#in order for pure vanilla to keep her safe and hidden for dark enchantress cookie
creamecream · 2 years
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Simple Syrup Cookie
The daughter of Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie.
Position: Rear
Class: Bomber
Pronouns: She/Her
A lightly sweetened sugar cookie base. a light dusting of powdered sugar making up the dress, gloves, and socks. a light splash of vanilla. decorated with a rare white lily.
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bubblegumpatty · 3 years
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Au time! This one is a kinda Role Swap of sorts inspired by a friend and roleplay! The main feature is where Pure Vanilla and White Lily swap, with Pure vanilla going to walpurgisnacht and falling into the ultimate dough... Being rebaked as Dark Sorcerer Cookie! 
The final battle with the ancients take place with the rest of the ancients finding “Pure Vanilla” (an illusion) being defeated, and without their healer the other ancients followed suit. White lily used her superior magic  to parry Dark Sorcerer’s attack, enough to allow her friends a chance to escape before the soul jams shattered in the onslaught.   Like Pure in canon,  White lily was eventually released  from the void without her memory. She wandered the woods without knowledge of who she was, eventually encountering Gingerbrave and his friends, Strawberry, Wizard, and recently met friend Rye Cookie. 
Dark Sorcerer Cookie: Replacing dark enchantress, He’s the main antagonist, charismatic with a penchant to persuade those lost, misused, or with darkness within them to his side. He can not abide by a world where cookies are so cruelly made to be devoured. 
Milk Cookie: A once hopeful lad that wanted nothing more then to be a knight and hero like his idol, Dark Choco. When danger came to the Dark Cacao kingdom, Young Milk searched for a legendary sword in hopes of protecting his home. To his horror, the sword only caused destruction, including seriously hurting the King Dark Cacao (Who attempted to stop the child). Dark Choco was forced to banish the child. Milk continues to fight against the sword’s control, being lead to the dark side by Dark Sorcerer with promises of mastering it and perhaps... being free of the sword’s curse.
Black Raisin Cookie: A young child found not long after the disaster at the cake tower, Dark Sorcerer gave her a cake arm of a cake dragon and entrusted her with guarding the tower and the beasts within. She’s fiercely loyal to Dark Sorcerer for helping her and those disregarded by the world.
Pastry Cookie: Her story begins more or less the same, witnessing the horrible truth of the tower... However the pain of the truth was too much and she decided to leave the order... and to her horror the order she once called her home immediately tried to kill her to keep the secrets hidden. Distraught and abandoned, she found herself back at the tower as not an enemy, but a friend. 
Custard Cookie III: A young lad left to fend for himself after his father’s disappearance, He was lead stray by promises of a kingdom all his own and lessons of how to be a proper king... one that ruled with an iron fist. The young cookie is good of heart, and is slowly and steadily realizing the kingdom Dark Sorcerer promised him would be one built of Crumbs and Spilled jam. 
Squid Ink Cookie: A young cookie rejected by other cookies as a sea monster, Dark Sorcerer offered sanctuary... and potentially a means to get revenge on the cookies that were so cruel to them.
(Jungle) Princess Cookie: A cookie abandoned in the jungle one day, raise by a blueberry spider to survive. Outwardly welcoming despite her limited speaking skills, she is still very much a loner that prefers to follow where the wind leads her that day. 
Tiger Lily Cookie: Quiet, blunt, but caring, She feels stifled by her place (leading to frequent outings to let out her pent up energy) but otherwise takes her job very seriously. Though it seems this most recent vacation took a bit longer then usual. 
Dark Choco Cookie: The Monarch of the Dark Cacao kingdom following Dark Cacao’s injury and disappearance. The Kingdom still stands stable under his leadership, but the stresses of keeping his people safe in such uncertain times is starting to have it’s effet.
Red Velvet Cookie: A loner who spends most of his time around a pack of tamed Cakehounds. He styles himself the guardian of the village, his hounds warding off outsiders. He’s also become a babysitter to the latest newcomer...
Strawberry Crepe Cookie: Strawberry woke up all alone in the ruins of the Vanilla Kingdom, cared for only by Wafflebots. When Dark Sorcerer and his evil minions arrived, Instead of joining Strawberry Crepe took great offense to being told what to do and fled the city with a small entourage of Wafflebots. they’ve been helping the village ever since, fighting wafflebots with wafflebots.. though neither they nor the villagers seem to get along too terribly well. That works just fine to them, they say!
Licorice Cookie: A rejected mage who’s been assisting White Lily cookie along with his companion Bat-Cat. He begrudgingly tags along with Gingerbrave’s crew.
Not pictured:
Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie:  more or less unchanged. Their adventures began chasing a stolen crown (thefted by Custard), they’re soon lef on an adventure to rediscover the lost Vanilla kingdom and reunited the ancients to stop Dark Sorcerer Cookie.
Rye Cookie: The One the Cookie cutter dragged while she was hot on the heals of her target. Frustrated, but willing to watch over the kids on their adventures. There’s lots of bounties to catch out there after all.
Chili Pepper Cookie: She’s fine! She’s doing her thievery thing elsewhere and is safe.
White Lily Cookie: An amnesic hermit that group encountered. She’s been continuing her research to discover ways to help cookies, and how to rediscover who she really is, but hasn’t made much progress. Once the forces of darkness were banished from the Vanilla kingdom she stayed to assist with the repair efforts. 
Pomegranate Cookie: She never left her village or her place as priestess. A bit mean but faithful to her work , the crew encounters her briefly following the cursing of the forest and the sugar swan.
Poison Mushroom Cookie: Vibing in the forests near Pomegranate’s village. Gingerbrave and crew rescue them from danger. 
More may come as I get farther into the story and have more knowledge of what goes down! (Hollyberry’s story enemies are shredding me apart oogh.)
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