#in honor of april fool's day and the boop-o-meter my beloved
lavinialost · 6 months
One moment, Todd’s dozing, one earbud in his ear blasting Soundgarden at max volume. The next, without warning, a hand firmly plants itself smack dab in the middle of his forehead with a resounding thwack.
His eyes fly open, the nap he’d been trying to finagle at his desk in the middle of a workday thoroughly interrupted, to find Dirk standing over him, grinning like an idiot. Todd pulls the earbud out of his ear, the tinny hum of Black Hole Sun still barely audible.
“Wh– what the fuck was that?” 
He presses a hand over where the skin of his forehead is smarting, still trying to process what had just happened.
“A boop, Todd, obviously. I booped you. You have been booped.”
“You just–? I was–? What were you–? I just–?” Todd stutters, trying to come up with the right sequence of words to express the potent cocktail of abrupt shock, burgeoning annoyance, and utter bewilderment flooding his brain in response to being hit on the head for no reason. “Why?”
“Well, you see, I spent the morning observing our beloved shat’s behavior–”
“Please stop calling her that.”
“But that’s what she is,” Dirk protests. “She’s a shark and a cat: ergo, shat.”
“She has a name that we all voted and agreed on that isn’t… shat.”
For the record, it’s Cecilia, not that Dirk ever uses it. 
“Yes, well, semantics aside, I spent a significant portion of my morning conducting an observational study on her behavior, and came to the conclusion that, when in a playful mood and faced with a familiar individual whose undivided attention she desires, she performs what I have expertly dubbed a ‘boop’.”
Todd’s experienced– he’s not going to call it ‘booping’, he’s still got some pride remaining– whatever this is from the agency’s adopted shark-cat many times before. She’ll drape herself across the nearest occupied desk and bat at its occupant with her paws until she’s gotten what she’s wanted. But while (as long as she’s not using her claws) the shark-cat’s attempts at diversion are endearing at best and distracting at worst, Dirk’s attempt to emulate her had been downright painful.
“Don’t do it again,” Todd says shortly. With any luck, Dirk will actually listen. 
“Of course you wouldn’t appreciate it,” he frowns. “I should have guessed, since you’re a self-professed dog person for some indiscernible reason.”
“I promise you, there’s not a single person on Earth who would appreciate being hit on the head, dog person or not.”
As if summoned by the universe itself, Cecilia picks this moment to join the argument, jumping up onto Todd’s desk and flopping down next to his arm, purring, totally unaware of the chaos she’s wrought on the agency today. 
“Well, the shat agrees with me, doesn’t she?”
Cecilia flicks the tip of her tail and bumps her forehead against Dirk’s hand. Traitor. This is why Todd prefers dogs. 
“Now, where’s Farah gone off to?”
“Bad idea,” Todd warns.
“I don’t know what you mean, it’s an excellent idea. I’m sure she’ll appreciate my foray into feline methods of affection much more than you did.”
“Dude, I’m warning you–”
“And I don’t want to hear it. She’s in the interrogation room, right?”
Whatever Todd says isn’t going to matter; Dirk’s obviously not listening to him. Mustering up all the judgment he has in him (spoiler: it’s a lot), he stares Dirk down with flat condemnation in one final attempt to dissuade him.
“Right?” Dirk tries again, totally unaffected.
Todd sighs and gives in. “Whatever, it’s your funeral, man.”
“I’ll take that as a yes, then.”
Dirk practically skips out of the room, hurtling headlong into what Todd’s sure is certain death. 
Whatever happens, it’s out of Todd’s hands now. He sits back in his chair, arms crossed, and waits.
Sure enough, Dirk’s voice rings out from the next room moments later.
And then, from the other room, there’s a startled cry, the all-too-familiar crashing sound of a table collapsing under the sudden weight of a fully grown adult, and a brief moment of stunned silence broken by muffled, distressed groaning.
Todd winces. That sounded painful.
“Dirk, what the hell was that?!” comes Farah’s exasperated cry, echoing sharply down the hall.
Well, Todd thinks, putting his single headphone back in and resting his head back down against his desk, he had tried to warn Dirk.
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snugsunresplendence · 6 months
guess the booping is ending soon. feels like i'm cinderella and i need to go home now. leaving all the magic behind and return to my dull, dull life.
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