#in the huge pile of bts fics lmaos
chimbbles · 5 years
Up!au (ft. yoonkook)
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A/N: I finally watched Up and at 10am in the morning, I’m a sobbing soft bitch in the study room. I hope you like this <3
T/W: character death
  ↬ angst
yoongi’s well, yoongi. he’s often quiet, even after he’s well grown out of his puberty age. the others don’t think much of him, don’t see him even. and he’s very much alright with that I mean, he doesn’t mind not being the center of attention. but it was different when he met his partner, back then, he definitely didn’t foresee them being together, let alone married.
they were the opposite of him- loud, but never obnoxious; colourful, but not a blinding rainbow; kind and witty, always had him searching for words. a true happy-go-lucky, something he couldn’t comprehend, but truly adored from the bottom of his heart. he cherished them more than anything.
he remembers how they met at a musical theatre, a performance he’s saved up for years; how he was barely an adult and so were they; how he had gotten so worked up over the sheer disrespect of them talking excitedly and even bouncing in their seat. how he had told them to pipe down and to let others enjoy the show, and they responded to his outburst: a nervous laugh, apologizing and promising to never do it again, even talking to yoongi during the intermission.
he never would have thought they could make it till today, and all he has is the world to thank for. for blessing him with the most prized possession he could’ve asked for, an eternal bond with the very person who held his heart, a young man’s love fulfilled with the aging of time.
time and time again they’ve tried to save up for that trip to europe, to watch the grand orchestras perform the greatest tunes of all time, only to have their dreams crushed each and every time.
the once kind and considerate time turned cruel and unforgiving, soon, yoongi was left alone, all by himself. in a house built of memories, good and bad times. the wooden floorboards that held the creaks that once joined in on their daily conversation, the run down walls that heard all the silent weeps and the joyous laughs.
he was trapped in a house full of things he once had, things that took a lifetime to built, but only months to rob away. time was kind enough to have given him so much to live for, but cruel of it to have not given him a proper preparation. 
yoongi had quickly gotten over living alone, what else was an old, lonely man expected to do? he kept to himself only, rarely socializing with any newcomers that weren’t there to witness his best of times. he took up the stereotype of the neighborhood’s grumpy old man rather pliantly, it just seemed to make things easier.
in comes jungkook, knocking on his door one day when he was playing his shabby old piano by the window, notes going off-key and rather unpleasing to the ears. he shoos him off, like any grumpy old man would do. that old thing? he had nothing to do so he started playing it, or, what was allowed of his slowly degenerating joints.
jungkook’s persistent, determined to get his teeny little 5 year old fingers on that ‘slum’ of a piano. so yoongi ends up with no choice but to let this whiny kid in, but only for 5 minutes, touch and go.
the kid’s eager, fingers jammed up on the keys once he’s seated on the bench. he plays whatever’s displayed, and it turns out to be a self-written music sheet, with yellow edges and smudged writing, titled: stuff we did.
yoongi lets the brat play all he wants, he can care less. he’s sipping on his afternoon coffee when he hears it, the old tune he’s omitted for the longest of time. 
it wasn’t something meant to be played out in the open, it was like his version of a love letter, something he gifted his partner years ago, and continuously added new sections after each episode in their lives. it was something special only the two of them had understood, and having it played to him, forced a bittersweet reminiscence of what once was.
yoongi’s crying right there in the living room, scaring the poor fella who really just wanted to play some piano.
he ends up taking in the kid as a student, teaching him how to properly play a piano. of course, he fixes the damn broken keys first. after piano lessons came composing and producing, yoongi taught the kid everything he knew back from his young aspiring days.
long after that time, jungkook climbs up the red carpet at the award show. stepping on stage to accept yet another token of achievement, this time for his own rendition of what once was, titled what still is. thanking yoongi as the first ever music teacher he had, and for showing him one of the most magnificent ways to embed love into the world through everlasting music.
and that yoongi won’t yell at him for bringing the beautiful song to light, and wishes he spends his time well, up in the skies with his partner.
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masterlist   ask
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jinpanman · 4 years
beautiful boy - teaser uwu
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anticipated post date: sunday, nov 15, 2020 @ idk-what-time o’clock!
pairing: namjoon x oc, namjoon x reader
genre: fluff, angst, single dad!au
final wc: um...it will be less than 15k...
warnings: reader is deceased.
a/n: LMAO ssooo this fic spiraled out of control. pls someone stop me. ‘tis a part of BTS Ghosties Dynamite Dads event soon to come your way! also uwu if you wanna be tagged when this fic drops, maybe, let me know 🥺👉👈💕🌱
“Daddy can you tell me about how you met mommy again?”
“Yeah, buddy of course. You know I always will.”
Jimin settles on his lap and he tells his son the story of how he and his mother met. Namjoon is brought back to the very beginning of it all. 
Just five years ago, he was here at this very park reading a novel that his pen pal had recommended to him when he bumped into you. His friends had always laughed at his tendency to trip over thin air, but who would have thought his accident-prone tendencies would eventually lead him to the love of his life? In hindsight, he should’ve known better than to walk around nose deep in a book. Before he knew it, he was sent flying to the ground with a sudden increase of body weight on top of him.
He never had time to feel embarrassed because the cup of coffee that was previously in your hand had now spilled all over him. It was a miracle the coffee wasn’t piping hot, but it was still warm enough to have him squirming to get out from underneath whoever this lady was. Their meeting was the classic tale of clumsy boy meets headstrong girl who wouldn’t take no for an answer. The first seed had been planted. You exchanged numbers and somehow one meeting to make up for the spoiled shirt and wasted coffee turned into two meetings which then turned into three… 
Before he knew it, Namjoon fell very much in love with you. It wasn’t long until you revealed what you assumed would make him run for the hills. He later found out it was out of pure preservation on your part. You didn’t want to fall more in love with him if he wasn’t going to stay. That morning you first met at the park, you had only just found out yourself. The news you shared with him didn’t deter him from falling in love, though. In fact, it only made him love you more. You were growing a whole little human all by yourself. How could he not fall in love with another piece of the person that had quite literally swept him off his feet upon their first meeting. Yet again, another seed had been planted within the crevices of Namjoon’s heart.
The seedlings had taken root deeply in his heart and grew so quickly under your nurturing love and care. You were well along your seventh month when they finally bloomed and the petals burst out of his mouth one random day in the form of a question that had been sitting on the tip of his tongue for many weeks. He was on the couch massaging your feet while you were watching a rerun of his favorite show. All of a sudden, his brain chimed with a realization. This was everything he wanted and the only thing that would make it better was… “Marry me?”
Everyone thought he was crazy. To fall in love so quickly with someone he just met? Who was pregnant with another man’s child? He could understand why those close to him were concerned, but Namjoon was never one to allow others' opinions to fill him with doubt. No one would be able to dissuade him from this decision. He knew you were the one for him, and he saw no point in waiting it out just because society said so. You both so wanted a huge celebratory ceremony, but you both also knew you had other priorities. With the blessing of both your parents, the two of you prepared for a small family wedding after your son’s birth.
Jimin was the second best thing to have ever happened to him. Nevermind that he wasn’t Namjoon’s biological son. Nevermind that Jimin took on your surname because you were not yet married. Namjoon could not have cared less. He never thought about it for a second. Even before Jimin was born, Namjoon loved him fiercely. Namjoon knew Jimin was his son.
You had two wonderful years as a family of three. You celebrated his first poopy, his first laugh, his first 100 days, and his first solid foods. You celebrated so many firsts together and Namjoon was on cloud nine. He found himself constantly searching the net for matching family clothes and despite having decent self-control, packages of father-son clothing would quickly pile up at your door.
This, of course, led to you planning for your first professionally taken photos as a family. Jimin was nearing 2 years of age, at that point. The seasons were changing, the weather was getting colder, but you always did love autumn. Namjoon never did understand your fascination with autumn. Since you loved flowers so much, he assumed you would love spring the most.
“It’s all about the sweater weather aesthetic, Joonie. You wouldn’t understand,” you had told him once, twice, several times throughout their marriage.
The matching family clothes he bought on impulse hung in their closet, ironed and lint-free, ready to be worn and flaunted. As luck would have it, the photographer you had your heart set on fell ill right before your scheduled photo shoot and had to postpone. And so there your clothes hung, for several weeks longer.
And then…
And then the worst moment of his life came much, much sooner than he could have ever anticipated. Namjoon never thought that his son's first battle with grief would arrive in the spring of his life.
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