#in fact that's probably what hob is doing rn talking shit
furiosophie · 2 years
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may i visit you in the dream realm sometime?
one day, perhaps
i just think these three immortal beings who've been through a lot of shit deserve some chill time in the dreaming, as a treat
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embersflameboy · 2 years
OKAY SO. WOW. IM. there's so much in my head rn.
I'm so worried about our boy Andhera???? THE THING WITH THE CRYSTALS????? MY GOD?????? ARE YOU OKAY. HOLY SHIT. And the fact that??? He just. They just. Oh Boy.
Episode 7 hitting my head rn. More thoughts:
I wish for a dance scene,,,,,,I wish,,,,,please,,,,please,,,,,give,,,,gimmie,,,,just 1. Just 1 next time,,,
Spectacular outfits. Would kiss. Would make out. Would wear!
Wuvvy terrifies me. Is she okay. Is she in love with Rue (probably) WHY WAS SHE HANGING OUT WITH APOLLO/terrified
God there's. the old birds are back and grandfather is probably getting laid. Sweet jesus.
Andhera and Binx my beloved. My beloved. They should. I. The apple. The fucking apple.
Chirps one liner at the end. I love her.
Lou is amazing as always but what else is new. Love him <3
THE NEW ART SLAPS. My god,,,,,,,
THE MATCH? Okay. So. Fucking. Boil and Blemish talking about a match being put in. Hello???? What is that FUCKING ABOUT???? THERES ONLY 3 MORE EPISODES LEFT AND I AM GOING TO SHIT MY PANTS.
Binx,,,Binx should make everyone matching outfits.
I'm So Scared. What is going to happen. Terrified.
No mention of wrackingspelt and I am????? So Scared. Do not think they would leave it out of the campaign,,,
There was a cut where andhera said his items I think? I guess its. For Drama ✨
Hob. Hob and Rue. Mmmmmm. There's gonna be a lot of fan art and Man.
Back to Blemish and Boil. They are acting so sus rn. So fucking sus. With a fairy???? Hm. Suspicious. Suspect. Sussy.
Wuvvy please dont be a villain please dont be a villain- i mean I Doubt it but also WUVVY,,,
Okay thats all my collective thoughts for now. Jesus i have so much in my brain. Feel free to reply or reblog your thoughts i am so in thought.
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