#in the myth the other usually poke fun (bullying him hardcore) at their matcho man having to wear as dress and be feminine
rocksanddeadflowers · 6 months
Been thinking about applying the myth where Thor has to pretend to be a giants bride to get his hammer back (you know the one, right??) to the TBI characters. Doubt I'll write it out but I have SO MANY THOUGHTS ON IT. My main thought atm being that, from what I remember, Heimdall was the first person to suggest Thor cross dress. Which is just. The excuse to right out Heimdall's involvement is almost as enticing as getting to write out Tyr. He's just. So silly to me. But so badass. I love him.
I can see everyone in the TBI setting at some grand meeting table for the Aesir (and co.) with Thor freaking out about his poor hammer (which, yes seems tricky to write in TBI context but. We'll just patch that plothole it with something later, I have a loose thread idea or two.), Freya desperately trying to avoid involvement in the entire debacle, Loki concerned but still trying not to giggle at the absurdity while Sigyn kicks her under the table to tell her to stop laughing. Heimdall leans over the table towards Thor, trying to remain stoic but his small smirk and gold eyes glittering with Loki approved mischief somewhat gives him away as he suggests, "If we don't want to risk our dear stunning lady here, and you need your hammer back, why don't you be Freya?"
Loki loses it laughing and most of the table can't help but laugh or giggle quietly, including Sigyn. Thor is immediately against the idea, but Loki is already signing up to be his handmaiden in between gasps of giggles (because she would never miss out on such good mischief), and really the idea is such a hit that Thor is sorely outvoted.
The story is still brought up for years to come, typically for a laugh at Thor's expensive. Still no one could deny he looked damn good in that dress.
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