#in the book the space monkeys all shave their heads and burn their fingerprints off all at once and I don't believe Bob and Angel Face and
jacksprostate · 6 months
what do you think is the reason for only Tyler, Angel Face, and Bob (and the Narrator) to have hair while everyone else has mostly shaved it off? I have my own theory, but I'd like to hear what you think.
Realistically: they're all the higher profile actors, lol. Very simple truth of it. For stuff like that, that's obviously a result of studio oversight and pr teams both not wanting their darlings to be shaved, I don't bother making an in-story reasoning.
That said,
the narrator himself does not shave his head in both the book and movie and it points to his lack of commitment. In the movie he doesn't participate in Project Mayhem at all unless Tyler's there pushing him, he can't let go and follow Tyler, not even if it just means a haircut. Unless Tyler's there to baby and bully him through, he's stuck in inertia. In the book, he's much more into Project Mayhem, taking Tyler's orders from the mechanic. But he's an automaton. You feed orders in, get results, and he commits to nothing else. It doesn't even cross his mind to develop further. Again, inertia. Slightly different flavor.
Part of what likely holds him back, too, is that Tyler hasn't told him to; in the movie, that means maybe he's special. He wants to be special. Movie narrator can't let go of that beautiful little stage where it was just him and Tyler and he was Tyler's little pet project and they were able to do stupid shit and tell society to fuck off but he could also get paid or at the very least didn't have to wrestle with the fact that his darling Tyler isn't content with just them becoming asocial recluses. Tyler wants change for everyone, not just him. In the book, it moreso means he's very much out of the loop. The space monkeys only start shaving their heads after he's collected his 12 human sacrifices and is going cross country trying to find Tyler. His priority is finding Tyler. And then he finds out he is Tyler. No time left.
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