turn he always sees the most obscure shit. “i spy ... smth grey” “???” “That horse we just passed rn :)” 2.) toby is the god of i spy. he can fuckin guess almost everything right and he always beats everyone when they try to find what he saw im cryin
Which OC brings a guitar to serenade the other OCs as they travel?
1.) ??? 2.) none of them can play the guitar but toby would fucking bring smth weird to serenade them with. it’d be like ... a triangle. and he’d start playing fuckin “my heart will go on” all off beat
What happens when your OCs meet a hitchhiker?
1.) if they look like, innocent and theyre going close by they’ll pick them up. but otherwise Z O O M 2.) the fucking noobs in team two have read so many hitchhiker horror stories that they honestly just ... speed away without asking for details first
Which OC insists on stopping at every fruit stall to buy snacks and chat with the seller?
1.) ELENA. she’s like “oh finn THEYRE SELLING PINEAPPLES... can we buy one lol” and he’s like “hell yeah” kikka and keiko just don’t get it 2.) nikolai for fuckin sure. “toby fucking force dimitri to stop the car so i can buy an orange over there”
Which OC gets accidentally left behind at a stop? How long does it take before anyone realizes that they’re gone?
1.) oh god theyre all way too concerned to leave anyone alone hfghgf. 2.) either cecil or nikolai im crying. fuckin toby would be like “euh .... wheres X/Y” and dimitri would be like “O H  N O” im fucking crying
Which OC buys cheesy souvenirs as keepsakes and to give to their friends who didn’t come with them?
 i’m thinking they all buy that kinda shit, but i’ll go into deets here 1.) - finn probably buys weird shit for his coworkers. like they go to the USA and go on a road trip right. and theyre stopping in vegas and finn just buys like some minion figurine saying like “I WAS IN VEGAS”. and he gives it to the fucking president and he’s like “here dude.. got this for u in the states lol” - elena probably buys a mix of thoughtful gifts and weird obscure meme gifts.. kind of like the fuckin thing i said above, she’d buy weird bootleg objects and give it to her coworkers im dying. but i feel like she’d buy her students little gifts too im crying.. - keiko & kikka buy like... those shitty pencils and magnets. or they’ll buy bracelets... keiko buys “funny meme” gag gifts and kikka buys like, stuffed animals im dyin 2.) - cecil will literally go to the bootleg hidden gift stores and buy the worst quality things he sees. - dimitri probably buys those weird gag gift things OR like, weird clothes. some type of weird ass shirt like “WHAT HAPPENS IN WINNIPEG STAYS IN WINNIPEG” and of course fucking cecil and them start crying at it hgfghhfgh. - toby ... jesus christ he’ll buy anything and everything that he laughs at. either NSFW funny joke things or things that just Look weird. he’ll buy one and then he’ll go buy another for his friends im - nikolai will literally buy “I WENT TO X AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY SHIRT” things. for his friends .. he literally gets those weird stretched out pennies im dying.
Imagine your OC sitting on the hood of the car with a thermos of hot cocoa in their hands, watching the sun rise
HEY ... this is pure. 1.) finn would probably fuckng fall asleep and spill all the damn hot chocolate on his lap and start crying. elena would be like “FINN WAKE UP the suns here lol”. keiko & kikka would be like .... !_! 2.) they’d all be playing like, shitty meme videos in the background and record nature “amvs” ( nmvs ? ) for their friends. it’d be like, a video of the sun coming up with “HERE COMES THE SUN” nightcore playing
Which OC is on a quest to try as many different kinds of food as they can on this trip?
1.) elena. she’d fucking be like “ok finn.. i heard they have weird fried food here in las vegas... LETS TRY IT” and then they just go eat weird shit 2.) toby, foR REAL. they go up to like, canada or smth and toby is like “LETS HAVE TIM HORTONS, BEAVER TAILS, POUTINE, ETFUCKINC” and theyre like “kay lol”
Which OC points out every strange sign they pass by on the road and reads them aloud to the amusement or annoyance of everyone else?
1.) kikka and keiko. elena is usually not paying attention to signs and finn is Looking At The Road so theyll just scream out random signs im dead. they probably fucking ask shit like “CAN WE GO SEE CRISS ANGEL” and finn is like “Ya lol” but elena is like ??? 2.) toby and nikolai. they’ll collaborate to fucking see who can say the weirder ones first. dimitri also plays along because he sees the signs fucking first most of the time.
Which OC has to stop to relieve themself every hour or so?
1.) kikka. he’s Always going. finn then gets fuckin concerned and forces him to stop drinking so much water im cryin. 2.) dimitri. cecil and nikolai get annoyed but fucking toby is like “Y E S more stopping in shitty roadside gas stations”
Imagine your OCs getting pulled into a side quest when one OC claims that they saw a cryptid
1.) i ... honestly this is something i can see. finn would see a fucking cryptid on the las vegas strip or something and force everyone to go run around looking for it. keiko would be like “DAD PLEASE” and kikka and elena would team up to say that it went into a place like fucking mandalay bay ( just so they can see the weird aquariums in there im crying ) 2.) i feel like they’d go on a roadtrip in general just to find cryptids im dying. like they all meet up in los angeles and go around the united states / southern canada to find cryptids.
What happens when the vehicle runs out of fuel in the middle of nowhere?
1.) THEYRE ALL YELLING. they call someone and the person is like “uh ... what did yall do... stop Yelling” fghfgh. theyd probably also just sit around complaining. 2.) they probably start laughing im. theyd be like “dudes.... we’re fuckin stuck in the middle of the woods HAHAHA” ( tho dimitri is like “hehe .... Help us god” and he calls the fuckin tow trucks or w/ev )
Which OC starts taking increasingly daring nature/action photos of themselves and their friends?
1.) finn. he’d like .. do a handstand on a fuckin cliff and force them to take pics 2.) all oF THEM. theyd just do weird risky shots #FORTHEVINE ( #ripvine )
Which OC starts out stressed about the amount of work they’re leaving at home, and slowly lets themself have fun?
1.) i doubt theyd be going on roadtrips with a lot of work. elena probably only goes on roadtrips during school breaks and finn usually has to request time off Ages in advance. so therefore, they don’t really have a lot of work to worry about. 2.) im actually not too sure abt this one ... considering the only time they could go on roadtrips is during breaks, they don’t have much work to do.
Imagine your OCs stopping by the side of a quiet road to go stargazing. Bonus points if they all end up falling asleep together, warm, happy, and surrounded by their friends
1.) LOVE IT ???? but theyd probably fuckin fall asleep in like 8 seconds 2.) theyd start making more nmvs but im cryin theyd all be like “I LOVE HANGING OUT WITH THESE FUCKS” fghg
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part2coral · 8 years
Not really. I’m not gay. But like, what the shit is happening in my life?
So, how can I even begin to recount the events of this recent Sunday? It started out pretty unassuming. I was eating with Dylan at the HC and he was like, “dude, we should drink tonight!” My initial reaction was a pretty resolute fuck no, but with persistence I gave him a “maybe.” Later on he informed me that Tori would be there. Lol. Jesus fuck. I guess I’ll go now, since this is now my life and now I have a crush on a fucking girl wha the FUCK. So I go. I am unsure as to whether Tori would like to kiss me or not. No clue. We start drinking. I keep running the same words through my head: “why the actual fuck am I so attracted to a GIRL?????” She’s literally so cute fuck me. Whatever. Anyway. 
We keep on drinking. Tori and Dylan get drunk. I get semi drunk, but am trying to catch up. She is being flirty. Oh shit. I am being flirty too but I think it may be confused with me being fuckin weird. No clue. Yada yada. Somehow we get to a point where we are just openly talking about making out. Like, I asked her about the night at Dylan’s where I thought she might maybe perhaps perchance be coming onto me, and she confirmed it. We laughed about it. 
At some point after walking our friend Drake back to his dorm, I was taking a video (because that’s the new thing that I do when I’m drunk), and she just fucking grabs my face and kisses me. I’m like, oh shit. I’m like, oh shit I liked that?? Oh shit do it again?? But I pull away cause I’m scared and new to this and she starts making fun of me being dead ass straight (but like in a nice funny way). 
We get back to Dylan’s dorm. Somehow, and I really couldn’t tell ya how, we start kissing. Dylan is loving every second of it. He’s saying things like, “yas” and like “We can double date now! You two are going to go on gay dates! What if you two get married?” I am, understandably, very overwhelmed. Gay dates!??! Dates with a girl!?! Why does that sound like such a good idea? 
Anyway, Dylan eventually falls asleep on his futon. Tori invites me to his top bunk. Sorry my sentences are so fragmented. I go to the top bunk. We start making the FUCK out. I can’t stop thinking: “what the fuck is even happening,” and I can’t bring myself to accept that I am enjoying it. Like, a lot. And I think it’s evident in the fact that I’m kissing down her neck and taking off her shirt and sucking on her chest and etc, etc, etc. 
So we didn’t like scissor or something. I think she was trying to get in my pants for a sec, but I was way too scared for that. I kept laughing when I was kissing her, partially cause I couldn’t believe this was finally happening, and partially because of the entire situation in general. It was fun. I tried to make her laugh. Etc. 
Anyway, I’ve never sucked on a nipple before besides my own mother’s, so that was exciting. A good amount of time passed, and it seemed like she wanted to drive me home or something, so I was like okay let’s go. On the walk out to this bitch’s car, she holds my fucking hand. First of all, I hate my hands and they feel weird so I was insecure. Second of all, HAND HOLDING? Hand holding is fucking SENSUAL. IT’S ROMANTIC. Isn’t it? 
She keeps saying things like, “I’m going to take you on a gay-ass date soon. Tomorrow. This weekend.” She keeps telling me she wants to date me and then like take me home and hook the fuck up. I’m like, yes. Yes. I want this. I never thought I would want this, and suddenly I want it with Tori. But I’m still drunk. And although she’s driving, I know she still has alcohol in her. 
We get in her car. I literally just wanted to kiss her again so I leaned over and did exactly that while she was backing out, which was funny. She kept saying things like, “I hope you don’t hate yourself in the morning. Or me. Or regret stuff. That would suck. Don’t tell me if that happens...but don’t ghost me. Don’t ghost me.” She told me to not ghost her. But guess what her ass did this entire week? 
Anyway, she drops me off. I go inside and lie down and literally am like wHAT THE FUCKKKK. But I am pumping full of adrenaline and excitement and I just felt super happy. Sorry I keep switching tenses, my writing skills have become terrible I think.
The next day. I wake up. Look in the mirror at my bare chest and there are hickies. everywhere. I have a fucking hickey on my shoulder for gods’ sake. Is this real? Something in the pit of my stomach when I looked in the mirror told me it was unnatural and that I had done something wrong. For a split second. But that was VERY quickly overcome with the greatest urge to do it again. I literally wanted Tori to come over that night so we could do it all over again, and then some. 
I snapped her that Monday. She wasn’t super receptive. Then I texted her cause I wanted to let her know I wasn’t hating myself or regretful. She wasn’t super receptive. Hasn’t talked to me all week unless I text her first. Lmao. Why.
Like, it’s FINE if that was a one time thing. In my mind, Tori is the kind of girl that can pull chicks and dicks, and I am just one of those many chicks. She probably forgot it even happened. It’s fine. But like, she fucking baited me. She held my goddamn hand, and she told me she wanted to take me on dates, and she TOLD ME TO NOT GHOST HER HAHAHAHA. I am aghast. I can’t stop thinking about it.
But, above everything, she is my friend. And she’s a good friend. I seriously really dig her as a person and if it is what she wants to bait me and ghost me, so be it. I’ll still be her friend. It’s going to be disappointing, but what can I do?
So yeah. It can’t help that I literally can’t think of anything else, when I knooooow she probably hasn’t given it any thought. But this stuff happens. We’ll see if she cares to text me or something, and I’ll see how it goes. I think I know how this ends, though. But I can’t stop fucking thinking about it. 
Oh, I also remembered that I did some stupid fucking shit when I was drunk. Like I told her fucking everything. Why is it that I feel the need to tell people things they really could do without hearing when I’m drunk? I told her that I had sent fucking screenshots of her instagram to my lesbian friend because I wanted to show her what she looked like. I am literally cringing as I type this. I’m so f u c k i n g reckless. 
But anyway. I feel like there was something else I needed to say. OH yeah, let’s say Tori for some reason thinks I’m cute and actually does want me to take her on a gay ass date and vice versa and yadayada. Then what? Why is it that I want that? But at the same time wouldn’t want to tell anyone but my closest friends and wouldn’t want to go public with anything? But that’s thinking way too far ahead. Tori is very independent, I think. Like, I think that she’s not a relationship type person. I think she likes to have flings, but is, for some unknown reason, scared to commit/scared to get serious. I don’t know. I’m just guessing. 
Anyway. I’m in the fucking dark. Should I kiss other girls? I honestly can only imagine kissing Tori. I joked that my sexuality was boys + Tori the other night. I still believe it, sorta. Maybe I should stick to boys to avoid all of this confusion. Boys are so easy to figure out. Sooooo easy. But girls? That’s a whole other fucking universe. That is like, another dimension. I can’t comprehend it, and I don’t want to fuck with it. But I do. But I don’t. But I really, really, really do. 
whoooooooooooo college. 
okay this is almost over.  I could go on about this forever. Based on the way Tori has responded to my texts and my snapchats, I am going to stop. Like, stop trying to get emotion out of her. I think I am annoying her, which is unfortunate but I really don’t want to do that. So I am going to stop being weird about it, and try and be a normal friend like how I was before I realized I had a random, huge thing for her. How was I even able to be so chill back then? I was a chill ass bitch. 
I swear on my life I will do everything I can not to make it “weird.” That would be shit. It’s going to be chill, and I’m going to be chill. I’m going to relax, stop thinking about it so much, and stop like hoping she fucking texts me hahaha. Everything in my life is so weird. So so so weird. I like a girl. 
K now I’m done. 
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