#in canon Shaun is now 38
guyfawkesreborn · 10 months
Thanks to everyone who reached out for my birthday the other day--I really appreciate it. And no, I will not be revealing how old I am. And I made Rebecca swear not to do the same.
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gonefeviral · 7 years
2, 4, 7, 13, 30, 38, 43 for Wade!
This gets a bit long so I’m putting it under the cut! 
2. Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?
Minutemen through and through! Destroyed the Institute because Todd Coward said I had to in order to ‘finish’ the game. In our story canon, Wade went with some Minutemen to do the deed but desperately wished there was another way or that he had more time. But with the BOS about to stomp off with Liberty Prime to do all that damage, he figured it was best to do it with the MM to save any unnecessary carnage. Did the evacuation order and tried his best to make sure as many people got out as possible, and trying to stop any witch hunts afterwards as well. 
In-game I’ve left the BOS and RR alone for the sake of repeatable quests and also because I don’t want companions to hate me. 
4.Give us a summary of their backstory.
Uhhh some of it’s still a WIP but ESSENTIALLY he was a civil engineer who joined the army right out of university being promised a non-combat job when the war began to happen. Ended up in combat anyway because of his size, strength and natural urge to protect people. Was there for Anchorage, came back a ‘hero’ but had seen many atrocities committed by soldiers and wasn’t proud of what they had done. 
Settled into civilian life with an old friend from the war (’Nora’ because I hate that you’re forced into a marriage straight off the bat in-game) and got a house in Sanctuary. Lived peacefully, Shaun was never ‘his’ kid but he took the baby in regardless because he loved the idea of being a dad. Bombs happened, went to V101, was absolutely gutted at the loss of his old friend and the kidnapping of Shaun. 
Did the wasteland shit for a while with MacCready as Wade went on his way to become the Minuteman General as the story progressed. Finding the truth about Shaun/Father nearly broke him, and RJ being there for them kicked off the start of more romantic feelings, eventually the two of them becoming a pair. Sanctuary became a real hub for trading under the influence of go-General ‘Matriarch’ Avia, a dear friend of his. An terrified mess of an ex-Gunner kid arrived at Sanctuary and Wade quickly grew paternal towards him, invested in his recovery. Skip forward and he adopts the kid, Roach, as his own and eventually Roach’s 2 younger brothers. RJ bonds with one of them, happy to be a dad again after coming to terms with the loss of Duncan. 
THERE’S UHHH A LOT TO SUMMARISE HERE BUT BASICALLY MAIN PLOT ASIDE, Wade’s a husband, a dad and has done a lot of settlement/faction alliances stuff. 
7. Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?
Wade’s pretty high functioning but he does have PTSD from his time in the war. Anything to do with organised killing/firing squads or execution is his biggest trigger for it, considering the shit that he saw ‘good’ men do in the war. Coping is essentially avoiding it, but if it’s Bad he’ll quietly surround himself with loved ones so he doesn’t feel alone. 
13. What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders)
He doesn’t really FEAR any critters or threats, but I guess Supermutants are his biggest worry due to their more violent nature and being harder for settlements to fight against. 
30. Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?
Wade’s a charmer and bit of a smooth talker but he’s not much of a flirt unless it’s cheeky or for fun. Doesn’t like to lead people on, considering that he’s pretty demi and doesn’t fall for someone unless he knows and admires them pretty well
38. How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun?
A trained soldier and now General so Wade doesn’t have time for shaky hands or a bad aim. Great with guns, prefers his 5.56 and .45 out of convenience, but sometimes uses a Gauss or scoped weapon. 
43. Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral?
Feral ghouls are a nuisance at the best, dangerous at the worst, but Wade does feel pity for them, especially the ones trapped since the bombs fell. He doesn’t like coming across ledgers or diaries of people before they turned, mainly because of how damn sad it is most of the time. Non-feral ghouls he adores just like he adores any other genuinely good person. He’s committed to helping the ghouls at the Slog out, and treats ghouls in general with kindness and respect since a lot of the pre-war ones are a lot wiser than most folks. 
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artsvark · 8 years
Original cast reunites for Rent In Concert
RENT – the cast from the 2007 production.
Presented by Showtime Management, this celebratory one night fund-raising concert features the popular numbers from the stage production of Rent including Seasons of Love, Out Tonight, Without You, Will I and Take Me or Leave Me performed by the original South African cast who reunite especially for this concert.
Save the date! Showtime Management’s 10th Anniversary Production of Rent In Concert takes place at Montecasino’s Teatro on Monday, 15 May 2017 at 8pm.
Tickets are now on sale at Computicket.
They last performed together to rave reviews in the Tony and Pulitzer Award-winning musical production of Rent, produced by Showtime Management ten years ago at the Alexander Theatre in Braamfontein and then Artscape, Cape Town.
“One is tempted to return just to relive the glorious music,” raved the Tonight on 20 July 2007 and now “Rentheads”, fans of the musical and theatre-goers are invited to take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to enjoy Rent In Concert.
Based loosely on Puccini’s La Boheme, the musical production of Rent follows a year in the life of a group of impoverished friends trying to make it in New York’s East City Village as they struggle with relationships, drugs, loss, love, creativity, HIV/AIDS and paying their “rent”.
Duane Alexander (Co-director)
Zane Gillion
Ilse Klink
Talia Kodesh
Anton Luitingh (Co-director)
Nicksoul (Nicholas Nkuna)
Nobuntu Mphalaza
Aubrey Poo
Thokozani Nzima
Sivan Raphaely
Phillip Schnetler
Lorri Strauss
Jaco van Rensberg
Shaun V
Megan Victor-Carelse
Hazel Feldman – Producer
Tony Feldman – Producer
Bryan Schimmel – Music Director
Jill Somers – Choreographer
This concert version presents the entire score sung and performed with minimal staging. It’s all about the music, the songs and the strength of the beautiful voices that will have audiences singing along or sitting mesmerized, longing for more. All proceeds go to HospiceWits whose “no end to caring” motto resonates with Rent’s themes of love, losing a loved one to a terminal illness, friendship and support. The music and lyrics written by Jonathan Larson performed by the South African cast tell the touching story though song.
“HospiceWits has provided the highest quality of care and support to hundreds of thousands of hopeful patients and families affected by life threatening illnesses in Johannesburg over the past 38 years. The funds provided by this event will be used for the continuation of that care in our compassionate environment which enables patients to feel supported and encouraged on the journey of life threatening illness,” says Joy Ruwodo, Marketing Manager, HospiceWits.
“To be a part of Rent once in a lifetime is a gift, to have a second opportunity to indulge in the music, the characters and the story with the original South African cast and creative team is quite unbelievable. And to play Maureen who is an activist and protest performer, now, in 2017, when the world seems to have turned upside down, makes it ever more meaningful.” – SIVAN RAPHAELY
The cast is passionate about the concert and eager to give of their time to support HospiceWits. All the 2007 leads – including Shaun V who is flying in from Dubai – and some from around the country, sees Duane Alexander, Aubrey Poo, Zane Gillion, Thokozani “Zano” Nzima, Talia Kodesh, Sivan Raphaely and Ilse Klink together with fellow cast members Chantal Herman, Jaco Van Rensburg, Anton Luitingh, Megan Victor-Carelse and Lorri Strauss on stage on 15 May. New to this staging will be Phillip Schnetler and Nicholas “Nicksoul” Nkuna, who are looking forward to joining the original performers.
SHOW INFORMATIONDATE: Monday, 15 May 2017 SHOW TIME: 20:00 TICKET PRICES: R150, R250, R350, R450 BOOKINGS: Computicket by calling 0861 915 8000, visit www.computicket.com or visit your nearest Computicket service centre.
What started as a light-hearted Facebook chat about getting together for the 10th Anniversary of Rent is now becoming a reality. Hazel Feldman and Tony Feldman of Showtime Management, the original producers of Rent are lending their full support to Rent In Concert and Montecasino, the concert host. is providing the Teatro as the concert venue. Technical companies Gearhouse Splitbeam, ProSound and Computicket have donated their services while Music Theatre International New York and the Jonathan Larson Estate has waivered performance royalties, therefore greatly assisting in raising funds for Hospice Wits.
“To feel Jonathan Larson’s music in my blood again and to reunite with our magnificent SA Rent family, I just couldn’t possibly say “no”! – TALIA KODESH
The concert also reunites the 2007 creative team of choreographer Jill Somers with Anton Luitingh and Duane Alexander who will recreate their performances in Rent as well as co-direct the concert version. Music Supervisor, Bryan Schimmel will once again lead the band.
“Rent T is the kind of musical that follows you throughout your life and I have wanted to revisit this material for a long time. I was a baby when I did this show and it’s wonderful to be at an age and stage in your life where you finally have the life experience to do this beautiful piece justice. I wasn’t even out of the closet when I did this show and now I am married to the best person I know. Rent made it okay to be gay and look at how far we have come. Measure in love always.” – MEGAN VICTOR-CARELSE
“Rent radically changed the Broadway musical in the 1990’s, so in keeping with our vision to continually provide world class entertainment that is unique to our venue, the Teatro at Montecasino is thrilled to be hosting this once-off event to raise money for a very hardworking organisation such as Hospice Wits”, Bryan Hill, General Manager, Teatro
No day but TODAY! Tickets for this one night only concert are limited and patrons are encouraged to book at Computicket as soon as possible. #RentConcertSA
  Original cast reunites for Rent In Concert was originally published on Artsvark
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