portiias · 2 years
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introducing  portia  ferrari  ,  the  twenty  four  year  old  cis  woman  ,  lady  of  ferrari  .  she  is  known  for  being  empathetic  ,  ardent  ,  loyal  and  vengeful .  portia  bears  an  uncanny  resemblance  to  elle  fanning  and  is  playing  (  ch  3  ) 
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diaries filled with entries that get more and more incomprehensible, dried blood everywhere, pressed flowers from summer long gone, grief that burns like a hot blade, innocent smiles turned into cold stares, wild blonde hair and hollow green eyes.
FULL NAME:  portia giuditta ferrari
GENDER:  cis woman
PRONOUNS:  she/her
SEXUALITY:  bisexual
AGE:  twenty four
DATE OF BIRTH:  21st of december
RELIGION: catholic, not particularly faithful but filled with Religious Trauma 
HOBBIES: playing the harpsichord, hunting, reading (mostly old latin texts or more recent plays)
some kind of haunted . . .
you are named after a woman who swallowed hot coal, and perhaps that is why you are always burning with something. as children, you and your sister are loved by both your parents. you grow up with every doll you could want, every dress you could possibly wear, with servants and silks and jewels. but even then you were the type of child to push things over the edge just to see if they would break. 
in florence, family blood is as holy as the one from christ. you never understand this fully, and perhaps that’s why you are so blissfully unaware of the tensions within your own family. at least until the blood starts seeping in from every corner and crevice. until your mother is dead, and people say your father killed her. you wake up screaming at night, seeing blood all over your mother, your father, your house. unlike what the greek epics would lead you to believe, there is no way to make death into a noble event. one moment you know exactly who you are, and then you are a lonely, lost kid.
you inhabit your new house like a shadow, or a ghost. lingering in the hallways, looking for any type of clue or explanation about the tragedy your life has become. you can’t believe your father is a murdered, or insane, or both. so you start looking over your shoulder, trying to find clues in every smile thrown your way. and the one that always shines cruelly is your uncle’s. there is something deeply disconcerting about him, his house, the way he talks about your father. it begins with an unnerving feeling, and then paranoia, and then something else. 
you know your father is innocent, and you know your uncle is guilty. but do you really? there is something deep within you that wants revenge, an eye for an eye, and enough blood to make up for the stains that death has left in your soul. you are a ferrari, after all, and just as capable of biblical reckoning as the rest of your family line.
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calamiita · 2 years
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⇢  introducing  giovanni  conti  ,  the  33  year  old  cis  male  ,  ruling  lord  of  conti  .  he  is  known  for  being  stoic  ,  dogmatic  ,  impetuous  and  fervent  .  giovanni  bears  an  uncanny  resemblance  to  jacob  anderson  .
▌ full  name  ;  giovanni  alfonso  conti.
▌ age  ;   33.
▌ height  ;  5′9.
▌ gender  ;   cis  male.
▌ martial  status  ;  unwed.
▌ pronouns  ;  he  /  him.
▌ sexuality  ;  beats  him  ?!
▌  eye  color  ;  brown.
▌  hair  color  ;  brown.
▌ father  ;  alfonso  conti.
▌ mother  ;   greta  conti. 
▌ sibling  ;  to  be  named.
▌ children  ;  none.
▌  extended  family  ;  none.
the  conti’s  are  a  household  that  seems  to  foster  a  black  cloud  over  their  heads  .  where  a  conti  stays  ,  suffrage  and  death  are  soon  to  follow  .  giovanni’s  nonna  used  to  tuck  him  into  bed  with  stories  of  curses  and  hexes  their  ancestors  were  forced  to  endure  due  to  betraying  god  ,  but  he  took  her  tales  as  nonsense  old  people  spun  to  make  life  that  much  more  interesting  .
the  real  alive  enemy  was  the  rivalry  that  plagued  florence’s  streets  .  it  has  forever  been  something  giovanni  could  not  understand  himself  .  why  they  wasted  resources  and  lives  based  on  ego’s  of  men  who  saw  no  trouble  sparing  them  .  he  had  vocalized  this  to  his  father  once  ,  and  quickly  learned  to  never  spoke  outwardly  against  him  again  .
his  mother  was  the  closest  thing  he’d  known  to  comfort  .  while  his  father  wrapped  himself  in  a  cloak  of  bloodshed  and  a  thirst  to  win  ,  she  cared  for  her  children  and  brought  them  up  under  a  benevolent  roof  .  every  lesson  gio  was  taught  ,  he  seemed  to  excel  at  with  ease  .  he  was  a  prodigy  by  the  time  he  approached  teenage  years  .
he  never  knew  his  grandfather  ,  but  he  remembers  the  night  his  grandmother  passed  to  illness  like  it  was  yesterday  .  he  also  remembers  the  day  his  father  died  whilst  fighting  the  giordano’s  cause  .  he  remembers  his  mother’s  grief  that  she  drowned  in  bottles  until  life  escaped  her  as  well  .  he  remembers  being  only  twenty  one  and  at  the  head  of  the  conti’s  ,  commanding  many  to  put  their  lives  on  the  line  for  a  cause  he  didn’t  believe  in  . 
most  of  all  ,  he  remembers  raising  his  younger  sister  and  leaning  into  his  nonna’s  hysteria  .  out  of  fear  that  she  would  fall  into  death’s  grasp  ,  he  insisted  on  locking  her  behind  closed  doors  where  she  was  safely  kept  and  guarded  .  keeping  his  distance  as  if  it  would  keep  her  from  ever  knowing  more  pain  .  he  grew  hardened  in  exterior  and  frantic  in  his  devotion  to  god  to  save  them  all  .
▌  speed  facts  ;  
his  sexuality  has  always  been  a  subject  he  didn’t  put  much  thought  behind  for  fear  lingering  would  reveal  truths  he  still  to  this  day  isn’t  ready  to  face  .  he  has  felt  emotional  connection  to  women  before  ,  but  hasn’t  had  the  nerve  to  go  behind  that  or  look at  them  sexually  .  with  men  ,  he’s  been  able  to  do  both  .
has  full  belief  in  the  bad  luck  conti’s  carry  .  he  hasn’t  missed  a  day  in  church  or  a  prayer  once  since  he  lost  all  of  his  family  .  as  crazy  as  it  sounds  ,  he  thinks  it’s  worked  thus  far  at  keeping  him  and  his  sister  healthy  and  out  of  harms  way  .
the  royal  decree  is  a  blessing  he  was  not  expecting  .  if  they  should  be  forced  to  wed  to  end  war  ,  so  be  it  in  his  eyes  .
is  the  worst  biggest  hypocrite  ,  as  while  he  applauds  the  union  between  giordano  and  lombardi  in  secret  and  has  plans  to  send  his  sister  far  ,  far  away  from  florence  and  into  the  arms  of  a  wealthy  man  ,  he  himself  has  not  begun  to  look  or  think  of  marriage  to  a  lady  .  although  he  knows  it  is  expected  of  him  .
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entpandemonium · 3 years
I made a three slide power point presentation on the lab computer that's says
Slide 1: reasons why you should support imperialism. (the new cool)
Slide 2: It's very swag. (And you get to assert dominance) *insert picture of Queen Elizabeth)
Slide 3: bye
Let's see how long it takes for it to be discovered ye
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lafedelta · 3 years
⇢  introducing  lisabetta  d’onofrio  ,  the  27  year  old  cis  female  ,  ruling  lady  of  d’onofrio  .  she  is  known  for  being  incisive  ,  nurturing  ,  fretful  and  obstinate  .  lisabetta  bears  an  uncanny  resemblance  to  bruna  marquezine  and  is  playing  (  ch  2  )  .
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NAME : lisabetta d’onofrio  NICKNAMES : elisa , lissie, lis OCCUPATION  / TITLE : ruling  lady  of  house  d’onofrio GENDER : cis female ROMANTIC & SEXUAL ORIENTATION : heterosexual , heteroromantic AGE: twenty - seven  BIRTHPLACE:  venezia , italia CURRENT RESIDENCE : firenze , italia MORAL ALIGNMENT: true good PERSONALITY: compassionate ,  kind ,  changeable ,  anxious ,  charming , sensitive , guarded , clever , witty , insightful , detail - oriented , withdrawn ,  incisive ,  obstinate .  tw:  for mentions  of  miscarriage  and  suspected infertility  below
LOYALTIES : house lombardi & house d’onofrio MARITAL STATUS : married to gabriel d’onofrio CHILDREN : none FAMILY : tba 
CHARACTER TIES ( notable connections tba )
CONNECTION TYPE : description of notable connection CONNECTION TYPE : description of notable connection CONNECTION TYPE : description of notable connection CONNECTION TYPE : description of notable connection
PREFERRED HAND:  right - handed  EYE COLOR:  brown  HAIR COLOR: black  SKIN TONE: olive COMPLEXION: clear  BUILD: slender HEIGHT: 5′4″ NOTABLE FEATURES OR SCARS : tba
RELIGION:  catholic , practicing  FEARS:  isolation , exile , loss , personal security , familial security AFFINITIES & ABILITIES:  tba AESTHETICS: tba ANIMALS: tba CHARACTER TROPES: tba MEDIA / CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS & INFLUENCES: tba . 
             born  the  first  of  three  daughters  of  an exceedingly  wealthy  tradesman  of  middling nobility ,   it  was  clear  from  a  young  age  that  lisabetta’s  life  would  be  golden .  each  facet  of  her  life  was planned  &  prepared  for - - the  golden  girl  would  be  educated  to  be  a  little  lady ,  all  to  make  a  golden  wife  out  of  her .  too clever  even  in  her  youth , elisa  knew  that  to  be  golden  meant  to  be  controlled .  to  be  pawned  off  &  encouraged  to  become  a  wife  that  would  increase  her  family’s  standing . so ,  she  played  her  part .  she  received  what  education  she  could .  she  smiled  politely  ,  laughed  at  jokes  she  couldn’t find  the  humour  in .  a  storm  of  rebellion  brewed  within  her ,  stubbornness &  true  intelligence  hidden  behind  doe -  eyes  and  thick  lashes . she  waited . for  to  be  golden  meant  to  live  in  a  gilded  cage ,  and lisabetta  wanted  nothing  more  than  to  fly  free  .
     freedom  for  a  woman ,  though ,  seemed  a  more  difficult  reality  than  her  optimism  hoped  for .  instead ,  she  dedicated  herself  to  the  care  of  her  two  younger  sisters ,  and  then  the  little  brother  that  would  follow,   nearly  12  years  her  junior .  care  &  nurturing  came  as  easily  as  breathing  to  elisa , and  her  siblings  were  sorely  in  need  of  it .  their  parents  were  not  the  overly -  involved  type .  lisabetta’s  father  saw  his  children , partcularly  his  eldest ,  as  little  more  than  pawns  in  a  game  she  was  quickly  coming  to  understand .  her  mother  was  critical  of  her  every  breath ,  cruel  in  her  judgements  &  harsh  in  her  parenting . perhaps  they  were  preparing  their  children  for  the  world  of  snakes  &  vipers  that  they  would  one  day  be  thrust  into ,  but  love  was  naught  to  be  found  within  their  venetian  home .  so ,  lisabetta  supplied it -  she  supplied  it  in  full.  she  became  the  bearer  of  secrets ,  the  mender  of  broken  hearts .  thoughts  of  freedom  &  rebellion  calmed  -  she  had  a  job  to  do . 
          DUTY  CAME  CALLING  before  lisabetta was  ready .  a  match ,  forged  by  influence  &  coin  saw  the  eldest  of  the  morosoni  children  betrothed  to  gabriel  d’onofrio .   little  was  explained  to  her  about  the  arrangement .  she  was  fortunate  to  find ,  however ,  that  her  intended  was  intelligent ,  respectful ,  albeit  a  bit  guarded .  they  were  soon  married .  the  first  blooms  of  marriage  were  tender  ones .  gabriel  was  attentive ,  romantic ,  even .  lisabetta  soon  found  the  feelings  of  obligation  giving  way  to   true  care . 
as  time  moved  on  however ,  lisabetta  noticed  marked  changes  in  her  husband .  distance  grew  between  them ,  and  isolation settled  in  her  bones .  she  relied  on  the  company  and  comfort  of  her  sister - in  -  law  to  stave  off her  loneliness .  an  inherently  curious  creature ,  lisabetta  suspected  that  gabriel’s  mind  was  troubled  by  something ,  but  the  more  she  pried ,  the  more  distant  he  seemed  to  become . their  marriage  was  fragmented  by  a  wall  she  could  not  penetrate .  her  greatest  sorrow ,  though ,  came  in  the  lack  of  a  child  .  she  had  carried  and  lost ,   and  has  begun  to  worry  that  a  babe  would  never  be  held  in  her  arms .  she  grieves  what  she  does  not  have .
lisabetta  now  lives  in  a  place  of  uncertainty .  unsure  of  her  husband’s  affections ,  unsure  of  her  own  security  in  her  station ,  she  persists  only  by  the  fire  within  her  &  the  kindness  that  refuses  to  cease  pouring  out  of  her . 
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loyaltydivided · 3 years
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⇢  introducing  giuliano  ferrari  ,  the  forty  three  year  old  cis  male  ,  ruling  lord  of  ferrari  .  he  is  known  for  being  withdrawn  ,  stubborn  ,  faithful  and  pious  .  giuliano  bears  an  uncanny  resemblance  to  stuart  martin  and  is  playing  (  ch  1  )  .  —  (  ooc  :  becca  ,  26  ,  gmt  ,  she/her  ,  none  )
it is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.
full  name  :  giuliano  ferrari. title  :  ruling  lord  of  ferrari. age  :  forty  three. date  of  birth  :   1st  of  november. place  of  birth  :  the  kingdom  of  florence. religion  :  roman  catholic. alignment  :  chaotic  neutral. alliance  :  the  lombardi  family.
        wisdom was a gift which giuliano possessed and was encouraged to use from a young age. though he were the second born son of the lord and lady ferrari the stereotype of the ‘second son’ or treated as a spare as such, he was to be his older brother’s right hand. their father did not believe in wasting the opportunity of having two sons - whilst also making sure his second son would be capable of ruling should anything happen to his heir - and sought to ensure the strength and might of the family would endure long after he left this life. there was no competition to be felt between the brothers, at least not on the side of the youngest, for giuliano was determined to pave his own path in life and was unfazed by the fact that his must always run behind his brother’s for as long as long as they were side by side.
giuliano quickly grew into an intelligent and sharp witted young man who refused to falter in life, he stood firm against all challenges yet there was one who had the ability to make his confidence waver. the youngest ferrari fell head over heels in love with a woman and it quickly became a fact which earned much torment from his brother but giuliano held no shame in the matter. he spoke fondly to his mother about her, pouring his heart out as though a child who was experiencing joy for the first time, but none heard more of it than his older brother had. his not-so-secret love went on for some time and giuliano unashamedly intended to marry this woman, he even sought to discuss the matter with his father, but before he could seek her hand the news reached him that his brother had done the unthinkable and took her from him. it was an act which destroyed giuliano and his brother’s continued lack of remorse fuelled anger in him.
in the years which followed, giuliano became withdrawn from his brother and publicly displayed very little care for him or the family he had formed. the younger brother remained unmarried in his sadness that none could amount to the woman he had lost and his inability to trust in the same way, occasionally finding comfort or temporary joy in the company of a woman but never for very long. even at the passing of their parents did giuliano remain distant from his brother and began to form his own alliances and matters of business, proving to all that he did not need to be the eldest in order to succeed, but that’s not to say that his brother’s very existence didn’t set every inch of his being aflame with fury.
no matter how much time passed the eldest of the ferrari brothers continued to flaunt his fortune in the face of giuliano, reminding his younger brother of his failure to act before another does at every opportunity, until eventually the two got into such a disagreement which almost ended in the crossing of swords. from that moment giuliano entirely withdrew from his brother’s household and the following months were filled with nothing but silence between them, until the tragic loss of his brother’s wife and the blood found on his hands tainted his brother’s name forever. in public giuliano will admit that his brother’s actions brought shame onto the family but he will not speak of the relationship either of them had with the deceased lady of ferrari; seemingly it is too painful for him to do so though none truly know just how painful it really is.
since the title of lord has fallen into his hands - not something he sought when he tainted his brother’s name - giuliano has taken to the role well and feels as though he has well and truly found the place he should have always been. perhaps if this had been the case then none of the events would have unfolded, his brother would be free to do as he pleases and his nieces would surely be happy in their family home, but sadly that was not the case and giuliano will go to the grave placing the blame entirely upon the head of his once so dearly loved brother.
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portics · 3 years
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⇢       introducing  portia  ferrari  ,  the  twenty  five  year  old  cis  woman  ,  lady  of  ferrari  .  she  is  known  for  being  empathetic  ,  ardent  ,  loyal  and  vengeful .  portia  bears  an  uncanny  resemblance  to  anya  taylor  joy  and  is  playing  (  ch  3  )  .  —  (  ooc  :  bee  ,  21  ,  gmt-3  ,  she/her  )
full name : portia ferrari
age : twenty five
gender & pronouns : cis woman , she/her
sexuality : bisexual
residence : her uncle’s household
religion : catholic , not particularly faithful but filled with that sweet Religious Trauma
moral aligment : chaotic neutral
alliance : herself
portia was named after a woman who swallowed hot coal, and she has to wonder if maybe that is why there’s something burning just underneath her skin. childhood is normal enough, filled with all types of rich colors, scents and tastes a noble lady of florence is entitled to. the ferrari house is not known for its niceties. they are sharp as a finely forged sword, and clever as the devil if the rumours are to be trusted. but even then, her parents were loving, and portia worshiped her father as if he were a saint or emperor. bloodstains and backstabbing are not immediately noticeable to a child, after all. 
blood, however, has a tendency to spread into every little creek and corner. portia grew into a charming young woman completely ignorant to the tensions within her own family, occupying her time reading about other dysfunctional families. she saw herself as a writer, forging new destinies to the likes of medea and antigone. she attended balls and parties, became friends with all the right (and sometimes the wrong) people. florence can be an intoxicating city, and the youngest ferrari was too enthralled by it to notice the tragedy happening in her own household.
unlike what the greek epics would lead you to believe, there is no way to make death into a noble event. when she closes her eyes, portia sees blood all over her mother, her father, her house. one moment, she knows exactly who she is, and the other there are people saying her mother is dead, and her father killed her.  
there was a moment of impossible anguish where she believed them. portia was ready to shift her entire worldview and admit that her father was a murderer, or insane, or both. that is, until she took a look at her uncle during the funeral rites. there is something deeply disconcerting about him. it’s impossible to know for sure, but it’s easier to believe an uncle capable of murder than her own father.
portia inhabits her new house like a shadow, or a ghost. lingering in the hallways, looking for any type of clue or explanation about the tragedy her life has become. she knows her father is innocent, and has convinced herself her uncle is guilty. something deep within her wants revenge, an eye for an eye, and enough blood to make up for the stains that death has left in her soul. and yet, she is not strong enough to do it without proof, without the certainty that she is not risking her immortal soul in hopes that murder will become divine justice.
there is only so much you can do in name of justice before it becomes revenge.
𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰
her best friend. a horatio to her hamlet!! the only person in the world capable of putting sense into her head. 
frenemies. they used to be somewhat petty rivals, but now that portia is more concerned with figuring out what’s going on in her family they’re lowkey worried?? “hey you haven’t called me an idiot in weeks do you need something?”
people from the giordono side she inadvertently befriended. cue lots of tension.
childhood friends. they grew up together because of their families but somewhere along the way drifted apart. they’re trying to reconnect, but things are strained.
more to be added!
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alessiorizzo · 3 years
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⇢  introducing  alessio rizzo  ,  the  22  year  old  genderfluid  ,  heir  of  rizzo  .  they  are  known  for  being  sybaritic  ,  sly  ,  bold  and  outspoken  .  alessio  bears  an  uncanny  resemblance  to  manu rios  and  is  playing  (  ch  #4  )  .
hi everyone ! my name’s el, i’m 23, my pronouns are they/them, and i’m in est !! i can’t wait to get to know you all !! here are some basics about alessio before i jump into his bio !!
NAME : alessio rizzo NICKNAMES : les, ale, lessio, brat OCCUPATION  / TITLE : unwilling heir of house rizzo GENDER : genderfluid, doesn’t define it more than that, they/he pronouns ROMANTIC & SEXUAL ORIENTATION : bisexual biromantic polyamorous (an open not-so-secret, they’ll sleep with anyone who wants to share his bed)
they were born in the lap of luxury, a second child, with not a responsibility in the world. their older brother, the golden child, always the perfect example to admire, and admire them, they did. whenever the two of them were at home together, little alessio would always follow in his footsteps, glad that he was carrying a burden so they wouldn’t have to, ease their path in the world, strengthen old alliances and forge new ones.
it was a divided world, after all. alessio may have been a foolish child, but they had a brain in their head. they knew enough to keep up (for the most part), knew who was who, knew which colors belonged to which families, which other children they were allowed to run and play with and which they weren’t. but they always came home, they always returned to their golden older brother and their perfect younger sister, both of them having more intelligence than alessio could ever dream of having.
they daydreamt through their lessons, dreaming of far-off lands, what another’s lips would taste like on their own, and they traveled as soon as they were allowed the grace to do so. they’ve spent time in rome, in sicily, in venice. they’ve tasted the lips of people of every gender, unashamed to admit that - it’s no secret, after all, that alessio will share their bed with anyone who desired them, including more than one person at a time. as they grew older, they realized, there’s no use in holding grudges against people who never hurt them. that was his secret, that was what he was unwilling to let reach their parents’ ears.
of course, everything changed upon the banishment of their golden brother. suddenly, they were thrust into a position they had no desire to be in, as well as no qualifications to do so. they had learned nothing throughout their childhood - their lessons were nothing compared to everything their brother had to know, and when they’d attempted to teach him what the eldest knew, alessio simply couldn’t process the information. 
they turned to their sister for help. their sister in all of her brilliance, who seemed to absorb information like a rag in the rain, willing to share that information with alessio. they know they’d be nowhere without her, and every day they thank all of the gods, old and new, for her. alessio is in no position to rule now, but maybe - just maybe - with her help, they will be, someday. 
they miss the times when they were just the middle child without a care in the world. they desperately miss their brother, laughing with him over meals, smiling at him across the table and sneaking out to meet him at night to talk about anything and everything. and they, like their mother, would do anything in their power to get him back, not only to have those precious memories again, but to take the responsibilities off of their shoulders, as well. 
alessio rizzo. reluctant heir. 
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calamiita · 2 years
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⇢  introducing  stefano  giordano  ,  the  28  year  old  cis  male  ,  heir  of  giordano  .  he  is  known  for  being  charismatic  ,  sardonic  ,  loyal  and  arrogant  .  stefano  bears  an  uncanny  resemblance  to  daniel  sharman  .
▌ full  name  ;  stefano  giordano.
▌ age  ;   28.
▌ height  ;  6′2.
▌ gender  ;  cis  male.
▌ martial  status  ;  engaged. 
▌ pronouns  ;  he  /  him.
▌ sexuality  ;  heterosexual.
▌  eye  color  ;  blue.
▌  hair  color  ;  brown.
▌ father  ;  to  be  named.
▌ mother  ;  to  be  named.
▌ siblings  ;  none.
▌ children  ;  none.
▌  extended  family  ;  playable  cousin  ,  to  be  named.
it  is  said  that  stefano  giordano  came  into  this  world  kicking  and  screaming  and  hasn’t  stopped  since  .  his  father  had  become  aware  from  a  young  age  that  his  son’s  attention  made  habits  of  wandering  elsewhere  and  the  little  boy  that  one  day  was  meant  to  run  the  giordano  bank  ,  wasn’t  fit  nor  interested  in  molding  into  the  boxes  he  deemed  necessary  to  sit  at  the  head  of  the  household  .
perhaps  his  defiance  and  thirst  for  adventure  stemmed  from  the  strict  hand  that  always  rest  upon  him  ,  or  perhaps  it  was  the  clear  indication  that  his  parents  were  consistently  trying  to  conceive  another  child  ,  more  worthy  (  more  easily  influenced  )  to  take  his  place  .  for  a  short  while  ,  attention  and  rules  lessened  during  their  quest  .  that  until  ,  a  doctor  confirmed  there  would  be  no  more  pregnancies  in  their  future  . 
when  that  shoe  dropped  ,  his  father  became  more  persistent  than  ever  in  grooming  him  no  matter  what  the  cost  .  his  silly  hobbies  were  regarded  as  futile  and  demanded  to  be  stopped  in  favor  for  learning  all  that  he  needed  to  know  to  succeed  in  banking  .  enjoying  drink  ,  arts  ,  music  ,  sleeping  with  women  who  exchanged  in  acts  for  florins  ,  these  were  helped  to  conceal  from  his  parents  by  his  dear  cousin  ,  the  child  his  father  most  likely  would’ve  preferred  .
▌  speed  facts  ;  
once  on  his  way  back  from  rome  at  the  mere  age  of  sixteen  ,  he  and  his  men  were  rushed  by  those  loyal  to  someone  on  lombardi’s  side  .  the  attackers  managed  to  kill  two  of  his  men  and  nearly  him  .  he  sports  a  scar  across  his  left  cheek  as  a  souvenir  .
a  lot  of  his  recklessness  in  action  stemmed  from  youth  .  as  he  grew  older  ,  his  impulse  and  bad  behavior  dwindled  into  a  sharp  ,  yet  sarcastic  and  sometimes  deadly  tongue  .  he  understands  he  has  no  choice  but  to  continue  the  giordano  business  ,  there  isn’t  a  way  out  of  his  destiny  .  does  it  mean  he  will  do  so  without  the  occasional  hidden  eye  rolls  ?  absolutely  not  .
he’s  incredibly  against  his  new  engagement  to  a  lombardi  ,  and  as  arrogant  as  he  is  ,  believes  he’ll  somehow  convince  the  king  this  is  wrong  or  figure  out  another  way  to  stop  it  before  either  of  them  are  officially  wed  .  personal  issues  aside  ,  his  loyalty  is  to  his  family  and  friends  that  he  extends  to  everyone  on  giordano  .  he  is  after  all  a  product  of  age  old  rivalry  . 
deep  down  ,  his  father’s  rejection  from  the  moment  he  could  talk  and  understand  properly  has  greatly  effected  his  ability  to  let  others  in  .  he  associates  the  noble  life  and  everything  to  come  with  it  to  the  man  ,  thus  bringing  himself  to  loathe  most .  a  scorned  part  of  him  wishes  for  simple  life  .
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loyaltydivided · 3 years
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⇢  introducing  lucrezia  arcuri  ,  the  twenty  two  year  old  cis  female  ,  lady  of  arcuri  .  she  is  known  for  being  curious  ,  instinctive  ,  spiritual  and  envious  .  lucrezia  bears  an  uncanny  resemblance  to  amelia  gething  and  is  playing  (  ch  4  )  .  —  (  ooc  :  becca  ,  26  ,  gmt  ,  she/her  ,  none  )
remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always.
full  name  :  lucrezia  arcuri. title  :  lady  /  madonna arcuri. age  :  twenty  two. date  of  birth  :   11th  of  june. place  of  birth  :  the  kingdom  of  florence. religion  :  roman  catholic. marital status  :  unmarried. alignment  :  neutral  good. alliance  :  the  arcuri  family.
       ambition is woven within the very veins of each arcuri from the moment they come into the world and lucrezia is no different. she holds fire in her heart, galaxies in her eyes, though her ambitions in life have never entirely matched up with those of her kin. being the youngest of three daughters has meant that lucrezia always received the tail end of everything, right down to dresses and fabrics once her older sisters no longer had need or fit them, but she has always felt that her position at the bottom of the tree meant that her birth surely came as a disappointment. lord arcuri was tragically killed before the birth of his youngest daughter and, ever since she was old enough to understand such things, lucrezia has held suspicions that her birth must have caused a great deal of distress to those who relied on the birth of a son; her mother especially.
it was such guilt that fueled lucrezia to try her best in life but also to fail greatly when compared to her older sisters, martina especially. whilst her heart and loyalty belong firmly with her family the youngest arcuri knows she will struggle to live up to the other female figures around her, particularly martina who was once promised the hand of one from the great giordano family, so in more recent years she has sought to pave her own way. with her more defining feature being her curiosity, she finds herself seeking answers in places she often has no business being in or even those forbidden to her, but her determination to be something greater than the forgotten sister will never allow her to cease. she knows it is not safe or proper for a young lady to stray from the palazzo alone but lucrezia has been known to frequent the studios of florence's artists and their masters; she does not possess the skill or talent to create such works of art herself but she finds so much joy and peace in bearing witness to their creation for it is as close as she can get to looking into the souls of others and sharing their experiences. at least for now.
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