#in a design of my own since she's the star of my ongoing fic project
talietikasero · 2 years
🎵 she's a killer (gear) queen 🎵
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[Jack-O | Aria version]
49 notes · View notes
galli-writes · 3 years
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(Click here to read on Ao3!)
fandom: Teen Titans
pairing: BBRae
genre/warnings: AU - Canon Divergence; Implied/Referenced Abuse, Abusive Parents, Childhood Trauma, Graphic Depictions of Violence
additional tags: Angst, Family Issues, Friendship/Love, Protectiveness, Slow Burn, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions
There are a few things that Beast Boy knows for certain:
He’s 21….and a total lightweight. He’s a vegan (but not like…a pretentious vegan). He’s not going to be single forever.
And the Teen Titans are the only family he’ll ever need.
a/n: Hello everyone! I am finally back--though in a way I guess I never really left. I've been working on this fic on an off since I last posted, but things have been so busy that it's been rather slow going. I'm going to try REALLY hard to keep to a more consistent schedule going forward. The fic is entirely written, but needs some pretty heavy editing. I'm going to shoot for an upload every other Friday from here on out. Thank you all so much for being patient!
Chapter 5: A Helping Hand (words 6,264)
It wasn’t often that Beast Boy played hooky. At least, not when he thought there was a good chance Robin would catch him. Skipping practice was a serious no-go, outside of a few exceptions. Beast Boy knew he wasn’t a good enough actor to feign sickness. The ‘family emergency’ excuse existed strictly as a formality for obvious reasons. Reasons that were starting to seem less obvious now. 
The letter in his drawer was already old news--at least to him. Beast Boy knew the contents of the note by heart. The memorization wasn’t intentional, but the words swam around in his head constantly nonetheless. A symptom of a much larger disease, as Raven might have put it. So he’d moved on to obsessively deconstructing and reconstructing the many packages that still littered their living room. Not that doing so had given him any more insight into who Nicholas Galtry was. Or why he had had possession of all of his parents’ things. Or why they were here now. Among the many disjointed thoughts that rattled in his brain, one consistently nudged its way to the top of the pool. That one was also tucked neatly away in a drawer in his room. Though he hadn’t dared to look at the picture since first putting it there.
Beast Boy glanced behind him at the clock in the kitchen. He’d been here an hour already--someone was probably already out looking for him, Robin’s orders. He quickly shut the box he was currently sorting through. It had been the same as all the boxes before it--filled with priceless, nameless items from another place and another time. He felt like a thief, searching his own belongings, not knowing what exactly he hoped to find among them. Each time carefully packing the boxes back as he’d found them. Like a thief, hoping to cover his tracks.
“There you are.”
Beast Boy flinched, instantly shrinking back from the box in front of him. He turned around to face Cyborg looming over him.
“Man, I’ve been lookin’ for you everywhere ,” Cyborg said, a twinge of frustration in his voice. “What the hell are you doin’ up here?”
“Nothing,” Beast Boy said, anxiously getting to his feet. “Just...hanging out.”
Cyborg frowned. “Well maybe you should come ‘hang out’ at training.”
“Training?” Beast Boy repeated automatically.
“Yeah, you know...the thing we have scheduled every single afternoon? At the exact same time? Every day?” Cyborg said, cocking an eyebrow at him. Now he seemed more confused than frustrated—a switch that was very typically Cyborg.
“Right. Training. I was wondering where everyone else was,” Beast Boy answered. It was a poor excuse, but it wasn’t actually a lie.
Cyborg sighed, but there was a hint of a joking smile on his face when he spoke next. “Let’s just get down there before Robin kicks both our asses, okay?”
Beast Boy nodded, and for a moment it was as if the boxes behind him ceased to exist. It currently felt like there were two worlds jammed under one roof, and now that he’d been pulled out of the one behind him, he saw just how much he preferred the one in front of him. Even if it meant getting his ass kicked.
The training field had come a long way from the public school playground it resembled when they’d first settled into the Tower. It was Robin’s ongoing project--adding another ropes course, integrating fully automated sparring dummies...there were even obstacles designed with each of their abilities in mind. Beast Boy was sure that Robin had a Pinterest board dedicated to the fiasco for all of the crazy things he was constantly adding to it.
Which is why Beast Boy was confused to find that none of it was being used.
“Oh no. Don’t tell me--”
“Yep,” Cyborg said, walking the opposite direction of Robin’s martial arts art display.
“Dude, I suck at hand to hand.”
“Probably why Robin thinks you ditched,” Cyborg shrugged.
In the distance, their three remaining teammates were gathered in a clearing at the opposite end of the field. Starfire stood leaning against a tree on the sidelines, water bottle in hand. In the center of a well-worn patch of grass, Robin and Raven circled each other in what seemed to be a never-ending dance.
“So when you said Robin was gonna kick my ass...you meant that literally, didn’t you?” Beast Boy said with a frown.
“Well it might not be Robin who kicks your ass,” Cyborg smiled. “It could be Star, or Raven, or yours truly.”
“Wow, thanks,” Beast Boy grumbled. He knew Cyborg was only teasing, and Beast Boy had been the first to admit that the skillset wasn’t exactly his strong suit. But the remark lingered in his mind a second longer than he knew it should have.
“Okay, so maybe it’s not really your thing, but hey,” Cyborg said, placing a hand on Beast Boy’s shoulder. “Practice makes perfect. You’ll get there.”
“Dude. I turn into animals for a living. Most of which don’t even have opposable thumbs,” Beast Boy said, flexing his own in front of his friend. “I don’t need to be good at something I’m never gonna use.”
Cyborg merely shook his head dismissively. “Never say never, man.”
“Okay, Robin ,” Beast Boy replied with a smirk.
As if on cue, Robin and Raven’s dance came to a halt as soon as the words left Beast Boy’s mouth. He had figured they were still out of earshot, but maybe he’d been wrong.
“There you two are,” Robin said as the two of them stepped into the loosely defined dirt ring. He glanced down at his watch and then directly at Beast Boy. “Beast Boy, you’re twenty minutes late. Practice starts at four. You know that.”
Any trace of teasing Cyborg had expressed instantly evaporated when Robin spoke.
“Uh...four-twenty blaze it?” Beast Boy said with a shrug and a terribly awkward smile. The one that always appeared on his face whenever he didn’t know what else to say--which was more often than he would have liked to admit.
Robin closed his eyes, raising a hand to his temples.
Raven’s facepalm was much less subtle.
“Starfire are you ready to go?” Robin asked, shaking his head slightly.
“Mmm hmm!” Starfire hummed in response.
“Great. Then I’m gonna have you and Beast Boy up next.”
“Uh…” Beast boy shot a glance at Starfire, who was practically the living portrait of an Instagram athlete. “Shouldn’t I warm up first or something?”
“In a real fight, you won’t always get the chance to ‘warm up’ beforehand,” Robin said, crossing his arms over his chest. Which was definitely his way of saying ‘that’s what you get for showing up late’.
“Don’t worry, Beast Boy,” Starfire smiled. “I will try not to injure you too terribly.”
Beast Boy certainly began to feel warm now, to the point where he was sure his face was turning red.
In his peripheral, he saw that Cyborg had cleared the training ring and was now standing beside Raven on the sidelines. She leaned in slightly to her left, whispering something into Cyborg’s ear with a devious smirk.  
Beast Boy felt his stomach drop. He didn’t know what was worse. Starfire’s complete sincerity or Raven’s total lack thereof.
But he didn’t have much time to dwell on the thought before it was overtaken completely by a harrowing sense of panic. He had been posed for a fight, staring head on at his partner. But it was only now that his vision snapped back into focus, just in time to catch a whirling ball of green energy headed directly toward him.
He quickly swerved out of the way, trying to regain his balance. But before he could find his footing, another blaze shone at his feet, knocking him straight to the ground. He squinted, eyes beginning to water from the dust cloud that now surrounded him. He wanted to open his mouth to say something--make some complaint that he hadn’t been ready, that there had been no signal to start. But he knew that wouldn’t buy him any sympathy in Robin’s eyes.  
Of course, vying for Robin’s attention was even less of a no-go once the sirens started blaring.
Without so much as a nod from the leader in question, everyone took off in the same direction. Everyone except Beast Boy, who was still on the ground.
He pushed himself to his feet, the palms of his hands stinging against the soil. He knew it wasn’t personal. None of this was personal. Kind of like how the sense of isolation and strangeness he’d felt around his friends since the reading that letter certainly wasn’t personal .
But as he watched them disappearing now--not one of them looking back to see if he had followed--it sure felt that way.
So what if calling shotgun was more important than helping him up? He shook his head, now unable to hold back a self-satisfied smirk. No matter how much of a head start they had, no one was going to outrun a cheetah.
Within seconds, the ground flew under his feet like a treadmill set on max speed. When the garage came into view, Beast Boy was relieved to find that it was already open--and more importantly empty. In a flash, he transformed back, and with the same proud smile lingering on his face sauntered over to crack open the passenger door.
His smile instantly disappeared when he saw who was behind it.
“ Raven ?”
Even at her name, she didn’t so much as shoot him a glance. Raven just sat there, comfortably nestled in the passenger seat with her feet kicked up on the dashboard. She scrolled through her phone with a bored expression--like she’d been there for hours.
“How the hell did you beat me?” Beast Boy blurted out, feeling irrationally annoyed as Raven continued to sit there, chewing a piece of gum in silence.
“Want a piece?” she said absentmindedly, materializing a pack of DoubleMint from the locked glove box. There were dozens of other flavors inside--so many packs that they filled almost half the compartment.  “It’s Cyborg’s secret stash--but I won’t tell.”
Beast Boy ignored her. “There’s no way you could have beaten me here. I took a shortcut even you don’t know about,” he said curtly.
“Weird, huh?” she said, turning her attention back to her phone. “It’s almost like magic. ”
Beast Boy frowned. “That’s cheating.”
“And you turning into a cheetah clearly isn’t,” she said plainly. Then another sly smile crept onto her face. “Get it? A cheetah ?”
Beast Boy’s face scrunched up in even further annoyance. Without a word, he shut the passenger door, opening the one behind it. He already knew which seat he’d be directed to sit in. Though even calling it a seat was a bit generous. Nevertheless, he’d occupied it since day one because, of course, ‘he was the shortest and it just made sense for him to ride in the middle because if they were ever in a crash the height of the headrest wouldn’t do anyone else any good blah blah blah’. As if something as normal as a car crash would really be enough to injure a bunch of superheroes.  
“Alright, let’s get this show on the road,” Cyborg said, swinging open the door to the driver’s seat and hopping inside.
As the doors on either side of him opened and closed in perfect sync, Beast Boy was struck with another harrowing consequence of his seating arrangement.  
It was true that Robin and Starfire were relatively tame as far as couples went--at least in terms of explicit PDA.  It was only once in a blue moon that you actually caught them exchanging so much as a kiss on the cheek. But there was no denying the magnetic force between them. And it was times like these that Beast Boy felt less like a person and more like a glitch jamming the radio signal.
“Okay,” Robin said, flicking open the communication device on his wrist. A small holographic map appeared above it, marking several heat signatures as they traversed the grid on the screen. In an instant, an identical image appeared on a screen in the center console of the car.
“Looks like they’ve already hit Gorman street,” Cyborg said, glancing at the center console.  
“They’re moving fast,” Robin added, adjusting something on the device. “But only because they’ve sacrificed numbers for speed”.
“Well let’s just see if they can outrun this, ” Cyborg replied, revving the engine in response. Within moments, the Tower was far behind them.
Beast Boy leaned forward slightly to look out the window on his left. They hadn’t been driving long at all, but he had no idea where they were. Left and right, worn down warehouse buildings lined the streets as far as he could see. Overhead, a thick gray fog swallowed the entire sky.
“Starfire, I want you and Cy to go after the group of three heading west,” Robin continued, pointing to several figures on the map as he spoke. “I’ll go after the solo. Raven, Beast Boy—you two track the pair heading in the opposite direction.”
Raven didn’t outwardly protest, but her agitated sigh was enough to send its intended message.  
After what seemed like only a second later, the car skidded to a halt at the edge of a narrow alley. And without missing a beat, everyone else took off in their respective directions at full speed. This time Beast Boy could confidently blame the middle seat for keeping him a step behind.
“I’ll race ya,” Beast Boy said, throwing a competitive smile at Raven, who had surprisingly seemed to be waiting for him.
“Just hurry up,” she said plainly, looking to the sky.
The streets seemed even more bleak from above.
Every other street light flickered as if choking out its dying breath. Cracks ran down the sidewalks like jagged scars, and chipped paint and graffiti adorned the walls of the decrepit buildings. Beast Boy found himself wondering where everyone was--there were barely even any cars on the streets.
“Ow!” Raven exclaimed suddenly.
Simultaneously, Beast Boy felt his wings crumple under him as he crashed into her from behind. He screeched involuntarily, trying to regain his balance.
“Why are we stopping?” he asked--or rather squawked--momentarily forgetting he was still very much a bird.
Luckily, Raven seemed to get the idea. Without a word, she pointed to two shadowy figures slipping around the corner of a nearby building. She started to open her mouth to say something then, but Beast Boy was already locking in on the figures below.
Without a second thought, he dove sharply down toward one of the shadows in his sight. Talons poised, he only managed to graze the top of his target’s head. Or at least what he could think of as being the thing’s head, as the action felt more like skimming a silhouette than an actual person.
At the very least, the surprise of his attack was enough to knock the figure off balance and trip on some debris below.
Beast Boy landed nearby, skidding onto the asphalt. Back on two legs, he whipped around and morphed once more. A rhino was always a solid play when you didn’t quite know what you were dealing with. He kicked up the rubble under his front foot and ducked his head, preparing for a  running start. Then he let his momentum carry him forward--feeling the power of an entire stampede in his muscles--which turned out to be much more than he bargained for.
It was like the wall came out of nowhere. Or maybe he just hadn’t looked before leaping. Though his horn mdulled the impact slightly, Beast Boy felt every shard of cement as the crash sent a shocking ripple through his entire body. When he opened his eyes, he was back to his usual self again. But unlike a moment ago, his head was spinning, and he was on his back watching the dark clouds rolling above. His vision had doubled, even tripled, and he shook his head wearily in an attempt to focus on anything at all. Instead, he saw the shaking image of someone approaching him. And his gut told him it wasn’t one of the people they were after. It was something much worse.
“What the fuck was that?” Raven said, leaning over him with a disapproving pout on her face.
“Rhino,” was all Beast Boy could manage, his head still spinning.
Raven scowled, but extended a hand out to him regardless. When she yanked him to his feet in one swift motion, the gesture suddenly felt less sympathetic.
“We’re supposed to be working together , moron,” she said, her tone biting. “How the hell are we supposed to do that if you knock yourself out before we even catch up to the bad guys?”
Beast Boy didn’t have an answer for that. So he didn’t give one, which probably didn’t help his case any more.
“God, you’re useless,” Raven said, grabbing his wrist and dragging him behind him. “Come on.”  
They continued down the natural path of the alleyway uneventfully. And that was what worried Beast Boy most. If he wasn’t going to die at the hands of their enemies, he was sure he’d die of embarrassment knowing he’d let them get away. Again.
Luckily for him, if Raven had any more thoughts on the matter she kept them to herself.
When they reached what seemed to be the end of the narrow street, Beast Boy was somewhat relieved to find that it wasn’t the dead end he had been expecting. Rather, the space before them now opened dramatically into something resembling a large courtyard. The entire perimeter was lined by walls of surrounding brick buildings--the only other entrances and exits to the pavilion being opposing alleyways much like the one they’d just emerged from.
But the courtyard’s strange location certainly wasn’t the most interesting thing about it.
In the very center, shrouded by a cloud of steam trickling through a nearby grate, two figures turned abruptly to meet their gaze. Even though Beast Boy could hardly make out the eyes looking back at them, he knew their stare was a threat.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Raven said quietly, lingering in the shadows for a moment longer.
The words echoed in Beast Boy’s head, this time in his own voice. Then a wave of panic suddenly passed over him. He wasn’t actually sure he knew the difference between what was considered brave and what Raven would consider stupid. And he didn’t exactly have the time to mull it over.  
Raven stood next to him, arms outstretched, as a flurry of flying rubble began to swirl around the two figures like a vicious tornado. Everything pulled toward them like scrap metal to a magnetic core--everything from the pebbles on the ground to full sized wooden beams and crates that littered the edges of the arena.
Beast Boy searched desperately through this mind for something to do--something to be. A mouse? Small enough to go unnoticed, but way too slow to bridge the gap between the opposing sides in such a short time. He thought to the opposite end of the spectrum. A gorilla or a bear could give him a boost of much needed strength if he cut back on speed. But maybe that was too on the nose. Just like the rhino.
He bit his lip nervously, catching Raven in his peripheral again. They were supposed to be working together after all--and she had clearly taken the lead. But he had no idea how she expected him to follow.
And suddenly, it occurred to Beast Boy that that was the secret to the riddle. The one way he could truly and certainly ‘not do something stupid’ was by not doing anything at all.
For a moment, he was almost proud of himself for finally cracking the code. But the false sense of pride evaporated as soon as he realized what it implied. Maybe his only use was...being completely useless? And just like that, he felt his stomach twist in a knot again as a familiar sense of embarrassment washed over him.
“Hellooo?” Raven’s voice rang out suddenly, snapping Beast Boy out of his daze.
He turned to look at her, finding her in the same position, teeth clenched and arms shaking ever so slightly as she held her pose.  
“I said not to do anything stupid ,” she snarled. “Not ‘don’t do anything at all’!”
Beast Boy blinked hard, absorbing her words--the hint of need in her voice, however faint. And suddenly, miraculously, his feeling of uncertainty disappeared as quickly as it had come.
In a flash he was a mighty T-Rex, half as tall as the building behind him. Charging forward, he reached down and fished out one of the criminals from the fading cyclone. Grabbing the figure by the arm, he swung them into the adjacent wall with ease, a cloud of dust gathering upon the point of contact. A hit that would probably kill the average person; but Beast Boy knew that right now he was just buying time.
From the corner of his eye, he caught the second figure starting to pull out a small radio, shielding it from the winds as they spoke into the device.
But before they could utter more than a sentence or two, Beast Boy spun around, sweeping them off their feet completely with his enormous tail. The person went flying at a ninety degree angle from the last, and he watched as the body hit the crumbling wall with a ‘definitely unconscious’ crash.
Morphing back, Beast Boy stood tall, admiring his work.
Raven appeared beside him a moment later, surveying the scene.
“Not bad, huh?”
“I warmed them up for you,” Raven said matter-of-factly. But Beast Boy couldn’t stop himself from brandishing another self-satisfied smirk.
Raven automatically went over to the first fallen figure, pushing directly past him as she went. Beast Boy took the hint and headed the opposite direction, preparing to inspect the second wreckage site hound dog style.
Bombarded by a multitude of different scents, he realized that he wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for. He hoped he would know it when he came across it. And he did--when something cold and metallic brushed up against his nose.
With an obnoxious sneeze that sent his floppy ears soaring, Beast Boy took a step back from the dust cloud he had created in front of him. He squinted, coming back up on the area after the dust had settled to find a small coin-like silver disc buried in the ground. But it looked incomplete somehow, like it was only one half of a whole, given several small divots on the surface of the disc. And there was something else mixed in with the scent of the cool metal. Something thick and tangy. He followed the scent further until he found its source.
“Uh...Raven?” He hesitated, instinctively pulling back from the spot it had led him to.
Directly at his feet, the second figure lay face down in the rubble. Their clothing made it difficult to tell what kind of injuries they sustained, but there was blood. Lots of blood.
At the top of the neck, just under their hairline, a perfect silver circle was embedded in the skin--a corresponding piece almost identical to the one on the ground a few yards away. Except this one was covered in miniature circuits and drenched in the dark red liquid oozing from underneath it.
Beast Boy quickly turned back to pick up the first piece and compare the two. He was certain they had once made a single whole. But the half he inspected in his hand seemed to be no more than the covering to the blood caked battery beneath. There was some writing on it though--and maybe that could tell him something .
In a moment, Raven was beside him again, abandoning her less interesting finds at the other end of the courtyard.
“What is it?” She asked, leaning over to try and get a better look at the item in Beast Boy’s hand.
“I don’t know,” he replied, squinting at the object as he tried to make out the markings engraved on its surface. “A...R...S…,” he read slowly. “It looks like there’s more but I can’t make it out.”
Raven extended her hand, and Beast Boy automatically dropped it into her palm for a second opinion.
“Whoever these people are, they must have something to do with that break in,” she said, flipping the silver piece over in her hand. “I guess Robin was right.”
Beast Boy looked down at the body again with a frown.
“Okay, but we still don’t have any more of an idea what they’re after.”
Raven didn’t say anything. She just stood over the body, staring at it intently--in a way that suggested more than just superficial intrigue.
Suddenly, the small metal badge embedded in the figure’s skin was enveloped in a purple haze, and Beast Boy watched in horror as it began to peel away from the flesh underneath like a perfect silver scab. Leaving behind a gruesome red ring of skin, it slowly floated up and over into Raven’s open pocket.
Beast Boy swallowed hard at the sight, a bitter taste in the back of his mouth. For a split second, he was worried he was about to revisit breakfast in the worst way.  
“Dude...what the fuck ?” he said, eyes darting between the site of the impromptu surgery and Raven’s slightly blood stained pocket. “That’s nasty.”
Raven didn’t even blink. “Yeah, well so are you and Robin still keeps you around so...”
Beast Boy took a step back from the scene, the scent still of blood still lingering a little too strongly for his liking. And after watching Raven pull off something like that without so much as a moan or a grunt from the disc’s owner, he wasn’t so certain the victims were just napping anymore. He tried not to think too much about the potential fate of the person at his feet. He hated the possibility of pushing that boundary--even if they were ‘the bad guys’.
“You know, that actually wasn’t too bad,” Beast Boy said suddenly. His laugh was stifled and unconvincing, but he knew Raven wouldn’t likely acknowledge his discomfort, which was a bit of a relief in its own right. Regardless, he turned on his heel and made a purposeful decision to start walking away from the scene in hopes that she would naturally follow. Luckily, she did.  
“The fight? Or having to be alone with you for more than five minutes?” She said, overtaking him by a step or two. “Because if you’re referring to the latter I’m gonna have to disagree.”
“I mean, but it works. We work. Sometimes,” Beast Boy said, though he was unsure why he was still talking. “It’s like...you know,” he droned on as they walked. “Like oil and vinegar.”
Raven noticeably began to slow her pace. “Like what ?”
“Oil and vinegar. You know. It’s like our flavor ,” Beast Boy said, making some attempt to clarify with a hand gesture.
It was here Raven stopped completely, turning to face him.
“ This ,” she said gesturing between them in return, “is not a flavor .”
Beast Boy shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. “Well I still think it’s a good metaphor.”
“Why? Raven replied, mimicking his pose. “Because we can’t stand being together and naturally repel each other?”            
“Buuuuut,” Beast Boy added pointedly, “sometimes when you put us together you get an affordable and delicious salad dressing.”
Raven paused. She closed her eyes, raising her hand to her temple in a deep, meditative stillness before opening her mouth to speak. “You know, sometimes I really wonder how I haven’t killed you by now. Even accidentally.”
Beast Boy frowned. “Just to be clear, you’re the vinegar in this situation.”
The two began to walk again, but Beast Boy only made it a few steps before Raven thrust a hand out in front of him, stopping him mid-stride. And this time it didn’t seem to be because of anything he’d said.
“What?” he blurted out stupidly. At least this time Raven would be able to understand him.
Raven was completely still for a moment longer, her eyes slowly scanning the area around them. “You didn’t hear that?” she said quietly.
“Hear what?” Beast Boy said, again the words feeling stupid and redundant the moment he uttered them.
“Something other than the sound of your own voice,” Raven said under her breath.
Beast Boy looked all around them, just as Raven had. But he didn’t see anything. Let alone hear anything out of the ordinary.
“You’re just being paranoid,” he said, lightly pushing her arm back down to her side. “There were only two of them. You saw on Robin’s map.”
Raven didn’t seem too comforted by the reminder.
Beast Boy moved slightly to meet her gaze, which was focused somewhere far off in the distance. “I’m tellin’ ya. Oil and vinegar.”
Then, with a little more force than he expected, Raven pushed pushed past him and began to walk again.  
“Where are you going?” Beast Boy said, somewhat startled.
“Didn’t you wanna sweep the area first?”
“Not if it means twenty more minutes of this,” Raven said, waving her hand dismissively. “Besides, I’m just being ‘paranoid’.”
“Okay, well so much for working together then I guess,” Beast Boy said, rolling his eyes.
Raven shot him a look over her shoulder. Then, in an instant, she froze, eyes growing wide as she opened her mouth to say something.
But Beast Boy beat her to it.
He wasn’t sure the noise he made was completely human, even if the small blade twirling in the dirt just past him hadn’t completely hit its mark. He bit his lip to keep himself from another outburst. It had only grazed the side of his calf, but that was enough to bring him to one knee. He knew that if it had hit him the way it had been intended, he’d be on the ground.
Suddenly, everything around him was engulfed in shadow--and Beast Boy wondered if this was what people meant when they talked about ‘blacking out’. He really hoped that wasn’t what was happening. Not in front of Raven of all people. And not over a glorified paper cut .  
A moment later, finding he was still very much conscious, Beast Boy was relieved to find that Raven was the source of the shadowy dome that now surrounded them on all sides. But the relief didn’t last long.
Beyond the opaque screen of darkness, there was a ceaseless blur of motion. Hundreds of tiny silver sparks rebounded off the outer edge, like hail raining down in a terrible storm.
Beast Boy glanced up at Raven from where he knelt on the ground. She was gritting her teeth, brow furrowed and eyes aglow. She didn’t so much as blink when he looked at her, which wasn’t a good sign.
He looked around frantically. Every direction depicted the same terrible scene. Every direction—except for one. It was only now that he noticed how soft the earth was underneath him. How the asphalt of the alleyways seemed to melt away as they worked their way toward the center of the courtyard. And that gave him an idea. An idea Beast Boy didn’t allow himself to think through.
There was something reassuring about being so close to the ground. But the transformation into a badger probably hadn’t been the best for his wound. His leg was starting to ache even more now, and he realized that would probably make digging all the more difficult.  
But before he could test his hypothesis, a voice rang out over the crackling of bullets, clear and strong and demanding to be heard.
“Do you have a death wish?,” Raven yelled, her voice cutting above the static.  
“What do you think?” Beast Boy said, instantly morphing back. The words came out as sharp as the blades whirling around them.
“Well I guess it’s a good thing gophers are bulletproof ,” Raven said with a laugh dripping with anything but humor.
“ Badgers . It’s a badger .” Beast Boy could feel the adrenaline pulsing in his veins like wildfire--even though he knew the reaction was unwarranted, especially given the more concerning matters at hand.
“Really bad time for an argument, Beast Boy. Really bad time,” Raven bit back.
For a split second, Beast Boy thought of going ahead with his plan anyway. Then it occurred to him that he’d probably already used up what little luck he had for the day.
“Okay, so what’s your bright idea?” he said, struggling to hide the growing annoyance in his voice. But all things considered, he really hoped she had one.
“Not dying. That’s my plan,” she said, shutting her eyes tightly.  
Beast Boy looked around nervously--though he wasn’t sure what he was looking for.  
“Can’t you just...teleport us out or something?” he said, biting his lip.
“Teleportation or force field. You get one .”
The second Raven spoke though, she was interrupted by a noise that overtook even the hammering of the bullets around them. The short metallic pings were swapped for one firework-like explosion, the ground beneath them trembling just enough to make Beast Boy second guess his balance. From the looks of it, their attackers hadn’t been so lucky.
The bullets raining down on them slowed to a drizzle--then seemed to stop completely after a few stray shots. But not because the remaining gunmen had ceased fire. Rather, the firing now seemed to be directed somewhere else entirely.
Before Beast Boy could figure out where everyone else had turned their attention, his own focus was redirected again as he felt something cold on his wrist. A hand, gripping onto him with what felt like an unnecessary amount of force.  
Beast Boy felt the ground sway beneath him again uneasily until it disappeared completely, the hard dirt and asphalt replaced by rough gray concrete. When the scene before him came into a clear focus, his stomach lurched. With a primal desperation, he reached out, searching for the hand that had just let go of him. Now he was the one holding on like his life depended on it.  
In front of him now was a perfect aerial snapshot of the pavilion. They had to be at least ten stories up, given the size of the figures below them.
Beast Boy looked up, heart still pounding, though he wasn’t sure the vertigo was responsible for the anxiety he felt now.
Raven was staring at him--or rather their hands intertwined--with a clear level of discomfort. What kind, Beast Boy couldn’t tell.
“You can let go of my hand now,” she said slowly.
Beast Boy flinched, releasing her hand from his own as quickly as he had grabbed it. His knuckles were stiff, flushed by the strain of his grip.
An awkward beat of silence passed between them, broken only when Raven turned to grab something from her pocket.
“What are you doing?” Beast Boy asked, terribly conscious of the slight crack in his voice.
“Calling Robin,” Raven replied, an audible ring echoing from the blood-spotted comms device now resting in her hand.
The two waited for another excruciatingly long moment until the ringing came to an abrupt, unanswered halt.
“I guess he’s busy,” Beast Boy shrugged. But something snagged in his stomach at the thought. Robin probably was very busy. But Beast Boy wasn’t sure he really believed that was why he hadn’t picked up. He took out his own pager anxiously, already flipping through the contacts on the main screen. “Lemme try Cyborg.”
The dial tone cut off after the first ring.
Raven paused for a moment then looked up at him. “I don’t even have a signal.”
Beast Boy looked down at the device in his own hand. Neither did he. “Huh. Well that’s...weird.”
“Yeah,” Raven said, a definitive frown forming on her lips. “And that’s not the only thing that’s a little weird.”
As she spoke, Raven stared down at the pavilion below them, unblinking. She seemed intently focused on...something. But Beast Boy wasn’t entirely sure that it was the fight happening on the ground. A fight that was becoming increasingly hard to follow, even for someone who was trying to keep up with it.
Beast Boy scanned the turf once, then again through the eyes of a hawk, hoping for a better view. Squinting beyond the cloud of dust, he finally was able to hone in on the action--and more importantly, their attackers’ new target.  
The man stood out like a current rolling on a still sea. Rather than trying to dodge the attacks of his pursuers, he danced through the waves with an impossible accuracy, almost as if he were intentionally trying to attract their shots. And he did--like hungry flies to a show horse. Only he never seemed to get bitten. The flies bit themselves. They bit each other. Falling one after the other around him as they continued to follow him further and further away from the center of the pavilion.
Just before the man disappeared into the shadows of the opposite alleyway, Beast Boy finally caught a glimpse of his face amongst the swarming insects--his shiny black hair and toothless grin glistening in the artificial night.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
May 2020 Angel Fish Awards
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(New Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.
Be sure to read through this whole post as people who were nominated more than once only had one tag activated for tumblr tagging purposes!
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Nominated by @focusonspn
A Night on the Town (oneshot) by @supernatural-jackles
I completely love this fic!! Jensen is a total sweetheart, it’s really easy to read and all those words felt like only five minutes. This is everything a Jensen!girl could’ve asked for!!
Hunger (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
HOLY. MOTHER. OF. HOTNESS. It was a fucking pleasure for my eyes to read every single word of this fic!! hot as hell, dark, Demon!Dean and in character as always.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis 
Handkerchief (oneshot) by @babypieandwhiskey
I don’t usually read RPF, but this is an AU, so I dove in. Mechanic!Jensen with a magical supply of handkerchiefs, ready and willing to clean up whatever mess I find myself in? SOLD. Sweet, appeals to my love of Jensen’s back-pocket bandannas, and it activates my competence kink! Excuse me while I go wibble in the corner.
Nominated by @supernatural-jackles
Still The One (oneshot) by @luci-in-trenchcoats
I have a lot of respect for the way Michelle writes such difficult topics. She approaches them with such grace and accuracy, that makes it all the more realistic. This series is no exception. I deeply enjoy this series and the way things are playing out between Dean and the reader. It’s an extremely heartbreaking story that most of us don’t really think about until it’s put into this kind of perspective. This one is still ongoing, and I’m extremely excited to see how she handles the rest of the story. I highly recommend checking this one out. Just heed the warnings beforehand.
Nominated by @peridottea91
Healthy Competition (Series) by @kittenofdoomage
This! Omg this series! I love it so much!! It’s slower moving but keeps you itching for the next chapter and is oh so relatable. What woman hasn’t had body image issues? And what plus sized woman hasn’t had to deal with rude jerks and bullying? This fic is actually super realistic and hits all those relatable issues. Can’t wait to read the rest!!
Dangerous Signs (Series) by @kittenofdoomage
Ok, let me start by saying that I am a sucker for a good “character transported to alt. universe/world” fic. That said, I got soooooooooo addicted to this fic! It was so well written and you could just feel the reader’s hesitation and torn emotions. Should she stay? Should go? Ugh! Fantastic!! Also, kudos for the Norse mythology!! *chef’s kiss*
Nominated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
Cotton Candy (oneshot) by @ellewritesfix05
“It was always nice knowing [...] you could always find ways to bring light into Dean’s life.”
And he damn well deserves it! This was so sweet. No one can resist that “I didn’t do it” smile of his ;)
The Oath (Series) by @thecleverdame 
This series is definitely dark, but it’s so so good. If you’re okay with reading about the heavy subjects covered in these chapters, you won’t regret giving this series a try. I can’t seem to stop diving into all of this author’s content. She’s just too good.
Choices (CYOE) by @talesmaniac89 
I’ve been excited about this impressive project since I first saw the announcement post. Though I’m ashamed to say I haven’t gotten into reading the full thing yet, I plan on making time for reading ALL the different endings. I’m excited to see the different ways in which the story plays out, depending on the brothers’ personalities. For now, I’m recommending this first chapter, the starting point, which was already a beauty of its own. If you haven’t started yet yourself, prepare to be amazed.
Not Safe (Oneshot) by @torn-and-frayed
I love this. Spicy but sweet… Is that a cringy enough way for me to try and put my thoughts into words? I also just really miss Bobby, man.
nominated by @impala-dreamer
Safe Here (series) by @because-imma-lady-assface
This is one of the greatest Dean series. Ashley writes Dean amazingly well, too well sometimes, and this series gives him exactly what he needs; a place to feel safe and find comfort. I love this one so much!
Losing You (series) by @idreamofhazel
This is a superbly done Sam series that has stuck with me for a long time. I literally can’t go into Bed, Bath & Beyond without thinking about the ending <3
nominated by @kittenofdoomage
Blind Luck (oneshot) by @crispychrissy
A great Sam x reader that hits the holy trifecta of smut, fluff, and angst.
 Blood And Water (series) by @crashdevlin
Pretty sure I’ve recc’d this before but it’s such a good series, so twisted and angsty, my dark little heart loves it. Heed the warnings!
Just Sam (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence
This might not be everyone’s cup of tea but for me, it’s perfection, because I am a kinky bitch and any other kinky bitches out there would definitely enjoy this XD
nominated by @deanwanddamons
Private Party With A Rockstar (oneshot) by @mummybear
@mummybear Has been working her butt off this month for her RolePlay May. She wrote this story for me and put me in it (my name is Sian). Rockstar!Jensen is one of my weakness’s, and she knows that, and clearly knows me very well too, as included everything I like 😉
She’s Not You by @winchest09
@winchest09 is one of my fave authors. This is a super cute, super fluffy fic which really cheered me up.
Dangerous Signs (Series) by @kittenofdoomage
I LOVED this series. it was so good and lots of fun with some very sexy going’s on. Rhi’s work is just fantastic 💕
Wedding Bells (oneshot) by @katehuntington
This one shot is super cute and fluffy! I love her writing so much and this is not exception 💕 
Not Much Left (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Demon!Dean is another of my weakness’s and fic really hit the spot 🥵🔥
Dear Dean (series) by @smol-and-grumpy
This series made me laugh, made me cry, made me horny and made me gasp. One of the best series I have read 💕
nominated by @emilyshurley
Jensen’s Self Care Routine (oneshot) - @luci-in-trenchcoats
It is just adorable. People taking care of themselves for their loved ones. You can’t get more fluffy.
The Proposal (series) - @katymacsupernatural (Ongoing)
If you love fake dating fics, you’ll definitely love this one. Really like the character of “the reader”.
Private Party with a Rockstar (oneshot) - @mummybear
This one is both hot and adorable at the same time
You shook me (oneshot) @myinconnelly1
It’s Myin writing Demon!Dean what more do you want? No seriously that’s the perfect combination
Dancing the Spiral (oneshot) by @myinconnelly1
One of the only times I genuinely felt like a fic was creepy in a good way. And the passing of the whole thing is great. Am I little biased because its Myin, yes but that doesn’t make the fic any less good. sure it’s on the longer side but definitely worth it.
The only exception (series) - @ne-gans and @negans-lucille-tblr
I have only read the first part so far but I had to mention it. It is a serial killer AU so read the trigger warnings just in case.
Make it Big (series)- @negans-lucille-tblr
Again I’m still catching up It’s one of those fics I thought I won’t like reading but was really glad that I started.
Cast no Shadow (series) @kittenofdoomage
It’s Rhi, I can fangirl a lot about her fics. Really enjoyed (?) (that might not be the right word) the whole fitting a new relationship in existing ones. Felt to real in a weird way. It might seem like I don’t like the fic because of how I’m wording this but that’s really not the case.
Nominated by @deanwinchesterswitch
Sunshine (oneshot) by @talesmaniac89
If you like angst, this is the fic for you. It is utterly captivating and heart wrenching. It’s a cut your heart out with a dull centuries-old wooden spoon style hurt. The use of the song lines in this fic is well thought out and poetic. Make sure to have a box of tissues handy. If you don’t at least tear up while reading this, then you don’t have a heart to cut out, and your soul is already in hell.
Choices (CYOE) by @talesmaniac89
A clever interactive series where you get to choose your favorite Winchester, and the ending of the story. This is so detailed and intriguing. I loved the story I ended up with the first time, and excitedly went back in to pick the other options. Each story was unique and well written. 
Babe I’m Gonna Leave You (oneshot) by @waywardbaby
This one shot is an absolutely stunning piece of smut. The lack of dialogue makes it that much better. All you’re left with is the option to feel the detailed emotions—sexual tension to the max.
No Words (oneshot) by @because-imma-lady-assface​
Beautiful, detailed, and heartbreaking. Dean’s pain and need for comfort are palpable, and I cried while reading it. I can’t find the proper words to describe how this fic made me feel, but man did it ever make me feel.
Sky Full of Stars (oneshot) by @smol-and-grumpy​​
This is the sequel to Something Just Like This and is just as exciting as the first series. A roller coaster of suspense. The characters continue on their journey of love, dealing with the good and bad that comes with every relationship—the perfect combination of angst and fluff with a healthy dose of smut.
Something Just Like This (oneshot) by @smol-and-grumpy
A perfect combination of big badass Dean and soft, fluffy Dean, along with all the incredible smut your little heart could desire. I usually don’t like to read a series until it is complete, because I am impatient and don’t want to wait for the next chapter to post. However, this story was intriguing and sexy, and I couldn’t keep from reading each chapter as soon as it posted and then eagerly anticipating the next.
Nominated by anon
Request 42 (oneshot) by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
This was super-duper cute!! I love frustrated soon to be parents especially when one of those parents is Dean! Great work, well worth the read!
Just A Daydream (onesho) by @maddiepants
This fic is refreshing with its canon-ness! I love Sam's little dream, and you get so wrapped up in it, you forget. Absolutely masterful and HOT AS HELL! Also, Tall People, WTF? 
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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Yet another Tag Time !
Tagged by @sexy-salmon ! Thanks, fellow space frog enthusiast :D
RULES: answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know
I won't tag 10 blogs because I don't know that many people. But I still tag @natsora, @illusivesoul and @betacarotene-e160a ! As always, feel free to take it or leave it o/
Nicknames: Merween is my most common username across the internet since I'm like, 12. Otherwise I guess I have this friend who makes fun of my particle name and reverses name and last name, but I'm nnnnot sure it counts.
Gender/pronouns: She/Her
Star sign: Taurus
Height: 5′3 (I think, because as the mere european person I am, I don't get this metric system xD)
Time: 14.55 CET
Birthday: May 12th
Favorite bands: I am so bad with that type of questions. Favorite relative to what ? xD I kind of rediscovered Deftones recently and I really like their universe. I adore The National for one single song that wrecks me endlessly. None of them are actually favorites, I'm only buying time here.
Favorite solo artist:  I don't know what to say I'm sorry. T_T
Song stuck in your head: Survivor, from Kung Fury. (Gonna need some gonna need some ACTION !!!!)
Last movie you watched?: Die Hard. I've never seen it before, and it was good fun !
Last show?: I vaguely started The Wire, but circunstances had kept me from watching the first episode in full lenght, so I really don't know if that counts. Else it would still be The Handmaid's Tale
Why did you create your blog?: Because I was tired of being the only Mass Effect nerd in my immediate entourage, I wanted to talk about my ongoing fanfiction project Halfway Home, I wanted to share drawings, and dang I wanted to finally dare saying something on tumblr because the platform is intriguing to me.
What do you post?: Mass Effect drawings mostly -specifically drawings related to Halfway Home, a lot of tags recently, and I reblog cool fanart -extra points if it features salarians. I really should post more things, but I'm not sure what would interest people ? Feel free to tell me !
Last thing you googled?: Rotta the Hutling. Because did you know that canonically, Jabba the Hutt had a weirdly cute son that look desperate to hug you ? LOOK AT HIM ! He became my profile pic pretty much everywhere, that dodgy slug baby thing.
Other blogs: I share a devblog on the indie game I'm working on with my team, and I plan to launch a less-specific blog for when I'll start seriously talking about narrative design and very probably launch a Youtube channel buuut-
AO3: MerweenTheWitch I think it is ?
Do you get asks?: I'm not sure I even received one ? Maybe one, at the very beginning of this blog's lifespan.xD I never actively encouraged it though, which is too bad because they look fun !
How did you get the idea for your URL?: halfwayhome was taken, halfway_home was taken, pretty much everything related to the fic's title was out of reach. So I decided to find something else to represent both salarians, an idea of confrontation and the edgy grungey tone of the story, so Raw Liver and Cigarettes was pretty much it.
Followers: 46 best persons in the entire world in my very humbled objectivity (no but really, you are all so precious to me)
I follow: 46 people also ! The odds of that !
Average hours of sleep: Anywhere between 0 to like, 16, because my sleep patterns are broken !! But I tend to orbit around 4 when I have life obligations.
Lucky number: 14 I'd say ?
Instruments: Keyboard -I suck, I mostly use it as a device to compose and arrange music-, I sing, I can blow into a flute and make sound somewhat ?? Also I used to play the accordion, which is desperately french.
What are you wearing?: A grey/black shirt with two many straps, a pair of torn jeans but not in a cool torn way, more like I have not bought a pair of pants since little less than a decade, and a peignoir. Yay for working from home.
Dream job: Narrative game designer. Even better if I work on my own games. Even better if I end up mAKING MONEY TO LIKE SURVIVE and not starve or be too cold to move. Right now I'm achieving two of those three goals, which to be fair is 2/3 of the whole package so I'm still reasonnably thrilled. (actually my dream job would be absolute unlimited possibilities to work on any support of project (mostly creative, but I enjoy science as well), of any scale, with any timeframe -it's highly implausible, but it's where my heart truly lies)
Dream trip: Somewhere north, where I can be alone and watch auroras. Or, to get really fancy, I guess space is both unattainable and very tempting as once.
Favorite food: I think mochis are way up -most of japanese cooking in general. But again, I really enjoy watermelon and gnocchis, and I'm so bad at making favorites, I don't get how that works.
Significant other?: Nope, which is hardly a big deal to my work-obsessed ace-ish butt.
Last book I read: « Drawing Blood » by Molly Crabapple. It's non-fiction autobiography dealing with politics between 2008 to 2013 in the US, arts and the author's journey with technique and meaning, the entertwinment between economical elite and artists, sex workers and performers... It's a baroque punch in the guts. As depressing as it is inspiring. I adored this book, and I truly needed to read it.
Top 3 fictional universes: Hard question, but. I'd say Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls, and mh. I waver between a lot of them. But I think I'll go with Tolkien universe. This is not as much a top as a list of fictionnal universes I truly enjoyed. Again, me and faves xD
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