#in my head Rue rides him on occasion which ended up with them getting a kid
diathadevil · 1 year
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Gets this out of my head like the sleep deprived maniac that I am.
Make of these headcanons what you will.
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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“That was good, pipsqueak.”
Once again Bro grabs Eddy by his pants and has him hang upside down for a few seconds. So far Eddy’s Brother hasn’t handled Eddy in a gentle way. This is not rough housing. Bro is enjoying the pain that he causes to Eddy. He is simply playing ‘Uncle’ for his own amusement.
And he works in an amusement park.
I have brought up countless theories regarding on whether Bro actually works in this park or if he’s hiding. How popular is this park? 
What if this amusement park has been closed down? This is just a theory, but what if Bro saying that the park not opening until noon was a rues to torment these kids? Going back to the theory that the police are after Bro, he may be hiding out in this empty abandoned park. So he won’t cause suspicion he’ll turn on the rides when kids show up.
Or he chose to live in this closed down amusement park so nobody would suspect he’s there.
So many theories! I love this amusement park as it only shows up for five minutes along with Bro. It’s supposed to be a happy place and yet it is filled with this unhappy vibe.
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Next, Eddy is placed right in Bro’s hand. Bro’s size increases as the scene goes. He is the only adult to have ever appeared in the show. As I have said before Bro’s height may be exaggerated as this show is from a child’s perspective. Bro has always been Eddy’s biggest fear. Eddy sees him as this intimidating figure who has overshadowed him even though Bro has been gone for eight years.
Eddy’s facial expressions are so important in this scene. You can only see them for a few seconds. Eddy has multiple important facial expressions throughout the entire series that reflect his true self and who he is hiding.
Eddy is very uneasy. Bro has tricked him, but he’s not going to give in. Everybody is watching. Eddy is aware that everyone is suspicious. He is doing whatever he can to remain in denial that Bro’s abuse is just his way of loving him.
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“So, can we go inside now?”
I don’t how to describe this Bro face and action. He is smoothing out his little beard while staring at Eddy in this disapproved manor.
Bro cares more about himself, his little needs, then his brother!
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“Why not? Don’t forget to wipe your feet.”
Hmm, similar quality Bro shares with Edd? His room was rather tidy.
Question: Would you have wanted to see what the inside of Bro’s whale shaped home was like? Or are you satisfied because we saw his bedroom?
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That’s a rather hard poke in the stomach. You have to watch the scene because Eddy makes a grimace with his eyes.
Also, Eddy’s eye is hitting Bro’s hat.
Sidenote: Have you noticed how... normal Bro’s tongue looks? The explanation on the reason why all the kids tongues are odd colors is because they’re always slurping on jawbreakers.
Bro never had a jawbreaker! 
Also, I want to point out that Bro’s skin is much paler then Eddy’s.
There is a head canon which theorizes that Bro has been on the run from the police. He spends his days inside. So, if he’s hiding does he really work in this amusement park?
How would the story have gone if they did end up going inside Bro’s place? It would have been a very different ending. AKA had a few different endings for the movie such as one where the cops came. I have written a fanfic where the Eds actually go inside Bro’s house and then the cops come.
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Did Bro.... he did! He threw Eddy into his house!
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Ed finally understands that something is wrong. Eddy has praised his brother his entire life, but this doesn’t look anything like a healthy relationship.
This is not the kind of slapstick humor we see in the show. Although the slapstick got violent at points, such as The Good, The Bad, and The Ed, they always tries to make it funny.
AKA did a great job dealing with the topic of abuse in the movie. It’s a very heavy topic to talk about, even for a kids show, but I believe every single viewer watching this moment knew this was serious. This is not how siblings act.
His reaction is the best in the last image. His whole body just slumps, even his facial expression. I love whenever Ed realizes without anyone else telling him that something is wrong. I notice that it is whenever Eddy is in danger. Edd too, but Ed has known Eddy for the longest time. Right now, Ed can feel what Eddy is feeling.
The saddest part about this scene is how Eddy has to go along with everything as if it were normal. He hasn’t experiences this amount of pain in years. Yes, years as this is how Bro’s true and relationship with Eddy was like. 
Eddy doesn’t want to face the horrible truth of who his brother really is. Facing that will only make his true self come out, which he is not ready to deal with. He has no idea who he is. Along with that, he hates the person he became. He doesn’t want anyone to see that weakness.
As we cut over to the cul-de-sac kids reactions Bro beating Eddy against his house doesn’t stop. Eddy is hit against the house a total of SIX TIMES!
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“Dude, Eddy’s brother is a real jerk.”
You don’t say, Nazz. So, why are you more disappointed with Eddy’s brother then scared for Eddy? Kevin looks as if he’s ready to have an anxiety attack!
Kevin is hiding behind Nazz. 
Kevin and Nazz’s roles have been switched. Nazz is always the one to hide behind Kevin. That was important detail from Fistful of Ed. Kevin is so afraid of what is happening. This is his true self. We know how much he doesn’t like Eddy, but his neighbor who he has known his whole life is getting pummeled. This is his first time seeing Eddy’s weak side.
Eddy and Kevin are both unsure of themselves. They hide under masks wanting to make it look as if they have their life together.
Look at Rolf. He is ready to pounce. Rolf, outside of being an Urban Ranger, has had a soft spot for Eddy. He wanted to help him get rid of his pimple and has offered to help him on many different occasions.
See, they all do care about Eddy. They all have different feelings regarding Eddy, but I don’t think any of them outright hate Eddy. They don’t like him. But, the kids have no idea who the real Eddy is. They hate Eddy because he has portrayed Bro all this time.
None of them are coming forward to stop what is happening because they don’t know what to do. They’re scared. This man is hurting his little brother right in the open.
Bro, believing that these people who Eddy said were after him, think that they will have a laugh out of this. At first, I thought the kids would have laughed because, think back to other times when Eddy got hurt. They’d laugh.
This episode brings the characters out from their masks just be seeing Bro. All the cul-de-sac kids had a Bro characteristic in them that they needed to get rid of.
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Marie and May literally have to restrain Lee who wants to kick Eddy’s brother’s ass!
The Kankers are not longer the antagonists. This is a rare moment where they are actually a part of all the characters story. They usually have their own story as they lead a much different life from everyone else.
Bro and the Kankers are two very different antagonists. We get to know the Kankers throughout the series. They have actual character traits, quirks and as audience members we tend to feel bad with how they have to live their life. They are very poor, but live with it.
As for Bro, he is a bad person all around. He is a terrible person because he finds pleasure out of it. He steered Eddy down the wrong path and he doesn’t understand right and wrong.
In a way, the Kanker’s play the unlikely heroes of the movie because they are saving the Eds from harms way of the kids, and they give Bro his comeuppance for what he did to their boyfriends.
The Kankers have grown since A Fistful of Ed. They backed off on the Eds and learned more of what is right and wrong. Of course they still come on to the Eds, they are actually portrayed as heroes.
I love how Lee wants to protect Eddy. She really does like him. What is it about Eddy that she likes? I’d honestly like to know. Lee and Eddy both have leadership qualities about themselves. Eddy also made Lee open up about herself and think about who she is. Eddy is the first guy who ever stood up to her.
Also, this is Marie and May’s chance to lead Lee. As I explained with both the Eds and the Kanker’s both the latters go along and wait out orders from their leader.
Similar to Ed and Edd, May and Marie always have to ask Lee what they should do. I think Lee has moreso held them back while Eddy tries to make his friends take lead. They have two different perspectives of the world. Since Lee was the first born she has witnessed most of the nightmares the family has dealt with.
And now Sarah.
Why is she smiling?
Sarah finds this funny. Sarah think that Bro is playing around because this is how she treats Ed. It may look as if she is being cold, but she doesn’t understand yet. Sarah hates Eddy to the core so she may think that this is the punishment he gets.
Since Sarah is a mirror image of her mother is this how she fights with their father?
Jimmy would like to be anywhere but here. Clearly, his wish is not a wish come true.
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Bro throws Eddy at his house one final time.
If Eddy hadn’t grabbed Bro’s arm would he have kept doing it?
Aw, poor Eddy. He’s rolled up like a basketball. Bro has never looked at Eddy as if he were his brother.
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The force of Eddy hitting the house was so great that the house nearly tipped over.
What are Ed and Edd to do?
They don’t have their leader to give them advice?
It’s time to act for themselves.
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