#in terms of appearance not personality i don't know anything about the mcr people. or jet set radio
calware · 6 months
to me sollux is like a cross between early 2000s mikey way and that guy from jet set radio. and also a girl
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ryosmne · 3 years
Calling out jjk simps
Well hello everyone, this has to be the most random post I've made but here's the things I've noticed about each jjk simp.
Aot version here
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken to heart, what I say is meant to be taken as a joke and not offend anyone.
Yuuji simps: You guys are just like him a ball of sunshine, honestly most optimistic people ever and full of energy but also very delusional, like come on we all know there won't be a happy ending in this one, I know you hope there will be but you have to come to terms with it someday. You know every Britney song by heart.
Megumi simps: In a world where everyone wants his father you choose him (or you want both, I won't judge), either you guys have the same fuck my life energy or you're actually friendly and kind, it's the fucked up hair isn't it? Also you spend longer than you should imagining what it would be like to walk his dogs with him or playing fetch with them. MCR Stan.
Nanami simps: You guys have taste, either you have your life together or it's complete chaos but you crave stability. Daddy issues, but you actually know what's good for you, pretty sure you'd want him to be a stay at home husband. If you're a manga reader I'm sorry, I won't roast you you actually make good decisions.
Toji simps: DADDY ISSUES, but you're also self distractive. Everything about him screams run but y'all ignore every red flag just because he's a badass dilf, he'd scam you out of every cent you own, he'd probably lose your house gambling and you'd still do anything for him, you deserve better. He's hella hot tho same. Also you scare me and every time I open tik tok it gets worse
Sukuna simps: ISSUES, straight up, y'all possessive as fuck, you probably change your appearance and rebrand yourself every week. If toji simps ignore red flags you're colour blind. You don't want him to change for you, you like him just the way he is, murderous with 4 arms and all. You get upset when someone says "he's yuuji with tattoos". Addictive personality. You like degrading others, but you wanna be degraded. You probably simp for someone else junichi suwabe voices.
Gojo simps: Lord have mercy, nothing actually gives you serotonin as much as gojo taking his blindfold off and saying domain expansion. I just know you want him to beat you up like you were jogo. No, you can't fix him, btw how's your obsession with white haired characters going? we both know he ain't the only one. The only music you listen to is labelled 'a gojo satoru playlist' or 'god complex playlist'.
Geto simps: honestly, I really like you you're the chillest, y'all pretty and not over the top also you keep quiet a lot WHERE ARE YOU ALL GETO SIMPS HAVE MY HEART. Firm believer that the back is the sexiest part of the body for obvious reasons, you're a - ok being called a monkey, anything for master geto.
Choso simps: I actually lied before, you're the chillest of all, another group that knows what's healthy for you, he'd treat you right, I can't roast you. Probably goth fashion, either stoner rock or metal enjoyer.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
ok in have a lot of questions about this but what is the prevailing fandom theory as to why gee and linds got married if they are both probably queer or even lyrically gee reads as ace to me at times, or if triple r, then WHY did they get married when they’d literally known each other for like two months? and it’s been….almost 15 years. like that’s a good long track record for a marriage of arrangement/agreement/convenience/appearances for both whatever you want to call it. but it doesn’t answer why…to raise a family? to make their families happy? i guess i need to read some good theories because i’m nosy af about this aspect.
ummm... okay sorry but I can't tell if you're genuinely doubting the validity of gerard's marriage here or if you're just curious as to what theories exist around it. If you're doubting the validity ohhhh boy you are wrong i'm sorry.
If you're just looking for theories, and know their marriage isn't a scam, i'm sorry i don't really know any specifics other than 'she's a beard!!'
I'm going to answer this under the keep reading because i have a lot to say.
gerard and lindsey are both not straight to the best of our knowledge, but that doesn't mean they can't get married. I think a lot of theories created around this time were both completely uneducated on sexuality and just hated the woman gerard was dating. No offense, but I don't think either of them are asexual. Like maybe I can see where that's coming from with gerard seemingly awkward about stuff, but I'm sorry they were making the bus stank i know it....
Gerard started dating lindsey a few months after publicly announcing they broke off their engagement to Eliza. There's a lot of speculation around that relationship, but if anything it proves gerard is an all-in typa person. Plus the two knew each other from a few shows MSI and mcr played together back in the day. There's even an article in which they both admitted they both started working out before projrev when they found out the other was going to be there.
In terms of why people think their marriage is a scam, I really just a mixture of think people's inability to imagine a non conventional relationship and having a shipping agenda. If we give people the benefit of the doubt, they were being protective of gerard and wanted to make sure they weren't getting taken advantage of. If we don't, these people were just (even subconsciously) jealous of a woman, whereas the already fan-popular Frank was pre-approved and just enough not like the audience that it didn't feel like he was 'taking their place'. Again if you're asking for theories, i really just think people did not think deeper than 'lindsey is a beard'
I think a lot of confusion about all this is that the gerard and lindsey romance all happened while on proj rev, which a lot of people consider to be the 'gayest tour' with all the stage nonsense happening. Admittedly, it is confusingly hilarious. By accounts i have read, Jamia was also on the tour with them so there was no reason all that repression needed to come out on stage. I do however think that they were just all having fun and feeling themselves, which leads to my next point -
We literally have no idea about the dynamics of their relationships. Nor should we, as the public, know. The idea of a non-monogamous relationship is hardly talked about now, let alone back in 2007 when these theories started. I'm not going to go into a trutherism theory about this, but I just think it's something these people need to keep in mind before they claim the marriage is a coverup
This relationship was all happening around the time Frank was sad-posting on his 'anonymous' blog about being heartbroken. Again I'm pointing to my previous bullet.
People hate Lindsey. At first, probably just for being a woman. Now, for genuine reasons that are completely valid and well founded. I don't think people are able to differentiate between "hey this woman has done some shitty stuff" and "she is completely unredeemable" So people extend that to their relationship.
So yeah, if you want my personal opinion here - I think Gerard really just found love and didn't see a reason to wait. it's hard to say it was a crazy impulsive move now because from all accounts they are still hopelessly in love and I just can't feel anything other than happy for them, even despite the issues.
Again sorry if you weren't even trying to deny their marriage. I at least hope i was able to explain why people had misplaced doubts if that was the case!
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