#in fact she might have even texted Spencer as well for good measure considering he walked out lmao
sitcom-thoughts · 5 months
If there’s one thing I know about Penelope Garcia it’s that she’s a gossiper and I know for a fact that as soon as Barnes told her what to do instead of JJ (or the rest of the team) and Penelope answered with a simple ‘okay’, as soon as that happened she was texting the girls group chat
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Becoming Real: The New Addition
In this installment of Becoming Real, Diana has a baby just weeks before she’d supposed to finish medical school! @coveofmemories @the-slytherin-ice-queen @cosmicjennifer @mxolh @ultrarebelheart @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @tinyplanet-explorers @burnbrightdoll
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It was honestly a miracle that between Michael’s cases, Diana’s classes and clerkship, and the rapid pace of soon-to-be baby life, that Diana and Michael managed to carve out time for dinner with the grandparents to be about two weeks before her due date. “How are you feeling?” Luke asked as Diana waddled into the house.
“Fat! I’m feeling fat!” she laughed. Michael ducked into her and pecked her on the cheek, saying that no matter what size she was, she’d be the most beautiful woman in the world. “Other than that I’m okay. I’ve actually enjoyed pregnancy, but I’m a little bit over it now, because I have to pee every five seconds. Speaking of, I have to pee.”
She waddled as fast as she could past her dads, in-laws and husband. Finally, after going to the bathroom three more times, everyone sat down to dinner. “Do you have names yet?” Spencer asked. Naming Diana had come fairly easily to them, but neither Michael nor Diana had said anything about baby names for girls or boys.
JJ looked over excitedly. “Oh. Yes. Names? Do we have names? I need a name!”
“Sorry, mama,” Diana laughed, kissing her mother-in-law on the top of the head. “We are keeping that secret until he or she gets here.” Sitting had become bothersome as of late; Diana couldn’t sit still, so she walked around a lot. As she told JJ that they did in fact have names picked out for a girl and a boy, Will spoke to her stomach, telling the baby how much he couldn’t wait to meet his first grandbaby. “Ow!”
Out of nowhere, she grabbed her stomach and the room went silent. “Oh nooooo…” she said, looking down at her stomach and rubbing it gently. “You’re not supposed to be here yet. You have two more weeks.” 
She sat down, insisting to Michael, dads and in-laws that she wasn’t sure if it was full-on labor yet. “It still could be false contractions.” They went about dinner as normal, talking randomly about Diana’s impending graduation from medical school, a couple of lighter cases that Michael had taken on at the BAU, and the soon-to-be baby time that all the grandparents would have. To say they were excited was an understatement. “Gotta pee again.” 
Two minutes later, she came out of the bathroom. “I am, in fact, in labor.”
“Oh my god,” Michael said, standing up and clapping his hands. “This is happening. It’s actually happening. Are you okay?”
“Right now, yea. I may squeeze your hand off later. Is the baby bag in the car?”
Michael nodded as all the parents stood up and put on jackets, getting ready to leave the house. “I’m gonna be a grandpa. Babe, we’re gonna be grandpas,” Luke said. Both of her dads had been in a near constant state of emotion, as Diana’s due date grew closer. 
Fifteen minutes later, everyone made it into the hospital. “Hi, my name is Diana LaMontagne and I have a baby coming out of me,” she said to the woman at the desk. She laughed and led Diana into a room. Thankfully, there was a private room; she had absolutely no desire to share a room with another screaming, crying pregnant woman. She’d barely be able to stand herself. The contractions were about seven minutes apart now and they were painful, not excruciatingly so, but they weren’t fun – that she knew. 
“How are you feeling right now?” Michael asked, once Diana had got changed into a hospital gown and been situated on her bed. JJ couldn’t help but smile watching her son and his impending fatherhood; he looked so much like Will when he’d heard about Henry and Michael.
Diana pushed up, trying to comfortable, which was probably a futile effort. “They hurt, but so far I’m okay. All of the grandparents were in the room, and would be the entire time. Her only stipulation is that the only people who could actually look at the baby being born were Michael and JJ, because ‘husband’ and ‘did it before.’ The doctor came in a few minutes later and said she’d probably have a fairly short labor, especially for a first time mother. She was already dilated a little more than halfway. “I’m nervous.” She immediately closed her mouth as if she hadn’t intended to say it.
“For the actual birthing process or motherhood?” Spencer asked.
“Definitely both, but more so impending motherhood. What if I fuck this kid up?” 
Michael laughed and assured her that though they were both a little fucked up (who wasn’t really), they’d be fine. “We said the same thing once we knew we were having you,” Luke added. “I’m pretty sure I used a very similar statement actually. But you turned out fantastically well, so I think you’ll be okay.” 
It was still nerve-wracking. This baby was going to be dependent on her for a minimum of 18 years and more likely for the rest of his or her life; she just hoped she’d be able to do this little baby justice.
The next four hours went by and she was nearly dilated. Her contractions at this point were killer. “Oh my god, I literally feel like someone is ripping my body apart.”
“Technically that’s kind of true,” Spencer said, hesitating like he was going to say something else.
Diana glared at him. “Daddy, I love you, but I swear I will have to kill you if you give me facts about pregnancy and birth right now. I think I’m dying.” Michael repeatedly wiped her brow, the sweat pooling almost immediately after the towel left her head. “Okay, I’m getting that feeling like this is happening now and I want to push, so please go get the doctor so I can figure out whether or not I’m out of my mind.”
Will laughed out loud as Michael sped out of the room for the doctor. Again, very much like him when his kids were being born. “Hello again, Diana,” her OB said. “Let’s check you out. Yes, you are actually ready to push. Most first time moms don’t know that.”
“I’m graduating medical school in six weeks,” Diana huffed. “I’ve heard what this hell is like, but my god, I’m in pain. I want this kid out of me.” Michael bent down and kissed her head, while the grandparents took their places in the corner of the room.
For nearly half an hour, she pushed, sweating and crying through the fiery pain that was encompassing her body. At one point, Michael was sure she’s squeezed her hand off and as she looked around she saw her dads and in-laws in various states of happy tears and laughter. “You’ve got another push or two and your baby is here, Diana,” the OB said. “Push! 10, 9, 8, 7…”
She pushed down with all of her might, gritting her teeth through the pain, when suddenly she felt the bottom half of the baby slide out in one movement. Both mom and baby burst into tears as she was placed on her stomach. “It’s a girl!” Diana reached down and cradled her baby to her chest. “It’s a girl,” Michael said in amazement. “We made that.”
There was not a dry eye in the house, doctors included. While all grandparents immediately wanted to scoop the baby girl up, they didn’t, giving mom and dad time to adjust. “I have a granddaughter!” JJ cried. “Can we have a name now?”
Michael just stared at his daughter in awe as Diana spoke through the tears. “Molly Emma LaMontagne.” Considering Harry Potter had played such a big part in both their lives, and even their relationship when it was just starting out, they found it fitting to name their daughter after the badass Weasley matriarch. While they also could’ve named the baby after any number of badass women they knew, they decided against picking and choosing and finally settled on Molly. Emma was of course for Diana’s best friend, who’d stood by her through thick and thin.
Luke and Spencer bent down one after the other to give her a kiss on the forehead. “You did such a great job, baby girl,” Luke breathed, as he smoothed down her hair.
After taking Molly to get weighed and measured, she was placed in Diana’s arms, all swaddled up at 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches long. “She so beautiful,” Diana cried. She never believed she’d be able to love someone so much. “Who wants to hold her first?”
All four grandparents raised their hands immediately, eventually deciding on passing her from the closest, Luke, then to Spencer, then JJ and finally Will. “I’m gonna text Emma and Alicia, try and feed her, and then I’m gonna take a nap.” Michael chuckled at Diana’s sleepy eyes. He couldn’t imagine going through that; she was his Wonder Woman.
Hey Emma, you and Alicia have a niece! Come over when you’re ready!
After sending the message, she took Molly and attempted to breastfeed for the first time. “Oh that’s weird,” she said, her mind immediately going to a Friends episode she remembered. So when Spencer asked if it was a bad or a good weird, she replied. “A wonderful weird.”
Shortly after, she fell asleep and Michael followed suit while the grandparents were there and more than willing to take care of baby Molly, so she woke up about an hour later when Emma and Alicia walked into the room. “Hi, Di,” she said softly, bending down to give her best friend a hug. When she looked to the side, Will was holding the baby. “That’s my niece!”
Alicia brought her hands up to her face and covered a sob. “What’s her name?”
Diana grabbed Emma’s hand. “Molly Emma LaMontagne.”
“You named her after me?” Emma sobbed. Alicia took Molly from Will and placed her in Emma’s arms. Michael immediately got up to allow her to sit down, because honestly he was still afraid someone was going to drop Molly and break her; she was so tiny. “Oh my god…” she cried. “Hi Molly, I’m your Aunt Emma. That’s Aunt Alicia, and we love you so much. We’re gonna be the cool aunts you come to when mommy and daddy are pissing you off. Okay?”
A few moments later, Diana started to cry. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” she said. “Hormones…I just love her so much.”
She was tiny, still a little pinkish, a lot squirmy, and already hungry again. But she was beautiful, and she was perfect.
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