#imagine looking at like 40 fan made stylish skins for a thing you love and looking for a petty drama instead what a loser
tbgkaru-woh · 2 years
Can you explain your choices for what skin colors you gave all the MDZS characters? Because it looks like "good" characters all overwhelmingly are drawn as pale while the darkest characters are all the "evil" associated characters...? Even Wen Ning and Wen Qing are pale white when all the other (villain) Wens are very dark??
I know you're fishing for a drama but even when i don't need to explain myself cause you're already incorrect (the jins are pale and they are far from good guys and the Jiangs have darker skin despite being good guys, if you wanna make these black and white distinction)
Sometimes it's based on an actor association, sometimes it's based on their location (sun kissed skin), sometimes it's just to have fun with the palette. People are born of all shades and these sects take place all over historical china, that's huge plot of land to have only your cookie cutter pale characters. There was another tool complaining about wwx having darker skin so i will just ignore these lol it's not productive and you're embarrassing yourself with anonymous stirring
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nanigma · 5 years
Leon Fanbook Translation: Questionnaire Results
Link to the Takumi Fanbook
Famous Lines
Leon&Kamui + Words of Love
Daily Routine + Cooking Showdown
Fashion Check
Dream Change
Sorry for the wait, but there was just so MUCH text involved in this update. I think I spent about 10 hours total translating this over the past weeks. It had even more text than the Takumi version, since they added some additional comments and reader answers. Just one more update to go after this one and I’ll have finished it. Gonna take a break from translating for a while after I get back to the promised translations I couldn’t do in the meantime.
Part time job is still going and paying decently well. Still, more always helps, so if you’d like to support my work, consider buying me ko-fi or two.  
- All the photos on this post were taken by the lovely @zaziki7
My comments in italics
Questionaire Results
Pages 40-41
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The part were you and me talk about Prince Leon!
When we commemorated the release of our Prince Leon magazine, we also send out a questionare through the official Nintendo Dream twitter account. For 10 days, from July 13th 2018 to the 23rd, we accepted 560* filled out questionnaires and will now publish the results. We will convey the intense and simply overwhelming love that Leon's fans have for him, their explanations for it, and the heartfelt well-wishes towards him.
*Interesting to note that Takumi had 627 questionnaries filled out.
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Questionary Demographic
Gender = Backed overwhelmingly by women!
Women: 89,5%
Men: 7.3%
Unspecified: 3.2%
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Age = Over 80% in their teens and twenties!
Twenties: 50.4%
Teens: 28%
Thirties: 16.5%
Unspecified: 2.8
Fourties and older: 2.1%
These are the results. The percentage of Leon's female fans almost reaching 90% is a deviation that surpasses all imagination. Surely the percentage of women is as high as it is, because we were asking for a magazine. Conversely, isn't it sort of unfair that male fans of „Fire Emblem“ do not have a character fanbook appealing to them? At least that's what we think... Gentlemen among fans, raise your voice!
They already get 90% of the figurines. I think they are more than compensated.
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Q1. (Of course Leon's most attractive feature is that pretty face of his!)
“What about Leon do you like? Please choose three options.“  
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Graph (no actual numbers given, so I'll just approximate)
His face: ~325
His voice: ~200
His heart: ~225
His outfit: ~75
His behaviour: >75
His strength: ~125
His retainers: ~25
Everything: ~250
Q1. Picking out the other answers:
“The way he uses magic!!“
Zola: “I-is this my cue?“
Odin: “Not you. Sit down.“
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Other answers: How he feels inferior to his older brothers. It's quite human./ His slight clumsiness/ When he acts like an older brother/ How he is sweet to his brother or sister, even when facing them as enemies/ How he is kind to both his family and subordinates/ His lower eyelashes/ (English comment passing through) Smart, condescending, well written character, and a great unit to boot. His design with the black and purple designs reflect light beautifully/ How he always does his best to use his wits to approach others with nonchalant friendliness and to dodge the scrutiny of his opponents./How he is the kind of man, who, while not always used to flirting and occasionally showing surprise, will take the lead when it comes down to it and spoil his partner./ First answer repeats here for some reason/ How his character, face, magic and entire existence make him the very image of a stud. But I also like his less icy character traits a lot.
Q1. Picking out the other answers:
“His lower eyelashes!!”
Aqua: “Yes... Leon's eyes are quite sharp.”
Zero: ”That’s not what you should be paying attention to...”
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Q2. (Cute? Cool? In either case, he makes you want to protect him!)
“How would you describe your feelings for Leon? Please choose 3 options.“
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Cool: <400
Cute: <450
Strong: >150
Healing: ~250
Want to snuggle up to him: <150
Hope to interact with him: >50
Beautiful (and other answers): <5
Other answers: Even though he is an excellent take on the old-school, collected hot guy, I always love it when his collar is inside out./ I want to spoil him/ I want to worship him/ I want to pat his head/ I want to support his feelings for Camilla/ I want to see his sleeping face/ I want to watch him from afar/ I think it's very human how he appears to be able to do anything, yet there are many things he cannot do/ etc.
Leon ol’ pal, there is actual support for your darkest secret out there...
Q2. Picking out the other answers:
“I envy your popularity!!“
Marx: “Who? Who could have left this answer....”
Macbeth: “W-Why are you looking at me?”
Q2. Picking out the other answers:
“I want to marry him!“
Elise: “Eh, then I want to marry him too!”
Camilla: “My... stealing isn't nice, alright?”
Am I really supposed to believe Elise is in her teens? Also, what is this family?
Pages 42-43
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Q3 (Those fleeting moments, where he breaks from his cold-hearted and unfeeling persona show Leon's true self!)
“Tell us which one of Leon's scenes and lines is the best of them all.“
1st Place (at 34.8%): Birthright Chapter 18 – Prince Leon of Nohr: His scene with Kamui after the map is cleared.
“... I lied, sister. I lied about hating you.“
2nd Place (at 20.5%): When doing a critical attack.
“Turn to dust already!“
3rd Place (at 18.2%): Prologue Chapter 1 – Nohrian Brethren: Scene with Kamui
“Eh!? My collar is inside out!? T- Then say so already...“
Other answers: Birthright Chapter 18: “The true blackness will paint over everything... your life, your future, it will all come to nothing...“/ Birthright Chapter 18: “That's quite the thing to say. If you keep looking, it should become obvious soon enough. Come on, I am already... this close after all.“/ A-Support with Odin: “It doesn't matter which world you go to, you'll always continue to be my retainer.“/ A-Support with Elise: “Yeah. Even if we only share half of our blood, even if all we are doing comes to naught.... so long as we accept each other, our bond will not be torn.“
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Q4. (With the way it makes his pale skin shine, the Dark Knight outfit is far and away the most popular!)
“Tell us which one of Leon's possible classes (outfits) is your favourite!“
Dark Knight: 79.7%
Sorceror: 0.6%
Butler: 0.4%
No percentages from here
Dark Flier
Below graph box
Overwhelming approval for the Dark Knight! Straddling his horse adorned with golden ornaments, the armour carrying the elegance of the night sky, and the garments lightly dancing around his figure proudly represent the official outfit of Prince Leon! It's befitting of a king!
Translating this made me come close to crying from frustration.
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Q5 (The bond between master and servants are strong! Zero and Odin come at number one and two!)
“Tell us which character is your favourite besides Leon.“
1st Place: Zero (at 111 votes)
2nd Place: Odin (at 61 votes)
3rd Place: Elise (at 57 votes)
4th Place: Marx (at 45 votes)
5th Place: Camilla (at 38 votes)
6th Place: Takumi (at 36 votes)
7th Place: F!Kamui (at 32 votes)
8th Place: M!Kamui (at 30 votes)
9th Place: Foleo (at 21 votes)
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While within the story, the bonds between the Nohrian siblings run deep, the popularity of Leon's group in general is superior even to that. But Zero has the most overwhelming support of them all. When adding in his personal history, one can't help but grin at seeing the viscously distant Zero having close banter with Leon. Surprisingly (?) big brother Marx beats out Kamui and gets into 4th place.
Pages 44-45
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Q6. (Most think he seems the type to join a social sciences type of activity like the student council! On the other hand, many also believe he wouldn't join any club at all.)
“If Leon went to a modern day school, what kind of club do you think he'd join?“
Student Council: ~70
None: >50
Literature/Literary Club: <45
Chess Club: ~35
Equestrian/Horse-Riding Club: >25
Science Club: >25
Gardening Club: <25
Wind Instrument Club: >20
Book/Reading Club: <20
Astronomy Club: >15
Tennis Club: ~15
Shogi Club: ~15
Chemistry Club: >10
Supernatural/Occult Club: ~10
Fencing Club: ~10
Art Club: 10
Other: History Club/ Basketball Club/ Board Game Club/ Mathematical Research Club/ Soccer Club/ Light Music Club/ Magic Club/ Theater Club/ Debate Club/ Broadcasting Club/ Science&Engineering Club/ Newspaper Club/ System Appliances Club/ Go Club/ Conversational English Club/ Table Tennis Club/ Tomato Appreciation Club/ Handicrafts Club/ Swimming Club/ Biology Club
Most answers we received weren't about any club activities, but the school council!! No matter the circumstances, he still gives off a regal image. On the opposite extreme, many were opting for him to not join a club at all, probably reflecting his attitude of wanting to make his own path without being tied down by other people. The other answers referred to his demonstrated rationality and reasoning with clubs such as the literature and literary clubs, or his desire to raise tomatoes with the gardening club. Within the 'Other' answers, there was certainly a theme centering around the „Debate Club“ (likely because Leon is skilled at fighting with words alone).  
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Q7. (So Leon really is the the indoor type? Books were his key item* all along.)
“You are going on a date with Leon! Where do you think you'll go?“
*dating sim reference
The library: ~70
An art gallery/museum: <50
Some kind of tomato plantation: ~45
A spot from which to gaze at the night sky: ~35
A high-class restaurant: >30
The cinema: ~30
A stylish café: ~25
An aquarium: <25
A planetarium: >20
A theme park: <20
Some Nohrian place: >15
His place: ~15
Others: ~140
Other answers: Watching a play at the theater/ The park/ The cinema (this was already in the graph?)/ A forest/ His home/ My Room (as in the Fates one)/ A flower field/ An antique shop/ Exploring the castle/ A place from which to watch the night sky filled with stars/ We'd have walks from the Sakurahommachi station in Nagoya, where I would drag Leon, who hates getting his feet wet, to the beach. We'd visit the Landmarktower in Yokohama and see the whole city sprawled out below from the viewing platform. Then finally, while riding a ferry's wheel, I'd want to watch as Leon would blush and become embarassed at failing to work up the courage to congratulate me on my birthday by the time we reached the top./ To an orchestra performance/ A botanical garden/ A horse ride/ A curiosity shop for tomes/ A haunted house
Some have clearly put more thought into this than others...
Leon love for tomatoes is carried by a deep knowledge of them! Speaking of, the library, art galleries and museums, are places that do the most to challenge his intellectual mind. Next is something normal people would never have thought of: A tomato plantation. Probably to go gather tomatoes. Enjoying your favourite person's favourite together must be a very fun activity. It makes us imagine Leon with a carefree smile on his face.
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Q8. (While his image is all over the place, the common feature happens to be the intellectual elite!?)
“If Leon were to enter the modern workforce, what kind of job do you think he would have?“
Something IT-related (including management): ~60
Scholar/Researcher: ~30
Lawyer: ~25
Company President/ Member of a Company President's family: <25
Company Employee: >20
On a Tomato Plantation: <20
Secretary: ~15
Teacher: <15
Company Manager: ~10
Marx's Confidant: <10
Government Employee: <10
Company director: <10
Librarian: <10
Doctor: <10
Bureaucrat: >5
Others: ~190
Other answers: Accountant/Whatever it is, he'd be wearing a suit/ Strategist/ Flower Shop Owner/ Human Resources/ System Engineer/ Diplomat/ Public Prosecutor/ Model/ Greengrocer/ Actor/ Employee at a pharmaceutical company/ Policeman/ Administrative Scrivener*/ Day Trader/ Playing in an Orchestra/ Bank Employee/ Designer/ Investor/ Translator/ Real Estate Agent/ Publisher/ Bartender/ He'd come from a good family, graduate from a famous university, find employment at a leading company and be a very promising newcomer there./ Idol/ Astronaut/ Free-lance Designer
*From Wikipedia: Administrative Scrivener(行政書士 Gyōsei shoshi)is a legal profession in Japan which files government licenses and permits, drafts documents, and provides legal advice around such interactions.
What overshadows the minority opinions are results strongly influenced by Leon's reputation as a schemer. He, who even during the plot stuck to his own methods and views, would surely acquire expertize the business world of our time and establish himself with his own abilities in the blink of an eye. Futhermore, most people see Leon at the top of some kind of organization, rather than below someone like Marx, when our previous impressions of him saw him as someone's number 2.
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Q9. (The impression of him having a preferance for scientific subjects is strong! It's surprising to see English were it is... we assumed it would be German.)  
So it's semi-officially confirmed that Nohrians are meant to speak German?
“If Leon was a teacher at a school, what kind of subject do you think he'd teach?“
Math: >100
Natural Sciences: >75
Chemistry: ~55
English: >45
Physics: ~45
Science: >25
Japanese ('Native Language'): ~25
History: <25
Biology: ~20
Social Studies: <20
History/World History: >15
Others: <30
Other answers: Economics/ Ethics/ Philosophy/ Civics/ Music/ Art/ Geography/ Magic
The impression that Leon is the science type was certainly shared by many, so as a result Math and the Sciences all stand at the top. His Strategist class (That is a tactician. Many have pointed out that in our age it would propably translate to being an expert speculator) also left quite the impact on these results. Although it's possible to say his love for books within the story has certainly been noticed, even when considering at answers for subjects like socials sciences, Japanese and English, the overwhelming majority still leans towards scientific subjects. While strict his methods would also be precise, so there can be no doubt he'd make an excellent teacher.
Pages 46-47
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Q10. (This is a bit biased, but it's the cool Leon we are talking about, so we want to hear his whispers full of sarcasm.)
“Tell us the one line you would want to hear from Leon.“
1st Place: “You really have the worst luck.“
2nd Place: “Turn to dust already!“
3rd Place: “I love you“*
*It shows both „Aishiteru“ and „Daisuki“ here, both of which are commonly translated as „I love you“. However, Aishiteru is a lot stronger in meaning than Daisuki. You wouldn't say that in everyday life even to your spouse of 10 years. It's inappropriate for all but the most dramatic situations. Like 'someone is dying' dramatic. This has been a language PSA.
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Other answers: “How foolish“/ “My collar isn't inside out, right?“/ “My collar is inside out“/ “... Good grief, you really can't be trusted without me around.“/ “Jeez... looks like I have no choice. I'll protect you.“/ !You are pretty lucky.“/ “Eh... Sister you are sca-... Too close! You are too close!“/ “Do you want to eat tomatoes with me? Sister?“/ “I love you“/ “Are you stupid“/ “Despicable fool.“/ “Death shall be your redemption.“/“Look only at me, think only about me.“/ “I love you.“/ “Can I hug you?“/ Upon telling him his collar is inside out: “Ugh, say so earlier!“/ “I'll destroy you with black arts.“/ “Jeez, I'm no match for big brother.“/ “Pull yourself together, sister.“/ “Feel free to become Foleo's wife“/ “It's a lie that I hate you.“/ “That was well done.“/ “Welcome home.“/ “I want to eat your miso soup.“ *chokes*/ “Thank you for cleaning everyday“ (Maid setting)/ “How clumsy.“/ “You are always hard at work. I expect much from your services.“/ “Aren't these clothes inside out? Eh? That's how they are designed? Uhh...“/ “My collar is inside out!? … Tell me that sooner!“/ “Huh...?“/ “Traitors are a disgrace to the Kingdom of Nohr. Death shall be your redemption.“/ (In English) “I love you so much, please love yourself.“/ “You really can't do anything without me.“/ “Do you also want a tomato?“ (as in eating one)/ “Let's eat tomatoes together.“/ “I love it when you turn redder than a tomato.“/ “Don't say I have a woman's face.... I'd rather have you say that I'm cool instead of cute.“/ “Isn't your coat inside out as well? … Hehe, I'm kidding.“
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Everyone's love is bursting from these answers. We can fully understand both the group that wants to be disparaged and the group that wants to be treated gently. Seeing just how many fans aren't satisfied with just a tsundere, but desire a cheeky little brother who verbally abuses them, we get the feeling we have found Leon's true appeal.
Kinkshame 100% appropriate.
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Takumi VS. Leon!!
Just like in this book, we also made a questionary to celebrate the release of the „Prince Takumi of Hoshido“ fanbook. Both of the questionaries included 5 questions pitting Leon and Takumi against each other. Although it appeared mostly like a popularity contest, we also gathered many responses and explanations that were overflowing with love. Although we have obviously published these answers in the Takumi fanbook as well, we will be publishing the comments that came with choosing Leon only in this magazine.
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Q11. (Their popularity is almost exactly the same! Those who answered with something else mostly commented about how they „wanted to watch team X from afar.“)
“If you had to choose a side between them, which one would you pick?“
Leon: 45.1%
Takumi: 43.9%
Others: 11.0%
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Q12. (Although they share many of the same habits and outlooks, it seems Takumi came out on top on this one.)
“Who do you think makes for the better father?“
Leon: 48.8%
Takumi: 51.2%
Reasons for choosing Leon: He praises Foleo from the dephts of his heart. He is able to truly accept him./ He hasn't known love from either of his parents, so he seems to put great effort into raising his child/ He seems very good at giving out praise!/ As a strategist he seems like he's be great at planning out child-rearing and lifeplans./ Because he seems to have an understanding of his child as a human being/ After apologizing to his son for rejecting him without even listening to his side, he is able to come to a mutual understanding with him/ Because he seems great at applying the carrot-and-stick method/ Because he is someone who holds his family dear. Together with his child he is able to learn from both success and failure and grow as a person./ Since he knows what he wanted for his own childhood/ He seems great at calming people down/ He seems the type to help his kids with their studies
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Q13. (Just like with Question 12, Leon comes up short in the results. Could it be that he is a bit of a complex father figure?)
Could it??
“Whose son/daughter would you want to be?“
*I orginally translated this question wrong in the Takumi fanbook. The additional ansers here gave it context. I’ll correct it there as soon as I get around to it.
Leon: 43.6%
Takumi: 56.4%
Reasons for choosing Leon: While he is strict, he seems like he'd take care when teaching magic arts./ Although I also want to be Foleo's sibling, mostly I just want to be praised by Leon./ If I conveyed my love for him all sweet, I am sure he'd be grateful./ I'd have a beautiful daddy/ Because I could support Foleo no matter what his dreams were/ He seems very cold, but I think his love runs deep/ Because he seems the type to passionately devote himself to helping me study/ Human nature/ I want him to praise me by saying „That's my child!“/ He seems like he'd be a good hugger when he is in the mood to spoil/ He'd probably be a doting father/ Although he seems like he'd be a very careful father, I want to be there to see him be careless at times/ I want to see how his usually calm presentation as a father gets disrupted by his subordinates/ Because Team Leon has Zero in it/ Although he'd deny it at first, someday he'd become a father who understands his love for his child./ Because I want to have a knowledgable father/ Although cruel, he is nice to his friends and family/ It'd be fun being around Zero and Odin from a young age.
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Q.14 (Their popularity is the same here, leading them to share perfectly identical results! There were several heated comments explaning the decision!
“If you could have one of them as your own child, which one would you choose?”
Leon: 50%
Takumi: 50%
Reasons for choosing Leon: Although he'd be a bit careless, I can see him becoming a son worth boasting about./ I want to coddle him/ He'd be an obedient child growing up. Also, since he's grow up to be very beautiful I would want to dress him up a lot./ He would probably need to be helped out a lot, which is just too cute!/ Because I want to spoil Leon!!/ Because I want a well-mannered child/ I want to watch over him with a smile whenever he is clumsily rushing through life/ Because being both smart and friendly is very cute!/ Because I want to defeat Leon's unbelievable loneliness with praise!/ I want Leon to have more confidence in himself/ Until I die, I want to continue seeing Leon as an irreplacable presence in my life, more valuable than anyone else./ I hope to decrease Leon's inferiority-complex even a little/ Since he is starved for motherly-love, I want to be the one to show it to him/ Because I want to feed him lots of delicious tomato dishes/ So we can read lots of books together/ He seems to be the obedient, quiet type/ Since Leon's relationship with his mother can't be called good, I want to raise him lovingly this time around./ He|d be a smart, hard-working son to boast about/ Because I want to have him enter a boy's choir group/ He is just so cute!
Anyone else get the feeling some of these people would be better served with a doll than a child?
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Q.15 (An indoor type like Leon can't hope to compete in this with an outdoor type like Takumi...)
“If you were stranded together on a deserted island, who do you think you could rely on most?“
Leon: 39.1%
Takumi: 60.9%
Reasons for choosing Leon: I bet he could do something with Brunhilde (such as harvesting fruit)/ I think Leon would be better at staying calm and make the right decisions during such circumstances.  Then he'd use magic to light a fire, dig a waterway, cut down trees and gather materials to then use them to build a house/ I think he'd be able to stay calm about it/ Utilizing his vast knowledge, he'd likely be able to provide safe water and food./ Because he can grow apples/ Either of his retainers would give it their all/ Unlikely to panic, he'd be a calm guide/ He can make fire with magic/ As he is called 'Gravitymaster', he can manipulate the earth as much as he likes and provide a lifestyle that way./ Having magic that can manipulate gravity seems useful/ No matter what happens, I am sure he'd be able to use his knowledge to get by somehow. Plus, I am sure big siblings Camilla and Marx would rush in to the rescue.
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So what do you think of the results of these 15 questions? We truly thank everyone who gave their answers within such a limited time. Although we think that there were a lot of unexpected questions relating to our modern way of life, but do you not agree that in this way we were able to more clearly solidify our image of Leon? If all of you continue supporting and showing your love for Leon... we can only call that the correct result.
Next update will finally be the last. It may take a bit to get out, but it should happens faster than this. I just realized I’ve spent over half a year on this project...I want to sleep 100 years..  
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theripertoire · 6 years
My List of Newborn Essentials, 0-3 Months
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Photocred: Janis Sarraf Tabet
Sometime in March of last year, I found out I was pregnant. Getting pregnant was the absolute last thing on my mind, and traveling the world with my husband, who I’d just married, was on the top of my list. Little did I know that the only list I would be making for the months that followed was newborn must-haves. Finding out you’re pregnant for the first time is surreal. It’s exciting, terrifying, stressful and beautiful all at once. What they don’t tell you though, is that being pregnant is the least difficult chapter in motherhood. Once baby is in the world, it’s a whole new ballgame, and everything becomes so fast-paced, you finally realize what the terms superwoman and supermom mean. What does help is being organized and managing your time efficiently. I was never a fan of “routine”, but I now find that it’s what keeps me and baby sane. The first step in being organized is being prepared with all you may need at home to make baby’s stay as comfortable, safe, and convenient as possible for the both of you. This starts with making a list of newborn must-haves. This is basically a long, long, VERY long list that gets longer and longer the more you research online and ask friends or family for advice – which is exactly what I did … and then went on to buy every item that was recommended to me. In my opinion, no price was too high and no list was too long. I was willing to buy anything and everything for Brandon – and that’s what hubby and I did. And what a waste of money and time that was! Once baby B was born and for the weeks that followed, I realized that the only opinion that mattered in determining what newborn must-haves to purchase is your baby’s and your baby’s alone. In my case, Brandon hated so many of the highly-rated and super expensive purchases, no matter how hard I tried to make him love them. So, we spent our first two weeks buying even more must-have products; including alternatives to what we had already bought, in addition to things we had never considered. So, I decided to spare other mommas the time and money and say it like it is: you will need to buy tons of new stuff for baby, just not all the things you thought you might need, and certainly not the overhyped, overpriced, cutting-edge, award-winning products that claim to be most loved by babies everywhere. The best thing you can do is start off with buying a few essentials, then move on to the rest once baby is born and your needs and routine have been established.
In any case, I’m sharing my list of must-haves and luxuries. It’s tried and tested, and I’m hoping it helps some of you somehow. This applies for newborns – from 0 to 3 months of age.
Here goes:
Around 7 bodysuits and pajamas for each age. I was advised to only buy 5 of each, which I realized was a big mistake (especially since I have a baby boy, and peepee fountains are staple in our daily lives). Aside to pee surprises, do consider the vomiting, poop explosions, and diaper leaks that happen almost everyday. There’s even one day where we went through 5 outfit changes. I got better at controlling and avoiding these surprises as the weeks passed, but I reached a conclusion that 7-9 of each is a fair number. Plus, it’s nice to see your baby in different outfits! This is only an exception for newborn pajamas, depending on your baby’s birth weight and height. I actually bought 9 newborn PJs for my baby, but he outgrew them once he hit 10 days. So, he basically wore each pair twice.
And now, for some advice on where to buy them. Personally speaking, my favorite bodysuits were from Petit Beateau and Mothercare. Great fit, excellent cotton and long-lasting quality. As for the pajamas, my favorites were from Mothercare, Mamas & Papas and Carter’s, followed by Jacadi and Petit Bateau. I had splurged on other more high-end brands, which I realized were so impractical; their cotton wasn’t fantastic, their fit was almost always too small, and getting those pajamas on and off was a hassle – and a complete waste of time and money. My second piece of advice is to buy cotton pajamas whether winter or summer – unless you’re in a super, duper cold climate. I bought so many velour pajamas before Brandon was born. He never wore them, and they didn’t maintain their quality after washes. I switched to cotton after week one. My third piece of advice is to buy pajamas for the first month and nothing else. Save the cool/cute/more complicated outfits for later. During this period, your baby is super wobbly and it’s stressful enough to get those pajamas on and off during the first couple of weeks. Imagine trying to put a suit and tie on that tiny human! Once baby hits the 40-day mark, do as you please! And my last piece of advice is this: whenever you find cotton pajamas with a zipper instead of buttons, BUY IT! It makes life so much easier (Mamas & Papas and Carter’s have lots of those).
You will also need socks. I found that 7 pairs are enough too. You can buy the 0-3 months and take advantage of them for longer. My favorite socks were from H&M as well as Mamas & Papas.
Bonnets – you’ll need around three. You can also get two or three pairs of mittens. Brandon only wore mittens on five occasions. Another option is buying pajamas that have built in mittens. I personally like to keep baby’s hands bare so he can use them for self-soothing and discovery. I loved the bonnets and mittens at Jacadi, Petit Bateau, Mothercare and Tartine et Chocolat.
Blankets, bedsheets and mattress protectors. Many may advise against the use of blankets, but I am personally pro-blanket. I bought all of Brandon’s thicker blankets from Mamas & Papas and Zahar Kids; and the light cotton ones from Petit Bateau and Zahar Kids. You will need three to four of each. One mattress protector will do, and two to three fitted bed sheets should suffice. I also bought all of those from Mamas & Papas.  
Burp cloths. Buy A LOT! I think 12 is a good number. I loved the ones at Zahar Kids, Mothercare and Carter’s. In addition, you can buy those packs of little square towels from Mothercare. You will use these for everything, from bath time and feeding to cleaning and changing diapers. Two to three packs will do. I started using bibs once Brandon was a little over two months and salivating a lot. You will also need around 5-7 bibs.
Diapers. You will need tons of diapers. TONS!!! In my case, we use Pampers Premium. Both Brandon and I loved them. We have a diaper change every two hours – till today.
Baby wipes. I personally prefer using cleansing water (like Uriage or Mustela) with cotton pads specially-made for baby. Baby wipes are excellent too, but make sure you purchase a water-based, brand for sensitive skin that has the least amount of chemicals possible. The last thing you need is nappy rash!
Nappy rash cream. I like Sudocrem and Mustela 1 2 3.
Diaper bag. I love the Skip Hop and Jacadi diaper bags. They’re both practical and stylish. In the diaper bag, it helps to have the following: a full change of clothes in a Ziploc bag, six diapers, wipes, nappy rash cream, scented diaper bags from Mothercare, a closed bottle of water, two clean feeding bottles, and formula incase you are formula-feeding, or expressed breast milk if you’re breastfeeding, two pacifiers, hand sanitizer, two burp cloths, a muslin cloth and two square towels).
Diaper caddy. If there’s one thing I learned after three months of being a mom, is that there’s no way to get through the day without being organized. I love having a diaper caddy or simply, any form of storage for all the essentials I’ll need around the house for baby, or simply to be placed near the changer for ease of access to everything. You can put everything in there, from wipes and diapers to everything related to baby’s toiletries and hygiene. You can even stick a changer in there and carry it around the house with you to avoid jumping from room to room in case you need to clean your baby or go for a nappy change.
Tommee Tippee Sangenic Nappy Disposal Bin. I’m obsessed. I tried the Ubbi Diaper Pail, which was indeed roomy, but I wasn’t too impressed. This, on the other hand, is my favorite thing about changing diapers. It’s an epic must-have.
Peepee teepee. If you have a baby boy and want to avoid peepee accidents. Placing a cotton pad over his peepee also helps as an alternative to the teepee, which isn’t always as handy as a cotton pad.  
Bathtub. This all comes down to personal preference. Some love to buy the “Blooming Bath” and place it in the sink. I loved this and wished I had bought it for B when he was a newborn. Instead, I bought the Chicco Cuddle & Bubble, which is so practical. It was recommended to me by several mommas, and I can’t recommend it enough! It has a level for storage, a changer and a tub. Place it in your bathroom, and it’s all you’ll need for bath time. Mind you, you will need to buy a newborn seat or large sponge for to place baby on while in the tub. Another excellent option is the Béaba tub with its seat. My baby loved this one the most, but carrying him naked across the bathroom to place him on the changer is the only downside to it.
Shampoo and body wash. I absolutely love Mustela shampoo and shower gel. Alternatively, there are some great organic brands you can find on Amazon. However, my current favorite and current obsession is Burt’s Bees Baby. I’m obsessed, it smells like heaven and leaves skin silky smooth -  and my baby loves it.
Hooded bath towels. I think 7-9 of these is a good number. I loved the ones at Carter’s, Mothercare and Petit Bateau. My personal favorite though is the PUJ towel. Although these are used for older children, they still have a hood and are super thick, long, snuggly and Brandon loves them. We started using these at 3+ months, but that’s also for another blog post.
Soft hair brush. We got ours from Chicco and loved it.
Nail scissors. Also Chicco. Look no further.
Soft bath sponge. We loved the Chicco sponges. Make sure to wash and air dry very well after each bath.
Rectal thermometer. Until baby is 3 months old, the only accurate way to take his/her temperature is rectally. The Chicco digital rectal thermometer never failed us.  
Mouche Bebe and Physiomer/Sterimar Bebe. The brands I really liked for the mouche are the Picot and the Physiomer. You will also need salt water for cleaning those nasal passages, and the best two are the Physiomer bebe and the Sterimar bebe. Combining the mouche with the salt water is the most effective way to clean the nasal passages.
Organic almond oil for babies. I love to massage this onto baby’s skin after each bath. It’s the only product that has prevented eczema, cradle cap and dry skin so far.  
Pediavit D vitamin for baby. This was prescribed by my pediatrician. Please always consult with your baby’s pediatrician ONLY when it comes to vitamins, formula, feedings, and especially medication.
Water thermometer. The Chicco was my favorite. We always kept water at 37-38 degrees Celsius.
Room thermometer. I love the one by Avent. It’s excellent, and you can use it for both bath water and room temperature.
Feeding bottles. I found eight bottles to be an ideal number. While I was breastfeeding, I loved using Munchkin Latch bottles for my expressed milk. Overall, it’s an excellent slow flow, anti-colic bottle for newborns. I then switched to Dr. Brown’s (wide neck) when I began formula feeding, which are our favorite and what I’ll be sticking to till he stops bottle feeding. After Brandon passed his three-month mark, we started using Tommee Tippee as well, but I’m leaving the 3+ months products for another blog post.  
Pacifiers and soothers. I love the Dr Brown 0-6 months soothies. They’re the only ones Brandon liked. Avoid these if you’re breastfeeding. Bottle sterilizer. I tried a few, and to be honest, the Avent was my favorite. It has tons of space to fit several bottles and different bottle sizes, two compartments (you can use the small one alone for fewer items or smaller bottles), and is super easy to use and clean.
Bottle warmer. This is a must for breastfeeding moms who store their breast milk in the fridge or freezer. My favorite is the Avent, and I used it several times a day throughout the time I was breastfeeding. Its only downside is it tends to overheat the milk, but one you get the hang of it, you know exactly how long to warm up the bottle without overheating it.  
Breast pump. Buy a Medela breast pump and don’t even think twice about purchasing another brand. If you have the opportunity to rent a hospital-grade one like the Medela Symphony, do so by all means.
Avent breast pads – nighttime. During breastfeeding, I used these day and night because of their high absorbency and cotton feel.
Nipple cream. You will certainly need this if you’re breastfeeding. I used Marcalan and loved it.
Nursing bras and shirts. This is more for you than baby, but it makes it that much more convenient to nurse your baby when wearing one. I had two or three of each, which I bought from Mamas & Papas.
Nursing pillow. This is also a must during breastfeeding, as it’s more comfortable for both mom and baby. I love the pillows at Mamas & Papas and Le Bouquet. You can also leave your baby to lounge in it for a few minutes each day.
Container for formula. If you’re formula feeding, this comes in so handy for preparing the portions ahead of time, especially for feeds outside the house. A brand I love is Munchkin.
Travel cot. I own the Chicco in Lebanon and Graco in Qatar, and these are excellent when placed bedside in your bedroom. They each come with a changer, convert from cot to playpen, and can be packed into their bag and taken with you anywhere you go. I love having this and believe it’s a must for every baby. An alternative (up to a certain age) is the Next2Me bedside crib by Chicco. I used this with Brandon as well and fell in love with it. The proximity is everything, and I believe is essential in the first weeks. If I were to choose, I would use the Next2Me for the first six weeks, then the Graco till he moves into his own room. You could always just buy the travel cot, set it up in your room and stick to that till baby is old enough to sleep in a separate room.
Cot. We bought our nursery cot from Mamas and Papas, and I love it. Price versus quality versus esthetics are all on point.
Dresser + Changer: We also bought the dresser in the nursery from Mamas and Papas and I love that as well. We bought a beautiful changer that we set on top and use the drawers for his towels, bed linens, pajamas and clothes. It’s both practical and visually beautiful.
Rocking chair. This was perfect during nursing, bottle feeding, and putting baby to sleep.
Bouncing chair. A great choice is the mamaRoo by 4moms, which you can find at the Cookie Dough Boutique or Just Kidding. Another good one is the Chicco Polly Swing.
Baby dock. I loved using the Cocoonababy, and so did Brandon. This is definitely a must in the first two to three weeks, at least during lounging and naptime. I know there’s a lot of ugly publicity with regards to sleep positioners, so I won’t insist on them. But, in our case, this helped my baby sleep so well during the time that he was adapting to life outside the womb. I also asked my pediatrician about it, and she said she loved it too for afternoon naps around the house. It was a great way to keep Brandon close by and cozy.
Stroller. You will need a stroller for everyday, something that’s both heavyweight and versatile, like the Graco Modes or the UPPABaby Vista or the Stokke XPLORY. I also believe a second, more practical stroller is also needed for moms on the go, such as the Doona and the YOYO. I love the YOYO and find it to be a must-have, but we wont be using ours till Brandon hits 6 months because the current 0-6 carrier is a lie-flat, which is an issue for babies with reflux. The Doona, on the other hand, is excellent for babies with reflux, moms with a busy lifestyle, and moms with several cars or no car. The Yoyo is so practical. It folds up into a tiny accessory you can carry with you everywhere, even the airplane. You can later on convert it to a 6+ stroller when the time comes. The Doona can be found at Le Bouquet or Just Kidding, and the YOYO at Cookie Dough Boutique or Just Kidding.
Car seat. I love the Doona, Maxi Cosi and Cybex. The Doona can be found at Le Bouquet, the Maxi Cosi at the Baby Company, and the Cybex at Mamas & Papas. Many prefer to purchase a travel system stroller, which comes with its own car seat. That’s also a great idea.
Flathead pillow. I used the Candide Expert from Moms & Babies during the day time. It’s great for when baby is lying on his back during playtime or sitting in the stroller. So far, no flat head – thank God.
Anti reflux pillow. My baby has reflux, so placing a wedge pillow underneath the mattress has done wonders for us. Even if your baby doesn’t have reflux, many doctors advise on putting baby to sleep on an inclined mattress. It’s much safer in case of vomiting or gagging incidents during sleep.
Baby monitor. The Motorala has been my favorite so far. Its monitor is possibly the best I’ve tried, not to mention its accuracy and detail when it comes sound and image – it’s almost as through you’re sitting with baby in the room. I love that you can also access the cam from your phone when you’re not at home. It’s the best we’ve tried, price versus performance. The one we own is the Motorola MBP854.
Playmat. This is excellent for playtime, tummy time, stimulation, and discovery. I got Brandon’s from Joue Club and Fisher-Price and absolutely love both.
Tummy time prop pillow. I love the one I bought from ELC Early Learning Center. It’s excellent for babies that hate tummy time and great to help them get the hang of it.
0+ Toys. You need these to stimulate your baby at every developmental stage from 0-3 months.  I love everything from Fisher-Price and ELC Early Learning Center. Brandon is obsessed with his links from Mothercare.
Crib mobile. These are excellent for putting baby to sleep as well as stimulating baby while awake. I love the Fisher-Price mobiles, though the ones at Mamas & Papas are the prettiest.
Happi Tummi. This is a must for calming down colicky, gassy and fussy babies. It also helps baby sleep better at night. I still use it everyday for gas relief. It just smells heavenly!
Night light. I love the Pabobo night lights from Moms & Babies.
White noise machine. I don’t like to keep it too quiet around Brandon. I love to play music or sounds of the ocean, wind, rain, etc. Not only does it help him sleep better, but it gets him used to dozing off even with some noise around him. An alternative to this is an app called Sound Sleeper. It has the most addictive “noise” options that helped soothe my baby and put him right to sleep.
Humidifier. for dry climates, a cool air humidifier is very helpful for both baby’s skin and breathing.
Hospital grade hand sanitizer. It’s best to keep your hands super clean around newborns, and this is very helpful to have around in case you have relatives or guests over that want to see, touch or carry your baby. I have one in each room of the house.
And last but not least,
A pen and notebook. If there’s one helpful tip I learned from the nurses I worked with, it’s to keep daily record of your baby’s feeds, diapers, naps, vomiting and/or diarrhea, if any, and any changes that may occur. This helped me keep track of my baby’s development, and make sure he’s sleeping enough, drinking enough, and peeing enough. It also helped me identify that his body wasn’t agreeing with a certain formula, as well as figure out that he has reflux. My baby is almost four months old, on an excellent schedule, and I still keep track of everything even when I’m outside the house. Some may perceive this as overkill or neurotic, but believe me, it’s hectic enough in the first months, and it’s easy to forget things, so this has been a lifesaver.
I’m pretty sure there’s tons I’m forgetting, so if there’s something you think I should add to this list, please leave your thoughts in the comments section below and I’ll be sure to add the extra points in an additional edit. Lots of love to all you mamas. Remember, we each do things differently, and there’s no strict right or wrong. You’re all doing the best you can, and deserve to be celebrated everyday! And that’s the most essential point to remember throughout all this.
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sassmill · 7 years
answer ALL those questions BIH 1-97 or however many there are
Great panini Michelle... every damn time...1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?Uhhhhhhhh yeah2. You talked to an ex today, correct?Idk I guess technically?3. Have you taken someones virginity?Lmao nope4. Is trust a big issue for you?YEAH WHOO BOY YEAH I have a lot of issues and trust is a huge one5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?Yes yup I definitely did. She told me I looked pretty and it was the first time I've ever been sure she was flirting with me. 6. What are you excited for?Going back to school holy shit. I've had a countdown going. I move back in at the end of the month. I can't fuckening wait. 7. What happened tonight?I told myself I was going to shower and clean my room but instead I'm sat here watching dan and Phil games videos?8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?I don't think it's disgusting I just worry for their safety. I'm the mom friend that takes care of the lightweights. 9. Is confidence cute?Hell yeah10. What is the last beverage you had?Brisk iced tea with lemon 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?I wanna say like three. I don't have an exact count because I've managed to direct my daily life to have very few males and I can only think of three men I regularly interact with. 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?Yeah and my fuckin thighs are wearing a HOLE IN THEM which means I need to order a new pair but they're EXPENSIVE and I hate CAPITALISM 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?That's a good fucking question. I have nothing planned, nothing to do within walking distance, and no license. Probably masturbate in all honesty. 14. What are you going to spend money on next?Well I just spent like $150 on an old navy order today so probably not clothes Oh you know what I need a new bookbag so probably that. IKEA has some good ones. 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?The only person I've kissed was for a scene in acting class so no. I had a really elaborate dream the other night where I was kissing my crush but alas also no. 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?Oh for sure. 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?Honestly???? Reese. 18. The last time you felt broken?This is more or less a weekly to daily occurrence but the most intense instance I can recall was Saturday night at my cousin's wedding! Being most likely the only gay person out of a group of 300 people made up of mostly married couples with children was absolutely horrific because as soon as one cousin gets married the aunts start placing bets on who's next and each time I'm closer to the top of the list. Combine that with varied intrusive thoughts and you've got a lovely shitstorm of self loathing!!!19. Have you had sex today?Not ever m'dude20. Are you starting to realize anything?That if I want to be less anxious when shopping for clothing, I need to only shop at places that actually cater to my body type aka I've just accepted that I have a mom body and will always look better in well made and sort of pricey old navy clothes over cheap shitty forever 21 clothes. 21. Are you in a good mood?I'm kind of eh. All I've done today is watch the MSNBC news cycle for hours on end and that was really depressing and anxiety inducing but I've isolated myself in my room for a bit since then and had a nice salami sandwich so I've mellowed. 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?Hell yeah. Sharks are nowhere as violent as media portrays them and need to be protected like any other species. Also I went to the aquarium yesterday. 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?Yes between my parents I got pretty much all of my father's genetics and it's really funny. 24. What do you want right this second?Someone to cuddle with because I realized when I was staying at a hotel that I literally can't sleep unless I'm holding something and every single night my body pillow is a little bit more pathetic. 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?Fuckin jokes on you she's married 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?Technically no. I mean I am a natural blonde but currently I am several shades blonder because my natural shade is on the darker end of the blonde spectrum and I'm so pale that I need to lighten and warm it up from time to time so I don't look like a less stylish Addams child. 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?That's a hard fuckin pass m828. What was the last thing that made you laugh?I answered this before but I've laughed again since then soS A N D R A29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?Yes. 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?Yes, as long as they are actually willing to modify their behavior/habits/what have you. Life is a learning curve. I believe in third chances too, under the same conditions. At some point, however, you have to acknowledge that some people just will not change and it isn't worth the energy you're investing to try and force it. Then it's time to cut bitches off lmao. 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?My brother is walking a fine line right now. He's a shit head but I don't hate him. 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?I think so. 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?Cherry Pepsi flows through my veins. 34. Listening to?I've honestly been listening to the original London cast recording of The Witches of Eastwick the musical on repeat for like a week? That and the original cast recording of Sunset Boulevard. Which reminds me, I downloaded Dangerous Liaisons...35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?Yeah... do people like... stop writing in pencil at some point? Y'all hate erasers????36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?Probably somewhere in Pennsylvania where I left her. 37. Do you believe in love at first sight?Maybe chemistry at first sight? I think you have to know a person before you can love them. Chemistry doesn't have to be romantic either, I think it's just a significant reaction. I'm a fan of hate to lover arcs in fiction. Cough cough swan queen. 38. Who did you last call?Probably my brother to tell him to preheat the oven. 39. Who was the last person you danced with?My aunt when she was trying to convince me not to leave the wedding reception even though I was dead on my feet and dissociating so hard I felt like I wasn't in my body40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?Because that's how Phyllis Nagy wrote the script. 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?The wedding reception. It didn't have frosting because my brother brought me a fucking cupcake without frosting. 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?No43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?Countless times! I'm strong but clumsy so when she asks me to move things for her it's like a 50/50 chance I'll drop it. She never makes fun of me though. 44. Do you tan in the nude?I don't tan period because I am pasty and extremely at risk for skin cancer *finger guns*45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?If by take back you mean literally take it back by purchasing the full play to read it 46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?I usually do47. Who was the last person to call you?Idk probably my dad to tell me to preheat the oven. 48. Do you sing in the shower?Am I even showering if I'm not singing49. Do you dance in the car?I'm generally pretty cramped in most cars so no50. Ever used a bow and arrow?Yes! I'm a pretty decent archer. 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?Probably my headshots that I got when I was doing my dance photo shoot senior year. 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?I'm a theatre major what fucking kind of question is this. In this house we respect triple threats. And have a healthy fear of the wrath of patti lupone 53. Is Christmas stressful?Half my family is EXTREMELY Roman Catholic and a quarter is Jewish so if it's not stressful it's definitely complicated 54. Ever eat a pierogi?Fuck yes holy shit we had a cooking unit at camp and they'd make staff lunch and they made pierogies from scratch like dough potatoes and all and I swear I nutted. 55. Favorite type of fruit pie?Lemon meringue. Oh fuck elies mom made such good pie last year. 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Forensic examiner! I wanted to do autopsies! Like deadass I wanted to be Doctor Jan Garavaglia from the discovery channel. Also retrospectively definitely had a crush on her. That was when I was in like elementary school though. In middle school I wanted nothing more than to be an Imagineer and design attractions for Disney. 57. Do you believe in ghosts?I'm from New England. Next question. 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?Yeah holy shit I see stuff from my dreams a lot. 59. Take a vitamin daily?These strawberry flavored fuckers for hair skin and nails they're so good!60. Wear slippers?Not so much at home but at school I practically live in them because our dorm is always disgusting 61. Wear a bath robe?Yes I have a super fluffy long one62. What do you wear to bed?Ideally nothing but I have to wear clothes because my room gets too hot to sleep with the door shut so normally a t shirt and underwear and then I keep shorts or sweatpants by my bed so I can put them on quickly if I have to leave my room. Plus I have a roommate at school so no naked napping there either. 63. First concert?Probably one of the free concerts Eight to the Bar used to do in my mom's hometown64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?Target I'm a loyal Pinterest mom65. Nike or Adidas?Neither. Whatever is on clearance at Kohls. 66. Cheetos Or Fritos?Cheetos. I'm not a fucking heathen. 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?No. Cashews. 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?LOVE STORY (The og country version) IS THE REALEST BOP IVE EVER HEARD69. Ever take dance lessons?Hahaha only 16 years of them70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?Something creative. Strongly probably theatre related. 71. Can you curl your tongue?Yeah72. Ever won a spelling bee?No but I performed a song from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?Short answer yes. Long answer: please see my post on Tired Thesbian about Indecent directed by Rebecca Taichman and written by Paula Vogel 74. What is your favorite book?To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf75. Do you study better with or without music?With, but it has to be instrumental. I really like film scores; Cracks, The Hours, and the Mildred Pierce miniseries are my favorites. Honorable mention for Carol. 76. Regularly burn incense?Not allowed to. 77. Ever been in love?Yes. 78. Who would you like to see in concert?Fleetwood Mac/Stevie, Celtic Woman, Dolly Parton, Florence + The Machine. That's the non showtune half of my music taste. Isn't it an unsettling combination. 79. What was the last concert you saw?I don't really go to music concerts but I went to the so you think you can dance tour a couple years ago. 80. Hot tea or cold tea?Porque no los dos 81. Tea or coffee?Porque no los dos 82. Favorite type of cookie?I'm a slut for shortbread but that's more of a biscuit soooooo Oreos. 83. Can you swim well?I've never drowned 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?People can't do that?85. Are you patient?I guess so86. DJ or band, at a wedding?Dj BRUH 87. Ever won a contest?I won a writing contest in eighth grade!88. Ever have plastic surgery?No but I'd love to get some for various reasons. And when it comes down to it, we really shouldn't judge others cosmetic choices be they hair color or plastic surgery. Insert Dolly Parton. 89. Which are better black or green olives?Olives are evil and I was once locked out of my dorm room over this argument90. Opinions on sex before marriage?Holy fuck heterosexual culture is wild isn't it91. Best room for a fireplace?Already answered 92. Do you want to get married?Maybe not married but certainly in a committed long term relationship. To quote Lily Tomlin, I'm not particularly keen on imitating heterosexuals. Holy fuvk that took like a full hour
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