#in exchange for delicious milkshakes- no troublemakers!
koifsssh · 1 year
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I wish i had more patience with myself, my brain feels like its in overdrive trying to figure out how to sort all the little silly ideas i have. As for now though i finished the diner’s staff designs! Introducing Poppy and Howdy, the two owners of Poppy’s Diner! (Or just called “Poppy’s”!)
(rambles below! beware!)
I like to think originally Poppy had owned the diner by herself, and that Howdy had a little juice bar/smoothie place somewhere nearby! The two were friends long before they had started each of their own businesses, so Poppy suggested to merge!
(it would also be nice to have a friend around, especially when she gets anxious with any appliances!) Poppy’s diner was probably a bit small, but with the money and popularity of Howdy’s juice bar, she got a considerable upgrade! (i will draw the diner at a later date! promise!) the diner now has a space where Howdy’s bar resides, he usually stays behind the counter there, serving drinks or milkshakes or whatever you fancy! He’s your guy! (I like to think he does deserts as well, haha!) Poppy handles the food side of things, so they both work together to serve their patrons with quality food and service!
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Rainy’s here too! (admittedly, i’m not very proud of this design, but i tried! but this design may change in the future- or it may not, who knows, it may grow on me!) Rainy’s a waiter! and their only one! He works very hard to make sure he has everyone’s orders written down and ready to be served! He’s still a daydreamer by heart, and can zone out of a conversation if it goes on for too long, he tries to make up for it though! He can be very attentive when he wants to be! I imagine he had came later into the staff once Poppy & Howdy became owners together. Not sure how he got the job, maybe he knew Howdy when he ran a juice bar solo? Who knows! It’s up in the air! For some reason, these three hold a little special place in my heart, they’re like a little trio! Ready to smother you in food if you so desire!
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dkarchives-blog · 6 years
Sofia’s Academic Celebration & Manuel and Scar Cuteness | Boxing Babes
Having two kids was really something else, but it was even worse when the kids started growing up. His baby girl, Sofia, has won some sort of award and the entire family was with her at the school, hoping to see the ceremony. With his son sitting on his lap, Manuel sat next to his wife as they waited for their daughter to get on stage, holding onto her hands gently. “This is taking forever. When is she coming out?”
Scarlett had her body turned towards Manuel, her arm draped over the back of his chair while her other hand held her phone, ready to take videos of Sofia when she came out. Scar grinned at the two, resting her hand on Manuel's shoulder and giving him a gentle squeeze. Scarlett laughed softly at Manuel's words, leaning over to kiss his cheek gently. "These things never run on time, you should know that by now," she replied teasingly.
Manuel smiled as she kissed his cheek, sighing dramatically. “It’s been worse today, you know that.” He said playfully as he watched Victor play on his Nintendo Switch, clearly too focused on that. He turned his head to look back at Scar and grinned. “I can’t wait to see her.”
Scarlett laughed softly at his words, nodding a little. "I can't deny that much," Scar replied softly, looking down at Victor for a moment as he sat on Manuel's lap. She then looked up at her husband, grinning widely at his words. "Me neither. She's so excited, Manu." Scarlett explained before the principal walked onto the stage to get things going.
Manuel smiled at the thought of their daughter being so happy since she really was a ray of sunshine. She reminded him so much of his sister it scared him since Scar and him were more serious. “We all are excited, honestly.” He said with a small laugh, letting out a small deep breath as the principal finally came out. “Finally.”
Scarlett grinned widely at Manuel's words, then resting her phone in her lap to brush Victor's hair from his face gently. She then picked up her phone as the principal came out, getting it ready. The principal began speaking and Scar waited patiently to see her little girl. "Are you gonna make fun of me if I cry?" Scar whispered to Manuel playfully.
Manuel snorted softly as she talked to him, nodding his head eagerly. “When did my hot wife turn into such a soccer mom?” He retorted playfully, tilting his head to the side to look at her and then laughed a little. “I won’t make fun of you, baby. You’re a proud mom.”
Scarlett's eyes widened at his words and she rolled her eyes playfully, "oh my god." She breathed out playfully before nodding a little. "Incredibly proud," she replied easily. "Each year, our teachers from each grade select one student who has not only exceeded academic expectations, but who has displayed what it means to be a model student. They are kind to their classmates and teachers, offering help wherever it may be needed. These students are some of the few who have a set an example for their peers," the principal began, starting with kindergarten before moving on to second grade. "Representing the second grade, Sofia Parker."
Manuel nodded eagerly, smiling widely and listening to the principal easily. To be fair, Manu has never been into school. He had always been the kind of boy to skip class and barely made it to graduation. All he did was be a bit of a troublemaker. As soon as Sofia’s name came up, Manuel began clapping with everyone else as he saw their daughter, grinning widely.
Scarlett grinned widely as she heard her daughters name echo throughout the auditorium, using her free hand to pat her leg in order to clap as best as she could while she took pictures with her other hand. Sofia skipped out onto the stage, clearly too eager to receive her certificate with a smile that hardly fit on her face. Scarlett shared a similar smile, then placing her phone down to clap properly. The award ceremony following that was fairly quickly and let the parents find each of their children after the ceremony. Scarlett stood, picking up the teddy bear with some candy that she'd bought for Sofia as a reward. She placed a hand on Manuel's arm, gesturing for him to head towards the stage. "She hasn't stopped smiling since she got her award," Scarlett told him with a grin.
Manuel nodded eagerly as his wife mentioned that Sofia hadn’t stopped smiling since she had took the award. “We know she’s always smiling.” He said playfully, beginning to lead her over to where their daughter was. “Sofi! Where’s the cutest girl in the entire world?” He asked her playfully.
Scarlett grinned widely at her husbands words as she followed her husband up to the stage where her smile only grew. "Right here!" Sofia exclaimed excitedly, giggling as she did so before showing her parents her award. "Look!" She told them, pointing to it. "We're so proud of you, baby." Scarlett told her daughter with a grin, leaning forward to press a kiss to her head.
Manuel grinned widely as he carried Victor since the place was definitely crowded and laughed a little as he picked up his daughters award. “Oh wow! Felicidades, bebecita!” He said excitedly, hugging her once Scar pulled back. “Sofi congrats!” Victor said quickly, making grabby hands at his sister.
Scarlett grinned widely at the sight before her as Manuel hugged Sofia who erupted into a fit of giggles. Sofia moved forward to hug her brother tightly after hugging her father, then pulling back with a grin. "Thank you!" She replied eagerly. Scar then pulled out the teddy bear and the candy, handing it over to a very eager Sofia. "Here, sweetheart. This is from me, Daddy, and Victor." Scar explained easily.
Manuel grinned as Victor and Sofia hugged and then smiled even more as their daughter took the gift Scarlett had got for them. “You ready to go out to eat wherever you choose, Sofi?” He asked eagerly.
"Thank you!" Sofia exclaimed excitedly, hugging the bear tightly after handing her certificate over to her father. Sofia's eyes lit up at Manuel's offer and she nodded eagerly. "Wherever I want?" She asked with wide eyes. "I want a milkshake and French fries," Sofia responded sure as every and Scar laughed softly, nodding a little before looking over at Manuel. "Johnny Rockets?"
Manuel grinned as he took the certificate and set Victor down to walk with them, taking a hold of his hand as usual. “Okay, yes! Johnny Rockets is delicious. Let’s go.” He said excitedly, beginning to lead the way out of the school building and to their car.
Scarlett grinned at Manuel's words, helping Sofia off the stage and taking her hand to follow behind Manuel. "Daddy?" Sofia called out gently, looking up at him as she walked behind him. "Did you go to boxing school?" She asked curiously, not knowing any better.
Manuel waited until they had caught up with them before answering the question, grinning. “No, baby. You trying for boxing and you only have a coach to help you. There aren’t other kids or grades, just a lot of things to learn and work.” He explains gently, smiling at him. “Mommy did go to school though. Even university cause she’s very smart just like you.” He explained easily.
Sofia looked up at Manuel intently as he responded, nodding gently in understanding before her face lit up at Manuel's words. "You did?!" Sofia asked Scarlett who nodded gently. "Sure did. But you'll be even smarter than me, my love. I know that for a fact," Scar replied easily.
Manuel heard their exchange with a soft grin and then moved to get Victor into the baby chair carefully before helping out Sofia get in. “You two are the smartest.” He said excitedly, letting out a small laugh.
Scarlett laughed softly at Manuel's words, leaning over to kiss his cheek as she moved around him. "You and Vic are too, babe." She replied easily. Knowing that Manuel was far wiser than her in several other areas. She then climbed into the car and Sofia got settled too, showing Victor her teddy bear and offering him some candy.
Manu smiled at her words, nodding his head. Manuel was street smart, he had learned to grow up far too soon but now he couldn’t complain, it gave him the family that he had. He grinned as Victor got some candy from his sister and then began driving to get their food.
Scarlett looked over at Manuel as he began driving, biting down on her bottom lip for a moment before she leaned over to rest a hand on his leg. "It feels like a dream sometimes," she breathed out gently. "Our lives are almost too good to be true," Scar mused gently with a smile.
Manuel nodded a little as he listened to her, letting out a soft laugh. “I know, right? It’s crazy for me.” He admitted softly. His life could have been so much more crazy but thankfully he had met Scar and she had been more than enough to keep him grounded all these years. “You know, I never thought this would be possible for me.”
Scarlett's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his words although her smile never faded as she shook her head a little. "Why not?" She asked curiously, glancing back at the kids before looking at him intently again.
Manuel shrugged a little, sighing. “I don’t know. This is a fairytale. Where I come from, fairytales just don’t happen regularly.” He admitted gently, shrugging as he drove and smiled softly.
Scarlett's features softened at his words and she shook her head a little after a moment. "Well, if anyone deserves this it's you, mi vida." Scarlett replied with a small smirk before leaning over to kiss his cheek quickly.
Manuel grinned widely at her words, arching an eyebrow. “Oh wow. It only took you eight years, huh?” He asked her teasingly, parking the car and then reaching over to peck her lips only to see Sofia making gagging noises in the backseat.
Scarlett rolled her eyes at him, giving his leg a gentle squeeze before she kissed him back eagerly. Scarlett laughed gently at Sofia's reaction, shaking her head a little. "Every single time," Scar replied softly. "Tell me, what's gross about that, silly?" Scar asked as she climbed out of the car.
Manuel laughed a little as Sofia made fun of them as usual and climbed out of the car to take their children’s hands. “Boys have cooties, mommy! You can’t kiss them!” She said playfully, sticking her tongue out at her dad who simply laughed.
Scarlett giggled at Sofia's words, beginning to walk alongside Manuel and their children. "Daddy doesn't!" Scar exclaimed, incredibly amused before she leaned down to scoop Victor up into her arms. "Other boys do, though, so stay away from them." Scar replied with a smirk.
Manuel chuckled lightly at the exchange between Scar and their daughter, clearly amused, but also thankful Sofia really thought that he did not need to worry about boys with her so young. “Exactly. Victor and I don’t have cooties. We are the best boys.” He said easily, opening the front door for them and stepping inside once they were all in to take a seat.
Scarlett laughed softly at Manuel's words, nodding easily as she hugged Victor to her. "Exactly." Scar replied easily. Sofia climbed into the booth alongside her daughter and once scar sat down, she sat Victor next to her. She then began looking over the menu, looking for something for herself and Victor. Sofia immediately took Manuel's hand as she sat next to him, comparing her small hand to his.
Sofia looked up at Manuel as he spoke up, nodding easily. "I'll get bigger, too. As tall as you!" Sofia replied excitedly with a grin before looking over at Scar for a moment before she looked up at Manuel. "Can I have French fries and a milkshake?" She asked gently, finally holding onto her fathers hand tightly.
“Mhm. Your mom and I are pretty tall do you and Victor have really good chances there.” He admitted playfully, thought it was true. Scar was almost as tall as him, she was like a damn model. “Of course you can. That’s why we’re here.” Manu grinned and then looked over at his wife. “You two ready to order, babe?”
Sofia's eyes lit up at Manuel's words since the idea of getting taller was incredibly exciting. "Thank you," Sofia replied appreciatively, holding onto her fathers hand tightly. Scar looked up as Manuel spoke up, nodding a little. "You want a burger or chicken, Vic?" Scar asked her son gently, running her hand through his hair gently.
Victor looked up from his father phone where he was playing YouTube and grinned. “I want fries, mommy. And cheese!” He said excitedly, still messing up with his pronunciation like most kids his age.
Scarlett's eyebrows raised in surprise at Manuel's words and she couldn't help but laugh. "Right, of course. Silly me." Scar replied easily before looking up at Manuel. "We're definitely ready now."
Manuel grinned and rolled his eyes at his son’s answer. “He has a thing for cheese these days.” He noted playfully before waving over a waiter and letting Scar order first, before following her with his and Sofia’s order and then taking the waiter as he left.
Scarlett giggled at Manuel's words, nodding a little. "It could be worse," Scar replied easily before ordering a burger for herself and Victor's cheese fries. Scarlett draped an arm around her son gently, looking at him for a moment before she looked over at Manuel. "I have a meeting with some designers real soon."
“Yeah, at least he’s past the peanut butter on everything phase.” Manu admitted with a small laugh before smiling widely at his wife’s words. “Oh, really? That sounds perfect, Scar. I’m sure it’ll go great. Can’t wait to see what you work on.”
Scarlett laughed softly at Manuel's words, nodding easily. "On /everything/?" Sofia asked her father with wide eyes. Scar then grinned widely at Manuel's words, nodding a little. "I hope so." She mused hopefully because she really wanted it to work out. "You know, when I suggested getting models they said I should just do it."
“On absolutely everything, Sofi. You used to like pickles, you know? You ate them all the time growing up.” Manuel told her easily since it was a sure thing that their kids really had been into strange things when they were little. Smirking a little, he shrugged. “We all have been telling you this since we met, babe. How is that news to you?”
Sofia's eyes widened at Manuel's words and she couldn't help but giggle which caused Scarlett's grin to widen. Scar then rolled her eyes playfully at Manuel's response, shaking her head a little. "Because you're incredibly biased. I don't know, I mean, I'll think about it," Scar replied with a small shrug.
Manuel chuckled at Sofia’s reaction, nodding and then laughing lightly as his wife spoke up. “I think you can do it if you wanna. Like, I’ve seen you wearing those sort of clothes and they look great on you. If you go for the male clothes, you have me too, which would be great too. And I’m not biased, I just can see how good looking you are.”
Scarlett nodded her head thoughtfully at Manuel's words, not being able to help but grin. "Oh, I'm absolutely using you." She replied easily before rolling her eyes playfully at him. "Well, thank you, baby. I don't look too bad after two kids, hm?"
Manuel snorted, shaking his head. “You look perfect. To be fair, doesn’t even look like you had these two.” He admitted as he eyed their children, letting out a soft chuckle and then thanking the waiter as he began bringing their food.
Scarlett laughed softly at Manuel's words, nodding a little. "Well, thank you. I'm very glad you think so." She replied easily, carefully taking Manuel's phone from Victor so that he wouldn't end up either cheese all over it. Scar moved the plate to the edge, placing a napkin in his lap before she moved to her own food.
Sofía and Manuel began eating as soon as food was in front of them as usual and Manu looked over at Scar with a grin. “Hey, did I tell you About Theresa’s new guy? He’s a nurse at the hospital she’s an intern at or something. What has she told you so far? Because she hasn’t told me anything.”
Sofia grinned widely as the good was placed in front of her, sitting up on her knees to have access to everything better. Scarlett began eating easily, looking up at Manuel's words and raising her eyebrows. Scar shook her head a little, swallowing before she spoke up. "What kind of best friend would I be if I told her protective big brother all the details of her love life, hm?"
Manuel groaned playfully, swallowing his food and arching an eyebrow. “The kind that is married to her protective big brother and loves him very, very much?” He asked as he chuckled, shrugging. “You know, she’s an adult, nothing I can do about that apart from look after her. But it’s her decision at the end, I know that. Us guys Can real pieces of work though. Is it a bad thing for me to ask and check on her from time to time?”
Scarlett giggled at Manuel's response, nodding a little. "All that is true," she replied easily before shrugging a little. "I'm messing with you, baby. I think it's sweet you're so worried. That's why I've always wanted siblings, to look after each other." Scar replied softly before taking a sip from her drink. "All I know is that they've been on one date and she likes him a lot."
Manu smiled softly at her words and then took another bite of food. “Hm? You got me now to look after you though. For the rest of our lives.” He said easily and then nodded a little. “Got it. Well, as long as he isn’t one of those problematics boys, I’m fine with it.”
Scarlett grinned widely at Manuel's words, nodding gently as she did so. "That is true. And you were so worth the wait," she replied easily before shaking her head a little. "Nah. I stalked his Instagram and he looks like he's a good kid," Scar replied easily since Theresa and Scar were incredibly close.
Manuel smiled widely and nodded. “I’m glad you think that.” He said easily before he chuckled a little. “You stalked his Instagram? I’m assuming you staked my instagram when you met me too then? Though to be fair, I really didn’t have much of an interesting life back then.” Manu admitted playfully.
Scarlett nodded her head easily before laughing at the realization that she had indeed stalked him. "Are you kidding? Absolutely. I swooned every time." Scar replied playfully although she was absolutely serious.
Manuel grinned at her, shaking his head. His wife really was something else. “And thank god for that.” He admitted as he finished his food and drank some more milkshake before he grabbed a napkin to wipe some ketchup from Sofia’s face. “Sweetheart, you got ketchup all over.” He said playfully.
Scarlett grinned widely at Manuel's words, nodding easily as she finished up her good. "I'd have to be a fool not to." She replied easily before laughing at Sofia's appearance. "But I was careful!" Sof exclaimed defensively.
Manuel chuckled at her words and then laughed even more at Sofia’s answer to him. “Oh gosh, I know. Now you’re clean again. You gotta be more careful or you’ll end up looking like your brother, look at him.” Manuel said playfully as he looked back at their son who had cheese all over his mouth too but who was far too happy to care.
Scarlett laughed softly as her gaze shifted to Victor, knowing very well that there was no point in cleaning him up now since he was still eating. Sofia giggled at her brother, shaking her head a little. "He's always messy, daddy."
“He’s a little boy, they’re messy. You used to be messy when you were little. Your hair got all over the place all the time. Your mom had to run after you to change into cute clothes.” Manuel told her playfully, looking back at his wife with a small smirk as he remembered.
Sofia giggled at Manuel's words, hugging his arm as she looked up at him intently. "Sorry mommy," Sof replied as she turned to Scar who shook her head little. "Don't be, baby. It's my job as a mommy," Scar replied easily, starting to clean up Victor as she did so.
Manuel smiled at the exchange between the two, nodding his head and grinning as his daughter held onto his arm as usual. “Sometimes it took both of us to catch you though! You were fast!” He exclaimed gently, looking up to the waiter to wave him over so he could pay.
Sofia giggled at Manuel's words, "faster than you and mommy?!" Sofia asked with wide eyes, absolutely intrigued now. Scarlett finished up with Victor easily, kissing he top of his head quickly as she did so.
“Yeah! You jumped on the bed and hid under stuff. Kind of like Victor does now.” Manu said easily, thanking the waiter and giving him his card.
Sofia listened to her father intently, giggling as she imagined that fairly easily. "That's so silly!" Sofia exclaimed playfully and Scarlett nodded easily as she lifted Victor into her lap. "It was very silly."
Manu got some cash out from his wallet to give the waiter as a tip and then laughed a little. “It was crazy. We were way younger too. So we really didn’t know what we were doing.” He admitted with a shake of his head.
Scarlett laughed softly at Manuel's words since he was absolutely right. "It was definitely a learning process. Now that we have Victor we're basically pros." Scar replied playfully and Sofia giggled softly. "Because you practiced with me?"
“Yeah, but we are still learning with you and with Victor.” Manu admitted playfully, leaning over to kiss the top of Sofia’s head and then moving to get out of the booth. “Let’s go home, yeah? Sofi has school tomorrow.”
Sofia grinned widely as her father kissed her head, nodding a little nonetheless before she moved to climb out of the booth, taking her fathers hand. "Yeah," Scar replied easily, picking up Victor and climbing out of the booth too.
Manu waits for Scar and began walking to the car with all of them, looking back at his wife with a small smile and opened the car doors for Sofia and then Scar, offering to take Victor from her to put him back on his chair. “Daddy, can I play?” The boy asked him with a wide smile. Manu grinned, nodding. “Babe, do you know where my phone is?”
Scarlett grinned widely at Manuel as he smiled at her, handing Victor over to home easily before digging in her purse as she heard Victors request. "Hm, I have it." Scar replied easily before pulling it out and handing it to Manuel. "Here, baby." She replied easily.
“Thank you.” Manu said easily, giving victor his phone and then moving to climb onto his own seat and beginning to drive. He moved his hand to rest on Scar’s thigh gently, looking at her momentarily before he whispered, “I got the info for my next fight.”
Scarlett rested her hand over Manuel's as he placed it on her thigh, sighing softly in content before looking over at him intently. "Yeah?" Scar asked softly before shaking her head a little. "What do you know?"
“Yeah. It’s against John. The guy who knocked me out.” Manuel said in a whisper so the kids wouldn’t be able to hear them. He turned his hand to lace their fingers together and sighed.
Scarlett's features softened at Manuel's words although she nodded a little nonetheless. She took a deep breath, shrugging a little. "You've got it this time, you know that?" Scar asked him gently.
“Yeah I hope so.” Manu was nervous about it, that’s why he hadn’t told her as soon as he found out about it. He was making a comeback so of course he had to beat the champion right now. To make it official.
"Manu," Scar began softly, squeezing his hand as she did so. "One bad fight does not define your entire professional career. He's just some kid that got lucky." Scar reminded him gently.
Manu stayed silent for a moment as he furrowed his eyebrows together, looking ahead. “Scar, it kind of did. People remember that most, my fall from grace.” He muttered under his breath, shaking his head.
"Then that should be enough motivation for you to want to prove them wrong, babe." Scar replied softly. She understood where he was coming from, but he could do this. He absolutely could.
“Yeah, I know.” Manuel said softly as he parked their once they had arrived and then looked back at their children. Sofia has actually fell asleep, but Victor was still very much on his phone. “I’ll carry Sofia, she’s getting too big.” He said playfully, shaking his head and then moved to do just that.
Scarlett turned back to look at Sofia and Victor, laughing softly as she did so. Scar nodded gently, moving to climb out of the car. Scar opened up the door and unbuckled Victor gently, smiling as she lifted him up carefully and set him on her hip to carry him inside.
Manu picked up Sofia and carried her up the stairs and to her bedroom, setting her down on her bed carefully and then moving back down stairs to get some water and to put Sofia’s chocolates in the fridge.
Scarlett carried Victor up to his room and changed him easily, carefully taking Manuel's phone and tucking it away before she tucked Victor into bed. "Goodnight, angel. Daddy and I love you so much," Scar whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead before moving to stand.
Manuel toon the glass of water to their bedroom and began changing out of his clothes since Scarlett had yet to come back from Victor’s room and turn on the tv to the sports channel where they were already talking about his next fight. Manu sat in only in his jeans as he took of his shoes, eyes focused on what they were saying.
Scarlett then moved into hers and Manuel's bedroom, smiling as she saw him sitting down on the bed. Her eyes shifted to the television to see what he was watching, frowning a bit before she slipped out of her shoes and moved to sit in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You got this, baby." She whispered gently against his ear before pressing a gentle kiss against it.
Manu was startled when she sat on his lap, so focused on the tv he barely noticed she had stepped inside. He nodded though, hoping she was right. He had been working harder than ever and he wanted that to work for him. “You really think so?” He asked her softly, turning his head to look at her better a she slipped his arms around her carefully. “I’m scared...that it will happen again. Now Sofia is older, now Victor knows what I do. There’s more people to disappoint and more things to lose if I don’t beat him.” Manuel whispered slowly.
Manu was startled when she sat on his lap, so focused on the tv he barely noticed she had stepped inside. He nodded though, hoping she was right. He had been working harder than ever and he wanted that to work for him. “You really think so?” He asked her softly, turning his head to look at her better a she slipped his arms around her carefully. “I’m scared...that it will happen again. Now Sofia is older, now Victor knows what I do. There’s more people to disappoint and more things to lose if I don’t beat him.” Manuel whispered slowly.
Scarlett rested her hand on the side of his face to turn his head towards her, nodding easily. "I know so, Manuel." Scar replied softly, leaning forward to peck his lips quickly. Scar listened to Manuel intently, shaking her head slightly. "Then win, Manu. Prove everyone wrong." Scar urged gently.
Manu pecked her lips back softly and looked at her intently before he let out a soft chuckle. “That easy, huh?” He asked playfully, kissing her cheek and sighing a little. “I have three months left of training. I’m pretty sure coach will ask to get away from distractions too so I am not looking forward to that.”
Scarlett laughed softly at his words, nodding a little as she shifted a bit to straddle him. "For you, yeah." She replied easily before, frowning a bit at his words. She hugged her body to his, resting her head in the crook of his neck. "It's good for you, though."
Manu definitely noticed how she got closer as soon as he mentioned getting away. She was dreading it just as much as he was. “It’s not that good for me. I think about you and the kids a lot while I’m away.” He admitted gently, his hand moving to tangle in her hair carefully. “You help me relax. If I don’t see you before the fight I won’t be calm enough.”
Scar had tried to convinced herself that it was for Manuel's benefit. His coach knew best for him when it came to his boxing career and that stood for that. Right? Scar closed her eyes as she listened intently, relaxing as she felt his hand in her hair. "Then I'll have to sneak back and see you before the fight," Scar replied simply, her fingertips fumbling with his hair gently.
Manu frowned a little at her words, shaking his head. “I’m gonna tell him I won’t do it. Last time I sneaked in here and spent all night awake with you. That’s probably worst.” Manu admitted playfully, his other hand rating on her lower back as he looked down at her as much as he could. “You being alone with the kids for so long is unfair.”
Scarlett pulled back as he spoke up, resting her forehead against his as she looked at him intently. She laughed softly at his memory, nodding a little. "That is true," she replied softly before taking a deep breath. "It is. But it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make if it helps you. But I'm absolutely not opposed to you doing without that whole thing this time."
“Hm, I feel like being away from you especially kinda messes with me. You always have things to say before fights and I’m used to that, you know? I talk more with you about boxing than coach ‘cause I’m know how I box better than anyone else.” Manu said gently as he opened his eyes to look at her face intently. “I miss the kids too...but with you, you’re a part of my team out there, babe.”
Scarlett couldn't help but grin widely as she listened intently to Manuel's words. Scarlett had been there from the beginning. She'd see Manuel grow as a boxer and in the business as a whole. Which meant she knew exactly what he often needed to hear before he went out there. Scarlett cupped the side of his face gently, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips before pulling back a little to look at him intently. "We are a team, baby. Whenever you want me with you I'll be there. It's my pleasure. Okay?"
Manu grinned softly as they kissed, humming a little. “I want you with me all the time, silly.” He whispered playfully, pecking her lips and sighing in content.
Scarlett grinned widely at his words before reciprocating the kiss easily and hugging herself to him. "Good. That's what I was hoping you would say," she replied softly. "I love you so much."
“I love you, Bebe.” Manuel said carefully, hugging her tightly and kissing he side of her head several times. “The kids are getting so big.” He told her gently, leaning his head against hers.
Scarlett grinned widely at her husbands response, closing her eyes as he kissed her head several times while holding him tightly to her. "Hm, don't remind me. I don't like it," Scar replied softly although while she was mostly joking, part of her was entirely serious.
Manuel laughed lightly, shaking his head. “Victor is almost four now. We don’t have a baby anymore.” He said with a playful pout, pulling back just enough to get a good look at her face and sighing in content.
"Manuel, oh my god. Can you stop?" Scar asked though her laughter, shaking her head a little at him as she lifted it up. "Before we know it he'll be as tall as me and Sof will be as tall as you."
“What?! I’m serious!” Manu exclaimed playfully, nodding his head at her words and frowning a little. “They’re gonna be tall as hell for sure considering we are both usually towering over people.” He murmured playfully, leaning back against the propped up pillows on their bed and bringing her down with him.
"I know, that's the worst part!" Scarlett exclaimed, her green eyes going wife as she did so. She laughed softly at Manuel's words before falling on top of him, using one of her hands to prop herself up so that she was hovering over him. "That's true. I didn't really think about that. Not a bad thing, though. At least if they don't think so." Scar mused softly. "They're so perfect, you know?"
“We have had a baby for eight years basically. First Sofia and then Victor. Feels like one eight year long baby.” Manu said playfully, looking up at her and running his hand up and down her arm carefully. “Of course they are. They’re half of you and half of me.”
Scarlett laughed softly at Manuel's words, nodding a little. "That's one way of looking at it. I can't believe it's been eight years. I still remember how scared I was when I found out I was pregnant with Sof," Scar recalled softly, looking down at him intently with a grin. "They're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Right next to you, of course."
“Hm, I remember you asked me not to leave you. Like that was even an option for me.” Manuel said playfully, shaking his head at it all and then smiling widely as she spoke up once again. Manu rarely smiled that way, but when it did it always involved Scar or their kids. He was more on the looking serious side but not with her. “Hm. The feeling is completely reciprocated.
Scarlett's features softened at Manuel's words and she shook her head a little after a moment. "You were so different from any guy I'd ever met, I should have known you wouldn't." Scar breathed out softly. Her smile grew at his words and she nodded a little. "You want more kids, though, don't you?"
Manuel shrugged a little, grinning at her. “Any guy could have left though. I couldn’t blame you for thinking that. I just would never do that to you or anyone. Even if things hadn’t worked out between us, I would make sure the baby and you would have been taken care of you know? But I knew you were already it for me so what was the point of not having a child right away?” He explained gently, arching an eyebrow at her next words and thinking about his answer for a moment. “Hm...I know you don’t want more right now. So we can wait or we can not have anymore.”
Scarlett nodded her head gently although her features softened entirely at his admission. She leaned forward to hug him even tighter, shaking her head a little in disbelief. "You are something else, Manuel Parker." Scar breathed out gently before she pulled back, raising an eyebrow at him. "You didn't answer my question, babe."
Manu hugged her back tightly and kissed her head, sighing in content. “You are too, Scarlett Parker.” He said easily, smiling a little and shrugging as he could in their position once she pulled back. “Because I don’t wanna decide that for us. With Sofia we really couldn’t choose, you know? And with Victor it just sorta happened too. If we are going to decide about having more kids, I’d like to know what you think.” He admitted gently, lifting one of his hands to push her hair behind her ear.
Scarlett grinned at his words, mostly because she loved that she finally had his last name. Scarlett frowned a bit at his words, shaking her head a little as her eyes never left his. "And that's very sweet of you, my love. I really appreciate it. But I want to hear what you want, too. It's about the both of us." Scar urged him gently. "There's nothing wrong with wanting more children, Manu."
Manuel nodded a little at her words, looking at her intently. “I mean, I do. I want more. Cause look at the two we already have. We make the best and cutest babies on earth.” He said playfully, though he really meant it and pulled her closer to kiss her gently. “If you feel like it’s too much though? I would get that. You got your new clothing line stuff coming up and I have the usual fight stuff. If timing isn’t ideal, it’s understandable.” He admitted softly.
Manuel nodded a little at her words, looking at her intently. “I mean, I do. I want more. Cause look at the two we already have. We make the best and cutest babies on earth.” He said playfully, though he really meant it and pulled her closer to kiss her gently. “If you feel like it’s too much though? I would get that. You got your new clothing line stuff coming up and I have the usual fight stuff. If timing isn’t ideal, it’s understandable.” He admitted softly.
“I’m serious though. Look at you. How could I have not beautiful children with you, huh?” Manuel said playfully, winking at her and then sighing in content as she collapsed on top of him. “We could talk to them. But I don’t think they would mind now. They’re little. It’s when they get older we could worry about that, honestly.” Manu grinned at her words and then chuckled. “Oh only after you get the line launched are we gonna try?” He asked playfully.
Scarlett rolled her eyes playfully at her husbands words although she couldn't help but laugh softly. "Look at me?! Look at you!" Scar replied with wide eyes before nodding a little, pecking his lips quickly before she giggled at his question, nodding a little. "Mhm. Not saying we can't practice until then, though."
“I know. I’m pretty fine as well.” He said easily. Manuel had never had an issue with how he looked at all. He just knew how good looking his wife was as well. She was on other level for him, honestly. “Hm. Lots of practice sounds really good for me, not gonna lie.” He whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her softly.
"And that's saying the very least," Scar replied easily with a grin, brushing his hair from his face gently before laughing softly. "Oh, yeah. As if we don't practice all the time already, hm?" Scar asked teasingly with a raised eyebrow.
“I don’t wanna be the guy who just talks about how good looking he is, sh.” Manu murmured playfully and then chuckled at her next words. “I never said the opposite.” He said easily, leaning his head against hers and closing his eyes.
"Which is why I'm here to talk about it for you." Scar replied easily, leaning forward to kiss him quickly before relaxing onto him and closing her eyes as he did the same. "I can't imagine how different my life would be if I never went to the underground that night, Scar mused thoughtfully.
Manu kissed her easily and then smiled at the memory. “Hm. We would have met at some point. Couldn’t even imagine my life without you in it.” He admitted softly. Who even knew where he would be if it weren’t for her? She had been there for him since meeting her.
Scarlett laughed softly at his words, nodding a little since she definitely liked to think so too. "Yeah, I would have liked to think I'd end up at the food truck eventually," she replied playfully before nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.
Manu ran his hands up and down her back carefully and smiled softly. “You went to places like a Foodtruck with your friends? I had no idea what was a thing.” He teased her playfully, kissing her head. “You would have seen me making food and sweating and I’m sure it would have the same reaction from you.” He said playfully.
“Boxing is cool. That’s different and you didn’t even wanna be there until you met me.” Manuel reminded her with a small smirk, arching an eyebrow as he opened his eyes. “Yeah, but you had met me as the cool dude who had won that fight before seeing me cooking.”
"Exactly. So if I had no interest in boxing prior to meeting you and ended up at the underground, I absolutely would have made it to the food truck for some damn good food." Scar replied easily, laughing softly as she did so. "You being shirtless that night did help..." Scar replied teasingly before shaking her head a little. "I would have fallen for you either way, baby."
“Well true. We had the best food there.” Manuel admitted gently, smiling softly at how much hints had changed for them. He never thought he would be able to change his life so much but he did. They did. “Hm, shirtless me always helps with you.” He teased, kissing her head. “You would have?”
"Best I've ever had," Scar replied easily before laughing softly and nodding at his words. "Mhm. Always always always." Scar told him, sounding sure as ever of herself as she did so before nodding in confirmation. "I would have had to be insane not to."
Manuel smiled softly at her words, kissing her head and then laughing a little  since she was far too silly. He was shirtless right now even so he really knew what he was talking about. “Hm. True. Out of your mind to miss out on me.” He murmured playfully.
Scarlett grinned widely at his response, nodding easily since she was absolutely convinced of that much. Manuel had truly been the best thing that had ever happened to her. She couldn't imagine life without him nor did she want to. "I love you so much, my love." She whispered softly.
Manuel grinned and leaned his head against hers, kissing her softly. “I love you, Scar.” He whispered gently, running his thumb over her cheek carefully and sighing in content.
Scarlett rested her hand on the side of his face, reciprocating the gentle kiss easily. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," Scarlett mumbled against his lips, pulling him even closer to her as she did so.
“Hm, you are everything to me, baby.” Manu said softly as they kissed, wrapping his arms around her carefully and pulling back just enough to look at her. “I like you a lot, did you know that? You’re my favorite in the world just like, don’t tell our kids.” He whispered playfully.
Scarlett smiled into the kiss as she heard his words, her legs moving to both sides of his body carefully. She then laughed softly at his words before nodding a little. "I did know that. And luckily enough, the feeling is absolutely mutual." She murmured gently, leaning down to peck his lips quickly. "Your secret is safe with me," she replied playfully.
“Thank god for that.” Manu said with a small smirk, kissing her again and resting his hands on her hips gently. “So, you want another kid too? For real?” He asked softly, locking his eyes on hers.
Scarlett laughed softly at his words, nodding a little as she did so since that wasn't exactly news to either of them. Scarlett hummed softly at his words before nodding gently. "Considering I'm in denial about the two we have getting older, I do." Scar replied with a grin. "I just..I look at Sof and Vic and...they're so perfect. It's hard not to want more."
Manu chuckled a little at her words, nodding and then smiled. “Yeah. And I mean, we’re still pretty young. We can handle three of them, jumping around.” He said gently, rolling over playfully until he was on top of her and nudging her nose with his. “I got to tell you something that’s been bothering me lately...” He whispered, staying close to her as usual.
Scarlett laughed softly at his words, nodding a little. "Exactly. We should take advantage of it." Scar replied softly, grinning widely as he rolled them over to be on top of her, frowning a bit at his words. "What is it?" Scar asked gently.
“Mhm.” Manu nodded eagerly and then moved to a little to lay on his side so he wouldn’t crush her, keeping one of his arms around her waist. “Isn’t dads been calling again. And my mom has been calling to talk about my dad. Well, for my dad.” He explained softly, swallowing hard.
Scarlett turned on her side to look at him intently, frowning at his words. God, she hated that for Manuel. Because he deserved so much better than this. Scarlett swallowed hard, shaking her head a little as she moved to sit up a little. "Why would she do that?" Scar asked softly as she moved to sit up, evidently getting defensive. "Why is she doing that when she knows what he did to you? What he put you through?"
Manuel rolled back into his back when she sat up, moving to sit up too and sighing softly. “Who knows, babe. It’s weird. He says she just wants us to give him a chance. Forgiveness, and stuff like that.” He shrugged a little before taking a deep breath. “I think they’re like...together. Or I don’t know what he’s done to get her to do all of this. I’m just...tired of arguing about him and all of it.”
Scarlett stared at Manuel as he spoke before her eyes went wide at the fact that he thought his parents were together. "What?" Scarlett asked in disbelief, blinking several times as she did so. "Good lord," Scarlett breathed out, moving to sit up and rake her fingers through her hair. "That's a joke, Manuel. I'm sorry but I can't believe she's doing that to you."
Manuel nodded a little, honestly as surprised as she was. “She doesn’t think it’s wrong. Theresa might be talking to him too. Basically everyone is but me. Which I’m fine with. But you know how my mom is. She’s gonna pull the family card and shit.” He sighed loudly, moving to lay back down with a frown. “He got what he wanted. Which I’m sure is money. What a coincidence he wants us know that Theresa is a doctor that my mom has her food trucks and that I’m a boxer, right?”
"There's no family card to pull, babe. He hasn't been in your life at all. He's not even family. As far as you know he's just some guy," Scarlett replied quickly, shaking her head a little as she did so. "Of course it's suspicious. That he chooses now of all times to push to be in your lives. It's ridiculous." Scarlett huffed, turning to look at him intently. "I will support you in whatever you decide to do, babe. I just don't want to see you get hurt."
“Yeah but my mom and Theresa are family whether, and now I’m sure they’ll want us to talk so the family is close and I just don’t wanna deal with it.” Manuel admitted. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes, rubbing at his forehead frustratedly. “I don’t want anything to do with him. I mean I have forgiven him for it all, I just don’t want him close, you know? Don’t wanna think about that.”
Scarlett huffed gently at Manuel's words, shaking his head a little and moving to lay back down. "Then don't, babe. Don't let them pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable with. You are not in the wrong here, do you understand that?" Scar asked him gently.
Manuel turned his head to look at her as she lay down once again, nodding lightly. “Yeah, I guess.” He whispered softly, looking up at the ceiling.
"No, Manuel." Scarlett reworked quickly as she sat up again. "There is no uncertainty about it. You did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing. Please understand that."
Manuel bit down on his bottom lip and sighed a little. “Yeah, babe. I get that. I just...I’m not looking forward to arguing with my mom and Theresa and having the entire family against me. We don’t need that right now. We got a lot going on. The kids, your clothing line, my fight, another baby. I don’t need dad issues now.” He whispered a she shook his head.
Scarlett listened to him intently as he spoke, shaking her head slightly as she did so before moving to cuddle up to him. She tangled her legs with his and wrapped her arms around his middle before leaning up a little to press a kiss to his cheek. "I'm sorry, babe." Scar breathed out gently. "What can I do to help, though? Make this easier for you?"
Manuel relaxed a little as she cuddled up to him, leaning into her kiss and then turning his head to kiss her nose. “You already make it easier. I wanted to share it with you, I just didn’t know how to bring it up, you know?” He admitted slowly, kissing her cheek. “I figured you would help me figure it out. Make me feel not as shitty for just wanting to stay out of it.”
Scarlett looked up at him intently after he kissed her nose, nodding a little at his words. "I'm glad you did." She replied softly before closing her eyes after he kissed her cheek. "I don't blame you for it, Manu. Not one bit. I'm on your side, okay? Nothing will change that."
“You know I share everything with you, silly. I felt kind of...embarrassed about it though.” Manuel admitted softly, his hand moving up and down her arm carefully as he looked down at her as intently as ever. “Thank you. You have always been on my side. I appreciate that.”
Scarlett raised her eyebrows at his words, shaking her head a little. "Embarrassed? Why?" Scar asked gently, resting a hand on the side of his face as her gaze met his. She nodded easily at his words. "I always will be."
“Because of all of this. My dad keeps showing up, coming to the family for freaking money, my mom falls back into his game, and it’s a stupid mess.” Manuel said softly, closing his eyes as he felt her gaze on his face before he sighed. “Like that is all he wants me for, you know? Money. He never wanted us until now that we are the ones that can give him everything.” He admitted softly.
"That's nothing for you to be embarrassed about, though. That's all out of your hands." Scarlett assured him as her hands moved to his hair in an attempt to calm him down. She leaned up to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, nodding a little. "I know. And you're not blind to it, which is important. You're not in the wrong here."
Manu leaned into her touch and sighed softly, shaking his head. “Still am though. That he has to be the way that he is. I can’t even imagine him as my father.” Manu said as he opened his eyes, swallowing hard and sniffling a little. “I know.”
Concern was evident on Scarlett's face as she heard Manuel sniffle, shaking her head a little. "Manuel, listen to me." Scarlett began slowly. "You are a father now. You realize how big of a deal it would be to leave your children. Which makes you realize that what he did was even worse. To abandon you all. Because it's unimaginable to someone like you and me. For Theresa and Gabriella to forgive him...that's their deal. But you are under no obligation to have anything to do with him. To recognize him as your father. Any of that. Okay?"
Manuel listened to her intently and sighed softly, staring at her as he did so and waiting a few seconds to speak up again. “Thank you for saying that.” He whispered softly, leaning his head closer to hers and sighing a little. “I love you. I’m so glad I got you here in my life. Don’t where I would be if it weren’t for you.”
Scarlett nodded her head gently at his words before cuddling up to him once again, taking a deep breath after she did so before nodding a little. "Luckily you don't even have to think about that, okay? I'm with you now and forever, Manuel."
Manuel nodded a little, managing a small smile and then sighing loudly. “Let’s talk about something else. I got a feeling I was about to get laid and totally ruined he moment.” He told her playfully, kissing her cheek. “Though to be fair even if we are just talking, I like it. I never talk to people as much as I talk to you.”
Scarlett couldn't help but laugh at Manuel's words, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck after he kissed her cheek. "You'll never know now," Scar replied teasingly before humming softly at his words "I know. Which makes me really happy, you know? That you've always let me see this side of you."
Manuel chuckled at her words, letting her hide her face in his neck as usual and sighing in content. “That’s unfair, but okay boss.” He said teasingly, nodding as much as he could at her next words and staying close to her. “Of course I have it’s you.”
Scarlett giggled at Manuel's response, rolling her eyes playfully as he called her boss. She pulled back after a moment to look at him intently after he spoke up, grinning widely at his words. "You're sweet." She murmured gently. "So so sweet."
Manuel hummed a little as she giggled, kissing her head and cupping her cheeks as she pulled back a little. “I do try, especially with you.” He said playfully, sighing. “Remember how when we met I texted to see if you were home safe?”
Scarlett grinned at him as he kissed her cheeks, arching an eyebrow at his words before nodding easily. "Of course I do. You did every time after that, too." She replied softly. "What make you think of that?"
Manuel shrugged a little, smiling. “Just being like this with you, I guess. It’s what we did before we got super busy and old.” He said playfully, closing his eyes for a moment and then opening back up. “You know, we just went to your place and chilled in bed for hours. Or in the bath. Or on the couch. Or sneaked into my house so my mom wouldn’t know you were there, remember?”
Scarlett laughed softly at his words, nodding a little. "Hm, we could be older," Scar reminded him before she laughed softly at the memory. "And I would always panic that she would catch me in the morning and literally murder me?" Scar asked him with a raised eyebrows.
“A little older.” Manuel said playfully, kissing her cheek and then laughing a little. “She would kill me first, trust me. For disrespecting a fine girl like you or whatever.” He admitted playfully, shaking his head.
Scarlett laughed softly as he kissed her cheek before nodding a little. "That is true." She replied easily since she knew how Manuel's mother could be when it came to her son. "What's the most trouble you've ever gotten into with her?" Scar asked curiously.
Manu thought about her question for a moment, trying to think of the worst argument. “Well, when I got back from my first fight. I looked pretty bad. So I just stayed in a hotel room for a few days. So she wouldn’t see me like that, you know? When I came back though, she was so pissed. I was grounded for like weeks. Couldn’t fight for a long while.”
Scarlett frowned at Manuel's words and nodded gently, resting her hand on the side of his face to rub her thumb on his cheek gently. "Manu," Scar breathed out. She should have expected it would be something boxing related. She took a deep breath, when shaking her head a little. "I'd like to think that one day she'll support you..."
Manuel managed a small shrug, having promised himself that he wouldn’t let that get to him any longer. It wasn’t worth it. “And if she doesn’t, that is okay. I’m past that. She was pissed about me not being home for days. I was sixteen.” He admitted softly, grinning a little. “You support me and our kids support me. That is enough for me.”
Scarlett nodded her head gently at Manuel's words. It was important that Manuel didn't rely on that because honestly, she doubted Gabriella would ever come to terms with it. And it made Scarlett upset. More upset than she would ever admit to Manuel because she knew it would hurt him to know what it did to her. Scar nodded her head gently at his words. "Just barely a teen, then." Scar replied softly with a small nod. "Good."
“Yeah, I mean, she had every right to be upset. Her sixteen year old kid disappeared and then showed up with bruises all over his face.” He admitted with a soft laugh. Now he looked back at all of it fondly instead of sadly though.
Scarlett laughed softly at his words, nodding a little. "That is true," Scar replied softly. "I remember seeing pictures of you from then. You were so small compared to how you are now."
“I was very small. But now I’m pretty built so I’m really proud.” He whispered playfully, letting out a small laugh and kissing her cheek.
Scarlett nodded her head gently at his words, leaning over to kiss him quickly before she climbed out of bed to get her pajamas. "You should be proud of yourself. Really proud."
Manuel groaned playfully as she moved away from him, sitting up to get rid of his jeans and socks and then slipping under the blankets. “I am real proud. Got me you though.”
"Don't pout," Scar warned playfully before changing into one of Manuel's shirts easily. She then moved to climb into bed next to him, immediately cuddling up to him. "Aw, baby." Scar murmured gently, leaning in to peck his lips several times.
“I do pout!” Manuel exclaimed playfully, biting down on his bottom lip and smiling as she slipped into one of his shirts. “Yeah?” He asked her playfully kissing her back eagerly.
"Now I see where the kids get it from," Scar couldn't help but tease him. She tangled her legs with his, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. "I love you so much." Scarlett breathed out against his lips. "So very much, my vida." Scar whispered with a grin.
“Yeah?” Manuel asked teasingly, pecking her lips again and cupping her cheeks. “Love you more, mi bebe.” He whispered carefully, taking a deep breath.
Scarlett nodded her head gently, leaning up to reciprocate the brief kiss easily before her smile only grew at his response. She nuzzled her face into him and closed her eyes, exhaling slowly as she relaxed entirely. "Get some rest, Manu." Scar murmured gently. "I will too."
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