#in his ears* BC LIKE... IDK. THE AUTISM. but he likes the symbolism of it all so he'll still keep their bonding earring and have his gay li
scissorcraft · 4 months
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post-canon siffrin design!!!! might change it up more of course but!!!! yeah!!!!
he does HAVE something to represent odile and bonnie too,,, it's not just his partners (romantic & queerplatonic), he's got his family too, i just don't know where to put them yet :) so for now assume he is carrying them in his multitude of pockets!!
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throwaninkpot · 4 years
My reactions to reading RotT. Part 1!
seeing all the books listed before the title page. crying.
to sounis. crying.
this would be why he's only just learning to read when we meet him in TaT. bc he has horrific ableist parents and his nurse probably can't read herself, and so she couldn't teach him even if she wanted to.
"I bit him hard on the ball" 😳 "--of his shoulder" 😑
"my father is easygoing" *6 pages later* "one time my father kicked me so hard I had to spend an entire winter in bed" pheris, I'll kill him for you.
good job, gen. take care of the child.
"not everything that is easy for you is easy for the rest of us" holy smokes.
the unified crest!!!! (it reminds me of gen's coat from the official art, but not quite.)
"people love a dancing bear. no one wants to be one."
matching embroidery. awwwwww.
gen, babe, I feel you. I feel you. somedays I would like to be dead if it meant not getting out of bed and seeing people, but I swear to the GODS, gen, don't even joke about being dead. don't you speak that into being.
"if you were dead, we couldn't just leave you alone" they've learned how to deal with him.
he smiles at pheris, and that's the first time he smiles in the books.
"attolia raised an eyebrow, too much a queen to say anything else." I am madly in love.
"at a very minor goddess's altar [...] he closed his eyes and lay still for some time" mystery goddess????????
there's a lot of pheris being distraught by noise and disorder and movement and touch. he liked watching the order of the servants and the bees back at the villa. that's all I'm saying. idk.
gen sees earrings and that Activates Interest, no mask can keep that excitement hidden. heiro is so funny and a good friend.
his family aggressively trying to trick and politick gen into self-care.
they're his family, I just realized. wife and cousins, now that sophos has married helen. sophos was his family in affection before, but now he is legally as well I'm emotions.
"there were eleven, a frustrating number" hmmm. the whole thing with the orange. hmmmm.
"smacking people will not persuade them" idk it worked for gen in KoA.
exchange on pg 71 feels vaguely directed at the fandom.
"men fall in battle [...] they fall ill" SEE, THAT'S PRECISELY WHAT I'M AFRAID OF. H E C K.
"wouldn't it cause confusion having two cleons?" I'm entirely confident that megan whalen turner has never heard the name of jonny sims much less knows who he is and about his infamous naming conventions, but nonetheless, mwt has thrown some major shade at jonny sims.
"verimus pursued the poet lavia, who wrote terrible poetry about celia, one of the queen's attendants" oh?
"why a guard stared at layteres, the second son of baron xortix, and why layteres pretended so poorly not to notice" oh??
costis name drop!!!
"I remember this moment particularly because died clopius died trying to protect the king after the ambush at the roadside tomb" I'm sorry, what?
why do characters keeping writing in-universe fic mocking my boy
Bythesea. By the sea. I'm so angry.
What ambassador hurt Megan that she has to drag their ilk through the mud and fire so
What if Cenna were one of his sisters or a niece
"Costis may still be alive" I'm an idiot, bc of COURSE this takes place during his travels int he mede empire, bc pheris only just got here. but it took until this line for the timeline to click in my head. and for me to realize that irene is pregnant rn. we will see the pregnancy. and....what happens.
"oh, what a lie that was" I see, that is how they say I love you.
I'm so sad. Juridius loved him and used to be his brother. honestly, and you know I don't cuss, but fuck their parents and the household for making a child choose between loving his sibling and being treated well by the rest of his family.
he's singing "the king's wedding night". I can't, I can't. have you no shame, boy.
gen having a pitcher of water dumped on his head and then just crawling up a wall like a vengeful spider.
my laughter immediately turns to terror. gen, you were JUST given a prophecy that you will die from a fall. be careful!
I keep needing to take breaks bc this is So Much. just the reality of holding this and reading this and turning pages.
"unwanted attention he paid to the women of the court" what is it with sexist ambassadors in these books, huh?
excUSE ME? EXCuse ME? not even nahuserfush was so rude and forward as to call her "irene". please, go kindly impale yourself on gen's hook.
"ugly women do not?" ANSFKSGMDJSHHSV.
oh, I feel physically sick.
they deserve that. they deserve a little rest, and to take over a council room for a nap and cuddles.
he sexually harrasses and assaults the queen, and HE thinks HE deserves an apology for receiving a modicrum of punishment. I hate that I'm not surprised. I've met his type.
how are people still coming to this country and underestimating them????????????
good, dite has him. dite will be a good influence.
pheris and juridius are both children. this is so cruel of erondites.
gen sailing over the fence. no one told me this was going to be a comedy.
I spoke too soon about the comedy.
the only person who has called him genny before was megan on her tumblr, so I read that message in megan's voice. it is also very like megan to request earrings.
the dolphin signet ring returns! (briefly.)
megan, how come relius gets to know how old pheris is but we don't? >:[
okay, enough hmm-ing. you know what? pheris has autism. I was kinda wondering even back in tat, and I'm just very happy.
"by then, I knew why the guard Legarus stared with such anger and misery at Baron Xortix's younger son" okay, this in the context of love and being in love. idk if that's just meant to be him being jealous maybe bc the baron's son is dating someone he likes? or? megan said Legarus the Awesomely Beautiful and Gay.
relius where did you go?????? establishing a spy network mayhaps??? with some kick butt spy ladies like heiro and agape???
"one would have thought relius would be done with love and lovers, but I'd seen a veritable parade of them. none of his affairs lasted long, and I'd witnessed several spats when he showed someone the door." s... s. sexy. sexy relius canon. why. why this. dear God, why this.
the art in the middle is BEAUTIFUL. but the two dead birds at the bottom left corner have me worried for symbolic reasons.
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