#in a vidow version Shade will eventually just go
lunavagans · 21 days
We all agree Vio reads a lot, right? He‘d probably need at least reading glasses fairly soon if his luck and that glorious Hero‘s Spirit let him down (shh, we ignore how that fits into him and archery for the sake of the bit). But (according to personal experience) before one gets dearly needed glasses, they typically run around doing… expressions. Just imagine that „calm and collected“ (to quote Red: „cool“) guy going
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Blue: … This is getting embarassing.
Red: Don‘t insult his efforts, Blue :( You can do it, Vio!!!
Vio: At least I possess the reading proficiency required to have a chance at deciphering this sign.
Vio: That we did. And we‘ve established that not all memories are shared, didn‘t we?
Green: Alright, that‘s enough, guys. The sign reads „Do Not Keep Going, Visitors Unwelcome“, by the way.
Red: Oh, we should continue! Whoever‘s at the end of this path must be lonely from not getting any visitors :D
Vio: I agree, we should send Red ahead. That lonely person will be overwhelmed by his demeanor enough to not harm him and we can look around in the meantime.
Green: Maybe you‘ll go instead, your charming disposition today is sure to brighten up their day, as well.
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