#in a moment of paranoia i checked that 1 single sheep was in fact called a sheep
hedgehog-moss · 2 years
I read an article from a Paris-area news outlet in which a man who’s got a few llamas says they're useful, they can carry stuff, etc, then boasts that on top of that “all of his llamas” are “trained” to clear brush. Sir what are you talking about? Llamas eat brambles and weeds with zest and zeal. They just do! No training necessary...? Did you follow them around smacking their noses with a rolled-up newspaper every time they ate a blade of grass instead of a thistle or are you just saying that because you know Parisians are easily impressed by animals doing normal animal things. Now I’m picturing an urban farmer in Paris explaining proudly to visitors that he managed to train all of his bees to produce honey and every sheep in his flock to mow the lawn
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