#imagine having legoyoda.png stuck in your mind forever. thus is the tragic life of a robot
fernsnailz · 4 months
I love M8's design... I get the impression that the rabbit-like appearance sort of resembles where some of her new parts came from? (Check's Rabbit Suit? Unless it was a different Cosplay...) For my Question: does she have any Interesting Functions? For lack of a better term. Hope you have a nice day!
thank you!! those rabbit ear things on m8 are actually antenna (i know they don't really look much like real radio antenna but we'll all have to suspend our disbelief a little here 💀). check adds them to m8's design for functionality, but that subconscious rabbit design is 100% there lol.
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there's a couple other little functions that check adds while repairing m8 - part of her head was rebuilt using an older radio, though most of the buttons/dials don't actually do anything on her (check figured that putting a working mute/volume button on a being that wants to talk would be shitty). but the speakers on the side of her head work and are where her voice comes out of!
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m8's left forearm is also completely designed by check and has a screen that she can fully control.
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most of these special functions are things that were added by check. other than that, m8 is... kinda just a body. the main other notable thing is how m8's chest and torso opens to reveal the robotic internals, which tends to freak everyone out a little bit.
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their chest can be manually opened, but sometimes their body does this for no discernible reason.
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