#imagine thinking hyuna was aloof
Me, looking back on my guesses for characterization based on the first two videos: "ok, so I was wrong"
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priincekin · 9 months
My All-In Interpretation in regards to Hyuluka and Hyun-woo
Summary : Hyuna, the extrovert, adopted Luka, the introvert, as her friend, and did her best to include him. However, Luka became jealous, and decided that the best thing to do was to kiss Hyuna. Hyun-woo, being a protective younger brother, approaches Luka about it and it ends in a fight; Luka, in the chaos and trying to defend himself with no arm strength, accidentally pushes Hyun-woo onto a rock and killing him before ultimately falling down due to injuries.
The Hyuluka dynamic pre-death isn’t too complex. In the Anakt Garden art book, Hyuna is shown as being popular, while Luka often watches the crowd from afar. She was an extrovert who probably felt bad for the supposed outcast and started to spend time with him out of pity.
While ultimately less than important to the chain of events, I think it’s likely that Luka’s kiss wasn’t necessarily borne of bad intentions. Instead, I think it was caused by a lack of social understanding.
In the MV, there’s a couple small moments with young Luka that point to some form of neurodivergency. These small details are also present in other forms, such as his interview. There’s a good chance he didn’t quite grasp the social cue of “hey, you can’t go and kiss her” and after a moment of jealousy, he figured it was a good time and just did it. I’m not trying to say he did nothing wrong, though, he absolutely did.
What exactly led to the fight is very much up for debate. There’s no way of knowing without dialogue. The most common interpretation I’ve seen is Luka confronting Hyun-woo about how much time Hyun-woo spends with his sister. That hardly makes sense. Instead, I propose that maybe Hyuna told Hyun-woo about the kiss, and he took it upon himself to confront Luka about it. Obviously, it went horribly wrong.
Logistics, in a case like this, are very important. The Hyun-woo killing is the most up for debate here. Running through a couple important factors:
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Blood Splatter: In the case that Luka picked up the rock and bludgeoned him to death with it, the blood would be splattered across the whole surface instead of dripping down from where his head laid.
Physical Dynamics: Imagine trying to push someone taller than you in a way so that their head hits a very, very small rock. It would be difficult to not only get the person to stand in the right place, but also make sure they don’t move aside as they fall.
That’s what Luka would’ve had to do in order to kill Hyun-woo on purpose. In addition to that, Luka is likely to have very little arm strength, so pushing Hyun-woo over would’ve had to have been when he let his guard down; all in all, it would’ve been nearly impossible to plan the incident. As it stands, it’s fairly evident that it was just a freak accident.
Self-Defense: Throughout the coarse of Alien Stage, Luka has been shown to be extremely logical and aloof, not one to show emotions openly. Especially not those unbefitting to an Alien Stage victor. While there is a fair chance that he had less control over his emotions at that age, it’s still hard to believe that he would go to Hyun-woo looking for a fight, or that he would ever initiate one in the first place.
If Hyun-woo attacked first, it makes sense why Luka would’ve chosen to push him over; for someone with low upper-body strength, it would be easier to push Hyun-woo over rather than try to throw a solid punch. He’d be able to use his back and torso to put more weight behind it, and ultimately shove him over. If he was being hit, repeatedly, it’s all he really could do.
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Assuming that everything above is correct, this smile could take on a new context. If he hasn’t seen Hyun-woo yet, he could very well be assuming that he had just succeeded in getting him off of him, or that he had ran away.
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And here is where he sees the body. Yes, he could be looking at his purple fingers. But he could also be looking past that and realizing just what he’s done to Hyun-woo, and to me, that seems more likely.
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glorykrp · 7 years
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✩ Bae Hyuna                             ✩ August 25th, 1993     ✩ Daegu, South Korea              ✩ anti
Bae Hyuna – Artist Profile. Hyuna is anti’s leader and main vocalist. She trained for 4 years prior to debut.
anti “crush (팔팔팔)” Music Video – Youtube.   Sep. 23, 2011. Watch the official music video for anti’s debut song.
anti’s Hyuna's Performance Moves Immortal Songs 2 Audience – Naver. ❬ +1,372; -24 ❭ Hyuna-yah, anti’s fans are always cheering you on!
» Nebula Black          » Rêverie Album          » Hyuna King of Masked Singer
bae hyuna always longed for any kind of spotlight. she wanted to star in every school play and talent show. she picked up any hobby she could and mastered it because she thought that would gain her recognition and attention. hyuna wanted everyone’s eyes on her, but the most important set were those of her parents. as a child, hyuna only had the attention of their live-in maid.
hyuna was fourteen when she was scouted at her school’s talent show. she had spent the entire night before rehearsing and performing to her audience of pin up posters. when she got on stage, she imagined the scenario was her debut showcase. hyuna left with first place and a nebula card.
her parents were probably a tad more excited than hyuna was herself. she misread the situation, silly her. she actually believed her parents were proud of her — this was huge for hyuna. all her life she had dreamed of idol life. this meant hyuna had a real chance of showcasing her talent to a broader audience. and, well, hyuna was already a talented vocalist. this extra, professional help could change everything for her.
they were more excited for their personal gain from this. their only daughter debuting as an idol could put a powerful spin on their image. they were already successful business people, but if (read: when) hyuna debuted, they’d be known as an increasingly popular and powerful family. hyuna’s parents grew angry thinking of the possibility of her failing as a trainee; how would that make them look?
so hyuna trained. for four years. originally, she was planning on debuting as a solo artist — her parents were actually riding on this possibility. however, nebula had no intent on debuting her individually. they believed her image was more suitable for a girl group, and thus hyuna was made the leader of their new girl group anti about three years into her trainee period.
hyuna proved herself capable to say the least. her image was the tough, confident, and stunning leader. in her mind, she was definitely going to be the most popular. her self confidence had soared in her teenage years, so she had high expectations of herself. however, upon debut, online polls in the netizen community had ranked her last almost continuously.
(she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t voted tirelessly for herself to change that, but it didn’t make much of a difference.)
hyuna’s expectations were shattered. despite the company hyping her up almost constantly during her trainee years, hyuna found herself the least sought after member of the four. when hyuna signed with nebula, she and her parents demanded they make her a star, and nebula agreed, but it seemed they were going back on their end of the bargain.
(or, that’s hyuna’s reasoning for her lack of popularity.)
she was an embarrassment to her parents. their bragging in the work space and turned them into the laughing stocks of their business. how could they, a powerful and well known couple, yield a subpar child in the idol world? it was beyond embarrassing, it was mortifying.
if her parents hadn’t basically disowned her by then, they definitely would have come anti’s 2015 comeback. they were deemed nebula’s failed girl group at that point, and hyuna’s parents suddenly had no recollection of ever having a daughter.
by this point in her career, hyuna’s confidence plummeted. all her life she had dreamed of an eventful and luxurious life style. she thought she’d be the face of the group, but her members constantly outdid her at every turn. despite being named the main vocalist of the group, her lines were scarce and she had little opportunities to showcase her skills. she was better off performing in her middle school talent shows again.
replacing her once vivacious and charismatic personality at debut was an brooding and aloof demeanor. she lost that sparkle in her eyes, that pep in her step. netizens labelled her as ‘the cold leader’ and she wasn’t doing anything to help her image.
she never figured that the group’s underdetermined hiatus would actually help jumpstart her idol dynamic. with the various live singing show appearances and her huge hit soundtrack song came her confidence. it was slowly starting to bubble up again, but she had long lost her narcissistic behavior from before.
so with the creation of the black label came time for hyuna’s rebranding as an idol, which seemed to be exactly what she needed to restore her happiness.
hyuna had always been an excellent vocalist. her voice had always been her main strength as an idol that she was eternally grateful for. however, hyuna found herself lacking as a dancer, which is why she was typically off to the side during the dance breaks.
in addition, hyuna has very high endurance, which has increased since the group went on hiatus. during her four years as a trainee, hyuna was able to overcome the hardships and even complete school with a high grade. and even though the group’s future was undetermined, hyuna refused to give up and stick with them.
her strong stage presence is also what assisted her image rebranding during the hiatus. on her live singing show performances, she was perfectly capable of dominating the stage by herself and captivating the audience.
hyuna’s lack of a filter has caused her a few issues on variety shows, however. with her debut came a higher sense of self, so hyuna felt free to do or say anything that she pleased with her newfound power as an idol. her old narcissistic self wasn’t afraid to say what she wanted on variety shows and even in interviews. netizens began labelling her as blunt and rude because of this.
lastly, hyuna’s poor cooperation skills could use some work (although, to her defense, she’s really trying to fix them). hyuna had a tough time adjusting to being in a group. a group meant she had to share the spotlight, which she wasn’t a fan of. often, netizens felt hyuna was trying to push her members out of the spotlight in order to further broadcast herself and boost her popularity.
hyuna was willing to sacrifice a lot for the spotlight. if being an idol meant giving up your privacy and putting on an image for the audience, then that’s exactly what hyuna was going to do. in her mind, it would all be worth it in the end. when debut rolled around, that was still hyuna’s mindset. however, when their 2015 was unsuccessful and their hiatus began, hyuna missed non-idol life. for four years, she had given up a normal teenage life to pursue a career in the industry. for another four years, she was performing in said industry. now, she had no schedules and no real aim in life and it felt… serene. but in a time like this, with their future growing uncertain, anything they did was photographed and posted on fan sites with endless theories on what this meant for the group. hyuna grew sick of it after awhile, and she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t thought of just leaving nebula. with the hiatus came a reality check for hyuna — she realized there were pros and cons to idol life, instead of just the former.
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