#in response to criticism get defenses leaning on calling the person 'insane' and a 'lunatic' 🤔
i truly love making people mad by applying basic reading comprehension to the words that are in front of me instead of using telepathy to intuit that a stranger means the exact opposite of what they said, using my block button, and moving on with my life
#moogletalks# ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#i have a cat to pet; and believe words mean things; and some of those things are in fact Critically Important to communicate clearly#if you don't want to quack like a duck and get called one; or validate actual ducks en masse. we are not the same#and like to be clear i know that not everyone who reblogs that kind of post is picking up on what it's actually saying#as in Actually Saying; with words and not telepathic vibes#but i also think it's very telling that posts about defending people's right to be Crazy and Unhealthy(tm) about relationships#in response to criticism get defenses leaning on calling the person 'insane' and a 'lunatic' 🤔#anyway this is the last i'm gonna post or look at about that bullshit#including more than just the one anon embarrassing themself in my inbox#i am spraying my febreeze and moving on#abuse cw#ableism cw#anti-survivor cw#edit: okay one last thing actually#'but how was i SUPPOSED to know that when i said i wanted to express myself by beating loved ones' faces bloody because i was mad'#'people would take it at face value??? ummm i was being POETIC???'#'i've never hit someone in my life how dare you??? what would have possibly given you that impression???'#'the only reason you're calling my abuse rhetoric abuse rhetoric based on the evidence of your eyes is bc you're Crazy Irrational & Insane'#'quit stifling people's humanity and emotional expression you [slur] [slur] [slur] [slur] [slur]'#which like none of this approach helps one's case for THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT I'M NOT ABUSIVE IT'S NOT ABUSE RHETORIC I SWEAR lmfao#(for clarity's sake it was about 'screaming blood and guts and crying' at people; not physical abuse. but it is not a whole lot better lol)#(if you are in a relationship where someone is regularly driving you to the point of screaming at them because you are at wit's end)#(and nothing else works to get them to back off and stop hurting and goading you)#(and once you finally lash out; they use it as a get-out-of-jail-free card for addressing any of your concerns#bc you're Crazy and Emotional. that is not a safe relationship and you need to get out instead of investing in it /more/#and if you realize that you /can't/ get out... it is REALLY NOT SAFE and you most definitely have abuse on your hands here#this rhetoric is dangerous for victims on both sides of the coin. don't encourage people to stay in relationships like this#don't encourage them to stay in relationships where they are metaphorically having to physically defend themselves from an abuser#instead ppl need to learn what goading looks like vs existing in ways an abuser takes offense to. i cannot overstate how important this is
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