#in love with him and would've done anything he asked ; and he totally took advantage of that
ubejamjar · 18 days
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[dialogue template link]
#trying out a new thing#ffxiv screenshots#ajisaijar#pastjar#gposers#ffxiv gpose#im not happy with the dialogue; not 100% sure why but i just wanted to try this out#i want to explore ajisai's relationships in her decuria; especially with her decurion and her medicus veteranus#right now i'm thinking ajisai got assigned to a decuria much sooner than normal because healers are always needed and she has an aptitude#for it. officially she would've been a field medic so she would be 'jen' and she certainly would've taken an cognomen to make herself as#imperial as possible#ANYWAY#marcus pyr calidus is a piece of shit; he manipulated her into a corner where she couldn't understand conflicting messages#of praise and abuse; i'm still working out the details of what he does but for sure he was handsome and charming and maybe Ajisai was lowke#in love with him and would've done anything he asked ; and he totally took advantage of that#wanna know why ajisai has problems with authority? marcus pyr calidus bby#he's a big reason why ajisai tried to ditch haurchefant post one night stand and why she has a wall between herself and aymeric#is it love or is it the indoctrinated desire to please her betters/worship authority ?? is aymeric nice or is he working an angle#to make her more beholden to Ishgard? does she like him or is she just falling into line like a good little soldier?#who knoooowwwss?#i'm 100% just writing this shit in here so i can copy it down in the lil Ajisai binder I am apparently making because I'm obsessed
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loversoon · 5 years
Almost Is Never Enough (Part Two)
Hello! Thank you for the lovely feedback, I appreciated it a lot! AINE was supposed to only be a one part fic but some of you guys asked me to make a part two, so I decided to create different alternative endings! These endings will be fluffy and angsty. I hope you enjoy! :)
Pairing: Roger Taylor & Reader, can also be Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor & Reader
Total word count: 3,587
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Perhaps it was the hot sunny weather that pushed Y/N to grab her purse and head down the street. It's very rare for sunny weathers to occur in a dreary and cold place like London and whenever the Earth blessed them with hot rays of sunshine instead of raindrops pattering, she liked to take advantage of it.
The past six months were much of a blur to her. All she can remember all throughout the moments she spent inside her abode were unstoppable tears rolling down her cheeks as a sign of her seemingly never ending misery. The sadness she felt during those times were unbearable, and she was glad that she was able to win against the pit of darkness that lured her in.
To say it wasn't a challenge is an understatement. During those times all she could ever think about is how everything could have went down if she chose to handle things differently. What could have happened if she stayed there instead of walking out? What could have happened if she just let him talk it out? Maybe they still would've worked, maybe he could be right in her life. Now that she looks back to those days, she found herself cringing at her own naïvety.
Looking down as she walked across the breezy streets, which was always a habit of her. Counting down steps until she reached her local bookstore. Right as she stumbles up the dark oak steps of the old building, a familiar voice caught her off-guard.
The same voice that belonged to a man she promised herself never to be crushed by again. The same man that caused her the emotions she felt for the last few months. The same man that even after everything he's done to her, she finds herself back to square one right as she locks eyes with him.
There he stands right across her, the long blonde locks she once used to love running her fingers through, were traded in for a shorter haircut, a bit matted. The same blue eyes she's fallen in love with years ago are duller, greyer.
The moment he set his gaze on her, his eyes widened. A pretty pink tea dress adorned her figure, hair lighter and shorter than they were a few months ago. She was glowing, her cheeks spotted a tinge of baby pink, a silver necklace adorned her pretty neck and rings hugged her dainty fingers. She looked absolutely breathtaking, and to see her moving forward with her life so frivolously easy, was sending him a wave of relief.
The night she walked out was unknowingly the worst night of his life. He sighed and pushed himself up the mahogany staircase of their shared home.
It was his decision, he told her he wasn't happy and that's how he felt. But why is it that he feels hurt? He feels mentally impaired whenever he thinks back to the night that ended it all. He resorted to late nights at different pubs, slurred words, one night lovers and pounding hangover headaches. Eventually, he's had enough. The damage was done, he's just successfully broke something that was going good for him, and it was all of his doing. It wasn't ideal, to lose someone you love so dearly without even fighting to get them back, he's learned that the hard way. But as each month passed by, he learn and let go, the same way she learned to forgive and forget.
As the two of the past lovers locked eyes for the first time in the longest time, everything felt at peace. The birds were chirping, the sun was beaming down beautifully, almost as if it was highlighting this moment.
Y/N gave him a small smile, alerting him to give one back. Giving him another look, she pushed the library's door open and let herself in. Roger stared at where his past lover once stood, a smile finding it's way to his lips as he felt the sweetness that she always radiated.
And for the first time in the longest time, they slept with ease. Thoughts rid themselves as both of them slept in separate beds.
Maybe they weren't given the ending that they wanted, where they would roam free as two lovers who just longed to love each other, but it was the universe's way of giving them their happily every after.
WORDS: 735
Having had enough of the stuffiness of her dark living room, Y/N decides that she's finally going to face the world back again. For the past two months all she's ever done was mourn over the loss of her one true love.
When she found him that day, something told her that she found her person, the one person that would never cease to love her less. It was a beautiful, enchanting and winsome feeling that settled in her heart when her eyes first met his.
Paranoia and what ifs were what filled her mind during the last few months, unable to concentrate on anything else but the unbearable feeling of melancholy, the once bright girl turned low-spirited. In hopes to find herself and her happiness once again, she pushed herself off her couch and trampled in her bathroom.
As the glass fogged from the temperature and as the warm pellets of the shower hit her body, thoughts raced through her mind like they always do. What could go wrong tonight? She found herself asking. In hopes to cheer herself up once again, she decided to head down to an exquisite pub a few blocks down the street. Where the lights are dim, she can easily blame glum aura that adorned her face on the lack of better lighting. Find herself a good fuck and satisfy her needs, then go home to a dark house and drown in her despair once again.
Stepping out of the warm shower and getting hit by a cold bust of air, she shivers and wraps herself in a towel. As she stared at her reflection, she took in the appearance of the girl in front of her. The signature sparkle she had was gone, replaced with sheer gloominess. Having finally realized what she's been doing to herself, tears pooled at her eyes. Taking a deep breath in hopes to pull herself together, she began her skin care before moving on to putting make up on.
Covering the dark circles under her eyes, the paleness of her face from being kept inside for so long and coating the once chapped and dry lips with a bright fiery red. At least she can pretend that she's doing well, cover her heartache and her grief. Stumbling back into her bedroom, she puts on the navy blue body con dress that she has chosen to wear for her night out, grabbing a purse and stuffing it with a few mints and her wallet before putting on her most exquisite pair of shoes and heading out the door.
The pub was packed, probably because it was a Friday evening. Bodies clashing against each other, she tried her best to squeeze her way in and hop on a barstool.
Her plan for tonight was simple. She wanted to get drunk, find a good lay and head off for the night. With a pretty dress and expensive heels on, she found herself almost unstoppable, as if the world was at her feet. Confidence seeping it's way into her, she sat on the high stool and tapped the shoulder of the guy sitting next to her.
Clad in a black shirt, the pretty brunette set his brown eyes on the girl in front of him. Y/N smiled flirtatiously, earning a smirk from the man as he moved his body to face her's.
"Scotch for the lady," He signalled the bartender, earning a nod. Y/N giggles, "How'd you know?" She smirked, the man chuckled warmly, "You look like you could use one." He smiled at her. Y/N's face dropped as she looked down, "Been a rough couple of weeks," she explained, "It's okay, love. We're on the same boat," the man spoke gently.
Words seemed to flow between them, conversations ranging from one to another. The man, who she learned was named Kurt, spoke to her about different topics. From his career to the stars, to what could possibly be out there. Entertained with the way he spoke, Y/N found herself receiving the fun she wanted herself to have.
Right about thirty minutes of solid conversation, Kurt excused himself to go to the loo, claiming he'd been holding it in for a pretty long time and earning a small giggle from Y/N as she shooed him away.
Taking a sip from the forgotten Margarita set in front of her, she casted her eyes around the room. So lost in their conversations that she never noticed the pair of eyes that settled on her throughout the night, or better yet, four. She took in her surroundings, the neon lights flashing as music boomed from loud speakers. Taking another sip, she casted her eyes on a pair of baby blues. In that moment, it was as if time stopped, the music froze and the lights brightened. All that ever registered in her mind were the pair of ocean blue eyes that she dreaded to see for the past two months.
Roger Taylor in all his glory sat across on a velvet blue couch. Two ladies draped across his chest, a brunette and a blonde. As his eyes met hers, they widened slightly.
It was a fun night out, having finished the album without recklessly murdering each other, the band decided to celebrate in one of the more exclusive clubs downtown. Sat on a velvet plush couch, Roger's eyes roamed around the room for a potential lay, someone that looks like a good fuck, when his eyes dropped on her. In a tight dress she sat with her legs crossed, seemingly enjoying her conversation with a man. The green poison of jealousy coursed through his veins as he watched her endlessly laugh at a joke that probably isn't funny.
When the rest of the lads realized that Roger's attention was set on one part of the dimly lit club, they casted their eyes on Y/N. Brian's eyes widened slightly as he looked back at Roger, sitting tensely with furrowed eyebrows and a clenched jaw.
"Roger, no," John exclaimed when his friend started standing up and walking over to where his past lover resides, palm on his chest in hopes to keep him from waking towards her and causing a scene.
"Leave me be, John," He glared at his friend, Brian quickly stood up and pushed him back to his seat as Freddie watched all three in amusement. "She's doing well, Rog. Just let her be," Freddie exclaims as he trails his eyes to Y/N. Glowing under the pale white light of the bar, pearly whites showing as she genuinely looked like she was having a great time.
Roger kept silent. The rest of them keeping a stern eye on whatever action he omits. Minutes passed by and with even two beautiful ladies talking him up in hopes for him to take one or even both of them home, he still can't keep his attention away from her.
The way her cheeks glowed, her hair flowed and what her smile showed, she was doing better without him. The way the man is making her crack up the same way he used to, the way he's making her blush fuelled a dark green fire inside him.
When the man stood up seemingly excusing himself, she took a sip from her drink as her eyes roamed the room, when they met his, they lingered. A shiver went down his spine at the warm look in her eyes, when they lingered for longer than ten seconds, he quickly excused himself and towered over to her. The rest of the boys cursed as they knew what he was about to do wouldn't end the way he wants it to.
Y/N panicked, looking down in hopes for him to think that he mistook her for someone else. Silently wishing and praying that Kurt would just hurry up and come back to her before Roger does.
When she heard her name being called by a familiar voice, her heart dropped in the pits of her stomach. Her night wasn't supposed to end like this, wasn't supposed to end up with her seeing the person she dreaded to see and her heart breaking into a million pieces when she was working on fixing it. Tears pooled in her eyes when she felt him slide in the stool next to her, stirring her drink slightly in hopes that she's just dreaming and none of this is actually happening.
"Y/N." He spoke softly, hoping he would get to talk things out with her. The pub became weirdly silent, even though speakers were booming at full volume and people were talking loudly, it still felt eerily quiet. "Love," He spoke once again, when a response didn't make it's way out of her mouth, he opened his to say another word before immediately being cut off by a deeper and louder voice.
"Y/N, I'm back. Is he bothering you?" Kurt booms as he raised an eyebrow at Roger. That seemed to fuel something inside him as he glared back. When Kurt threateningly walked a step in Roger's direction, Y/N placed a hand on his chest to keep him away, "It's okay," she spoke briefly and softly before turning back to Roger. "Look, I really don't wanna speak about it okay?" She spoke in a pleading voice, eyes telling him to just leave her alone. But he wouldn't give up without a fight, not again.
"I just wanna talk-", "Look man, she said she didn't wanna talk to you, now did she?" Kurt booms once again. Something snapped inside Roger as anger coursed through his blood, a balled fist colliding with Kurt's cheekbone, definitely leaving him wounded.
At this point, the boys were making their way over. Several people's attentions were on the three of them as Y/N kneels down to console her friend. Tear after tear sprung from her eyes, this wasn't how she wanted this night to go. Brian held Roger back as Freddie laid a hand on his shoulder, John helping Y/N pull Kurt up and on the barstool.
"Rog, I don't wanna see you ever again okay? There's nothing left to talk out, just leave me be." She sobbed through blurry eyes as the tears she tried to keep at bay streamed down her cheeks. Roger's heart broke at the words that left her mouth.
When he realized the mistake he made that night, he put it off, blindly hoping that she'd make her way back to him like every argument they would have. But when he realized the words he spoke to her, sorrow burst through his heart. When the words she spoke made it's way to his ears, it felt as if someone jabbed a knife at his heart and stabbed him countless of times, the pain and the stinging of his words squeezing his heart in a way he couldn't describe in words. His own tears filled his eyes as he watched her give him one last look before draping a hand around the man's neck and making her way out of the club. Out of sight, out of his life.
WORDS: 1,864 (I got carried away whoops)
The glass of red wine was enough to make her tipsy. Deciding to treat herself to a night out at her favorite Italian restaurant after a hard day's of work, she felt at peace knowing it was a Friday night and she had two days off. Already planning what she would make out of her free days, contentment filled her as she took another sip. A waitress came over with a slice of cake, confusion filled her as she tried to rack her brain, of when she ordered a slice of cake. The waitress, who seemed to have notice her confusion, let out a light chuckle before placing the plate down.
"Came from that handsome young man over there, said to bring you a slice of cake. Don't worry darling, it's on his bill." Her eyes trailed to the direction the waitress' finger led to, eyes locking with a pair of sky blues she hasn't made contact with in over three years. She thanked the waitress, looking back to see him walking over to her table.
Sitting across her, Roger smirked at the surprise that laid across her features. Eyes wide as she tried to process if she was really seeing him or if she was going crazy. "Hi," He spoke with a light grin on his face, the little greeting seemed to snap Y/N out of her daze as a tiny smirk made it's way on her cherry red lips.
"Hello, Roger," She uttered. Her response gained her a light chuckle from him. He looked delectable, his once long blonde hair was traded for a trendy mullet, sporting a white button up and a leather jacket with a pair of dark Ray Bans hanging off the pocket. He looked simply appetizing. While she was trying to process him, his eyes roamed her figure. Clad in a red tea dress that showed enough cleavage, hair curled slightly and a bit of makeup colored her lids.
“Long time no see, love,” He spoke. The look in her eyes was fiery, a hint of admiration and want, sprinkled with lust and desire. “How are you?” She asked, leaning closer to the table, “I’ve been doing well, how about you?” He asks, placing his hands on the table. She smiles at him, taking a sip from the glass of wine before licking her lips clean, something she knew made her irresistible in his eyes.
They stared at each other before she motioned for the bill. As the bill was placed on the table, she began reaching for her purse before a voice stopped her, “It’s on me love,” and before she can protest, he already placed a large amount of money, handing the bill back to the waitress with a grateful smile. “You really didn’t have to do that,” She exclaims, “I wanted to, besides, treat this as a date,” He replied as he stood up after her, helping her putting the warm leather coat back on her shoulders.
Her earrings shone in the restaurant’s light, she pulled her hair back, revealing the part of her skin he practically found irresistible. “Thank you for the dinner, Rog. I’ll hail a cab,” she warmly smiles at him, his brows furrowed, “There’s no way in hell I’m gonna leave you with a can when I’m fully capable of driving you home,” he replies, hand comfortable slipping to the small of her waist out of pure instinct as he leads her to his black convertible. “No way in hell, huh?” She teases with a small smile on her face as he opens the passenger’s side for her, “No way in hell I’m leaving you, love,” His response caught her off-guard, promptly closing the door before jogging back to the driver’s side.
It was crazy to think of the amount of time that passed by with neither of them beside each other, and when they found themselves back again, it was as if even a smidgen of the time they spent apart never existed. Also crazy how easy they’d fallen back in each other’s arms again, crazy how not even an hour ago, they were strangers with a past.
Silence engulfed them as the car accelerated, soft and gentle hums escaping his mouth and he carefully sped down the road. It wasn’t an awkward silence, considering the amount of time they spent together back in the old days, awkward silence was almost impossible.
Slowly driving in front of her flat, he opened his car door, rushing to open the passenger side and offering to walk her right up to the porch of her lovely abode. “Thank you for the dinner, Rog, I had a fun time catching up with you,” she softly smiled at him as she unlocked her front door, “I had a fun time too... I...” He trailed of, unsure whether or not he should spit out what he’s been dying to tell her all night. She raised a brow, as if telling him to continue, “I was wondering if you... you wanted to grab breakfast with me? If you want to of course, if not it’s-“ his rambling was cut off by a pair of soft lips clashing against his own, “Pick me up at eight,” she winked, “Good night, Rog.”
The feeing of her lips against his own was magical. Fireworks going off as hers clashed against his, excitement filled his bones as he grinned widely, muttering a silent thank you to the lords before grazing his lips with his hand. Slipping into his car, he drove off with a newfound hope.
And from the living room windows, she watched him drive off as delight filled her. A wide grin adorned her lips as she thought of him once more. The universe has a funny way of bringing true soulmates together, of giving them their happily ever after like in the fairytales, in the movies and in the books.
WORDS: 988
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