#in the first version of my trying to wrassle sonja into letting em answer this without handing over a fucking novel
wcrstarter · 1 year
mistletoe symbol for Keigo ♡ 83
🌿// @iiryoku
It was the same bar they had originally met in, the clientele was still the same sort you needed to watch both your back, your drink, and your wallet around. The only difference, was the token holiday decorations that had been strung about the establishment. She eyed the twisted lights and plastic tinsel garland with bemusement as she slid into a seat at the bartop, the only real option she had for a comfortable seat without wings getting in the way. At least compared to a civilian bar, she could trust that nobody would be foolish enough to yank on her feathers--well, save for one person. But he more or less had her permission to touch. Others would get either a verbal dressing down, or a swipe of talons as retribution for being so presumptuous with the raveness.
As rough as the exterior was, she liked the bar. The bartender was good at what he did, she was accustomed to the mist faced man, and he was hardly the oddest quirk user she'd encountered. There was no judgement for quirks, one of the few places she'd ever been where mutant quirks weren't regarded as fey. She could relax in ways she couldn't in other establishments, but still couldn't completely relax. After all, she was hovering above a very particular fence with her occupation, yet to decide which side she wanted to fly over to. The longer she lingered, especially in Japan, and in the company of Keigo, the more she was tempted to fully and outright join the so called villains.
Sonja sipped on her drink slowly, dark eyes watching over the room,. There was petty squabbling breaking out over the card and pool tables, and various people huddled at tables in the darker corners for clandestine meetings. If she focused, she would be able to hear what they were saying, but she didn't care enough to. Movement drew her eye, the flash of red confirmed the scent she was quickly growing familiar with. The handsome hawk, the beautifully dangerous predator Keigo that had captured her attention quite thoroughly during her stay. Sonja had a number of theories why he entranced her, but she did not care to particularly analyze them. He was like her, in a way, it was rare to encounter people who could fly like them, rarer still to meet someone who understood the desire to hunt and the sweet taste of fresh blood on the tongue.
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She played coy, pretending she hadn't noticed. She was plenty aware of Keigo, and her sharp eyesight had spotted the mistletoe bundle hanging overhead the stool beside hers some time ago. He'd caught her by surprise at the event they'd infiltrated, and she intended to do the same this time around. There was notably, the advantage of her european background to greet with a side kiss to the cheeks for those she was familiar with, an easy show of respect and an easier distraction tactic.
"Hello, handsome." She greeted once the other predator slid into the seat next to her, turning her head to do the greeting that was common over in her homeland then waited a moment before she pressed her lips to his. It was a tame enough kiss, as she liked the bar and didn't want to be thrown out, but she lingered for a moment before drawing back. Sonja grinned, flashing her sharp eyeteeth then nodded her head towards the ceiling where the mistletoe idly spun on it's hung string.
"Careful, someone might think you sat underneath it deliberately Keigo. " She teased, well aware that the same could be said that she chose the stool she had on purpose. She had, just a little. The opportunity for payback was too great for her to pass up.
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