halfgclden · 3 years
and uhhhhhhhhh jime for ship meme?
jesse and ime? u got it! 😘
Who is more aggressive in bed? - don’t let ime’s bde fool you they are a whiney bottom
Lights on or off? - off because it’s weird if ime can see and jacob can’t
Who does what chores? - they both are tidy people who clean up after themselves so they don’t really have to delegate certain chores to each other
Who gets babied when they’re sick? - neither of them want to be babied when they’re sick tbh but they’d be considerate to each other and offer to get medicine or blankets, keep their voices down, etc
Who makes breakfast? - um jacob 😌
Where would they go on their honeymoon? - i’m changing this to vacation and uhh ime would Want to take him to Portugal but they’d probably go somewhere where jacob can speak the language so that he can be autonomous so idk? somewhere they’d research and find things for them both to do
What are their quirks while sleeping? - ime presses their hands and feet into jacob to sap all his body heat but he just produces it tenfold bc son of apollo
What is their favorite activity as a couple? - strip chess 🤡😘 but also regular chess ig 🙄
Who is the stricter parent? - they would not be parents ty
Who would be the big spoon? - jacob 😌
Who would wake up first? - ime because jacob went to bed at four in the morning
Do they have nicknames for each other? - yakey 🥰🥰🥰 and *long sigh* ime,
What happened when they met each other’s parents? - ime is a very lucky duck but i can’t tell what jacob’s foster mother would think of them and it might be the first time they couldn’t either agahjdk and kennedy is prickly but she would,,, begrudgingly grow on ime. their father would like jacob, for some reason i feel like the first time they met ime’s father Embarrassed himself wildly in front of him and so maybe it’s a lil awkward but that’s fine
How do they apologize after an argument? - i feel like for them to Actually have an argument it would have to be something idk not serious but at least personal? so the apology would probably come after time left simmering and then thinking over their own words, and they would have to acknowledge both their own and the other’s hurt so IDK intense i gUess, and it wouldn’t just be a “sorry” but also “what i did/said will not be repeated”
What would they be like as parents? - see above, ty!
Who is the better cook? - ooo they’re both decent, ime’s been living alone for a long time so maybe them?
Who is more romantic? - yes ime and jacob,,, well known for being romantic,, i think it would be less romance and more of a Caring for each other through little things? i saw you were running low on your favourite tea so i restocked it / i’ve noticed how tired you’ve been lately let me run you a bath / you’re using the tone you normally do when you have cramps i’m going to fill a hot water bottle rn. idk it’s not romance it’s just the oh wow i feel Known when did this happen and i didn’t answer the question lol this would happen w both of them but with jacob first bc he’s more intuitive and also it’s a question of “”romance”” so i’m giving it to the libra
What sort of gifts do they get for each other? - ime says jacob i Swear to the Lord Almighty Stop buying yourself gifts Right Before birthdays and holidays because it drives me nuts and i’m either going to get you a repeat or nothing :| but also i think mostly music, so albums that artists that they like have released recently, and if jacob didn’t already have a record player ime would get him one at some point. they also once got him candy underwear but put it inside a small box which was inside three larger boxes and he laughed so hard he almost cried
Who gets jealous easiest? - mmm maybe ime? but jacob does have that scorpio in him so 😗 i can def see him being like “i do not like this” at something and being,,, offended? if ime was Actually flirting w someone in front of him
Who gets more excited for events? (e.g. birthdays, christmas…etc) - ime by virtue of knowing their birth date and being religious i guess lmao which is why they’re like do NOT buy yourself something i might get u it might not mean anything to you but it does to me
Who is the most adventurous? - ime c:
Who is the most protective? - oh um,,, idk do either of them need to be? i would like to see it dot gif
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? - oh my gOd they would Not shut up in class can u imagine they would be Insufferable ALSO so intimidating can u imagine them as a couple while you were an insecure teen? i’d drop dead,,, they’re too hot but also u can’t tell if they’re making fun of you with the way they talk i’d pass out
Song to sum them up? - Can’t Sleep Love - Pantatonix
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halfgclden · 4 years
↕ chase/jesse, ☺ chase/alec ♣ micah/jesse, ♥ ime/jacob, ► cleo/jesse, !! cleo/rosie
Send me ↕ for a scared/worried text:
TO: jess🌙🐁💙
hey man i’m really scared i was with cyrus and then he floated down the river and idk man i’m super lost 
(2 hours later)
TO: jess🌙🐁💙
omfg dude i’m so sorry i was tripping balls and cyrus had a kiddie pool in his basement lmao
Send me ☺ for a loving/affectionate text:
TO: alec🐸🧡
you’re so cute and shaped like a friend <3 ilu 
Send me  ♣ for a drunk text
TO: Jesse Teague
I was listening to this song https://open.spotify.com/track/5KQDGl3vAkNGyfvSbaW89E and it made me think of something you’d enjoy
What kind of music do you listen to normally?
Send me ♥ for a sexual/naughty text
TO: Yakie
have you seen the movie her?
if I tell you the way I want to fuck you over text will you have a moment like that or will you be so overtaken that you will invite me over?
if the latter does not happen I’m going to assume that the first is happening
Send me ► for a text not meant for you
TO: Jesse🍒
do you still have that video can u send it to me???
Send me !! for a threatening text
TO: Rosie
I got the note and it’s hanging up in my cabin 🙂
Glad to know you’re thinking of me so much I’ll tell everyone about it when they see it 😊
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halfgclden · 4 years
Ime swung their basket back and forth, holding Jacob’s hand as they walked through the produce section of the grocery store. “What do you want from here? Carrots? Celery? Apples? You seem like you have some strange, strong opinions about tomatoes.”
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halfgclden · 4 years
Ime held the door to their apartment open for Jacob. “I haven’t moved the furniture since the last time you were here, and the floor’s clear.” They smiled at him. “What do you want to start with tonight?”
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halfgclden · 4 years
Ime sat on their knees as they went through the games under Jacob’s coffee table. They set Scrabble, a deck of cards, and chess on the table and hummed, a bit disappointed. “This is all you have?” They tilted their head even though Jacob couldn’t see them. “I think we should start with Poker, or Scrabble.”
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