#in short: grelle is a woman and that is a multilayered experience
insertpoetryhere · 7 months
Yesterday’s Grelle posting had some unforeseen consequences which acted as spring cleaning for my blog. So I’ll be doing it again.
I think it’s weird that the fandom only ever mentions Grelle’s queer identities when they want to make content surrounding queer suffering. Like wether it be the implied bisexuality or the factual trans identity, it is really only mentioned in fan works as part of the “woeful queer woman” trope. Where is the silly goofy antics of being a trans woman in a friend group just your male coworkers? Or Grelle calling someone homophobic/transphobic n the way that she uses the “you hit women? You hit women in the FACE? Jail” types of lines in canon? Like we could actually be having a little bit of fun with Grelle.
Obviously pieces that explore the difficulties around queer identities (especially trans fem identities since they are so often under attack) can and should exist. Queer creators deserve to share their experiences through fandom. But when most of the content that mentions her queer identities is just the suffering of queer women, then it implies a different kind of issue.
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