#in miguels case it was because he was a long term anomaly that was constantly changing the timeline
dirtytransmasc ยท 11 months
I honestly don't know if anyone else picked up on it since I haven't seen it mentioned, but there's a bit of a generational trauma theme in ATSV, and you see how it divides the characters.
Most of those that side with Miguel (and are aware of the Canon events, since its kinda established that not everyone knew) are those that are older while those that sided with Miles, or at least eventually did, are all younger, mostly teens and young adults.
It kinda shows how the different generations perceive suffering too, where the older generation sees it as necessary or inevitable where younger generations are more prone to pointing out what they see as needless suffering and break the cycle.
What I find a bit hilarious is that Miguel doesn't see the evidence that Canon isn't absolute right in front of him.
this this this.
I think for Miguel specifically, he is trying to justify his suffering, and the problems he causes, by saying suffering is necessary, that all spiders must go through a specific set of traumas. does this justify what he's done? no, but, it definitely explains his actions. older generations are notorious for this, trying to justify what they went through by insisting everyone has to go through it too. at the end of the day it's kinda heartbreaking, for both parties; one perpetuates not only others pain, but their own, the other faces all the consequences.
that's why I need the teens and Miguel to make up, so Miguel can start to heal, so he can let go of this mindset, cause no one should be stuck like that, even if they backed themselves into that hole, for everyone's sake.
my "canon events" theory is that, Miguel is only half correct. a dimension has predetermined events that would happen without some form of higher intervention; whether you know the canon and go out of your way to stop it from happening, meeting someone outside of your canon and having it lead to having a baby that would otherwise not exist, someone being in the wrong universe at the right time allowing you to save 2 people instead of one, etc. for some examples. breaking these events, on top of other things like opening unstable portals or having unstable anomalies in your dimension, stresses your timeline, and enough stress can cause breaks or even collapse. the big but, where I think Miguel is wrong, is that timelines can rewrite themselves, so long as they're given time to heal from the stress and the damages it caused go a dimensions structural integrity. so for example, mayday, a child who should not exist, was born, changing the timeline, but ultimately, the timeline recovered and no harm was done. I believe that Pavitrs dimension would be fine, so long as spots black hole (at least that's what I think thats what was going on in that scene, I've only seen it once, and I got lost on some scenes ๐Ÿ˜…) is removed, his timeline can heal, and everything will be (mostly, probably) fine. that would allow miles, mile 42s situation, and mayday to exist without breaking their dimensions.
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