#in the underworld au jason 100% prefers corners and dark spaces so hades sets him up with his own cage
happyk44 · 1 year
You know what? Jason buying himself an oversized dog cage, making it all pretty with fairy lights at the front, throwing a blanket over the top to make it dark, sliding in a thick sleeping bag and some soft sheets and a cozy blanket with 1 squishy pillow, and this is his bed now.
It feels better this way for some reason. The confined space is more comforting, he isn't as exposed as he would've been on the bed, sunlight doesn't wake him up from the windows, outside sounds are a little more muffled.
It's like his own personal den. Everyone knows better than to go inside, and if someone wants to crash in his cabin with him, then yeah, he'll bunk with them on the bed, but otherwise he prefers the private safety of his homemade den. It's his.
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